angelafogo ago

I think that what we are not investigating is what were those babies sold for. And that is what the media is covering up. I dont believe that a family with the capacity to spend 40.000usd will use it to buy a baby in the black market. The would rather resort to the normal regulations of adopting a baby. I believe and please take me seriously that the babies were sold for satanism and cannibalism, and that is the true horror of this story we are not being shown.

kazza64 ago

so you know jamie dlux just did a video updating her status as alive and pissed that its been reported she's dead

permindex ago


sore_ass_losers ago

Now there's talk Sabrina Bittencourt is alive and a video of her:

think- ago

Doesn't seem to be legit? Video was scrubbed.

What did the video show?

sore_ass_losers ago

Her talking in Portuguese, I believe. Now I've heard elsewhere that video is from December. I should have been more critical.

think- ago

The allegations against the new minister, Damares Alves:

Since the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves was apppointed by the government of President Jair Bolsonaro, a wound afflicted 5 years ago burned again in the Xingu. [Xingu = native Brazilean tribe]

The Kamayurá village, in the center of the Indian reservation in the north of Mato Grosso, is the birthplace of 20-year-old Kajutiti Lulu Kamayurá. Damares presents her as her adopted daughter.

The adoption, however, was never formalized legally. The condition in which the 6-year-old girl was taken from the village is a source of controversy among the Indians.

Lulu was born on May 20, 1998, according to her birth record. Epoch went to the Xingu to hear of the kamayurás the story of the girl who was raised by her paternal grandmother, Tanumakaru, a lady with cracked, blind eye.

They claim that Damares took the girl irregularly from the tribe. Some details are lost in the memory of the Indians, but there is a thread that unites the report of all of them.

Lulu left the village under pretense of doing a dental treatment in the city and never returned. They say that Damares and Márcia Suzuki, friend and right-hand man of the minister, presented themselves as missionaries in the village. They said they were worried about the girl's oral health.

"I cried, and Lulu was crying too for leaving her grandmother. Marcia led the way. He said he was going to send her back, that when he went on vacation he would send her here."

Asked if she knew, at the time of Lulu's departure, that she would not return, she was straightforward:" Never."

Minister Damares Alves (...) said she was "prepared to answer the questions ... about our children, about my daughter and about families."

In Brasilia, however, she refused to give an interview and only partially answered the magazine's 14 questions.

"All the rights of Lulu Kamayurá were respected. No law was violated. Her biological family visits her regularly.

Uncles, cousins ​​and brothers who left with her from the village reside in Brasilia. Everyone has an excellent emotional relationship."

We asked why Damares did not return the child to the village after treatment. "Lulu Kamayura has already returned to the village. She left the place with her family and never lost touch with her biological relatives."

The question of not having formally adopted Lulu was ignored.

Damares's advisor says the minister met Lulu in Brasilia, not the village, as the Indians say."

sore_ass_losers ago

Thanks for posting this. So this minister is accused of being a client of indigenous child trafficking networks, you might say, in adopting an indigenous child.

SB was an anarchist, so a lefty I imagine, but I take her son's comments to mean she was more concerned about abuse than politics.

I've wondered if Bolsonaro is an analogue of Trump could all this publicity and arrest of JoD represent a 'draining of the swamp'? JoD was previously a national treasure. However the connection here is that one of Bolsonaro's ministers might have done something shady.

think- ago

So this minister is accused of being a client of indigenous child trafficking networks, you might say, in adopting an indigenous child.

Not so much a client I suppose, more like a bad actor herself.

SB was an anarchist, so a lefty I imagine

Yep, she was a leftie, and I don't agree with all of her political views, but this isn't about party politics. She is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and also of rape by a stranger, she dedicated her life to fight perps.

I've wondered if Bolsonaro is an analogue of Trump could all this publicity and arrest of JoD represent a 'draining of the swamp'?

1) I don't believe that Trump is 'draining the swamp', not in the sense of taking elite pedos down. (I'm non-partisan, and not into Q).

2) Bolsonero is an asshole imo.

3) It seems that the MP of the state John of God has been operating in supports the investigation. Not sure whether he just pretends, or might be genuine.


SandHog ago

I'm way behind on this particular case and am not up to speed on the major players but from the little I have read it seems like quite the extensive trafficking ring. I suspect the investigation will get derailed or stonewalled at some point by corrupt or complicit officials but hopefully it doesn't. Looks like there are tons of leads that need to be followed up on like where were the children being trafficked to? Were they sending them to a hub in another country and then disseminating them from there?

Maybe those answers are already known and I am just not aware. I haven't had a chance to dig into this yet.

think- ago

Maybe those answers are already known and I am just not aware.

The only thing we know is that some of the 'guides' in Europe, the US, and Australia, who offered tours to Brazil, seem to have been involved in the trafficking ring.

And sadly, I think you're right, that the investigation might be stonewalled at some point.

sore_ass_losers ago

Whoa, the guides were involved with the trafficking ring? I missed that part.

I actually spent some time researching guides websites. I guess they need to find a new line of work now.

A comment on CDAN says it's two airplane flights and a 6-hour bus ride to the Casa. (Perhaps the first flight mentioned would be to nearby capital city Brasilia.) I was wondering if there's a VIP version (probably charter a helicopter). I was also musing, and this is pure speculation, if there could be VIP tours with an afternoon at the baby farm.

think- ago

I was also musing, and this is pure speculation, if there could be VIP tours with an afternoon at the baby farm.

Yep. Me too. I mean, do we suppose that Clinton or Naomi Cambpell just mingled with the crowd in order to see John of God? I don't think so.

sore_ass_losers ago

'VIP tours with an afternoon at the baby farm'

What bothered me is the seeming disconnect between going to a holy place, dressing in white, and getting healed, yet you know the healer is a fake, yet you're there to abuse sex slaves.

This comment and link by @permindex puts it all into perspective for me

I can tell you from my own experience there and others' who i knew, he used black magic to make many people sick after seeing him, all under the guise of "healing". I and my friend are still sick to this day. You can read more about it here.

At the link:

I do acknowledge that Jog (the entity) really does let his truth be known if we are willing to just see… he is described as an entity apparently by his own instructions. The whole organization is clear that it is entities that are doing the work. “The entity known as John of god” is how he is described. It is the Humans who have interpreted that or fell for the belief that he/they are of the Light, so we can only blame ourselves if we refuse to see what is in front of us (and I fell for this too).

Hard as it may be to believe but the Dark Entities are fully capable of doing healing too. It is a dangerous assumption to believe that healing only comes from the Light. The Dark has their own agenda which is to prevent your spiritual growth and that is the main reason why they do this… to make sure you are bound tight by invisible Contracts, Implants, Vows, Oaths, Allegiances, being on your committees and councils, and anything else they can get away with in return for the healing. By consenting to the Healing you also consented to all the rest.


This is only my humble opinion but I think this is also the reason that people shrug off or discard all the horror stories that have been coming out of the John of god Casa for years… they say to themselves “well… see the healing that is taking place, so he must be working with God!” And then they turn a blind eye to the horrors, and even continue to take tours of people to see Jog, so convinced are they that they are helping in the real God’s work that they block out the Dark truth that is right before their eyes.


Consent is the process of giving permission to Jog/Reptilians to have access and control of your existence. Your real guides and Angels can protect you up to and until that moment when you give consent to Jog to do as he wills. At that moment your guides stand back and watch. They will still try to reach through to you to give you insights of what is actually taking place, but they do have to respect your freewill decisions.

Consent happens in several ways. The first is by entering the Casa. At that moment you walk into the Casa’s energy field which is unique unto itself. Look at it as a big dome similar to a small country with its own rules and laws.

Another way of consenting is by offering your right hand to Jog when you walk up to him. This action is intentional as it conveys all sorts of consents, subjugation, contracts, and even ownership. This is done by your own freewill choice and your guides will abide by that choice. See this as the same as going to a lawyers office and signing all sorts of documents.

You also consent and build the strength of the consent by drinking the vibrational water, and by ingesting the herbs. This gives many days of consent, during which your guides will again watch.

If you accept Jog is a trickster who utilizes all of the energy of seekers at the Casa and channels evil entities for healing at a price, it totally makes sense that well-meaning people are fooled and evil ones see a kindred spirit.

@Vindicator thought I'd flag you since we've discussed aspects of whether 'Dark Entities are fully capable of doing healing too'.

think- ago

I admit that as soon as I read the word 'reptilians', I don't take people seriously anymore. Sorry.

It would be interesting whether in Shamanic belief systems (genuine shamans, not scam artists or bad actors) 'evil entities' have also healing powers. @9217 might know about this.

I think you don't need the concept of 'black magic' or 'evil entities' to describe the negative outcome. The whole thing works like a sect / cult, with brainwashing gullible people; and the majority has been gullibe because they were desperate due to having been diagnosed with cancer or other diseases, which made them weak.

Sects and cults - think NXIVM - target people who are in a crisis situation.

@Vindicator @girlinashittycountry

sore_ass_losers ago

Yeah, sounds like David Icke. 'The Queen is a Reptilian shapeshifter.'

Most voaters heard of the Jog sex/rape scandals and thought the guy is a fake, so everything was a scam, 'there's a seeker born every minute'.

My point is if you're an evil VIP why bother with the Casa? Sex slaves are available all over. If the Casa works because gullible people are being scammed, the VIPs know Jog is a spiritual scammer, so they are not likely to be believe he can help them.

It goes deeper than that, though. NXIVM is something of a knock-off version of Scientology "tech." Rick Ross refers to Raniere as a "squirrel," which is Scientology slang for someone who uses Dianetics "tech" outside of the bounds of traditional Church of Scientology practice.

The Hidden Connection Between NXIVM And Scientology (banned domain)

Scientology "tech" is actually mostly about expelling evil entities, called "body thetans" through auditing sessions with the "e-meter", to improve mental or physical health. (No reports NXIVM did any auditing like this.)

Maybe "evil entities" is just a conceptual framework, could be "negative thoughts".

think- ago

My point is if you're an evil VIP why bother with the Casa? Sex slaves are available all over. If the Casa works because gullible people are being scammed, the VIPs know Jog is a spiritual scammer, so they are not likely to be believe he can help them.

I don't know? Abramovic maybe went there to learn a thing or two from him. Clinton is into Voodoo, so he is certainly interested in healing techniques connected to spiritualism. Naomi Campbell might just be naive. And Oprah? They might see the guy as kind of wizard.

And yes, sex slaves are available everywhere, but why not go to an 'exotic' setting, and 'enjoy' yourself there?

Maybe "evil entities" is just a conceptual framework, could be "negative thoughts".

Yes. Or what is known as 'intrusion' in psychology, when a kind of emotional imprint of the perp stays in the victim's psyche. Which is then passed on to new victims if the victims also becomes a perp later, or which is turned against themselves when they get depressed.

@Vindicator @girlinashittycountry @ASolo @letsdothis3

sore_ass_losers ago

Somehow John of god was seen as a saintly do-gooder by the general public and most seekers. Abramovic saw cool blood rituals and Clinton would see it's voodoo.

Scraping someone's eyeball, or watching it done, has a lot of perp-victim dynamics.

think- ago

SandHog ago

Up is down and down is up. That's ever the game they play.

permindex ago

I get that 'reptilians' is a turn off. But there really is a class of entities or demons that appear as snakes or dragons in the other realms, which shamans and other clairvoyants can see. It's a reality no matter how many times David Icke talks about them. When I got back from Brazil, 2 clairvoyant friends who I totally trusted told me they saw a dragon and a snake on my back and around me, soon before I started getting very ill. In my view, knowing black magic is involved helps survivors understand the source of their illness so they can find better ways to heal themselves.

think- ago

In my view, knowing black magic is involved helps survivors understand the source of their illness so they can find better ways to heal themselves.

I respect that, @permindex, if you feel it helps you.

Yes, it's the concept of 'reptilians' that always puts me off. (The whole stories about the Queen shapeshifting etc.).

Also, I am concerned about the Church doing exorcisms, since I feel they might sometimes push survivors of sexual abuse into thinking they are 'possessed' by 'demons', when they 'only' may show alters or show symptoms of PTSD.

Think of the concept of evil jinns in Islam regarding people with PTSD, which is similar.

I am sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you feel a bit better now? God bless.

think- ago

Whoa, the guides were involved with the trafficking ring?

Yep. I bet some are busy covering up their past actions now. But I have no idea which guys were involved.

I guess they need to find a new line of work now.

Well, I read that the Casa staff has been trying to convince people to come to Brazil nevertheless.

SandHog ago

That makes sense. I came across one such guide when I was looking for definitive proof Clinton visited the old monster. Guessing that one is old news since someone had already archived it a couple days ago.

think- ago

This is a shitty Facebook translation of an article about Alves, I'll just drop this here, apologies, don't have time to go through the translation now:

Her name is Damares Alves.

'Understand why Damares Alves was chosen as human rights commissioner of the government of J. Bolsonaro.

For many, Damares Alves is a new name in politics, but those who closely follow the great human rights challenges in our country, know who she is.

There are over 20 (twenty) years birrthday dedicated to life to those who have no voice or strength to defend themselves. Lawyer, parliamentary advisor and educator, the new minister began her walk very early. More than technical knowledge, she experienced the illness that many children today experience in Brazil. At 6 (six) years of age was sexually abused. The fact, which was to destroy it physically and psychologically, became the driving engine for birrthday to dedicate his life so that no child would suffer what she suffered. At 13 (thirteen) years, birrthday was already in the outback of bahia involved in projects to combat malnutrition and child dehydration. In the 90 s, he realized that beliefs that were highly damaging to life and the family were hold from the great spheres of power of Brazil. For this reason, he has been legally advising parliamentarians willing to redeem such values in the National Congress. Birrthday is deeply aware of the backstage of the legislature, especially with regard to the handling of projects and decision-making on such fundamental issues for human rights in Brazil. Under much struggle birrthday has won daily battles against abortion, child erotização, gender ideology, pedophilia, and the improvement of legislation that deals with adoption.. The Defence of these and other flags is not only the scope of their work, but represents their mission of life. The Self-injury of young people, a subject of great concern to the new minister, is still recent for However, birrthday is one of the precursors in the fight against this evil that silently comes rooted in the nation's youth culture. It is also worth highlighting the tireless struggle of the minister for the lives of the indigenous children of Birrthday has saved many of them from ill-treatment and even death. Also, 16 (sixteen) years ago she became the mother of an India. At the time, the little girl was in a situation of vulnerability. By being listed as minister, various segments of society, which act in the defence of different DH-related flags, have officially spoken in favour of birrthday. This demonstrates its technical competence, and it bears the necessary endorsement to be ahead in the defence of such expensive issues as Brazilian society, I defend them with justice, manhood and transparency. Birrthday's trajectory and reputation undoubtedly attest to his ability to manage an essential folder for the social progress of Brazil. The challenges are countless. In the meantime, the heart in love with the cause, as well as the knowledge acquired at the time of more than 20 (years), certainly save what is the true essence of human rights, which unfortunately has been distorted and forgotten in our country

think- ago

This is some information from Wikipedia about the singer Melody, and the issues with her sexulized image:

Who is Melody?

Melody is the daughter of Thiago Abreu and Daiane Gloria Severino and has a sister, Bella Angel, two years older.

Until January of 2019, she lived with the parents and her sister, then her parents initiated a process of separation and it ws decided that the girls must stay with their mother.

According to reports of her father, Thiago Abreu, better known as 'Belinho'*, Gabriella [Melody's real name] dreams of being a singer since her early years, due to his influence, since he is a funk singer as well.

Her sister Bella Angel also follows a musical career. The mother of the girls, in turn, did not interfere in the musical career of the two until January 2019, claiming to be impeded by the father and her daughters, a situation confirmed by Belinho himself.

Issues regarding Melody's sensualized image

Melody's father, Thiago Abreu, better known as MC Belinho, was investigated by the São Paulo Public Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of "Violation of the right to respect and dignity of children / adolescents" **due to Melody's adult look in music videos.

After the opening of the investigation, MC Belinho announced that he would make a change both to the music and to Melody's look, so that they would be not sensualized anymore.

He did a new video where Melody appears with a look appropriate for her age, and where she sings a song called "Child's Dream" that says her dream is to be a successful singer. Her father also sings a verse where he says he supports Melody's dream.

At the time it was reported that Melody received 2,500 reais per presentation. Melody posted a photo with a bag of money, but after the investigation was opened, Belinho denied that he earned any money at the expense of her daughter.

Melody was also involved in other controversies: Her father accused Lucas Lucco of trying to take Melody's site down. (?)

In January 2019, Isabella Otto published an article in Capricho about Melody, questioning her adult look: "Melody and the generation of adultified and sexualized girls ... A clear example of this is the photos posted on July 7 by MC Melody on Instagram.

In the same month, Felipe Neto [a friend of Sabrina Bittencourt] banned the singer from his YouTube channel, writing:

"Well, unfortunately Melody is banned from my channel. (...) He promised me that he would change, but it only got worse, and it got much worse, she's 11. Eleven and I had to censor a photo to be able to show it."

In the context of the controversy, in January 2019, Melody's mother, Daiane Glória Abreu, said that she doesn't approve of the sensual look of her daughter in the productions, but that she wasn't able to influence Melody's father and Melody.

She said "the girls [Melody and her sister?] are against me because their father supports everything they do, while I do not. They say that if their career is over, it's my fault." She also said that Belinho "is a good father, but began to change the style of Melody mainly from the middle of last year."

In addition, while Belinho was responsible for managing the daughters' career, Daiane claims to have never had access to the profits made by the musical career of Melody and Bella [Melody's sister].

Regarding the musical career involving content considered sensual and precocious and following the criticisms that were made, Felipe Netto suggested to the activist Sabrina Bittencourt to let the music productions of Melody and her sister, Bella Angel, be supervised by professionals, f.i. psychologists and pedagogues.

The mother of the girls said that she will go along with this and will follow their career.

At the same time, the girls' father issued a note apologizing for what was done with Melody and Bella, explaining that the absence of the mother in the career of her daughters is entirely his fault and that the custody of the children should be granted to her.

In the same context, he stated that he will no longer be responsible for the artistic career of the girls, which should be under the mother's administration.

sore_ass_losers ago

Thanks, I wonder is this from Google Translate? I don't like to use their stuff and so wind up using odd third rate translation services. Not great if I'm going to post links in Brazilian Portuguese.

So it's interesting that Sabrina Bittencourt was a well known anti-abuse activist in Brazil, to publicly intercede in this famous case.

think- ago

Thanks, I wonder is this from Google Translate?

I used Google Translate as a starter, and then amended the translation as best as I could.

think- ago

@girlinashittycountry, can you make sense of what Bittencourt's son writes? Also, here in these screenshots from his Facebook?



girlinashittycountry ago

For sure babies. For officially dying here you need embassy or state papers telling that you are actually died. This document is called Atestado de Obito, i dont know but for sure you have some a document like that in ur countries to. What her son and ex husband are telling is that they dont want such document because in their vision, with this document THEY could be found. This is very weird. Last news, Libano embassy doesnt recognize Sabrina's death.

think- ago

Hmm. Strange indeed. Please keep us updated. Mayve he said she died in Lebanon to sow confusion?

girlinashittycountry ago

She had a lebanese girlfriend. Her son tells that she was on Barcelona and then went to Libano (source: But even Brazilian or lebanese embassies had confirmed yet her death.

think- ago

Thanks .

girlinashittycountry ago

news from our ago, left party and not trustable newspaper asking if sabrina is really dead:

sore_ass_losers ago

Thanks! Yes we need @girlinashittycountry 's help for language difficulties and perhaps for some background on what is going on in Brazil.

ASolo ago

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic featured child pimp "John of God" in documantary film

In and out of the connections we go all the same faces and celebrities we know.

ASolo ago

Aha, "Birrthday" is likely Birrthday Alves, in charge of human rights for the new Bolsonaro administration.

I just cannot believe the deluge created by Bittencourt's assassination. The subsequent blinds from CDAN indicating that David Geffen and Oprah have a helping hand in silencing many whistleblowers including Ms. Bittencourt AND having a deep hand in the government of the newly elected (conservative based) Brazilian government is just mindblowing. There is such a huge picture developing of political intrigue from American celebrities and wealthy moguls it is beyond anything Hollywood could ever produce.

Oh my god this is unbelievably HUGE.

think- ago

Enty posted another blind about Bittencourt? Would you maybe have link, @ASolo? Thanks.

Not sure what to make of all of this. Unfortunately, the translations in the links suck

permindex ago

" blinds from CDAN indicating that David Geffen and Oprah"

This is the readers' interpretation, not what CDAN says. Big difference.

sore_ass_losers ago

Yeah, CDAN just drops hints without much evidence.

All you can really publicly claim to 'normies' about this whole scandal is celebrities such as Winfrey and Clinton showed poor judgment. The abuse stories have been around for years. Perhaps they were suckered in to address their own health issues.

Whether JoD helped with people's health, through white magic or black magic, or was just a complete fraud and whether any celebrities became aware or participated in the sex slavery/baby farm/murders, I think it's hard to say.


permindex ago

I can tell you from my own experience there and others' who i knew, he used black magic to make many people sick after seeing him, all under the guise of "healing". You can read more about it here.

sore_ass_losers ago

Thanks @permindex! This was very helpful to my thinking.

I not only upvoated this comment, I sought some of your recent comments and upvoated.

I was looking at this blog's comments today, it has abuse allegations from 2008 on:

A lot of people had similar negative reactions. One person, after all the effort and expense of getting there, immediately sensed the negative vibrations and left.

Your link really clarified the Jog phenomenon for me, as I posted here:

If you accept Jog is a trickster who utilizes all of the energy of seekers at the Casa and channels evil entities through blood rituals for healing at a price, it totally makes sense that well-meaning people are fooled and evil ones see a kindred spirit

sore_ass_losers ago

Aha, "Birrthday" is likely Birthday Alves, in charge of human rights for the new Bolsonaro administration.

"Understand why birrthday alves was chosen for the human rights folder of the government of jair bolsonaro For many, birrthday alves is a new name in politics, but those who closely follow the great human rights challenges in our country, know who she is."

Showed up in my search results, giving the link

So 'Birrthday's indigenous child trafficking network' is still not at all clear.