srayzie ago

10 magical days?! That's a long time. Magical for the sick perverts maybe. Some parents amaze me. I can't believe they would allow their kids to go on vacation with these people for 10 days. I wouldn't care if they were doctors, nurses or even a church group! There are perverts everywhere. Even churches.

Notgood ago

This posting is bull crap! In fact it really angers me! Nobody has done more in the world to make children happy than the happiest place on earth.

carmencita ago

What about the Make A Wish Found. It scares me to even look there. I found something today by accident and I cannot even finish reading it. I will have to take it slow. Another adoption agency that has horrific letters from birth mothers and what was done with their children. Oh Lord, how much more can we take.

rickman ago

Two sex offenders both connected to charities called Dreamflight/Dream Flight that takes vulnerable children on trips. I wonder if they hid orphaned children on these flights. Or just children with nobody caring whether they returned home or not. These kids could be sold to other paedo groups or even killed and disposed of.

carmencita ago

Those parents that don't care should be fixed like animals. What does this say about humans? Animals don't do this. Other animals take over when some cannot care for theirs, such as cats and pigs that let others newborns feed on them. We even drown animals in buckets of water. We can be a disgusting lot.

equineluvr ago

"Animals don't do this. Other animals take over when some cannot care for theirs, such as cats and pigs that let others newborns feed on them."

Not usually. When a mother is immediately postpartum she produces a lot of oxytocin. If her own babies aren't there for her to nurture, she will take in another's brood, even transspecies. But it doesn't happen that often (which is why it's notable/remarkable/covered in media). And it certainly isn't a conscious/moral "choice."

carmencita ago

It happened when I was little on our farm and it is happening now. I have seen it. Next door to my parent's house on a little farm. Also, I have seen it on the news. It may not be a constant occurrance to you but I have seen it.