knockoutcheesepizza ago

Jeez let’s see some justice for the children!

Kekalicious ago

Damn it. If your gonna stalk out people on a list learn to ninja. I remember the chan dox on the named people, addresses, locations, and whether or not the kids were compliant. The amount of intel was staggering. If you know the government is compliant then you play by different rules. Would have been easier to jack one of the teachers or the nurse and look for the tattoos. Just be careful where you point your spoon.

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allonthesameteam ago

A suggestion for this sub: Having a link to all the advocates and heroes and what they have been through to raise awareness, while being met with resistance and treachery. This one example is heartbreaking.

letsdothis3 ago


@ASolo Karen Irvine you say? Don'y you mean Karen Irving? I know that she was NOT working alone. I KNOW that Ricky Dearman was one of the trolling accounts...

I wrote about her blog here in this post. The blog that she shared with her sister Wendy: Hampstead investigators: anyone checked out Santa Fe Relocations Services, London? They work with Homeland Security, witness protection, visas. relevance in the description

Karen lived in Hampstead. As did her friend, the 'artist' Roz. Roz is married to a trustee at the Christ Church School. He runs a moving company for fine art and works with the ROYAL FAMILY !!!!



See that logo on the right?

We're Proud to be Members of Midlife Boulevard

Founder - Sharon Greenthal

Sharon Greenthal is a founder of Midlife Boulevard. Sharon is a Huffington Post blogger, the expert on adult children on, and writes on her own popular website, Empty House Full Mind.

Sharon has been a guest on The Katie Couric Show, was named one of 20 inspirational women every woman over 60 should know about, and has been quoted in The New York Times and, among other places.


I have some digging to do...

@think- @Piscina @YogSoggoth @dundundunnnnn

YogSoggoth ago

Don't have much to add, except that Greenburg's common alter is Green thal. Rosen burg, Rosenstien, Rothstien Roth burg and many more are all related to the Roth childs. This should be common knowledge by now. Do not eat at Bob Evans.

ASolo ago

I'm not quite sure it was the same woman involved in the Hampstead saga I do happen to remember a Karen Irving as well too but I'm sure Holliecriegjustice would have ferreted out that detail I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure that it was an adjunct (someone that injected themselves into the Hampstead case on the side of Dicky Rearman) satanist working on the harassment. You might however be on to something.

I do remember seeing people saying that they thought Dearrman was part of the Hoaxtead crew and I might have seen something to support that but it's been such a while I can't quite remember.

think- ago

Roz is married to a trustee (Paul Evans) at the Christ Church School.

@rooting4redpillers, would you maybe consider doing a post about her on v/pizzagateart? She does creepy stuff featuring dead babies etc.

Thanks! :-)

rooting4redpillers ago

@think-, I can only say I’ll try. The art related crime is my interest, so I’m glad you asked. Things have changed, and I’m lucky to get an hour per week here now, but I’ll do my best.

think- ago

That's great, thank you! :-)

There's no rush, please take your time. :-)

Piscina ago

Karen Irving aka El Coyote is a real piece of work:

This article implies she's a social worker, although here it states she's a self-employed writer based in Reading.

This video gives details of Hoaxstead website supporters and the messages and intimidation they've been engaged in. The video has some gruesome images, so please beware.

letsdothis3 ago

Look up Susan Banga as well.


"I have some digging to do..."

Lots of deleting to too, Paul Evans, unless you want to be arrested for contempt of court for naming a protected witness, just as your mates Belinda McKenzie and Paul 'Eddieisok' Rogers were.

letsdothis3 ago

naming a protected witness

I don't follow you.

think- ago

As did her friend, the 'artist' Roz. Roz is married to a trustee (Paul Evans) at the Christ Church School. He runs a moving company for fine art and works with the ROYAL FAMILY !!!!

Paul Evans...

Yes. Didn't we have a post about him? If not, please feel free to do one anytime for v/pizzagateart, please.

letsdothis3 ago

I've referred to that post in my new post.

Happy to do another one for the 'art' subverse :-)

think- ago

I've referred to that post in my new post.

Great, thank you. Going to read the new post now... :-)

Happy to do another one for the 'art' subverse :-)

That would be terrific! Thank you! :-)

think- ago

See that logo on the right?

What exactly do you mean?

letsdothis3 ago

Look into the individuals that run that...

MolochHunter ago

hey, yknow something else

you seem to have a pretty good grasp on this shit. see my stickied post 'Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence specific to Hillary Clinton' ? Do you think you have the knowledge to do an Exec summary specific to the British Royal family? I'm happy to help but its not my intra-Pizzagate niche , if you reckon youve got a more encyclopedic grasp that wold be awesome

MolochHunter ago

Make this a new post dude

Astrotheologist ago

always with the fine art and the rothschilds. Nice work. So many connections it's unbelievable people ignore this shit.

think- ago

You might want to take a look at v/pizzagateart. A fledgling sister sub.

letsdothis3 ago

This is going to need it'sown post but for now, a data dump...

A list of companies for Paul John Evans at Heath Lodge Hampstead

Starting with Drill Hall Portsmouth Ltd

Officer: Alan James Fall



Kirkilington address: 100 Archel Road London, W14 9QP

at that address

Asset Value Investors Limited, Brainnovation Limited, Brain Friendly Giant Ltd, and 3 more are mutual companies.

Architecture for Humanity and Virgin

article on them:

News: non-profit organisation Architecture for Humanity has closed its San Francisco headquarters and laid off its staff after apparently being unable to continue funding humanitarian projects.

"However, AFH London is still open for business as a registered UK charity and limited company."

Recent projects that feature on AFH's Facebook page, which has not been updated since 11 December, include a school in Peru and a community centre in Slovakia.

Other headline projects included fundraising for long-term reconstruction in Haiti, after a devastating earthquake in 2010; and Japan, which suffered a similar disaster just over a year later.

In comments:

It was a sham from the get go. Asking architects (most of which are exploited themselves) to provide pro bono work for poor regions in the world instead of paying local people to do the actual planning work. Another charity that was simply there to make a name for the founder.

@think- this is just one example... there are many companies to look into..

think- ago

Other headline projects included fundraising for long-term reconstruction in Haiti

Haiti. Hmm...

YogSoggoth ago

8 years for stalking? Britain is a banana republic vassal of the satanic EU..

Google_Hoaxtead ago

8 years? You mean 9 years? Great fact-checking.

And it wasn't for stalking. There were 21 charges against the mad old bat and she'd been arrested 8 times, warned more times that you could count and breached her restraining order bail conditions multiple times. And if you could be arsed to read the victim impact statements, she caused serious damage to the children of the people she accused. So forgive me if I don't join you in feeling sympathetic for this child-abusing bitch.

Shizy ago

8 years for stalking. 1 year for violating the restraining order. Maybe try reading the post first.

letsdothis3 ago

You mean these children ??

MolochHunter ago

youd get less for actual pedophilia

YogSoggoth ago

Get less for stealing millions from investors through some kind of algorithm scam, or other. I really hope that everyone doing this has plans to split. Leaving is easy for me, because I am a cultural personality.

MolochHunter ago

smart lady

3141592653 ago

Theyre giving her the Alisha Owens treatment

think- ago

@3141592653, would you maybe consider doing a post about Alisha Owens?

These old posts / thread discussions mention her case, but I feel she deserves a post of her own. Many people don't know about her.

Thanks for considering! :-)

@TrendyCantina @Shizy

3141592653 ago

Thanks for asking, think-. Tell you what, im in the middle of reading Nick Bryant's book The Franklin Scandal, and i will do a post about her when I finish the book. Thanks for the idea.

think- ago

Oh, that's wonderful! What a coincidence, lol. Thanks.

3141592653 ago


Shizy ago

Great idea. I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread about Alisha Owens. She was wronged in so many ways.

think- ago

Yes, poor child / woman. :-(

ProudTruther ago

Damn I feel bad for her. After that case,went south on her she should have gtfo the UK.

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

More about Hoaxtead Research on this David Icke Forum... it was the main go-to forum for the Hampstead case when it broke in the UK

It has over 1000 pages... but most people who were very concerned about the children and were looking into it were eventually run off my the Hoaxtead crew as described in the post #20737 by the poster 'illuminumnuts' : All of the above forumites have made at least 100 posts on this thread. The ones whose names are in boldened text have all been vehemently pushing the 'Total Hoax' angle, while usually attacking anyone who disagrees with them. There have been 20,736 posts made on this thread in total thus far. What is striking is that 6 out of the top 7 posters, who are all deniers, account for 8491 posts alone. This translates to about 40% of the total number of posts made on this thread, which were all made over a period of only 5 months. What is even more striking is that they virtually all left the thread at roughly the same time, which happened to be not long after a 'certain blog' had become well established.

YogSoggoth ago

Still sticking to David Icke is Branstead, unless he is his brother. Either way it is M16 BS.

YogSoggoth ago


Astrotheologist ago

wow. why would anyone go through that much trouble to defend these people if they are not part of the satanists as well?

I wonder what this Sabine girl found out?


Answer: fuck-all. Thanks for asking

ASolo ago

Yeah and it was all the work of ONE crazy bitch Karen Irvine, holy shit! She was vitrolic and scary too I dealt with her many times. Pure satanist, used every trick in the book to silence and shame.


I'm starting to understand why Arkhaldan is solo.


"Pure satanist"

Er... nope.

And that wouldn't be illegal if she were anyway. Religious freedom - look it up. Look up where Cockneys come from while you're at it. The screenshots of you claiming they come from Liverpool are a hoot.


"Yeah and it was all the work of ONE crazy bitch Karen Irvine"

No it isn't. I'm proud to be part of the HR team myself. Great fact-checking as always, Arkhaldan 🙄

carmencita ago

Thank You. We are so fortunate to have you here ❤️

ASolo ago

Carmencita thank you and this forum is lucky to have you. You have been the most supportive voice here. Quite the darling and always a voice of comfort here. Thank YOU Carm.

carmencita ago

Thank You. You are the voice of comfort right now with those beautiful words. I lost the love 💕 of my life two weeks ago. A complete unexpected mortal shock. To any one that reads this, say those loving words that many times you have held back. Moments later it may be too late. God Bless You +

ASolo ago

I'd like to thank everyone else for supporting me and downvoating that piece of shit. That crew is def a nemesis and they are vitriolic, spiteful, and annoyingly persistent.

Like I said Hoaxtead claims that it is this Karen Ivine. At some point I believe their proof was adequate enough for me to believe that it could have been her alone but obviously there are clowns who like to claim that this is untrue. It very well could be I never could nail down what was actually going on except for the fact that whoever it is had tons and tons of time and energy to counteract any claims and put a ton of resources into debunking the Hampstead Children abuse case. At one time those links did prove some very solid connections to satanism, this dudes comments on freedom of religion prove he's one of them.

I have a hard time believing it is Dearman himself because I dont think he would leave any kind of electronic trail admitting that he was a satanist if that digital footprint could ever be traced back to him because if there is any operation going on at Christchurch and Dearman was involved and those children were right about any of it that is one hell of a big operation and has been for decades. this kind of gang stalking shows met hat geez, FOUR years later this dude or bitch or whatever it is can still find and follow me here.

This dude/chik might be gone for doxxing but there will be more alts this person is PSYCHO

SterlingJB ago

That theyve come here because of the llinking to this headline says a lot.

letsdothis3 ago

Brian Gerrish of the UK Column tweeted :

Many people were shocked & saddened yesterday to hear that Sabine McNeill was given a 9 year sentence for stalking and breach of a restraining order. Two children recount events which no child of that age could possibly know without experiencing it. They are silenced as is Sabine..

Child abuse & trafficking is the hidden engine of British politics and we forget this at our peril. Understand MPs need to meet in secret safe locations in Westminster to even mention the subjection and the cover-up and intimidation for anyone who dares speak out. The Whips knew

letsdothis3 ago

Hoaxstead Research is run by a bunch of Tavistock weirdos and/or intelligence agents. They gangstalk and harass anyone in the UK who looked into the Hampstead case.

Sabine McNeill was a systems analyst who worked at CERN. Here she is in 2014 BEGGING the European Union to look into the problem of paedophilia in the UK... see their stony faces.. a brave woman let down by society

Sabine K McNeill fighting UK child kidnap in EU Parliament (Stop 007)


"Hoaxtead Research is run by a bunch of Tavistock weirdos and/or intelligence agents." May I see your proof of that please, LDT3? If you're not too busy shopping for tinfoil hats, that is.

Piscina ago

This gives me goosebumps. She is an angel

ASolo ago

Karen Irvine is Hoaxtead Research, one satanic troll with many alters like el coyote and snake logan. I dealt with her 4 years ago and just this last year when I got her alters booted from Twitter.

But anywhichway, I communicated with Sabine quite a few times before she fled to Russia over this incident where she subsequently went back to Britain and turned herself in. It's really is a shame seeing Sabine treated this way considering her horrible health problems. I'm not quite sure she will make it out of there. Hopefully they will recognize her condition and recommend home or health care facility stay because she's just to old and frail for such trumped up charges. I know we don't know the full extent of it because some of those ladies in front of Christchurch went HARD like that spook bitch Christine Ann Sands but somehow the crown found a way to make some of the charges to look legit. It's just unbelievable.

Praying for her.

Here is Sabine's address if anyone wants to write her

YogSoggoth ago

Snake logan. Possibly from Logan's run? Not that it matters, just saying this is the type of people we are dealing with.


"trumped up charges"

The charges she admitted to, you mean? 🤔


"I communicated with Sabine quite a few times before she fled to Russia over this incident where she subsequently went back to Britain and turned herself in"

She didn't flee to Russia, lol. She fled to Germany. Your geography hasn't improved since the days when you were claiming that Cockneys came from Liverpool, has it, ArkhandanSolo?


ArkhaldanSolo for the uninitiated: htt ps:// com/open?id=1ZaUKnUBDVrILokbPYjRczttH3_VoEkF9

ASolo ago

@Vindicator please remove link.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping. :-)


@ArkhaldanSolo 4 questions: 1. What makes you think Karen is a Satanist? She isn't? 2. Why would that matter unless you were opposed to religious freedom? 3. Why are you still sticking up for the known child abuser Sabine McNeill and the child-torturer Abe Christie? 4. Do you still think that Cockneys come from Liverpool? K go...

Piscina ago

oh fuck off you dipshit. this is a place where people try to protect children, not the perpetrators.

ASolo ago

I'll try to write her myself but if anyone does from here please tell her AkhaldanSolo is thinking about her and praying for her safe release.

letsdothis3 ago

Your link doesn't work I'm afraid.

ASolo ago

Sabine McNeill A8115EC HMP Bronzrfield Woodthorpe Road Ashford Surrey TW15 3JZ