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Kahlypso79 ago

Have you seen the recent French Air adverts? Talk about NWO wetdream taken out of a Katy Perry music video...

I just watched it again.. and the young girls in ballaerina toutous swinging back and forth.... I dunno.. I might maybe be ruined folllowing these last couple of years researching and Im seeing sick stuff everywhere... OR...........

Yuke ago

As a Brit, I get more of an anti-brexit vibe from that than anything, especially the part where they are saying the bit alluded to, about revolution, and then saying "It's not in your nature". That makes me think of a potential Yellow vest-style revolt against the inevitable shafting that's going to come regarding Brexit, and a kind of taming of the British people: "Oh no, we don't revolt, that's not in our nature...", that kind of thing. The advert on the whole is a left-wing drive for diversity, inclusion etc., it wreaks of it all through the ad.


Pedo-shills like you make me sick.

Yuke ago

Maybe if you were British you'd see things as I do, from a British perspective. Anti-brexitism is everywhere for us, I see it in this too. That makes me a pedo? Shush.

letsdothis3 ago

The 'ideas' thing makes me think of Tavistock.. what with the tranny and the kids and the whole tone of the culture that is currently undergoing radical transformation.. google 'tavistock and british airways'...

letsdothis3 ago

British Airways you say? Voat posts on British Airways:

Part I: "Dreamflight" UK Charity Has Elite Pedo Origins and Has Flown 5,000 Children to Disney World without Their Parents Since 1987

According to Dreamflight the charity was co-founded in 1986 by British Airways flight engineer Dame Patricia Pearce and flight attendant Derek Pereira. Pearce had previously helped organize "Skyride" for the airline, a one-hour ‘Christmas party’ flight. Source

Goodness and Harmony adds to this the British Airways "Skyride" Christmas party was most likely this one featuring Jimmy Savile in 1985.

Dr. Michael Salmon -- First Chief Medical Officer for Dreamflight, possible organizer - Dr. Salmon is known to have sexually assaulted children beginning in the 1970's. He was convicted in 1990, in 2015, and in 2016. He was considered associated with Jimmy Savile.

“In the early years Rolf Harris and Jeremy Beadle would come along to the pre-trip party and entertain the children.”

Newly Chosen UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt Potential POI?: Worked with Orphan Rapist / BA Pilot Simon Wood at Nyumbani; Was Funded by Groucho Club Chairman; Led Jimmy Savile Investigations

Newly Appointed UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has a lot of coincidental connections to pedophilia.

Jeremy Hunt Connections to Pedophile British Airways Pilot Simon Wood

Politician Jeremy Hunt founded the company Hotcourses in the 1990’s, which currently shares a Board of Trustees with the Nyumbani orphanage in Nairobi, which he is a member of.... The founder of Nyumbani, an Air Force urology surgeon, Georgetown University psychiatrist, and Jesuit priest named Angelo D'Agostino, is pictured here in the Clinton Oval Office.

Jeremy Hunt Was in Charge of at Least Three Jimmy Savile Investigations

Kahlypso79 ago

Id like to come back to some on this info relating political 'families' to the BBC.. especially the Ronsons 'and really get in Mark Ronsons's face..he's connected to too many 'sacrificed' singers and actors..and the Rifkinds and the Brittans and some other guy I cant for the life of me remember his name right now.. Will start compling.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, please do a compilation post. I just did a quick search on voat and realised that I have 'Mark Ronson' in a few of my own posts while not really being aware of who he is. I think we now need to do a few more compilation posts as they tend to throw up new leads.


I posted this on twitter too, and apparently the children who are doing sign language in the advert are signing the wourd "trouble"

Kahlypso79 ago

It actually starts with his Uncle..hang on. just so you can see where Im going.. this is what started me..

Ronson is one of British construction’s most important clients, and one of British business’ most notorious figures. His company, Heron International, started as a furniture business run by his father. Ronson joined in 1954 aged 14 and became a partner in 1957. Then, by bringing the first self-service petrol stations to the UK in March 1966 and steering the business towards property development, he built it up to be one of Britain’s largest companies by the eighties.

But the success was short-lived. In August 1990, Ronson was convicted of conspiracy, false accounting and theft for his part in the Guinness share-trading fraud. He was fined £5m and spent six months in prison. Not long after, Heron collapsed with debts of £1.6bn owed to 82 banks and 15,000 bondholders.

Guinness Affair : Precusor to kiddy trafficking??

Ernest Saunders :

The Guinness share trading fraud was one of the most famous British business scandals of the 1980s. Guinness shares were to be inflated in order to assist its takeover by the Scottish drinks company Distillers. Ernest Saunders, Gerald Ronson, Jack Lyons and Anthony Parnes were the perpetrators of this crime. They planned to raise the share price of the Guinness in order to win the bid of takeover of Distillers. They paid out indemnities to the companies who were part of the scheme and other awards were paid to the companies that supported them in the scheme. All four were convicted of dishonest conduct of share support in the Guinness Affair.

Guinness directors showed 'contempt for truth' Friday, November 28, 1997

"Mr Saunders was convicted of false accounting, theft and conspiracy, in 1990. But his five-year sentence was halved on appeal. He was released from open prison after serving only 10 months when doctors said he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, a permanent condition. At the time of his appeal, a psychiatrist said he was unable to recall three numbers backwards and did not know who was President of the United States. Mr Saunders health subsequently improved but his advisers denied he had made a "miraculous recovery" from Alzheimer's disease, suggesting instead his illness while in prison was stress-related. Mr Saunders has since carved out a lucrative consultancy career while at the same time negotiating his £75,000 annual pension from Guinness. " Also jailed were stockbroker Anthony Parnes and tycoon Gerald Ronson, head of the Heron empire, who had agreed to buy Guinness shares as part of the illegal share-support operation.

Mr Saunders was supported by the cream of the City establishment during the Distillers bid. Guinness's lawyers were Freshfields, merchant bankers Morgan Grenfell and Henry Ansbacher were also on hand, and the brokers were Cazenove, the most blue-blooded of City firms. Lord Spens was forced to resign as Chief Executive of Henry Ansbacher - but was later acquitted of fraud.

Gerald Ronson : Gerald Maurice Ronson, CBE (born 27 May 1939) is a Jewish business tycoon and philanthropist. He is the Founding Chairman of the Jewish Community Security Trust, Vice-President of the NSPCC and President of JCoSS Ronson was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2012 New Year Honours for charitable services, notwithstanding his convictions Ronson is one of British construction’s most important clients, and one of British business’ most notorious figures. His company, Heron International, started as a furniture business run by his father. Ronson joined in 1954 aged 14 and became a partner in 1957. Then, by bringing the first self-service petrol stations to the UK in March 1966 and steering the business towards property development, he built it up to be one of Britain’s largest companies by the eighties. But the success was short-lived. In August 1990, Ronson was convicted of conspiracy, false accounting and theft for his part in the Guinness share-trading fraud. He was fined £5m and spent six months in prison. Not long after, Heron collapsed with debts of £1.6bn owed to 82 banks and 15,000 bondholders. Ronson says that to this day he doesn’t quite know how he pulled his life back together. Certainly, he was helped by friends in high places. He borrowed money from Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, communications billionaire Craig McCaw and other wealthy acquaintances to accumulate enough capital to get back into the game.

Relating.. The Ronsons. The Rifkinds and the Brittans. Leon Brittan, Baron Brittan of Spennithorne QC, PC, DL (born 25 September 1939, North London) is a British politician, former Conservative Member of Parliament and barrister, as well as former member of the European Commission and former Home Secretary of the United Kingdom. Leon Brittan - >

Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind, KCMG, QC, MP (born 21 June 1946) is a British Conservative Party politician and Member of Parliament for Kensington. He served in various roles as a cabinet minister under Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major, including Secretary of State for Scotland (1986–1990), Defence Secretary (1992–1995) and Foreign Secretary (1995–1997). He is the first cousin of the Brittans Gerald Maurice Ronson, CBE (born 27 May 1939) happens to be another Jewish crook a member of the entirely Jewish white collar criminal gang the “Guinness Four” Ronson became known in the UK as one of the “Guinness Four” for his involvement in the Guinness share-trading fraud of the 1980s, along with Ernest Saunders and occasional business associates Jack Lyons and Anthony Parnes.

Nephew of businessman Gerald Ronson - > Mark Ronson. His mother Ann is a second cousin of Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the Kensington and Chelsea MP who was a key member of the Thatcher government in the Eighties and Nineties.Ann and Sir Malcolm’s grandmothers, sisters Hannah and Nechama Hoffenberg, fled Russia around the turn of the 20th Century with their cousin Rebecca Lipetz and settled in Edinburgh. When he was eight years of age. Living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, he counted Sean Lennon, son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, among his childhood friends He was married to : Joséphine de La Baume : Her French father, François, is an investment banker and the owner of the Théâtre de la Pépinière. Her Swiss mother, Anne (née Salmanowitz), is the executive director of the Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation. Her grandfather is Grégoire Salmanowitz, owner of the world’s largest freight-inspection company SGS

Then there's more info on the other Guiness conspirators.... but havent finished that yet.. Jack Lyons - With a mutual interest in musical endeavours, Lyons became acquainted with the Conservative Party Prime Minister Edward Heath, and remained close to his successor as Conservative leader, Margaret Thatcher. Lyons was accused of having used his personal friendship with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to ensure the Guinness brewing group's offer for Distillers in 1986 was approved by the Office of Fair Trading. Thatcher replied to a letter from Lyons saying the matter would be passed to the minister then responsible, Paul Channon. The bid was subsequently unblocked.

letsdothis3 ago

That's very interesting. Did you see that comment on your first link?

Hope to be able to communicate soon with your family. I am the oldest daughter of the late Mr. Alex A. Levine. You make me happy to be alive. My only daughter, Rebecca is presently visiting South Africa. She is to be married on August 7 here at Cocoa Beach, Florida. My address is Barb Levine Shillings at 335 Nice Court, Merritt Island, Fla. 32953. Becki has a brother Harry Shillings. going for MA in social work for children at risk.

Gerlad Ronson Vice-President of the NSPCC

Heron International

leads to Heron Leisure Ltd - Steven Fink, Officer

serves on the board of the Herb Ritts Foundation

The Fifth Element:Bruce Willis, Chris Tucker, Luc Besson, and stared Milla Jovovich discovered by photographer AIDS HIV freak Herb Ritts who worked for many fashion mags....Besson began a relationship with a 15-year-old actress named Maïwenn Besco..

NXVIM Branding Resembles Masonic Marks (repost) -

Lots to look into..

Kahlypso79 ago

hmm..starnge comment.. I havent heard of Alex Aaron Levine yet.. born in 23 Juin 1914 and (not dead yet) his father Gerry Lavine's father was also.. Alex A Levine. His wife was Roslyn Levine (Nelson (Siegel))

It sure feels codey to me...

Kahlypso79 ago

Will have to come back when the firewall doesnt block me..

Vindicator ago

Let's start a drinking game...Count the Trannies. Or...count the Pedo Bears. WTF?!

Kahlypso79 ago

makes me want to grab the nearest bottle of rhum.. once finsihed I can use it to start beating them on the head..

derram ago :

British Airways - Made by Britain Advert - YouTube

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