theooeht ago

Why aren't these people locked up? I swear ... the wait is excruciating ... and then there's not seeing any progress being made and not knowing whether anything will happen.

These people are sick in the head, the body, and the place where a soul should be but was sucked out in an all night Satanic ritual.

septimasexta ago



Vindicator ago can now edit titles during the first 10 minutes after submitting. :-)

septimasexta ago

By the time I noticed, ten minutes had already passed.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

washingtontimes -

think- ago

Gillibrand tries to smear the name of Christ and call Him a MURDERER.

She doesn't call Jesus a murderer.

You do not present a source for your claim, which you need to do in order to adhere to Rule 2.

Vindicator ago

It was pretty clear this was septima's editorialization about the implications of her statements, rather than a literal claim she said this word for word. He used the word "tries".

But I think it would be a stronger, less click-baity post, @septimasexta, if you explained that her claim is diabolical because it puts Jesus in the position of endorsing the killing of the unborn, which is blasphemous.

think- ago

It was pretty clear this was septima's editorialization about the implications of her statements, rather than a literal claim she said this word for word. He used the word "tries".

No, imo it wasn't. The old version of the OP gave the impression that she said something like this.

septimasexta ago


septimasexta ago

I did not use quotes. It is implied in her statements. Currently, in the state of Georgia, it is illegal to abort an unborn child that has a heartbeat. The state has declared this to be the beginning of personhood, protected under the State Constitution. Planning to kill this person by abortion is therefore murder. The definition of Christian is one who follows CHRIST. Hence the name. Included in her above quote is the new Georgia "heartbeat" LAW. IN GEORGIA, AN UNBORN CHILD WITH A HEARTBEAT is fully HUMAN and is protected from murder. Christ upheld the Ten Commandments, one of which is "Thou shalt not murder." Christ takes it even further: if you plan the deed in your MIND, it is the same as having committed it.

think- ago

That's your interpretation. But in your OP, you give the impression it is a quote.

You'd need to add a phrase like 'imo, this means.......', then it'll be fine.

septimasexta ago

Done. Again.

think- ago

Thanks. New OP is much better.

think- ago

In Alabama, Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed the most restrictive anti-abortion bill yet, outlawing virtually all abortions in the state, including in cases of rape and incest.

Forcing a 11-year-old girl to carry a child after a rape, like it has happened in a current case is cruel.

I'm against late-term abortions, but a girl or a woman should be able to have an abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Vindicator ago

Forcing a 11-year-old girl to carry a child after a rape, like it has happened in a current case, is cruel.

Did that happen under this law? I hadn't heard about that.

It was my understanding the Georgia law stipulates abortion is allowable if the pregnancy threatens the woman's life. An 11 year old carrying a child to term could easily be life threatening in numerous ways.

However, it is also cruel to encourage a young girl to kill her child -- a reality she will have to live with for the rest of her life, which will increase her risk of depression and suicide dramatically. She also faces increased risks of sterility, cervical damage (especially if very young), and inability to carry children to term in the future. The statistics on these risks of abortion are rarely discussed.

A close friend of mine who went through this and regrets her teenage decision to this day says "Terminating a pregnancy doesn't save you from motherhood; it just makes you the mother of a dead baby."

think- ago

Here's the link -

It's a case in Ohio.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the link :-)

think- ago


think- ago

Did that happen under this law? I hadn't heard about that.

It has happened in one of the states with a 'heartbeat bill', and since I think all of them ruled out that rape or incest survivors can have abortions, it's just what will be happening frequently now - that underage victims of child rape will have to carry, and give birth.

I can't even imagine how a girl must feel when she is pregnant under these circumstances.

What will happen is that children of wealthy parents will be able to get an abortion elsewhere, and poor families are back to using knitting needles or jumping from stairs.

An 11 year old carrying a child to term could easily be life threatening in numerous ways.

.'could'. I'm talking about the emotional impact here, not physical health issues.

which will increase her risk of depression and suicide dramatically.

The suicide risk increases dramatically for any child or adult woman who has to carry a child by a rapist.

same appllies for the risk of depression, and for the worsening of any Ptsd condition..

Just imagine what a raped woman must feel if she has to carry a child by the rapist.

I can't even imagine how a child must feel that got raped, and is forced to have the child.

Have you ever talked to a woman that got raped?

Most women already cannot bear the thought that the semen of the rapist was in her body.

I will leave soon, but I will look for a link to the court decsion tomorrow, where the judge ruled that the 11-year-old will be forced to carry the child.

Women deal in different ways with an abortion. I presume your friend didn't have the abortion after getting raped, or did she?

I'm not saying abortions should be taken lightly. Quite to the contrary. This is what many pro-lifers are lacking, the notion that an abortion needs to be mourned imo. And that you cannot just throw away the aborted fetus like it is currently done. (Let alone exploit it for tissue harvesting etc)

But imo in the first weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is part of the mother's body.

There was a reason for the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Vindicator ago

I presume your friend didn't have the abortion after getting raped, or did she?

Yes, she did. At age 12. I also have a cousin this happened to. Both felt the same way, though they didn't know each other. They were expected to abort because it was considered the "smart" thing to do. One of them has struggled with drug abuse ever since. The other was institutionalized multiple times for major depression, costing her her career as a television news producer. My sister was also raped by her superior officer in the Army.

There was a reason for the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Yes. Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe," says she was used by lawyers as a pawn to get laws protecting children overthrown. Here's what she says now about it:

I was sitting in Operation Rescue's offices when I noticed a fetal development poster. The progression was so obvious, the eyes were so sweet. It hurt my heart, just looking at them. I ran outside and finally, it dawned on me. 'Norma', I said to myself, 'They're right'. I had worked with pregnant women for years. I had been through three pregnancies and deliveries myself. I should have known. Yet something in that poster made me lose my breath. I kept seeing the picture of that tiny, 10-week-old embryo, and I said to myself, that's a baby! It's as if blinders just fell off my eyes and I suddenly understood the truth—that's a baby!

I felt crushed under the truth of this realization. I had to face up to the awful reality. Abortion wasn't about 'products of conception'. It wasn't about 'missed periods'. It was about children being killed in their mother's wombs. All those years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was wrong. No more of this first trimester, second trimester, third trimester stuff. Abortion—at any point—was wrong. It was so clear. Painfully clear.

She was raped starting from the age of 15 by her second cousin, and married at the age of 16. She gave birth to three different children, the third being the one she attempted to abort by making a false rape claim, which became Roe v. Wade. I don't think she herself ever even had an abortion, because the two attorneys handling the case wanted her pregnant for the trial, and wouldn't help her get one until it was too late. She has said that kind of exploitation is the whole industry in a nutshell. It's all about lies and exploitation.

think- ago

Yes, she did. At age 12. I also have a cousin this happened to. Both felt the same way, though they didn't know each other.

Ok, thanks for elaborating.

Do they both think that they struggle because of the abortion, or because of the rape, or both? (just would like to know, thanks)

I don't think girls should be pressured to have an abortion. But I think they should have the possibility to have an abortion if they wish so.

what I meant with 'there was a reason for Roe vs wade' was that the ruling said that as long as the embryo cannot live on its own, it is part of the mother.

I never had an abortion, or was put in a situation where I had to decide between cointinuing a pregnancy or an abortion. I am against late-term abortions, but I think the six or eight weeks period (like in the new laws) is too short Especially for teenage girls who don't know their bodies well yet. At six weeks many women don't even realize that they are pregnant.

I also think that it is totally fine to wait until 18 before having sex for the first time, and that it is important to teach about using contraception.

If people don't want to use hormones, they can still at least use condoms, which prevent the sperm from entering the female body (although of course I know that they are not 100% reliable.)

I agree that there are many lies surrounding the issue. One is that an abortion doesn't need to be mourned, or isn.t a difficult situation.

The other is that just throwing the fetus away like trash is ok, because it isn.t.

And we all know that Planned Parenthood is a fishy organization.

I also think that the decision is always painful. I wish that more men who try to pressure women into not using contraception would realize what kind of issues they cause.

Because in the end it's always the woman who pays the price, not the man. Although in a consensual sex situation there were two people who didn't use any contraception.

I am very sorry to hear about your sister's ordeal. This is terrible.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Thank you. My sis is a great person. She was only 18 at the time. She has done great, though.

Do they both think that they struggle because of the abortion, or because of the rape, or both? (just would like to know, thanks)

Both of course, but the hardest thing was the guilt about having become someone who hurts others themselves instead of being strong enough to stop the cycle of destruction.

think- ago

I see. Glad to hear that your sis has been able to heal.

was the guy who raped her ever charged and convicted [qm]

Vindicator ago

I don't know if she reported it. It was back in the 90s. She doesn't talk about it much, and I don't pry.

think- ago


auralsects ago

You should have guessed by now the abortion movement was a Jewish manipulation. The most famous advocate, Dr. Nathanson, switched sides and admitted so.

Repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public. The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually. The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000. These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans, convincing many that we needed to crack the abortion law.

You'll surely defend it even after knowing it was just another part of their Satanic tikkun olam project

Lansing-Michigan ago

Cost should not be prohibitive and location is important. So many states have only a few abortion clinics. Big push by catholic church owned DC to have Roe vs. Wade overturned. These same people who are anti abortion so often have no interest in the baby once it pops out. Gillibrand was really pushed by clintons and Daily one wonders why they want an abundance of unwanted children.

think- ago

what's really odd is that the pro-lifers are often against using contraception.

septimasexta ago

That is true. Many believe life begins at conception. Contraception can have harmful side-affects to the woman as well. There is no law against NOT taking contraceptives just as there is no law against NOT having an abortion.....yet.

septimasexta ago

"why they want an abundance of unwanted children." Trafficking in body parts.

"These same people who are anti abortion so often have no interest in the baby once it pops out."

SEX IS A CHOICE. DON'T ENGAGE IN IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CARE FOR A CHILD. "I want my selfish pleasure, and I'm going to blame society if they don't pay for it."

By that logic, let's just get Medicaid to pay for sex worker services. To save money, the government could just purchase 100,000 "robots" just like they do wheelchairs.


septimasexta ago

In Georgia, if the rape is immediately reported, she would be given medical treatment to remove the risk of a pregnancy reaching the heartbeat stage.

think- ago

Yes. But we all know that rape victims very often don.t report rape immediately, due to being traumatized.

Especially underage rape victims.

septimasexta ago

What are the statistics on 11 year old rape victims in Georgia and Alabama?

"rape victims very often don.t report rape immediately" STATISTICS? LINKS?

think- ago

c'mon on, are you kidding, @septimasexta - for how long have you been in this investigation?

You don't know that most rape victims don't go to the police immediately, or are you just ignoring it, because it's convenient to push your stance?

septimasexta ago


What about your favorite Rule 2? Are we talking about 5 cases/year? 50? 5,000?

And how is it that parents would allow an 11 year old girl to be in a position where this could take place? I do know of a Christian pastor who was conceived by rape. His mother did not think it was right to abort the baby to pay for the crime of rape. WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

think- ago

And how is it that parents would allow an 11 year old girl to be in a position where this could take place?

The girl in Ohio who cannot have an abortion now was kidnapped and raped.

septimasexta ago

This article is poorly written and sus. Do you have a link to another article on this alleged crime?

It doesn't say how she was kidnapped. The girl's parents aren't mentioned. Is the accused rapist a legal citizen? Was he put up to something like this- just to challenge the new law? $Billions in baby body parts are at stake.

The girl should not have an abortion. It is in the hands of the Lord. If her body cannot handle the pregnancy, it will miscarry. If we are saved, God never gives us more than we can handle. If we have faith, He can turn what was meant for evil into good. God does not judge the baby for its conception circumstances.

think- ago

I will try to find more articles later today.

The article is not sus. +rolls eyes+

think- ago

The girl should not have an abortion.

she totally-should have the possibility to decide for an abortion.

think- ago

God never gives us more than we can handle.

That's definitely not true. If you talk about yourself, and your own life, that's fine, but don't try to push this notion on other people who were raped and tortured.

septimasexta ago

Aborting a baby is torture for the baby.

Here is justice: if the 11 year old does not have faith to keep the baby, cannot safely deliver it, or cannot mentally handle it, the baby could be aborted. This would be the end result of the violent action begun by the man in question. As a result, he would be charged with the MURDER of the baby and given the DEATH PENALTY. Biblically speaking, he should have a millstone placed around his neck AND BE THROWN INTO THE SEA. In the eyes of God, that would be mercy.

septimasexta ago

Your religion is moral relativism. Child trafficking is one of its end products.

think- ago

Ah, now you go ad hominem. Noted.

That was to be expected.

think- ago

You are trying to deflect from the issue by trying to talk about the number of cases.

I don't know the number, and it is irrelevant. It is cruel to force a child to continue a pregnancy after getting raped. It doesn't matter whether there are 5 or 500 cases per year.

And how is it that parents would allow an 11 year old girl to be in a position where this could take place?

What kind of question is this - gosh, you are acting as if you joined the board only yesterday.

Girls get raped by their fathers, brothers, uncles, their pastors, teachers, sport coaches, neighbours, know all this.


No, they are not. Rape is torture, and by forcing a girl to carry the child, you are continuing the torment.

I guess you're a dude, but in case you're a woman, it-s your decision to continue a pregnancy after getting raped (which hopefully will never happen), but this doesn't mean you should force this upon every woman and girl in this situation.

septimasexta ago

"Rape is torture" So is abortion.