moderator99 ago

going to pick up assange?

julzee2 ago

@srayzie Omg I did not see this before! It's all seeming to come together! Did you see the new wikileaks dump?

srayzie ago

Yes! On 8chan they said it’s not new. Plus Wikileaks has been comped.

numina18 ago

The MSM said Assange would resist extradition and it would take YEARS before that would be settled.

AlabamaPatriot ago

Had a thought while out walking the dog about Move Q45, Move is also the name of a watch company. Should we be watching the watch posts? (Second riddle)

Whizwit21 ago

It just flew in circles over the ocean it didn’t go to the UK

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's a KC-10 Extender. It's a refueling aircraft. It went to its refueling waypoint and refueled other aircraft.

srayzie ago

They said “headed towards” the UK

Whizwit21 ago

Well that’s not even true. “Towards Portugal” would have been more accurate.

srayzie ago

That’s not even the point.

Whizwit21 ago

The point is that the plane wasn’t going to or towards the UK. So any point to be made by saying “it’s headed towards the UK” is retarded.

srayzie ago

The point is what it’s called. Going in circles would be even better.

Over the water...

Move along. You obviously don’t understand how Q works.

srayzie ago

They also said

MudPuddlePie ago

srayzie ago

Lol did you click it?

MudPuddlePie ago

YUP...(snort laughter).

GumbyTM ago

Does it upset you that although I will take the time to reply to you I will never read your spoiler?

Knowing how easy it is to fool you all is it's own reward.

*I bet your Q feels like I do right now but times 1,000,000. *

srayzie ago

You looked ;)

I see people like you all the time. Get over yourself. 🙄

GumbyTM ago

Still didn't look but boy did I trigger a lot of you.

Maybe I will look soon.

(see what I did there?)

mismacheta ago

I got a spoiler for you What's missing?

srayzie ago

Your momma? 😮 You walked right into that! I crack myself up!

@Shizy @Vindicator @think- @Bopper @Sandhog

SandHog ago

There is a reason Xhe is best friends with a horse named Pokey.

Shizy ago

Best friends? I thought they were domestic partners? Well, except Pokey isn't a domestic animal, so maybe @GumbyTM is just a farm animal rapist?


srayzie ago

farm animal rapist?

You mean like Donkey?

@auralsects @Bopper

Shizy ago

Just like donkey!

I'm scared of donkey doxing me to get to my mini horse! But then again he's so small I'm sure she wouldn't even notice 😂

srayzie ago

Probably not! 😂

mismacheta ago

He has TM by his name so I hope I'm not getting sued for using his likeness

SandHog ago

Best be careful or he'll drag you into the EU Copyright Court!

angelCole ago

This is what I don't get about those who deny Q is who they say they are. How in the hell do you get the AF or AF1 to use a Q call sign unless there is someone very powerful calling the shots? To me this is one of the most obvious Q proofs.

AlabamaPatriot ago

Use your direct quote as a response to the article Sebastian Gorka just released. No wonder he's no longer in the WH.

Fishdo169 ago

I seriously doubt this arrest of JA is a white hat move... After all why would UK play ball with USA when they have the cloud of declas hanging over them and their security services...? To me this is a move by the DS using its inside people to make this happen so they can create the narrative especially around SR and DNC leaks... And why would the IMF be giving Ecuador billions just before the arrest was announced? The IMF is most certainly part of the global mafia...!

There’s a play for leverage or control of the narrative that we are seeing unfold here...

Trump has to stay out of this situation or could ruin the plan.... JA is charged with conspiring to steal USA government secrets with Chelsea Manning.... and there is apparent proof of JA pushing manning to get more classified information which can be used to muddy JAs methods through Wikileaks...and in turn undermine the whole DNC and SR case....


julzee2 ago

Yes but what good is threatening Assange w/extradition to USA when Trump has white hats who would oversee the case? You think [they] will never really extradite him? Besides, Q has the source so if Assange is not the source then Q has the server which would be the source. They could take Assange completely out of the picture and it still won't effect Trump's ability to take them down. Doesn't seem like [them] physically having Assange gives them any leverage at all.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Moves and countermoves. Only part of the plan that’s definitive is the goal/endgame.

Ddboomer ago

Exactly why UK will “play ball” . q says they have the source=white hats have Assange.

Patriot222 ago

Because we have the UK's NUTS in a vice.

baccachew75 ago

Wikileaks apparently exposed ecuadorean scandal, precipitating Assange removal as revenge. Swedish blogger associated with Wikileaks just arrested in quito.

Are_we_sure ago

why would the IMF be giving Ecuador billions just before the arrest was announced?

Ecuador has been pursuing IMF loans since at least 2018. They previously relied on high oil prices and when they fell, their economy suffered, so they borrowed billions from China. These loans and others are a way of getting out of debt to China.

and in turn undermine the whole DNC and SR case....

There is no DNC/SR case and Assange knows this better than anyone.

Fishdo169 ago

Thanks for your reply mate I think that only goes to show how much more of a coincidence it is that Ecuador are granted that money and within days JA is arrested... Which ever way you look at the timing of their loan or their application only goes to create more potential correlation....

The word ‘case’ that I used might have been a bit confusing but my meaning was not referential to a legal proceeding simply the case in point...

Perhaps the use of ‘issue ‘ might have made it easier to understand my point

Cheers 👍

Are_we_sure ago

and within days JA is arrested..

about a month or so.

The word ‘case’ that I used might have been a bit confusing but my meaning was not referential to a legal proceeding simply the case in point... or case as in circumstance.

Perhaps the use of ‘issue ‘ might have made it easier to understand my point

I got your meaning. My point is there is nothing whatsoever to undermine. Seth Rich didn't steal the DNC files and Assange knows this.

Read the Mueller indictment of the GRU. The US government knows exactly how the DNC files were taken AND they have Assange's personal messages to the GRU (through the cutout Guccifer 2.0) asking for certain files to be released earlier for maximum political impact.

The GRU first hacked into the DCCC and used that access to gain access to the DNC networks. They installed the malware X-agent to give them remote control access to the DNC and the malware X-tunnel to get the files out to servers they leased in Arizona and Illinois.

The GRU first set up their own websites like DCleaks to leak material, but it didn't get much notice. Assange then reached out to them and asked for the material to be released through Wikileaks.

On or about June 22, 2016, Organization 1 sent a private message to Guccifer 2.0 to “[s]end any new material [stolen from the DNC] here for us to review and it will have a much higher impact than what you are doing.” On or about July 6, 2016, Organization 1 added, “if you have anything hillary related we want it in the next tweo [sic] days prefable [sic] because the DNC [Democratic National Convention] is approaching and she will solidify bernie supporters behind her after.” The Conspirators responded, “ok . . . i see.” Organization 1 explained, “we think trump has only a 25% chance of winning against hillary . . . so conflict between bernie and hillary is interesting.”

The idea that Seth Rich did anything is dead and has been dead for a very long time now.

SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago

It is Because of the UK's involvement with our DS that the Brit's are more than willing to hand over "The Server" to Trump in exchange for helping to either keep their involvement listed as Classified or at the very least minimized to reduce public backlash. It's a win/win for them as they get rid of Assange and hopefully placate Trump's righteous & deserved anger.

Fishdo169 ago

We already have the server ... indeed we have all the servers... At the moment the UK is still involved in the Obama shadow government... you only have to look at recent meetings of Obama in Europe and Pelosi et al in Brussels and NATO last month.... The UK is far from ‘throwing in the towel ‘ likewise are the DS etc.... that’s mainly because the power that really controls them all are still seeing this whole situation as winnable.... they are willing to sacrifice not just pawns but also the ‘queen and knights’ etc... The UK are dealing with the US but it’s that very process in terms of legal proceedings etc and Trump being unable to get involved without claiming obstruction (remember his comments about loving Wiileaks) this will leave JA completely subject to the law especially in relation to the actual charges he faces and that manning has already done prison time for his involvement.... this arrest gives the narrative to the DS in Washington and most definitely control over the DNC hacking narrative...

This is becoming the DSs next big move after the Russian collusion delusion.... but we won’t see it clearly for another 5-6 moves in the game we are playing...

bamadeplorable420 ago

alrighty then...

Ghost-Warrior-7 ago

Nothing’s happening.



Moorgarten ago

hmmm... looking at the flight paths of 04/11 I just see an overflight of London, Ontario, Canada :( and todays flight patterns seem somehow circeling over the atlantic and returning to the US... hmmm... I'm I totally off?

KillerKap ago

Nothings happening guys

SongDog ago

God bless and protect President DJT, his staff, family and all Patriots. Lord, we thank you for those warriors who have paid the ultimate price in this epic battle against the evil Darkness.

jakov ago


GodsAngell ago

POTUS can NOT be on this plane. If he was the call sign would have to be changed to Air Force One. So this is some other mission to the UK. I'm thinking they are going to fetch Julian Assange from the UK.

TemplarKnight33 ago

17 upvotes! Go Q!

Funmi ago

Amen. Thank you Lord!

Moorgarten ago

Confirmed what? that a military craft called 79-1710 (AE01DC) exists and is flying. According to your link... not even close to cross the Atlantic but circling around.

Government_AI ago

"MOVEQ45" on my link search term, do some more thinking next time before you comment.

Moorgarten ago

Sorry... there must be some misunderstanding here: the title of the Topic was: USAF plane** flying toward U.K.*** with callsign MOVEQ45 then you post your link Confirmed! huh? See now what I ment?

Government_AI ago

And your point? Only generals can assign call signs to military aircraft so what if it's going to UK or not.

Moorgarten ago

ok... got your point. You are just confirming the call sign, not the destination. My point was that the title of the Topic was: USAF plane** flying toward U.K. and you confirmed it... duh?

ANC3 ago

KC-10 Extender is a refueling aircraft. Basically a DC-10 with a refueling boom out its ass. There is a whole squadron of these stationed at McGuire AFB, NJ (same location as Ft.Dix).

McGuire also has tons of cargo aircraft, mostly servicing the European theater. Cargo aircraft loads up and takes off with a minimal fuel load. Once airborne, it meets up with a tanker and tops off.

Sooooooooo...its kinda normal for the KC-10s to go up and basically hang out waiting for their customers to show up, fuel them up and then head home.

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe it's to refuel a return flight carrying precious cargo? US MIL wouldn't trust local fuel for a return trip with JA on board.

ANC3 ago

The cargo planes (C-140s when I was there, probably C-17s now) take off every morning...every single morning. And those KC-10s are always in the air. They have the capability to refuel damn near every military aircraft, including Navy. Fighters and bombers up and down the east coast, pretty much anything headed to or from the European theater.

Didn't pay much attention to the DOJ aircraft, but if it is not a military configuration, it can't inflight refuel. Not trust local fuel? Shesh, how much of that local fuel would it burn getting just off the East Coast, where this particular flight was circling?

As to the call-signs, well, Q & POTUS can do what they want with their call-signs. But you really think the Ops Officer is going to let some super-secret-alpha-priority-mission pilot broadcast itself?

Blacksmith21 ago

What I am saying is that the KC-10 could have been sent up to refuel a DOJ or MIL plane returning with JA on-board. Given what the Deep State would do to try and kill JA, taking on local (UK) fuel on the transport plane could be a risk, even with testing. If there was a transport plane, it would need to meet up with an awaiting Stratodangler (the KC-10).

ANC3 ago

But the KC-10 would have to have been in ENGLAND for your scenario. And seriously, there are a lot more important missions up there than JA.

Blacksmith21 ago

Why couldn't the KC-10 fly across the pond and loiter on station over international waters until a US plane left the UK (with US fuel) and then refuel it on the way back?

ANC3 ago

Because that would be silly? Seriously, if they were worried about the fuel, they would land the DOJ aircraft, and refuel it at Mildenhall, Lakenheath, etc, or some other US Airbase in the UK. Anyway, this aircraft did not do flew out to its waypoint, likely refueled whatever it needed to refuel, and headed home.

Blacksmith21 ago

Where does the fuel come from at the US airbases in the UK?

ANC3 ago

No idea, but since it goes into every aircraft on the base...US, UK, Transient Nato etc...I suspect its good.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll ping a friend of mine who commanded a refueling airwing. Maybe I can get some insight from him.

ANC3 ago

Report back, please.

Blacksmith21 ago

I just got off the phone w/ my old friend. Completely plausible reason to be fuel conscious. My theory not out of the realm of possibilities.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

They also can't refuel in the air except by military refueling aircraft.

amarQ144 ago

Interesting...seems a lot going on behind the scenes

koolkurkle ago

angelCole ago

Were they here on this board with the info? if not, then it is welcome news here so pipe down.

SongDog ago

All Anons are most appreciated. WWG1WGA

user17 ago

Honk Honk..

KueAnaan ago

Is that like blowing his own horn?

Whizwit21 ago

It’s the new BOOM