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letsdothis3 ago

This implies NXIVM was not fully disbanded

Of course not.

Allison Mack reached a last second deal with prosecutors and entered a guilty plea to multiple felonies in a Brooklyn court on Monday ...The plea means Mack will avoid going to trial with founder Keith Raniere wealthy heiress Clare Bronfman and another member Kathy Russell

The trial was breadcrumbs for the likes of us.. Epstein got a slap on the wrist. Now he's building some new complex on the other St James island that he bought.

Do you realize how deep this goes? Read this post, especially the info in the comments, and absorb what it means: Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes...

especially this bit:

According to his resume he was at the Idaho National Engineering Lab (1974-1995), then President of GTI ID (1995-2007), Principal Scientist at NSTec (Remote Sensing Lab, Las Vegas) from (2008-2012), Global Medial Isotope Systems CTO (Las Vegas) presently

and read this including:

NOTE: See Isaac Kappy said investigate Lyme Disease & St. Louis University and sent me down the PANS/PANDAS rabbithole to Laura Silsby and friends

[#Raniere] Global Technologies Inc is a privately held company in Idaho Falls, ID and is a Headquarters business...President: Francis Tsang....

From Isaac Kappy said investigate Lyme Disease & St. Louis University and sent me down the PANS/PANDAS rabbithole to Laura Silsby and friends

Voat post re Idaho National Engineering:...Re Battelle Energy : comment on Dr Quentin Van Meter on unethical transgender medicine involving children, WPATH and the NIH - :...Additionally, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security:..

The scale of what is going on is beyond most people's comprehension. If I were to summarise what we have found so far most people would not be able to believe it or even grasp it, even though we have much documentation now.

thewebofslime ago


CAVE™ The CAVE™ is a multi-person, room-sized, high-resolution 3D video and audio environment invented at EVL in 1991. Graphics are projected in stereo onto three walls and the floor, and viewed with active stereo glasses equipped with a location sensor. As the user moves within the display boundaries, the correct perspective is displayed in real-time to achieve a fully immersive experience.

Bright Advanced Technology (BAT) CAVE™ In June 2001, EVL built the next-generation Bright Advanced Technology CAVE™, or BAT CAVE, using Christie Digital Systems’ Mirage 5000 projectors - the first DLP-based Active Stereoscopic projector - and near-black screens for higher contrast.

The BAT CAVE’s brightness, clarity and enhanced depth perspective produce more captivating real-time, real-life projection simulations than previous CAVE™ technology.

dundundunnnnn ago

I know it's a lot to ask so I'll just say if you ever wanted to make a video walkthrough of what you've compiled, that would be incredible.

Kahlypso79 ago

Transgender agenda through critical theory, decriminalisation of pedophilia through liberal politics. What do people want?


  • mass attacks on health, emotional well being, and intelligence

  • organ procurement organizations/liberal doctors/medical orgs/drug companies/genetecists farming us for biological material

+ritual occult abuse

+sex slavery

I see what @letsdothis3 means. So many moving pieces, it's hard to know where to disassemble the machine so that you can lay it out disassembled yet still make it recognizeable.


I think you need to do it (whether we understand it or not), as it will allow us some structural narrative to vet/guide our continued research and dissemination.

I think we're capable of believing it.

letsdothis3 ago

I think we're capable of believing it.

On this forum yes. I was more referring to those outside of it. Will do a summary in the future, or try to at any rate.

think- ago

If I were to summarise what we have found so far most people would not be able to believe it or even grasp it, even though we have much documentation now.

I wonder whether you might consider writing a summary of your research, @letsdothis3.

Nobody has a better overview of all connections. we could maybe sticky it, or put it in the sidebar .

letsdothis3 ago

I'll think about doing a summary but feel it's still a bit premature. Atm want to focus on documentation. Summary pencilled in for the future.

think- ago

K , thank you!