Vindicator ago

My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become “who they really are.” It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other “isms.” If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be “normal” and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as “straight culture” goes the way of the dinosaur. As my mother used to say: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.”

Boom. That about sums it up.

kestrel9 ago

Exactly on point. That is the summation of the BoyLovers pedo agenda, going back to the PIE manifesto, (and earlier i.e. Hajo Ortil (Hans Joachim Oertel), Alfred Kinsey, Bernard Frits, Edward Brongersma). The same agenda that is now manifesting itself in the UN's push to impose the 'Trans Protocol' onto the world.

Adam Starchild, con artist and pedo business partner of Frank Shelden, claimed that all the front companies etc. they set up (1970s) and used to create and distribute CP for the BoyLove movement, were really more about promoting homosexuality for young boys then for the money, in order to 'spread homosexuality' and help create that utopia eventually. Who knows if that may have been true for Shelden (came from very rich family), it would seem to be consistent with his pedo mag writings and his friendship with Brongersma and all the connections to the BoyLove advocacy movement.

kestrel9 ago

I'm posting this here as it did not stand alone as a submission:

It's related to my response here.

new4now ago

That Breendoggle: much, much worse than you think

The flippant, dismissive tone in which this abuse is described, the victim blaming, the idea that it was enough for children just to barricade themselves in their bedrooms if Breen came to visit their parents (!), the confusion between honest homosexuality and pederasty, the idea that the children wouldn’t be harmed by this abuse, or actually seduced him, it’s all godawful — and it’s all coming from a writer in favour of expelling Breen.

Sound familiar?

It seems worth pointing out that according to this newsletter, it was public knowledge by 1964 or before that since Breen moved to Berkeley in the late 50s, several children were affected. I would like to keep their names out of this. Children listed here who were allegedly molested by Breen: P--, a 3 year old girl. S--'s son, a 13 year old boy. G--, 10 years old. (And onwards for several years.) ("Victim X") G2, 7 years old. Several unnamed teenage minors, boys and girls.

kestrel9 ago

from comment section July 5, 2016

I was one of the people in Berkeley SciFi fandom in the ’80s, and yes, everybody knew what Walter Breen was, but they didn’t turn him in to the cops out of regard for the feelings of his family — Marion Zimmer Bradley, Paul Zimmer, Tracey Blackstone Zimmer, Diana Paxton, et al. They tried to keep Walter “contained” and away from children, but he was a clever perv and managed to sneak around them. I know of some people who quietly offered to arrange a fatal accident for Walter, but his family wouldn’t give permission. Marion especially loved him, and ran field for him until a fan finally had enough and blew the whistle on him, after which Marion retired from public life and died soon after.

This person is clueless that the mother, Marion Zimmer Bradley, was (according to her daughter), more cruel and violent a child molester then Walter Breen, and that MZB knew about Walter's active pedophilia.

email to Deirdre Saoirse Moen is a science fiction and fantasy writer, photographer, and graphic designer from Menlo Park, California. posted in 2014

"Hello Deirdre.

It is a lot worse than that.

The first time she molested me, I was three. The last time, I was twelve, and able to walk away.

I put Walter in jail for molesting one boy. I had tried to intervene when I was 13 by telling Mother and Lisa, and they just moved him into his own apartment.

I had been living partially on couches since I was ten years old because of the out of control drugs, orgies, and constant flow of people in and out of our family “home.”

None of this should be news. Walter was a serial rapist with many, many, many victims (I named 22 to the cops) but Marion was far, far worse. She was cruel and violent, as well as completely out of her mind sexually. I am not her only victim, nor were her only victims girls.

I wish I had better news.

Moira Greyland. "

peacebringer ago

The dynamics are fairly clear, but there is strong denial of such dynamics.

Piscina ago

Wow, what a brave woman. I'm not a fan of gay marriage. The few gay men I know have open relationships; they're not monogamous. Most lesbians were sexually abused as children.