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Vindicator ago

Been doing some digging in our archives and discovered that on October 17, 2017, mysterious user alphabravo (who got us started researching QAnon November 1, 2017 and then disappeared) posted a comment quoting MegaAnon, who said Assange was holding off on releasing "Phase III" because Trump wanted Mueller to release the information. The prior day, MegaAnon had said Phase III included material from Weiner's laptop.

Alphabravo's original 4chan links are 404, but I dug up the archives of them. This comment is in a submission he made on the topic, which was deleted by @Millennial_Falcon:

[–] alphabravo [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 1.4 years ago (edited 1.4 years ago)

MegaAnon is among us over at /pol -

145627295 # Yup! I did say it... now wait for it to drop AND PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IM TELLING YOU.

As I posted yesterday (anyone got my caps to post?) THIS is the "chance" I told you Assange is giving Mueller to come out with it all before Assange does. The Hill's headline and the others now popping up just like it from the MSM, are Mueller's attempts to get ahead of the Assange's leak and look like he's actually doing his fucking job. Assange planned to release the 3rd, final part of his promised, pre-election "October surprise", in early Oct. 2016 as he/Wikileaks publicly committed to, but just before he could, NBC and the Clinton Campaign purposefully held and timed the release of the Billy Bush/Trump bus "grab 'em by the pussy" audio, which was also the week of the last publicly broadcasted, presidential debate. Assange then stated he'd delay the publishing of his final series of the surprise until 10/21/16. Then a week later, the Embassy and his HQ in Iceland, went dark and witnesses confirmed they believed he was take from the embassy by unmarked operatives.

Assange posted the TMZ article link on twatter just a few days back, where TMZ reported on 10/12/16 that NBC purposefully held and timed the release of the Bush/Trump audio. Assange also tweeted a day or two ago, hinting around Hillary/Russian collusion, claiming her own election collusion "backfired" ON HER. He followed that up with another tweet, attaching a previously published DNC email, showing how the DNC/Clinton Campaign, planned to boost Trump thinking he'd secure them an easy win if he won the primaries.

Assange has been telling you himself what's coming for almost a week so this shouldn't be news. What I've specifically tried to prep you with over the last few days, is how they're playing Mueller because Trump wants this to come from Mueller directly before Assange releases. It makes Mueller and ALL THE FUCKING ESTABLISHMENT TROLLS WHO PUSHED FOR A "SPECIAL" FUCKING "COUNSEL"... ARCHIVE


The second of thing I told y'all yesterday was WHERE this file set came from and a majority of the info it contains. I told you again, it won't include pizza and again, you'll never see her going down in an orange jumpsuit for pizza, BUT, it's coming from the WEINER/HUMA files and communications originally obtained by the NYPD as part of the active Weiner sexting investigation and was later handed to the FBI upon further review and FBI jurisdiction take over.

For my biggest piece of info, you will see that Mueller AND Comey (as much as you want to hate them) have actually HELPED this all come to a head. The ONLY REASON Mueller let the clock run down so close on the Assange 10/21/17 deadline is because he's had to continue to string the corrupt establishment DNC/GOP trolls, along. This is why he won't release the private Comey "memos" like CNN is publicly demanding. Haha, the Comey memos were fabricated bullshit, created only so Comey could reference to them in his testimony. He couldn't stick his neck out on Lynch like he did without coming down on Trump like they expected him to, right?! He'd have SPOILED THE PLAN! ARCHIVE

If any of this is true, it seems to confirm my theory that the timing between Assange's arrest and the Mueller report being finished is not a coincidence.

If you'd like to dig more into the topic of Phase III, there are a lot of goodies scattered around that ought to be looked into. Here's the SearchVoat for "Wikileaks October surprise" that led me to alphabravo's deleted post and comment.

@Sandhog @WhiteRonin @think- @srayzie

think- ago

Thanks for the ping.

BUT, it's coming from the WEINER/HUMA files and communications originally obtained by the NYPD as part of the active Weiner sexting investigation and was later handed to the FBI upon further review and FBI jurisdiction take over.

Not sure what the current state of our investigations into this is - didn't we come to the conclusion that the NYPD never had the Weiner laptop, but that it was handed over directly by his attorneys to the FBI?

Vindicator ago

I don't recall that specific detail. Last I heard we discussed the search warrant for Weiner's devices, and the report of the detective that mentioned "Crime against children". We need to dig this up and clarify it. I never followed MegaAnon so I don't have a solid sense of whether they were reliable or not. Definitely worth looking back into.

SandHog ago

Interesting. This bit caught my attention though because the Comey memos came up again just a couple days ago:

For my biggest piece of info, you will see that Mueller AND Comey (as much as you want to hate them) have actually HELPED this all come to a head. The ONLY REASON Mueller let the clock run down so close on the Assange 10/21/17 deadline is because he's had to continue to string the corrupt establishment DNC/GOP trolls, along. This is why he won't release the private Comey "memos" like CNN is publicly demanding. Haha, the Comey memos were fabricated bullshit, created only so Comey could reference to them in his testimony

It seems like there is a lot more to these Comey memos than what alphabravo thought.

Ugh, there is so much shit happening and moving parts to all of this that I'm having trouble keeping up with it all and keeping the timeline of everything straight.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, that's why I started trying to piece together the Podesta email drop timeline at the end of the OP above. Makes your head spin!

SandHog ago

It really does. It doesn't help that some of this stuff moves so slow that you don't even think about it again for 6 months or a year later. Feels like things are finally starting to come to a head now, though.

WhiteRonin ago

It proves what I have been saying about Mueller being a turned black hat.

Comey ... I still don’t trust.

Nor do I like pence. He’s up their with Creepy Joe for me.

I’m still not sure about Jullian. I don’t want to see him busted for releasing info since that’s a journalistic problem. But if he Gave up his dump ... no that would be a huge thing.

Vindicator ago

With all the different attacks coming at him and his associates right now from different directions, it seems like he is at the epicenter of the struggle between the clowns and the whitehats at the moment.

It strikes me that this would be a great way to generate hype and outrage among the regular folks prior to big revelations. I recall Assange doing quite a bit of stuff to generate buzz in the fall of 2016 leading up to both sets of email leaks, and again with Vault 7. One thing about Julian Assange...he tends to unite a lot of different factions and focus their discontent with corruption like a laser beam.

srayzie ago

Wow good find!

Vindicator ago

I didn't ever follow MegaAnon, so this was news to me. Also didn't realize alphabravo was dropping links to that "breadcrumb" dropper right before introducing us to QAnon, either (because they were deleted).

SandHog ago

I wonder how many of those 'droppers' were different people. There were quite a few for a stretch there. High Level Insider, FBI Anon, Mega Anon...feel like I'm forgetting one or two.

TrustTheTruth ago

SenateAnon is the only one who shared The Truth.

What did SenateAnon say about Racine?

Who was wrongly accused of being Tory Smith, HighLevelInsider and many others?

What happened?

What did the Moderators at Voat do?

When did Q begin and why?

Who is Defango?

Who is Microchip?

Who is Pamphlet?

Who is Baruch the Scribe?

What are the Voree plates?

Who is Tim Dolan, and what did he do?

Who are the Pilgrims Society, and what do they do?

What is the 8th Wonder of the World, and what are the other Seven Wonders?

Why is George Sweigart so afraid of The Truth?

When did George Sweigart first mention Rahm Emanuel and say "gun your engines", and why?

Where did Seth Rich work? Where did Seth Rich go to camp?

Where were the Podestas and Emanuels "made"?

What is The Truth that Jenny Moore found?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Hollywood Renegade

SandHog ago

That's right. Almost forgot about him.

srayzie ago

It would be good to go thru all of MagaAnon’s drops

Vindicator ago

Someone made this jpg of them all:

srayzie ago

Oh awesome!