kestrel9 ago

LGBT lobby calling on Georgetown University to strip the group of funding and to deny it access to campus facility benefits.

Love Saxa is a recently reconstituted student organization promoting Catholic doctrine regarding marriage as the union of one man and one woman, which LGBT groups have decried as “directly homophobic.”

Recall this quote from 'The Story of Moira Greyland'

My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become “who they really are.” It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other “isms.” If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be “normal” and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as “straight culture” goes the way of the dinosaur. As my mother used to say: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.”

So while today we read: (in topic article)

“Hateful groups” such as Love Saxa, Gasman contended, “foster an unwelcome and hateful environment for queer students.”

Georgetown’s Student Organization Standards state: “Groups will not be eligible for access to benefits if their purpose or activities … foster hatred or intolerance of others because of their race, nationality, gender, religion, or sexual preferences.”

Do not doubt that in the not so distant future we will be reading: “Hateful groups” that promote age of consent and statutory rape and age discriminatory anti-pedophile teachings, “foster an unwelcome and hateful environment for pedophile oriented students, and promote hate among students who might want to teach their children to avoid sexual relations with adults.

Anytown University Student Organization Standards will state: “Groups will not be eligible for access to benefits if their purpose or activities … foster ageism, hatred or intolerance of others because of their race, nationality, gender, religion, or any sexual preferences.”

carmencita ago

Are they on twitter? Let's all sing like the Birdies Sing . Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet. I am all for equal rights for the sexes but if what they say is true, then many of their beliefs are hetero-phobic. This is ridiculous and must not be allowed.

kestrel9 ago

I don't know if they are on twitter, they are clearly hetero-phobic. Unfortunately the pedophile rights movement still embedded within the UN will eventually claim that any parent who labels a baby or young child "male" or "female" is denying the 'sexual rights' of that child and there will be a mandate for parents or other adults to sexually stimulate babies and children.

Any religion that doesn't include acceptance of marriages free of 'ageism' or even between a parent and their own child will be labeled a hate group or worse, will be considered to be guilty of promoting child abuse by denying a baby's or young child's 'right' to be married and raped by a loving adult "spouse".

People who think this sounds crazy need to discover the decades long pedophile rights movement that piggybacked and energized the gay rights movement and created a campaign of nationwide child molestation in order to 'promote' homosexuality, in the hope of creating a population of pedophiles through sexual abuse of young children. It is a fact that some molested children do become homosexual (I am not saying all homosexuals are just the result of child molestation not at all).

Any gays who are against pedophilia better think deeply on this because as parents they will face the same stigma as heterosexuals and will be guilty of the same "hate" crimes or child abuse by denying pedophiles free reign.

carmencita ago

What a horrible and disgusting turn of events. I cannot believe people will allow this to happen without a large protest. Or maybe I am wrong. Let it not be so.

DomKeyhote ago

You know it's more logical to see them as concomitant, not one piggybacking. The chief tangible result of sexual revolution, enabled by new contraception/abortion, is the rapid decline of white birthrates.

Since physically destroying a people without firing a shot is a tough mission, it makes most sense to consider ALL deviations from the traditional sexual values predominant until the 1960s tactics of Jewish sabotage.

Katy Perry didn't actually "kiss a girl and like it" -- some Jew wrote that to celebrate casual lesbian experimenting and make anyone who thinks pushing it on teens is fucked up look like white make fascist Bible-thumpers.

No religion but Judaism is so accepting of transgenderism too. It's all JEWISH BULLSHIT.

kestrel9 ago

Yes the term concomitant is a better descriptor, but I (personally) would go as far as to believe the pedophile rights advocates were the force that strengthened the gay rights movement, and that in reality the gay rights movement was the real 'accompanying' party, without knowing it. Some elements of the gay rights movement accepted the pedophile rights movement early on (they too were either just part of the pedo faction or enablers), and later others rejected it.

I don't hear enough from the gay community denouncing pedophilia to believe that much has changed. The UN's 'Trans Protocol' is clearly a pedo agenda of systemic child abuse preying those with and without gender dysphoria. Certainly if a young (underage) gay person was encouraged by their school or kids camp to "pretend to be straight" for a day or a week we would hear a legion wailing and gnashing of progressive teeth at the thought of it.