Pcpoet09 ago

I think that with this president we wont get any announcement about what happened till what ever was going on has been examined and talking about it wont endanger any investigation....past presidents would of released info even if the info was a lie.

Vindicator ago

@Zzzmmm333, Since it appears MilSpec Ops Monkey was mistaken about Thomas Girardi being an attorney for NXIVM, I'm flairing this "Accuracy in Question". Girardi is an attorney, but not for NXIVM. I dig into the details of his claims here.

The Guatemalan House of Culture building IS owned by Girardi and does have suspicious Yelp reviews, including pics that look very similar to the NXIVM Rainbow Cultural Garden childcare centers. Photos of new plywood over doors also support the idea that Special Forces units did breach that building.

I also flaired my own submission on this topic. :-)

think- ago

This is very interesting, but I don't see a Pizzagate connection here - sorry to say that. I wasn't able to find any evidence that Girardi is Mack's attorney like you say in your headline, or the attorney for any of the other NXIVM defendants.

I'd suggest to self-delete and repost to v/pizzagatewhatever or v/GreatAwakening.

Thanks! Please keep up the good work, @Zzzmmm333. :-)

Spud4ever ago

Thinking that the raid by "Little Bird" helo at same time out in Long Beach was tied to human trafficking as well. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/26405/you-have-to-see-this-crazy-photo-of-a-night-stalker-mh-6-dropping-commandos-on-long-beach

thewebofslime ago

Anyone have a source for Girardi being Mack's lawyer?


Keith Alan Raniere

Marc Agnifilo – Brafman & Associates, P.C.

Paul DerOhannesian II – DerOhannesian & DerOhannesian

Danielle R. Smith – DerOhannesian & DerOhannesian

Jacob Kaplan – Brafman & Associates, P.C.

Teny R. Geragos – Brafman & Associates, P.C.

Brian Poe – Fort Worth, TX

Allison Mack

Steven Kobre

William F. McGovern

Sean S. Buckley

Clare Bronfman

Dennis Burke –Ballard Spahr

Susan R. Necheles – Hafetz & Necheles LLP

Kathleen E. Cassidy – Hafetz & Necheles LLP

Gedalia Stern – Hafetz & Necheles LLP

Nancy Salzman

Michael J. Sullivan

David Stern

Lauren Salzman

Hector J. Diaz – Quarles & Brady, LLP

James L. Burke – Quarles & Brady

Kathy Russell

William Fanciullo [former Assistant U.S. Attorney.]

letsdothis3 ago

The leaser of the building also has questionable investments

Vassal Benford > The Benford Company http://thebenfordcompany.com/


Vassal Gradington Benford III is a Grammy Award Winning American Producer/ Record Executive/ Film Producer/ Music Mogul . Benford has completed productions on over 196 albums and 37 remixes throughout his career generating over $400 million in revenue for companies such as Sony, Warner Bros, Arista, Universal, Motown, BMG, Mercury, EMI. Vassal Benford is considered to be one of the Top Producers in the World. In 2016 Benford landed a major EDM hit with 2x Grammy Award winner DJ Diplo (Justin Bieber, Skrillex) song titled "Be Right There.

This is huge..

VASSAL BENFORD & MARK CANTON PRODUCER OF 300 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0071014/mediaviewer/rm1417883136

toutedesuite ago

Wow👀! Creepy AF x a billion. Whatever kind of f*ckery goes on in there, it cannot be legal. Excellent post, but most value this pic, as had not seen it anywhere on the Twat feed. Reminds me immediately if Littke St James/Epstein temple, Comet Ping Pong basement that J. Ilovechildren first publicly noted, then after the controversy was outed he denied. WTF?

Are_we_sure ago

what about that picture indicates a HVT other than the red circle?

Even when I edit the picture and significantly brighten the image, there's not enough details to say what is going.

permindex ago

I bet they're filming for a future fake mass shooter/terrorist event so they can pass off the footage as the real thing once it happens, just like they did with Pittsburgh, Sandy Hook, and however many others they've pulled off. No one's getting "cleaned up".

Warmoose76 ago

Quite possible, that footage of cops running into that other school ("saint rose of Lima" or what ever) at sunset is what made me realize Sandy Hook was 100% fake.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Can you zoom in on that captured person?" "Yes, sir!" ⌘+ ⌘+ ⌘+ ⌘+ ⌘+ https://imgoat.com/uploads/336dcbab05/194909.jpg

Zzzmmm333 ago

Haha nice

sore_ass_losers ago

Thanks. Not sure if jokes are allowed on v/pizzagate. :)

ephesians5_11 ago

Wow. Great post!

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Looks like the last 2 helicopters extracted a body each. There's like 40 people being extracted by 6 helicopters. Why are their clothes so light colored? Whatever just happened here was BIG.

DeadMary ago

It looks like they were wearing biohazard suits without the helmets/face covers. If you watch again, there are a couple of them still wearing their head protection. I'm guessing whatever they were raiding, and recovered those two people from, had massive amounts of chemicals being used.

YOU DONT JUST EXTRACT 40+ AGENTS IN BIOHAZARD SUITS, IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT, USING MILITARY HELICOPTERS IN ONE OF THE DENSEST POPULATED AREAS IN THE COUNTRY. Something big went down, and the owners of these buildings makes me think they are finally going after the heavy hitters in the trafficking rings.

Time to sit back quietly and watch this all unfold, lads

MadWorld ago

Why are their clothes so light colored?

Maybe to make the individuals less distinguishable?

MadWorld ago

I only saw 2 helicopters in the other submission. Very interesting!!

Zzzmmm333 ago

Yes this was a massive operation, obviously extremely dangerous and high value otherwise why the need for so many men and special ops too. I also wondered why their clothes look so bright..

toutedesuite ago

No, I believe they wore bio-suits. Think about why military personnel would wear clothing that makes them HIGHLY VISIBLE, when conducting any operation under cover of night, in BLACK, hard to see helos. Duh!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They had the exercises in Long Beach. The distraction. These could be from a private unit where Trump took the best of the elite to handle the situation properly. Plan Z possibly from new Space Force. All Allegedly of course.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The special ops forces wore white. There was likely a biological weapon target intended to infect the population when the GHC is demolished next month. There were witnesses who saw the breach and extraction.

Vindicator ago

Because they are US Army Special Forces. This is their uniform.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Ah yep, thanks!

think- ago

So you think this was a genuine operation, not an exercise?

Vindicator ago

Yes I do. Just made a post with all the material so people can check it all out for themselves.

I knew when I saw the original video there was no way that was training. Way too dangerous. Brother in law flew the 1960's equivalent of the Little Birds, known then as a Loach, in Vietnam. The way he met my sister was because I was helping him write a book about his tour of duty, so we spent a lot of time talking about how you fly those things and what the risks are so the combat scenes would be accurate.

There is zero doubt in my mind this was a real operation.

think- ago

The way he met my sister was because I was helping him write a book about his tour of duty, so we spent a lot of time talking about how you fly those things and what the risks are so

Oh that's nice, didn't know that. :-)

There is zero doubt in my mind this was a real operation.

Well, let's hope it will be in the MSM shortly, so that we will be able to find out.

Vindicator ago

Well, let's hope it will be in the MSM shortly, so that we will be able to find out.

The MSM cannot report freely on Classified military operations. I don't know what the exact legal limitations are, but they routinely don't report on them, even when they have the inside information.

think- ago

Ok, thanks.

Zzzmmm333 ago

I've seen quite a few military experts talking about it and the person who posted much of this is military. I even saw a aviation expert saying there's no way this was training as the smallest thing going into the rotary blades could have a catastrophic outcome and there's no way the army Majors would let a training exercise happen there

numina18 ago

I am astounded by the wonderful work of the anons on this one!! So great!! Thank you!!

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