Nana66 ago

What happens to victims......SFW)...

ChimiChanga ago

Didn't we confirm Alwfantis has a pig farm? I'd do some DNA Testing around the hog troughs...

Yuke ago

Pedophilia involving high profile figures and politicians on this scale? I don't think they would leave anyone that can talk alive.

Cuboctahedron ago

The child abduction rate for Virginia is seven times the National Average. We have crimes, but we haven't specifically connected them to our main suspects yet. We also tend to assume here that the children are killed and the bodies disposed after they have been used, so that would lead to a paucity of direct testimony. The very organizations that are supposed to protect children from abduction are compromised from at the top by people deeply connected to these child trafficking rings, so some testimonial evidence probably has been deliberately destroyed or discarded. Suffice to say, we are working upstream here. However, we greatly outnumber them; do not underestimate the power and wisdom of crowds.

UglyTruth ago

Madeleine McCann is a victim who is specifically connected to the Podesta brothers.


Perhaps the Comet gang focus on babies partly because you don't remember anything until after you're about three years old.

8toborrm ago

I'd imagine a 4-6 year old wouldn't remember much if there really is use of this "caris" muscle relaxer as well

Z11Mama ago

There are multiple explanations as to where the victims are. Mind control is a major part of this. Many have no clue what has happened. Victims have been imprisoned in lives where no one will listen even if they do try to speak out. The foster care system is another place. Countless kids are completely missing from there and no one will listen. Many are adopted out through Hillary Clinton's cash for kids program and birth parents have no clue where they went. In multiple survivor stories we hear about such things as bodies being reduced to a layer of sludge at the bottom of a tub. Very easy to dispose of the sludge. You've got to remember, satanisn is HUGE nowadays. And it always has been. Many of the victims are bred for sacrifice. Also, victims who are generations old in the occult and disappear in ways that no one says a thing. Not to mention the number of people on the missing and endangered lists that are simply never found.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Ground penetrating radar and sewer exploration: the key to "grave digging."

Wolftrail7272 ago

Ground penetrating radar and sewer inspections WILL play a large role in evidence gathering. Local urban exploration groups may be helpful contacts in this context for all cities.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seriously, how do they move all these missing kids all over the place? Planes, box cars, military? Remember the rumors of the FEMA camps and those coffins?

Fateswebb ago

Those weren't rumors there are pictures and video to back them up.


it is my belief that once they had a few close calls with franklin etc...they did what the mafia would do ...leave no witnesses

same reason why they use a pizza shop as a front

another theory is that they have perfected Monarch programming, MKUltra to the point where victims dont even know they are victims

Alpo ago

This is what I have thought as well.

The Greenbaum speech describes very deep, complex programming that almost guarantees that a Monarch victim will go crazy before they tell what happened to them, or that they will later retract their statements if they do.

The Bonacci deposition video describes programming which makes victims believe they have been on spacecraft, so they would seem crazy and discredit themselves if they ever talked to authorities. The "shapeshifting reptilian" idea may have been something planted in the minds of Monarch victims to discredit them. If pizzagate is a manifestation of a continuation of Monarch, then they have probably developed their techniques even further.


exactly - they are programed with flase memories that make them sound "crazy"

this works as well with the Occult aspect, most people will just dismiss them as crazy to say that - even though I do believe they are practicing rituals for real

Alpo ago

This is a very important question, and one which is a major obstacle to the credibility of pizzagate in the mainstream. Many rational and open minded people simply will not be convinced without victim testimony. At the moment we can only speculate as to what has become of the victims.

One difference between pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal is that, at least from what we can tell, the children involved in pizzagate seem to be very young, sometimes even babies. This has been in part confirmed by the revelations from operation Dark Room in Norway. Children abused at a younger age are more likely to experience amnesia related to the abuse. A baby who is abused might be far less likely to speak in a credible way about their abuse later on, if they do remember it.

Another idea is that the pedophiles have learnt from their mistakes in previous scandals and have decided to make sure all the victims are eventually killed. The Caradori lead list linked to above mentions numerous possible victums of "Satanic Cult Abuse". It is not impossible that many victims are sacrificed in rituals. We have seen numerous potential references to murder and human sacrifice in the pizzagate evidence.

MattHelm ago

No kids survive unless they are family members then they are treated like royal offspring and they grow up to be the next generation. All other kids are eventually killed and their organs are sold to hospitals that do organ transplants. Their blood is saved for transfusions and we know the wealthy old super-elite believe young blood can be their fountain of youth.

Fateswebb ago

I see Cathy Obrien and others that a lot of people on this board try to discredit as victim testimony. There is victim testimony we have access too and it isn't pretty so many reject it.

UglyTruth ago

The "no victims" line is a Mockingbird talking point for the brain-dead.

AreWeSure ago

At the moment we can only speculate as to what has become of the victims.

Actually the speculation begins with the speculation that there are victims. Contrast pizzagate with the Madeline McCann case. A missing child generates an enormous amount of attention and scrutiny. Pizzagate has alleged, what dozens of victims or more? Centered in a fairly small Washington, DC neighborhood? Alleging not only abuse, but claims that they have been killed, hell the other day people were speculating the bodies were used to make soap.

Dozens of kids missing, but no one is complaining about missing children? Think of how many people would know about the existence of children: Family, friends, neighbors, nurses and doctors, schoolteachers, etc. If those kids suddenly disappeared, nobody asks questions?

Yes, this is a very major obstacle.

kekistocrat ago

I'm sure lots of people around the world would complain of missing children if they weren't told their entire family would die. This is a popular tactic out there. How do you think suicide bombers (the real ones and not the hoaxes) go through with it? Simple. Children. Like this: let's say CIA front ISIS wants to bomb place X. A child is kidnapped around place X. The parents are found and a ransom is issued. In order to save their child, someone has to go and blow themselves up. Simple. I agree this is a huge hurdle, but there are some simple explanations for some of your argument.

AreWeSure ago

It's a very large hurdle and you just made up an example to clear it. We know a lot about ISIS and that is not how the operate. Kudos for the CIA front, though.

ProudTruther ago

They steal a lot of these babies from poor countries, but as we've seen lots of children go missing in virginia, in florida and california. see the finders cult, ted gunderson and others.

Orange_Circle ago

Search for "boy prostitutes" and other variances of the words and a man named Norman and you'll find a ton of other names and a series of reports from 1977-1984 on what law enforcement from all over the US was dealing with, especially with the nation wide ring based in Chicago.

Scroll up to the top of this one.

California LE were saying at that time, that children were being brought in from Mexico, prostituted and murdered. They were finding their remains all over the place.

carmencita ago

That article scared the hell out of me. Parents need to scream at Congress until they toughen the laws. Parents are out of the loop about how lax punishment is for these sick and utterly depraved pieces of crap

Orange_Circle ago

Me too. Bit all my nails to the quick then went and cleaned ny guns to relax and remind myself that it was 30 years ago so that particular set of demons isn't coming after me.

That series of articles in the Trib should be required pizzagate reading.

UglyTruth ago