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Vindicator ago

Great contributions, everyone! All night I was trying to remember the details of a post a few months ago that these artists reminded me of, and this morning it popped into my head. Having seen these "artists", now read this dig by @kestrel9 into the family sex movement in Germany. It's virtually the EXACT same thing:

Red Freedom Club, Germany, The Sexual Revolution and Children: How the Left Took Things Too Far

@Nomochomo @think- @New4now @srayzie

kestrel9 ago

And the same BS happened with the sadomasochist bisexual freak Alfred Kinsey's 'research' (more fascism and child abuse/rape/murder). Recall the The Story of Moira Greyland (daughter of 'Mists of Avalon' author, Marion Zimmer Bradley) & SciFi loving Pedo, Walter Breen The mother hated her daughter but felt that she had to abuse her sexually 'for her own good'. These sick people teach incest and child molestation and rape. There's a sickness within parts of the letter community that believes it too, especially the gay pedos, and they believe not just that they're 'equal' but that they are superior to heterosexuals. They believe that the world needs to free the children (those lucky enough not to butchered at birth) from "hang ups" and from their parents not sexually fondling them.

Vindicator ago

It's really twisted.


There is a correlation between people who promote "nudism" "free love"/"alternative lifestyle" and people who promote "sex education"

The Child Seducers

I'm working on a post on people included here and the aforementioned nudism/sex ed/psychology/behavioral research within. It's a big wormhole that goes back the German freikoperkultur movement and probable blackmail institutions similar to esalen institute

Vindicator ago

Looking forward to seeing that

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@NOMOCHOMO the ewetoob link doesn't work. Is it just me?


Thank you, fixed


I had been claiming right along that there was an incon- trovertible link between the smut and pornography peddlers and the sex instruction promoters. This tie becomes clearer every day.

For instance, I discovered that the very first nudity group in the nation was an outfit called Nature Friends. They es- tablished the first “skin camps” in America through the au- spices of the Communist Party in the early Thirties. The name of the camp was Midvale and it was located just off the Snake Dew Road, Wanaque, New Jersey.

Midvale is still in existence, with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover announcing that the camp is a “Communist training area.”

The club they referred to was the W.E.B. DuBois Club, a Communist youth group named after a Negro traitor who fled to Africa and died there some years ago.

The camp was a permanent facility maintained by the Com- munist Party and top Party officials who acted as teachers for youth in attendance there.

In 1967 a group of campers was raided by South Carolina mountaineers who had heard all about their nudity, free love and integration in a summer camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

A number of those campers fled north to Midvale, where they could be safer.

Nature Friends was, and still is, an international arm of the Communist conspiracy, formed in most countries of the western world, with chapters and camps in scores of cities and states in America.

The purpose of the camps was described in the hearing of the Special Committee on UnAmerican Activities, 75th Congress, Volume One, page 556.

“Nature Friends seem to receive more attention than any other unit. This organization is widely organized throughout the country. It not only maintains outdoor activities, but it also operates an agit-prop (agitation and propaganda) section, music groups, film and photo sections (lewd, nudie films), chess groups, gymnastics, dance groups, scouts, lecture groups and summer camps.”

In the Guide to Subversive Organizations of the United States Congress, “Nature Friends” is called “an international Communist affiliated movement which swept over our nation through its appeal to lovers of outdoors.”

At one time the camps had 170,000 American members who took part in 400 physical activities.

The UnAmerican Activities report ends with, “Whether or not Nature Friends are in any way connected with the nudist fashion is not yet known, but it is common knowledge that nude bathing among mixed sexes is practiced at Communist summer camps.”

Of course, skinny-dipping and what not, is de rigeur these days on college campuses, at hippie festivals and at Sensitivity Training sessions.

Since the Congressional report was issued it has been proven that nudity did prevail at Midvale and the other related camps.

Herman Thomas, an FBI undercover agent, reported to the 84th Congress, “I attended several closed meetings of the Communist Party with Frances (Grabow), but on one of the latest occasions, after the party went underground in 1950 (when Joe McCarthy was hot on their tails before the U.S. government shut him up permanently), I met her and another member friend of the Communist Party at an affair at the Nature Friends Camp near Valley, Pennsylvania. I made ar- rangements there with the other person to pick up Communist Party literature in Philadelphia, inasmuch as they weren’t using the mails ...”

So, what does all this have to do with the public schools and sex instruction?

Well, read on and you’ll find out.

The Los Angeles based Elysium Institute exists for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is to promote free love and nudity.

Ed Lange,* head of the group, publishes a number of maga- zines such as “Ankh,” “Nude Living,” “Sun Disc,” “Nude Lark” and “Nudist Idea.”

He also publishes the official magazine of the American Sunbathing Association called Nudism Today.

Lange is vociferously in favor of school sex instruction and in his magazine was listed a chart of affiliated organizations. Among that assorted group of not-so-odd outfits (if you really know what they are up to) is dear old SIECUS, along with assorted nudie and psycho-political organizations.

For instance, Elysium describes itself as “a non-profit organization whose real purpose is research and dissemination of information in the behavioral sciences relating to nudity and the body taboo neuroses so prevalent in our nation. The Institute promotes self acceptance of others through a whole- some attitude toward the human body and its functions, both physical and emotional, including sexuality.”

Now, if you substitute the word “sexuality” for the word “nudity” you have pretty well found the self description used by SIECUS.

*Lange was arrested in July, 1970 on a variety of charges.

When Dr. Mary Calderone spoke in Santa Monica in 1969, she was approached by Mrs. Lillian Drake, co-producer of an anti-sex instruction film called “Pavlov’s Children.” Mrs. Calderone first attempted to deny that her group’s name appeared in nudie magazines, according to Mrs. Drake, and then, when faced with the magazine as evidence, “flew into a huff and brushed me off.”