pixiesbitch ago

Random but, I was just starting to read about Heidi Klum and I really liked her, now I see she's a supporter of his foundation and man, this shit rly just ruins everything you've even slightly liked.
Can this degeneracy end please. Upvote btw

Markb63 ago

I hate that guy

new4now ago

Never cared for him myself

srayzie ago

It makes me sick that these pedophiles seem to always have charities. Not only do they use that as a way to abuse children, but to the world they look like caring citizens that care about the youth.

cantsleepawink ago

In that Daily Mail link there is an image of Tucker with Jackie Chan. You know that Chan has a foundation too, right?



with many connections to the usual suspects and...

is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador https://www.unicef.org/media/media_65216.html

Celebrated actor and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Jackie Chan arrives in Myanmar this week on a three-day mission to help combat child trafficking.

and his father was a spy http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4914322/Jackie-Chan-reveals-dad-spy-hiding-Canberra.html

'My father was a spy hiding in Hong Kong and hiding in Australia at the American embassy for so many years,' Jackie told the website.

and he was named in the Panama papers as having at least 6 offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/06/panama-papers-reveal-offshore-dealings-stars

Just sayin'....

Cheesebooger ago

I bet he only abuses little white kids

ben_matlock ago

For some reason I assumed the opposite...

peacebringer ago

An interesting thought is the connecting with HIV charities and the pedo purveyors.

new4now ago

I think there are old posts about that here

spherical_cube ago

Makes an impact. Positive? For who, I wonder...

ChippyTubes ago

The Fifth Element:Bruce Willis, Chris Tucker, Luc Besson....Besson began a relationship with a 15-year-old actress named Maïwenn Besco

Malignment ago

The producer of Rush Hour starring Chris Tucker has been accused of harassment by multiple women, too.

millennial_vulcan ago




of course...

Malignment ago

Corey Feldman says Jackson was a straw man though ....

I always wondered, what if Jackson was abused and rather than being an abuser he was trying to help Hollywood kids he knew were abused too?

Cc1914 ago

That's what I've always thought

Cc1914 ago

What in the world? Another rabbit hole? And where did you come from after a 12 hour old account?

ESOTERICshade ago

It is obvious if a person takes time to analyze the situation that Jackson decided not to play their game. That is what his song "they dont care about us" was all about. Jackson was a sacrifice. Not saying this proves one way or the other about kids but he hated the system.

slwsnowman40 ago

Except all of Whacko Jacko's accusers had similar looks and family stories.

carmencita ago

Well we now know that Corey is a very good liar. He is good at stringing us along too...........I will not believe anything he says anymore. He has a fear I am sure of Joe Jackson's power and that of Sony. And he is on the Hillary Gravy Train.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Feldman is a pos and a liar

that has been firmly established over the last 2 weeks

Cheesebooger ago

I was getting shit for calling him out a while back. lol I need 10 million shekels, goy!!

anotherdream ago

We've got to assume he's just as into fucking young girls as they are. - And you know what? I'm not surprised, nor does it change anything. - They've all got to be brought down.

new4now ago

he might like little boys too

Wrath2017 ago

One pretty much has to become a sodomite to make it as an actor in Hollywood. It's an acquired taste, I suppose.

new4now ago

I hear it's the same in Rap Music

derram ago

https://archive.fo/QdHtp :

Bill Clinton used billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ for African charity tour

https://archive.fo/uxllJ :

Chris Tucker faces $14m tax debt' | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

argosciv ago

Other supporters of the same charities & foundations Bill Clinton  Chelsea Clinton  Chrissy Teigen  David Furnish  Donna Karan  Elton John  Gigi Hadid  Goldie Hawn  Harvey Weinstein  Heidi Klum  Hillary Clinton  Irina Shayk  John Legend  Karlie Kloss  Sharon Stone

Fucking hell... if that list alone doesn't scream "SUSPICIOUS!"

I don't know what does...

new4now ago

that's why I put it up :)