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LightlyToastedFarts ago

What about the 666 Park Avenue address? Doesn't Kushner own that property that leases space to Lucient Technologies?

Nice satanic play on words Lucient but not only that, aren't they making RFID chips too?

Really surprised you missed that one out of all of the businesses on that street.

letsdothis3 ago

I just came across this video on 666 Fifth Avenue by happenstance:

EntertheStars goes heavy on the occult but it's an interesting short video containing old footage of the construction of 666. It also refers to early involvement of Donald Trump, before his son-in-law's company bought the building.

@think- it also refers to John L. Tishman's involvement, he of Tishman Speyer, a company I have had my eye on since the start of pizzagate because Mirabaud, the Swiss brokers (who I recently posted about), now operate out of a Tishman Speyer building in London. I've had my eye on New York from the beginning and I sometimes wonder if that was the one of the originating sites for the Hampstead case (to put it mildly).

think- ago

Interesting, thank you!

letsdothis3 ago

Btw, someone I know who briefly worked for Mirabaud in the past says that they are definitely into money laundering.

think- ago
