ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This contains an in depth dig on Feinstein, her and Pelosi's connections to Jim Jones and all that is wrong with what they do and who they support. Very obvious they are plants for the machinations that come out of San Francisco and orchestrating the Deep State Globalist agenda.

Would Love to pick @SocksOnCats brain about this area. When I did my report last night on YT, I went over to a map of that area and was trying to find more info on that original location for the People's Temple.

Google even said on the menu it was a post office, but then kept directing me over to some Zen temple.

Weird how that Bill Graham center is there and they host bands like the Grateful Dead, whom Coblentz, an attorney she appointed as commissioner also represented the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane.

Coblentz was tight with elitists, you likely already know this SocksOnCats, as he represented Patty Hearst in the Symbionese liberation Army deal because he knew her mother. Was in some liberal group with her and Patty Hearst's daddy was a media mogul. Which I find So interesting as Jim Jones, connected to Feinstein, Pelosi, Moscone, and Milk.

Then they make a Hero out of this pedo.

Tons of research and sources in here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Matt_Helm ago

I believe you we all know young kids are super sensitive they can sense pure evil and that is what you felt when you shaked Feinstein's hand you were young enough to pick up her aura of evil and death and your body reacted in the flight mechanism. Animals have the same super sensitivity to evil they react the same exact way as you did at age 9.

Vindicator ago

@SocksOnCats, instead of removing this per Rule 2, I'm going to make an exception and flair it "Unconfirmed" and leave it on the board. There is a lot of interesting information in the Comments about Feinstein, who is definitely a target of our investigation, which might lead to useful stuff.

SocksOnCats ago

Thanks. Sorry for violating the rules. I really didn’t know how to give any proof. I appreciate you doing this.

Vindicator ago

Yes...we've always struggled with how to handle personal accounts without violating Voat's rule against doxing or the sub rule requiring evidence.

SocksOnCats ago

If I were ballsy enough to give my personal details, people would damned well believe me.

Vindicator ago

Nah. It's against the Voat User Agreement to do it. :-) I'd have to delete it anyway.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

One of the Naysayers of this story went through some of Feinstein's ascension to the mayor position in SF and one of her aides named, Peter Nardoza who had a hand in key player in turning San Francisco International Airport into a world-class facility. Now he had passed away as the poster pointed out, or the article link did anyhow, in 2011.

Why is he significant? SocksOnCats is very courageous to share his story and part of the problem with others not coming forward is the push back they get from people discounting it or mocking the person.

After all the corruption Feinstein has been involved in, I find it impossible not to give this story consideration. One of her husbands Was accused of pedophilia and a great deal of crimes and circumstances revolve (still revolve) around Feinstein.

It is important to remember there are No Coincidences. Everything has rhyme and reason to it. In their seedy world everything connects.

Number one, does anyone else find it rather interesting that two people who were essentially in her way, yet ended up Launching her career. . .Moscone and Harvey Milk were taken out by the third man who might have been given the position of Mayor. . .Dan White.

Is it not interesting he had already resigned from the Board of Supervisors 2 weeks prior to the "assassination?"

If White was such great friends with Milk, why would he kill him? What in the world would have been the motivation especially when White was the one who convinced Feinstein to appoint Milk as the chairman of Streets and Transportation Committee. Milk and White were known to agree on many things, though not everything and Milk was one of three people from the city hall invited to the baptism of White's newborn child shortly after the election. Now think of that appointment White encouraged of Milk! Transportation! What do we Know about CA transportation system? Their more concealed methods of Transporting?

Also found of interest,

The Catholic Church in April 1978 proposed a facility for juvenile offenders who had committed murder, arson, rape, and other crimes, to be operated by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, in White's district. White was strongly opposed, while Milk supported the facility, and their difference of opinion led to a conflict between the two.

So we have the non desirables with a Catholic connection. Where did Feinstein attend school? Convent of the Sacred Heart High School. She also attended Stanford which has known CIA projects and programming. . .verified, not here say!

This research I did contains some of the programs Stanford has been involved in through it's research arm which they renamed Stanford Research Institute. Of course it's roots go back to the days of Hoover who was on that Creation board of Stanford Research Institute with a professor Robert Swain who worked at Palo Alto University, but was an alumnus of Stanford. See how they all work together? Hoover was not as "involved on the board," so they claim once he became president. I say, that was just a way to make it appear there wasn't a Direct Connection between the west coast "programming center" and the coopted seat of government.

As you know SRI was and likely still is connected to the Office of Naval Research (NASA closely involved with them and people at Stanford), Lockheed, technology and all sorts of people they contracted out with for various government and CIA programs.

See some of them here and Not just the ones under a rather current issue and person of interest, Christine Blasey Ford, but also many historical programs in here. Free to Read and No account needed.

Here's where I'm going with Just this part, stay with me, a great deal is involved here.

Dan White was considered an all around hero. He was a Dem elected to San Francisco Board of Supervisors from District 8. He resigned in '78 stating it was difficult to make a living without a firefighter's or police officer's salary, two positions he was not allowed to have as a Supervisor of this board. Then he "changed his Mind," just 4 days later and wanted it reversed? What's up with that? Does this make Any sense to you?

If you read from wikipedia or other sources you will see from this archive and others where they claim he was a very sick man. Was he programmed is my question. It doesn't add up that he would go in and seek to just Kill all the people who wouldn't reappoint him to a position that wasn't paying the bills anyhow.

Did he possibly know something about their Transportation system Feinstein and the others did Not want Exposed? After being indicted on these killings, he spent time in jail, then as any other used, controlled person, he committed suicide shortly after being released.

NYT stated,

'We've said all along there were three victims in this,'' Douglas R. Schmidt, Mr. White's lawyer, said. ''Today Dan White became the third victim.''

''His family life was less than satisfactory because he was so devastated by having created this situation,'' Mr. Schmidt said. ''This was a sick man,''

He said Mr. White's suicide vindicated his controversial plea of ''diminished capacity'' at the 1979 trial.

Really? Not diminished enough to be a Supervisor on a board with Feinstein. .. or was that an asset?

Even though much of the community tried to claim it had something to do with Milk's homosexuality as to why White killed him, this doesn't add up since they were friends and they were in a known homosexual community. If White had a problem with it, would he not have lived elsewhere?

Mr. White, who had been released from prison Jan. 6, 1984, after serving five years, one month and nine days in jail for the killings, had been troubled since his release, his lawyer said.

Interesting that Dianne Feinstein had run against Moscone and Lost! Then, due to an odd killing, he was out of the way!

On December 19, 1974, Moscone announced he would run for Mayor of San Francisco in the 1975 race.[4] In a close race in November of 1975, Moscone placed first with conservative city supervisor John Barbagelata second and supervisor Dianne Feinstein coming in third.

This is what her aide brought up by the naysayer was involved in,

Key player in turning San Francisco International Airport into a world-class facility.

One might say, "So What! What does that have to do with a political agent who rose through power as those around pretended she was Thrust into it? An agent who had a bevy of influencers always at her whim and will?

Do you find it interesting her aide from San Francisco. . .a hotbed of seediness and a blatant Agenda (I say this because I've been to SF and have seen it all first hand), was also involved in turning a Major Airport into a world class facility?

Here is why I find it rather telling. The San Francisco International Airport is 13 miles south of downtown San Francisco, California, United States, near Millbrae and San Bruno in unincorporated San Mateo County. It has flights to points throughout North America and is a major gateway to Europe and Asia.

FO is the largest airport in Northern California and the second-busiest in California and on the Western Coast of North America, after Los Angeles International Airport. In 2017, it was the seventh-busiest airport in the United States and the 24th-busiest in the world by passenger count. It is the fifth-largest hub for United Airlines and functions as United's primary transpacific gateway. It also serves as a secondary hub for Alaska Airlines.

Officially named the Mills Field Municipal Airport of San Francisco, on May 7, 1927, on the 150-acre cow pasture. The land was leased from the Mills Estate in an agreement made with Ogden L. Mills who oversaw the large tracts of property originally acquired by his grandfather, the banker Darius O. Mills.

Now Ogden was Hoover's Secretary of Treasury. On a side not Ogden and his sister owned the stable from which Seabiscuit came out of along with the lineage of Secretariat.

A new passenger terminal opened in 1937 for SFA, constructed with Public Works Administration funding. They purchased the land in 1931 and international was added at the end of WW2. That worked out for them!

During World War II, the airport was used as a Coast Guard base and Army Air Corps training and staging base. Pan American World Airways (Pan Am), which previously operated international flying boat service from Treasure Island, was forced to relocate its Pacific and Alaska seaplane operations to SFO in 1944 after Treasure Island was expropriated for use as a military base

he PWA (the Public Works Admin) accomplished the electrification of rural America, the building of canals, tunnels, bridges, highways, streets, sewage systems, and housing areas, as well as hospitals, schools, and universities; every year it consumed roughly half of the concrete and a third of the steel of the entire nation.

This seems useful! The PWA also electrified the Pennsylvania Railroad between New York and Washington, DC.At the local level it built courthouses, schools, hospitals and other public facilities that remain in use in the 21st century.

So What! Why would you take the time to go through this (if a shill or compromised m under another name chimes in there will be name calling following)? You will see! All connects. Limited space in here, so I will show you the concealed transportation info in a response to this post.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

As pointed out by the naysayer to SocksOnCats story. . .I don't agree with Naysayer on discounting story, but he is on the right track in pointing towards this guy, Nardoza, her aide connected to that San Francisco International Airport. I say this because as I continue to dig on the truth of Feinstein's connections to the murder of Moscone and Milk, some rather interesting Finds come to Light!

He put one link from here it that stated this,

Peter Nardoza, a onetime aide to Dianne Feinstein and key player in turning San Francisco International Airport into a world-class facility, died of kidney cancer March 16 at his home in San Francisco. He was 62.

Mr. Nardoza locked arms and stood beside then-Supervisor Feinstein when she announced the assassinations of Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk, the city's first openly gay supervisor, on Nov. 27, 1978.

"It was very chaotic, scary, difficult, and he helped out by being calm and patient at that really dark time," said Marcia Smolens, 68, who hired him for Feinstein's Mayoral Campaign in 1975.

Well that's interesting, wasn't that the one where she Lost, but then Was launched into a place of power by 2, then 3 men being killed and removed?

Mr. Nardoza was Supervisor Feinstein's administrative assistant for nearly 2 1/2 years and continued to serve her as a program manager when she succeeded Moscone as mayor after the assassination.

Mr. Nardoza was Feinstein's first openly gay legislative aide, said Anne Kronenberg, who worked as Milk's aide in a cubicle next to Mr. Nardoza's.

"Peter set a standard and made it almost a nonissue, that you could be competent and productive and also be a gay man in that position," Kronenberg said.

He was "a public servant in the best sense of the word," and "knew exactly how to make things happen like magic from inside the government," she added.

Really? Interesting wording from an Area known to be Furthering an agenda!

I already addressed in the previous comment what SFO received for funding and building assistance from the PWA (Public Works Administration) funding. Quite the asset.

Dianne resided on the Airport Commission for SFO The Airport Commission consists of five members appointed by the Mayor to four-year terms. Originally part of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the Airport Commission was established by City Charter in 1970. In accordance with the Charter, the Airport Commission is primarily a policy-making body, establishing the policies by which the airport operates.

She appointed Coblentz became an assistant to Pat Brown when he was California Attorney General and moved up with him when Brown became Governor of California. After an initial offer to serve as a judge, Coblentz accepted an offer from Brown in 1964 for a 16-year term on the University of California Board of Regents as Coblentz had requested, during which he served as the board's chairman from 1978 to 1980. A member of San Francisco's Bohemian Club (known to be involved in rituals they pretend are mock, yet these rituals have been witnessed by others).

Chronology of Commissioners for SFO, Dianne appointed this one and was on the board, she really Does get around!

Coblentz was part of the group that supported Joseph Alioto in 1967 in his successful run for mayor of San Francisco. In his bid for Governor of California, Ronald Reagan used the University of California as a campaign issue, citing what he saw as a "spirit of permissiveness" that led to student disturbances. Coblentz defended the university's faculty, including such radicals as Eldridge Cleaver and Angela Davis, calling Reagan "a menopausal Cary Grant".

So clearly Coblentz, whom Dianne Feinstein appointed to Commissioner of SFO embraced and sided with radicals.

Clearly Cobletz was already connected to Feinstein as. . . Prior to elected service, Feinstein was appointed by then-California Governor Pat Brown to serve as a member of the California Women's Parole Board.

Once again. . .major players are connected and help advance each other's careers while protecting their power and seedy web of deceit! All while pocketing Heaps of cash. ..just as Cobletz supported Alioto he became a millionaire in his position of power.

Major crime became a problem with the Zodiac Killer, the Symbionese Liberation Army attacks and the Black Power Zebra Murders all occurring under Alioto’s watch.

Interesting connection to Dianne Feinstein, a former husband And the Zodiac Killer. Conspiracy theory you say? You be the judge through your own discernment.

See connection here in prior Voat post on PedogateFullExposure

Some interesting info is divulged in this archived article of the NYT from 1978,

Now remember, right after Mascone was found dead, Feinstein stepped immediately into the Mayor position.

Initial reports turned up no one who saw either shooting, but Mr. White, a 32year‐old former fireman, was seen at 10:15 A.M., in Room 200, the reception area of the Mayor's office.

So No One Saw the shooting take place, it was surmised as to who he was last seen with.

So here is what Moscone had scheduled,

Mr. Moscone had scheduled a news conference for 11:30 A.M., when he was to announce the selection of Don Horanzy, a real estate broker, bank analyst and former Federal employe, to replace Mr. White as Supervisor.

When Mr. White came into the reception room of the Mayor's suite this morning and asked to see Mr. Moscone, the Mayor came out personally to greet him and said that of course he would see him, witnesses recalled.

Change in Procedure

Mayor Moscone had made it a practice to have someone present during interviews, usually Mel Wax, his press secretary. But today, when Cyr Copertini, the Mayor's secretary, asked Mr. Moscone if someone should be in the meeting with Mr. White, the Mayor said no.

Now, why Was there a change in Procedure? No Coincidences!

Mr. Moscone escorted Mr. White down the long corridor past the offices of the staff and into the public office, a large room about 30 feet square where mayors usually met reporters and visitors. Then, witnesses said, the two men went into a smaller, private meeting room accessible only through the public office.

The secretary heard noises shortly afterward and nervously went to a window, she said, expecting to see a truck that had backfired. She and others in City Hall were nervous because of the possibility of assassination connected with the People's Temple, which had had a controversial history in this city. It was a possibility that the police discounted.

What in the World?

Let's back up, what's this People's Temple and what is all the hubbub the police "discounted," and Why?

If you read on, it's easy to see why, and Just WHO benefited from Jones orchestrating His evil!

According to

People's Temple at 1859 Geary in the early 1970s.

People's Temple Jim Jones

1859 Geary, between Fillmore and Steiner, is the former home of the San Francisco headquarters of the late Reverend Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple. Rev. Jones was the leader of a generally well-respected San Francisco cult who moved his congregation to the South American country of Guyana in 1977, on the eve of the publication of a revealing expose of his authoritarian, drug-addled, sexual abusive practices. A year later, on November 18th, 1978, he coerced 900 followers to commit mass suicide (including many infants and small children who were killed by their parents)—those who resisted were murdered by his security team.

Jones moved his cult from rural Northern California to San Francisco in the early '70s, where he gradually began to acquire political clout. His beliefs were not all that weird, at least by San Francisco standards; Jones espoused a share-and-share-alike brand of primitive communism based on the gospels, while decrying the greed and materialism of American culture and forging political alliances with leftists.

During his San Francisco period (the mid-'70s) Jones became a fixture on the local political scene. He sent his followers out as precinct workers for the Moscone for Mayor campaign, and when Moscone eked out a narrow victory, Jones collected his debt by getting himself named Commissioner of Housing. Then, during the 1976 presidential elections, Rosalyn Carter's advance team, hearing that Jones's grassroots organization had made the difference in Moscone's victory, scheduled a meeting between the cult leader and the future First Lady.

Okay, so now we have opened a literal can of worms. This is getting long and involved. This is what happens when you start poking around in their Seedy, Vile web of wickedness!

Notice how satan and his orchestrators always try to make it sound like it is Jesus followers doing these things, but I assure you, Jim Jones and Mascone were not doing the Will of Jesus by any means. Yet another False Front just as in the days of Alice Bailey running the Lucifer Trust as she sent out her followers into the churches to Infiltrate! Precisely Why it is imperative to have discernment! Satan and his kind will attempt to fool every time and Many, many fall for it. Just as in the case of Jim Jones. Continuing this in an article where it is easier to do an information dump.

septimasexta ago

Why did you come to VOAT? Trying to lure people away? Try giving links and documenting what you say HERE. Seasoned researchers will call out B.S. Your "creative writing", while containing some unlinked facts, is leading VOATERs away from the DOCUMENTED facts about Blum /Feinstein above. Especially the Blum /China / Nepal / Himalaya Foundation link and Feinstein's actual court testimony for Milk murder.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Don't Even Try it!

You are an agent of the system.

Your rhetoric and tactics have already been identified.

You haven't documented Anywhere any facts that this poster is Not a Victim.

Cabal tactics on your part.

Do NOT take it upon yourself to tell me what to do.

You are NOT in charge of anyone! People will tell their stories no matter how many names you call and how many of your shareblue scripts you follow.

septimasexta ago

HaHa! B.S.
So, you think Bertram Feinstein looks like the Zodiac killer (without glasses)? You lure readers to your post by claiming he was accused of pedo. but give no info. How did you find the link to the Peanuts sweatshirt duo? I'm curious.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I didn't say anyone looked like the Zodiac killer, this was from a source.

People Are allowed to make up their own minds. Plants and shareblue media pushers Cannot stop people from speculating and discussing articles no matter how hard they try.

Do your homework, then come back here with something Solid to refute the posters story and other's info.

Possibly if you would Seek with discernment, rather than a pre-programmed, fixed mindset, you would see these people are fronts for the DNC. . . .ultimately the Deep State and Globalists.

Many will choose Not to know as already pointed out by the White Hats.

If you want to continued to be played by these liars propaganda That is your choice!

septimasexta ago

"I didn't say anyone looked like the Zodiac killer, this was from a source." Who is your source? Where did the drawings come from? What about the alleged photo of the Feinsteins in Peanuts sweatshirts? The photo looks like it's from a personal collection. Pictures and info on Bertram are very hard to find. Internet wiped. I am very curious about his research and neurosurgery practice. He was doing "cutting edge" experimental brain surgery at the time (even had a malpractice lawsuit filed against him). I was looking into any connections with CIA LSD experiments going on at the time. New York City and San Francisco were main sites for experiments on unwitting public and military. Any leads?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Look, I don't trust you as you have already name called and attempted to use clear, identifiable tactics of someone trying to negate victim stories.

If this was the hollywood spin of Harvey, I could see it, but I don't take lightly when someone attempts to put another person down courageous enough to tell a story from their childhood.

That takes a lot of guts and does not deserve the kind of hate you are throwing. The people to be thoroughly looked at are the abusers. Feinstein and Pelosi are clearly pawns of the cabal and have helped orchestrated a great deal of evil. That should be the focus, not expending energy on a victim whether you believe them or not. The victim didn't cause and isn't out their Still causing this evil. What are you thinking? That is why I believe it is purposeful on your part.

San Francisco and parts of California are the literal seat where these pedophiles set up their operation.

If I trusted you, I would be willing to work with you, but you have shown and told us what you're Really about.

I think you want leads and other info to help get the sources scrubbed.

septimasexta ago

"Look, I don't trust you as you have already name called and attempted to use clear, identifiable tactics of someone trying to negate victim stories." PULL QUOTES? Please be specific.

"I think you want leads and other info to help get the sources scrubbed."

Important links here get archived. Is that why YOU are here?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

So let me get this straight, unlike you I Do write and don't Only copy links and info from other sources. I put a great deal of content out on various platforms, I don't sell merch, I don't have Any links whatsoever to donate to me as I make my income in a completely unrelated way, even when people have asked. I have steered in the past towards a known child predator hunters site. I encourage people to only read my article for free as I Don't do crypto and I let them know No account is needed. Basically I have thwarted what the trolls on here and the compromised mods tried to accuse me of and clearly some Don't like that their sick tactics to degrade a truth teller didn't work.

I do my own research and I Provide sources.

I'm not trying as You are to get upvoats. . .as you already told us you were doing.

You're the one on here belittling, name calling and being a naysayer of a victim giving his story. . .cabal tactics.

In the same manner msm, corrupt politicians and the Deep State attempt to distract and blame the other side. ..You are doing.

Very much a shill or plant tactic. . .Whatever you are doing Always blame the other side in order to attempt to take suspicion off of yourself And Distract, distract, distract to keep people away from the truth! Many of the politicians are pedophiles or at least are complicit and Make Money off of their Sick agenda.

You trying to cast doubt on someone who has information that backs up all the evidence is More than Questionable.

I believe all truth tellers and those on the side of Good can see first hand what you are doing or Not doing, while attacking those trying to get the truth out.

It's a free country, but your mo doesn't sway at least the true Good people here from the truth.

I also put a name to my work and don't hide behind numerous accounts to go out and troll truthers.

I haven't seen Anything to back up what you're saying nor your attempts to dispute this victim. Speaks Volumes!

I assure you, I'm not the only who is taking note. There is a reason you are targeting me.

septimasexta ago

So, you don't know how to do a pull quote? LET ME HELP YOU:

"I do my own research and I Provide sources." Prove it.

"I believe all truth tellers...." How do you verify that they are "truth tellers"?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

DisCernment! Not trusting man, Not listening to other people as to Who is valid.

It's whether their messaging is consistent with that of God and His remnant trying to fetter out and Expose the Evil.

Much that is around you is Fake. We live in a false reality and many don't realize it. Seeing through that to the truth takes reliance on God and the goals of Dark to Light.

Why would you be about degrading a victim, rather than putting energy into showing the Vast Corruption of Pelosi and Feinstein?

What is your angle in doing that? Doesn't add up!

septimasexta ago

"Why would you be about degrading a victim' Pull quotes please. Be specific. It's called constructive criticism.

So far you have answered ZERO of my requests. If you use other people's information it needs to be cited. Otherwise it's plagiarism. This is high school English 101. It will keep you out of trouble.....

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I don't need to pull quotes. Doesn't take a genius to see how you were trying to diminish the victim's story.

I have Zero respect for anything coming from a school. They twist the rules whenever it suits them.

Not to mention, I've seen plenty of corrupt teachers who Do What it takes to get their way. Some, not saying all are nothing but predators.

Most schools are constructs of the Beast system spouting their globalist nonsense.

I've worked both in high schools and for Universities. I see what's up.

If you have an issue with it, don't read it. Very simple. Picking at peripherals is a puppet ploy.

People who choose to engage on voat know what's what without hand holding.

You have answered Zero of my questions.

septimasexta ago

"I've worked both in high schools and for Universities." Doing what?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Working with students.

Teaching, program evaluation, curriculum development and implementation. . .not just supervisory, but working directly with the students.

Workshops for teachers and Individualized Education Programs.

Saw first hand the kids who were abused and had to go through mountains of red tape trying to help them. A lot of pushback from administration and corrupt police department. Not all compromised, but those who were. ..generally in a position of superiority so the lower levels trying to help. . .were constantly impeded. We live in satan's world.

Also did a stint in a gang run area. You can guess how well they liked me! My students were Amazing. ..their family, didn't aways like what I was doing in exposing the inner workings of corruption.

So I'm sure it's no surprise, I wasn't a charmer and not well accepted by all in the community.

What about you? Have you worked with students and those involved in education before?

Have you seen firsthand what they are all about and pushing?

septimasexta ago

Thank you for your answer. You have certainly changed your writing style!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

What do you mean?

septimasexta ago

"DisCernment! Not trusting man, Not listening to other people as to Who is valid.

It's whether their messaging is consistent with that of God and His remnant trying to fetter out and Expose the Evil.

Much that is around you is Fake. We live in a false reality and many don't realize it. Seeing through that to the truth takes reliance on God and the goals of Dark to Light.

Why would you be about degrading a victim, rather than putting energy into showing the Vast Corruption of Pelosi and Feinstein?

What is your angle in doing that? Doesn't add up!"

This copy is SLOPPY as hell and inaccurate. Thank GOD no one let you near my children! Compare with your last massively cleaned up post. BUSTED! LOL!

This is a RESEARCH SITE. It is like doing those hated research papers with FOOTNOTES. Get it? Most of the information is not one's original research and should be LINKED to the original source. English 101.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Just curious, who do you write for?

septimasexta ago

"Plants and shareblue media pushers" Potted orchid? Don't you mean "hairblue" LOL!

One day, David will look just like her.....

septimasexta ago

"Jewelry" LOL! That's a good one!

septimasexta ago

I don't write. I post relevant pull quotes with links and ask questions. I let the reader connect the dots and form their own opinion. If they find my info helpful, I get upVOATED. I've been at this a long time. I know all the tricks.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I believe all can see you do indeed know all the tricks and employ them!

As this is Not a Game, why would one care about getting up voted? . Rather telling!

People willing to take a risk and state truths realize they will get plenty of mockery and down votes.

People can see for themselves what your mo is. I see you belittled the poster here and I have seen those who know the "tricks as you do", getting a posse after people, all for you to vote each other up while attempting to do damage control and cast doubt on those who are the side of good.

You belittle, name call and attempt to degrade just to get a vote.


Yes, I believe it's evident you know all the tricks.

We are aware too that those like you generally have more than one account. Even the compromised mods do this.

They are providing info for certain players all while to distract and take people's time away in an effort to keep truth tellers from a story and impede their progress in exposing more truth.

Doesn't take a genius to see what is going on in San Francisco and what the Agenda is!


I find it interesting you questioned me about being on voat when I have been here just as long as you have, even a little longer, so not sure where you were going with that.

You trying to elevate yourself in order to knock others down is not as effective as you think. ..unless you are a plant. This is Not a Game. Literal lives are being threatened, abused and killed daily so trying to get up votes. . .won't help these kids.

Perhaps you should reconsider your approach if you really want to help them, or is this about something else? If that's the case, you have gotten enough responses from me to have money added to your pay check.

septimasexta ago

"We are aware too that those like you generally have more than one account." Who is "we?" How would you prove that? Wouldn't the MODS know?

"They are providing info for certain players all while to distract and take people's time away in an effort to keep truth tellers from a story and impede their progress in exposing more truth." Is this a pull quote from your Hairblue handbook? LOL!

In case you haven't noticed, those who post a discussion have the floor. Everything they want to say, points they want to make, links they want to give, REMAIN AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE. If enough VOATERS aren't interested in the post, for whatever reason, and it gets enough down votes and not many upvotes, it gradually slides down the page. Your voluminous undocumented information could be seen as an attempt to stop the current discussion by physically taking up vertical space on the page, and forcing other comments, or rebuttals to the way bottom, where you hope others won't try to read. This is a brigade type tactic. But I could be mistaken.

septimasexta ago

Thank you for amply illustrating my point. LOL! "If they find my info helpful, I get upVOATED." That is a statement of fact.

"I believe all can see you do indeed know all the tricks and employ them!" PLEASE BE SPECIFIC AND LIST THEM.

This is a research site. If you won't post links to your sources (alledged photo of Bertram and DiFi, Zodiac killer drawing), then go somewhere else. Your attempt to knock down my SOURCED posts about Feinstein/Blum has failed. David Brock needs to demote you to managing Jimmy Comet's Instagram. LOL!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

If that's what you're here for, Doesn't look like it is working.

Just because we live in a work/reward system, doesn't mean that carries over to the Fight between Good and literal evil.

It's Not a game, so Why would up votes be important or the goal?

Wouldn't it be better just to take that out of the equation and expend efforts on getting truth out as much as possible?

Why would you expend effort to attempt to get others to discount a victim account? It doesn't make sense if you are posing on the side of Good.

septimasexta ago

"Why would you expend effort to attempt to get others to discount a victim account?"

Please cite your evidence.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Please cite all the cases where children who are victims Have the evidence to show you they were abused.

How about you show us the evidence it Didn't happen! Show us the evidence Dianne's not the one who knew people on that police force and had Moscone killed.

Prove she Wasn't associated with pedophiles!

I can cite plenty of evidence that Milk was a pedophile and I don't care how many names and ways they try to categorize it, he Was a pedophile. Feinstein was Front and Center in trying to pander to that community in San Francisco that is predominately LGBTQ. So did/does Pelosi. Their sick agenda furthers the NWO goals. Gender fluidity, child sex abuse which delights satan and helps meet their required quota along with teen, even child pregnancies so the child may be sacrificed through abortions and ritual killings.

Do you negate all the stories from around the world if one of those girls who was being sexually abused as a child got pregnant numerous times and was forced to kill the child herself if she doesn't produce the bones? What if it coincides with other accounts from across the world.

There is case after case where children were not believed and it was found Far After the fact they had been molested numerous times by various people, that they Had indeed been telling the truth. But their case worker was a naysayer of the victim and just kept thrusting them back into the pedophile home. I'm Sick of people always taking up for these wicked people who are Clearly compromised and complicit in aiding, even admiring pedophiles.

She's Always helping the cabal out. Just as she was doing here,

< But it is a big deal. I asked several former senior intelligence and law enforcement officials how serious this breach might have been. "It's plenty serious," one former top Justice Department official told me. "Focusing on his driver function alone, in Mafia families, the boss's driver was among the most trusted men in the crew, because among other things he heard everything that was discussed in the car."

A former top CIA clandestine officer explained to me what the agency would do if they had recruited the driver of a senior official like Feinstein. "We would have the driver record on his phone all conversations that Feinstein would have with passengers and phone calls in her car. If she left her phone, iPad or laptop in the car while she went to meetings, social events, dinners, etc., we would have the driver download all her devices.

If the driver drove for her for 20 years he would probably would have had access to her office and homes. We would have had the source put down an audio device in her office or homes if the opportunity presented itself. Depending on the take from all of what the source reported, we would use the info to target others that were close to her and exhibited some type of vulnerability."

As you get around, you already know about that and various other schemes she's concocted while acting as if it's no big deal.

And That as you know is Just the tip of the iceberg!

Associated with a pedo ring also.

The evidence is you belittling the victim, who was courageous enough to post.

septimasexta ago

Socks is just an anonymous person telling an account that allegedly happened years ago. How do you know it is 100% true? If it is false, DiFi and Pelosi could legally challenge Sock's story. I can't. All I can do is test for plausibility and form an OPINION, but I won't for sure know if it is correct because I WASN'T THERE. While we can get some background info on Pelosi and DiFi, we don't have much at all on Socks. That's it. Quit blustering and filling vertical space. Your tactics have failed.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You're just an anonymous person!


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Let me get this straight! It's okay for You to have Your say, but no one else.

I am SICK of this disgusting arrogance. It is reprehensible!

Proverbs 16:18

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

What good will Your pride and arrogance do others? How is your conceit helping them? It's NOT!

Matthew 20:16

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.


You don't have a Leg to stand on among those who are advocate's of Victims rather than the Predators.

This isn't about You or Me or even whose right! Really, this is what you're spending your time spinning your wheels over when people are Dying?

Fighting with someone on the side of Good? I am God's chosen! I say this with No Arrogance as I didn't have a hand in it, but chose to listen and obey.

I suggest you re-evaluate your goals if you indeed intend to Help others because what you are doing, isn't helping anyone but you to stroke your own ego. Your ego Won't save you from What is Coming! You can choose to fight on the side of Good to truly help people!


What is your gig here? Everyone is Still searching for Your Point!

Whatever You Think it is. . .I assure you, you are in the Wrong and don't want to admit it, Every victim case should and Deserves to be heard.

They went through it, they are being Responsible by telling us. Rather than being Silent! Silent No More, Sheep No More!

Let's pretend that they are not being honest, and for the record, I believe they are, but let's just say. . .Now, does that change Anything we already Know and are still finding about Pelosi and Feinstein being wicked agents of the cabal system. No, so Why are you wasting your time, unless you are a plant and You are getting paid per response? Err on the side of Victims not just predators, because when you do what Your doing, it is playing into the hands of the predators and Agenda to blur those lines between adults and children. . .pure Evil. We Can't tolerate Evil and neither should you, even If you're working with them, you can choose to Stop, turn away!


My mission Has Not failed. I answer to God, Not YOU!

Who are You to think You can decide what others may tell about their lives.

How DARE you try to tell SocksOnCats that his story is fake.

That is Not up to you as You are NO ONE"S judge or superior.

You better get over Yourself because children's lives are at stack and you're over here promoting Nonsense, when you accuse rather than Helping people. Now you need to identify your goals.

It appears you are a paid poster to distract from What is Most important.

I Believe you are one of the compromised mods I have come across with numerous names to go out and wreak havoc trying to infiltrate from within which has been a luciferian tactic since the Alice Bailey days.

You Quit pushing Your False agenda that isn't helping Any of these victims or children.

These children who have been violated, it sticks with them. It takes a Powerful, Almighty God to get them through it so Don't You Dare decide what they are allowed to tell.

We are Sick of evil trying to silence those exposing Their EVIL! Dark to LIGHT no matter how many of you try to obstruct! Our Power, Our God is GREATER!


I am working on my own series on Pelosi and Feinstein in between answering questions that have a much Bigger significance in Eternity than your piddly attempts to distract and garner info from me.

I will finish that Without your permission and consent.

You Do NOT need to tell me what to focus on. My directives come from God and God alone!

You may receive directives from Him to if you turn from satan's ploys and choose to listen to God and no one else!

It's not too late for you. Repent and turn towards God and become someone dedicated to being a Guardian of the children and giving people the Truth that will Set them free and Save them!


Here's why I Will not and Do not fail. I am chosen by God. God is Greater and Far more Powerful than satan could Ever dream of being.

I am More powerful than satan, not just me and not because of myself, God gave me the power as He gives it to others He has chosen.

I am Not afraid of you or anyone else. I know Who wins in the end and So Does satan. I have seen God's power over Satan's minions.

His end and those who choose to follow him is near whether you want to believe it or not.

2 Peter 3:8

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

God's ways are not our ways, the way man came up with keeping time is NOT how God does it. Time for God is Everywhere and Surrounds.

He is the beginning the end and all around. People do Not know what they are messing with, and they Really should be on His side vs. satan's side.

God was, He IS and Always was. Past, Present, Future. ..He is the I AM! The human mind has difficulty grasping it, but it is not up to humans to understand, just accept His ways or satan's ways, but I warn you, it will be to your demise if you continue falling for satan's deception and I don't want that for you or the others.

God is superior and says it Far better than me. There IS a way out for you and the others.


This is what God wants you to know. We are instructed to give His messages directly to you and words. This is a last chance attempt for people to turn from their wicked ways. I suggest people don't wait until it is too late as these are God's words and Not my own.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

God created you and all humans after His own image. Satan hates God, guess how much he despises You and all Other humans? So much that he twists and perverts Everything in this world and attempts to weaken you. Attempts to inflate your ego, but many know deep down it's a front.

You can choose to stop fighting against God's love and accept His truth for you, as He wishes for None to perish, Or you can keep doing what you're doing.

How is that working for you? Is getting the votes in the Point system of this Fake world fulfilling you?

How many people have you really helped?

I help people not because of myself, but because God works through me. I assure you it is BETTER than anything this Fake world ruled by satan can offer.

Do you think I would tell you this of my own accord? No, I am also human, but I have God's power inside me. I still can't stand certain garbage just as you likely can't, but God prompts that None should perish. You are worth saving and so is everyone else. But I can't force, God doesn't force, you must make the choice yourself.

Some sadly, will choose Not to Know. That IS your choice.

I John 4:9-11

In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Romans 10:9

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

Now I realize you will likely come back with your smart aleck remarks, belittling and mocking.

Used to it, nothing I haven't Already seen I assure you, but that's okay.

Because the bigger picture is this is Not a Game. This isn't Call of Duty where bodies just disappear, oh no, the soul lives on.

You are fooling yourself if you buy into the lie. That soul will either spend eternity. . .forever and ever. end, with God or satan.

Hell is where the worm Never Dies, no matter how much this fake world tries to make you believe it is a "party atmosphere." I assure you, it is NOT!

Most can't even tolerate a little discomfort because we have been weakened in this world and conditioned to Thinking we need constant appeasement.

In Hell it is Constant, not just discomfort, torment, agony and pain.

Fire and Brimstone message. ..see it how you will, but it is intended to give the warning I am not just asked to give, I am Commanded from the Highest power to tell you this Right now at this very point in time.

You have the choice to do with it what you decide. There is no forcing, only warning and telling the truth.

Godspeed to all who read. I am praying for your salvation rather than the demise of your souls. In the back of your brain, there is a question isn't there? If you're honest you Can't discount all I have told you and the information God wanted you to have.

You are MORE important than any and all who mock or even your own mocking.

If I am to weigh the two. . .being Mocked or a soul lost. . . not a difficult choice for me. ..YOU win hands down when it comes to God and me!

This Does not mean you have an infinite amount of time, I assure you, you Don't! It just means God does have mercy on those who accept it, but you must accept it.

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

septimasexta ago

Looks like you are Vertically Challenged. Let's get it down to one word per line..

Matthew 7:21-23 King James Version (KJV)

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

septimasexta ago

According to your poorly done, undocumented videos (which somehow have made it to the top of the search engine - HairBlue Power) this is the person you most want to cover for:

""So, I had asked my staff to locate Dan White so that I might talk with him, and I was sitting in my office with my door open. My staff, namely, Peter Nardoza, had told me that Mr. White had gone to the Mayor's office to make a last ditch appeal, and then would come and see me directly thereafter."

WAS PETER NARDOZA A WITNESS? DiFi's testimony does not make that clear. Was he in her office making phone calls to track down White? Speaking to her directly? From another office? VERY IMPORTANT INFO. Now he is dead so he can't be asked.....Only 62. Sounds like he was amply rewarded for his service to DiFi. Dan White suicided right after getting out of jail....."

septimasexta ago

The alleged "victim's" story is a classic "he said, she said," but we only hear the "he said" part. This does not mean that the story is not true, we just don't have the evidence to prove it. We can evaluate if the story is plausible. The mention of the alleged location is near Feinstein's residence. The year 1979 is significant for the events in DiFi's life, including her run for mayor, and her becoming mayor as a result of the murder of Moscone and Milk. Significantly, she was very influential with White, the accused murderer, and was present when he entered the building and shot Milk. She had just returned from a trip to Nepal/Himalayas with new boyfriend and Moscone advisor, Richard Blum, whom she later married. She confided in an old People magazine article that her Russian immigrant mother had suffered from child hood encephalitis (brain damage from brain inflammation) which left her mentally unstable, sometimes violent and suicidal. This situation admittedly had an impact on DiFi from childhood. All of this research lends to the plausibility of the of the poster's claims, but does no prove them. This is like Ford's claims against Judge Kavenaugh. They might have been plausible, but lacked enough hard evidence to convict. Socks on cats sticks by their claim, and I am not against letting it be posted. This is a research site. More might come out later to support or negate the claim. They do take on a risk by posting it.

septimasexta ago

The alleged "victim's" story is a classic "he said, she said," but we only hear the "he said" part. This does not mean that the story is not true, we just don't have the evidence to prove it. We can evaluate if the story is plausible. The mention of the alleged location is near Feinstein's residence. The year 1979 is significant for the events in DiFi's life, including her run for mayor, and her becoming mayor as a result of the murder of Moscone and Milk. Significantly, she was very influential with White, the accused murderer, and was present when he entered the building and shot Milk. She had just returned from a trip to Nepal/Himalayas with new boyfriend and Moscone advisor, Richard Blum, whom she later married. She confided in an old People magazine article that her Russian immigrant mother had suffered from child hood encephalitis (brain damage from brain inflammation) which left her mentally unstable, sometimes violent and suicidal. This situation admittedly had an impact on DiFi from childhood. All of this research lends to the plausibility of the of the poster's claims, but does no prove them. This is like Ford's claims against Judge Kavenaugh. They might have been plausible, but lacked enough hard evidence to convict. Socks on cats sticks by their claim, and I am not against letting it be posted. This is a research site. More might come out later to support or negate the claim. They do take on a risk by posting it.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I will come back here when I get a chance and link it in. It will be free to read, requires No account and NO need to upvote in the platform as I don't even have a crypto account so could Care Less! We need to get info out there and these orchestrators connected!

This is NOT a game, it IS an information war and a battle between Good and Evil!

septimasexta ago

"This is NOT a game, it IS an information war and a battle between Good and Evil!"

I certainly agree with that!

quiche ago

I grew up in that world, too. I believe you. I know what school you went to, but will respect your privacy.

SocksOnCats ago

Are you David? There was a kid in my class who was dubbed ‘quiche’ by one of the PE teachers and it stuck.

quiche ago

Nope. My mom went to the Convent of the Sacred Heart with Dianne Feinstein.

SocksOnCats ago

Heh. My mom went to Convent too. And I dated a bunch of girls from there. Small world. Does Town mean anything to you?

quiche ago

Nope. Doesn't ring a bell. I'm sure you don't mean Oaktown.

SocksOnCats ago

Definitely not Oaktown. If you know Convent, then you know Town, Stewart Hall, Hamlin’s, Burke’s...

quiche ago

Everyone we knew went to Stewart Hall.

PatriotLady1 ago

Holy crap

septimasexta ago

Wow! Concealed carry Feinstein called on convicted pedophile to help pass assault weapons ban! AND HE WAS THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE SPEAKER.....

Judge sentences 'serial child molester' Hastert to 15 months "Federal Judge Thomas Durkin called Hastert, 74, a "serial child molester" and rejected a prosecutor's recommendation of six months in prison on a banking charge that carries a maximum five-year sentence. The court also fined Hastert $250,000 and sentenced him to two years of supervised release after leaving prison. Hastert must register as a sex offender."

sunajAeon ago

Good thing to remember-evil politicians probably all have concealed carry

septimasexta ago

Hastert / Abramoff connection:

"FOLKENFLIK: The Associated Press first broke the news back in November. Hastert had written the Interior Secretary to oppose a casino on an Indian reservation. His letter was sent just days after lobbyist Jack Abramoff raised more than $20,000 for a Hastert fund, and the letter helped Abramoff's clients, members of the Indian tribes with competing casinos."

MORE ON ABRAMOFF: "According to the New York Times, Abramoff wrote e-mails to his business partner, Michael Scanlon, referring to his Native American clients as “idiots,” “troglodytes” and “monkeys.”"

"According to a June 23, 2005 report in the Los Angeles Times, Abramoff used funds gained by allegedly defrauding Indian tribes to finance “a Jewish religious school that he founded” and “paramilitary operations mounted by Jewish settlers in the West Bank.”"

"Jack Allan Abramoff (/ˈeɪbrəmɒf/; born February 28, 1958) is an American former lobbyist, businessman, movie producer and writer. He was at the center of an extensive corruption investigation that led to his conviction and to 21 persons either pleading guilty or being found guilty, including White House officials J. Steven Griles and David Safavian, U.S. Representative Bob Ney, and nine other lobbyists and Congressional aides."

"From 1994 to 2001 he was a top lobbyist for the firm of Preston Gates & Ellis (THIS IS BILL GATE'S FATHER'S FIRM), and then for Greenberg Traurig until March 2004.After a guilty plea in the Jack Abramoff Native American lobbying scandal and his dealings with SunCruz Casinos in January 2006, he was sentenced to six years in federal prison for mail fraud, conspiracy to bribe public officials, and tax evasion. He served 43 months before being released on December 3, 2010.""

septimasexta ago

WOW! 2148 views!

septimasexta ago

WOW! 2522 VIEWS!

SearchVoatBot ago

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WHAMMO63 ago

FYI, a powerful witch can sap a person's energy just like a vampire. Perhaps that is what you experienced.

LadyMisfortune ago

That is what I am thinking.

Podge512 ago

If I may ask, did you have any further contact with either of those witches after your time at EHS?

p.s. I hope these experiences didn't mess you up in any way and that you had/have a good life. Take care!

SocksOnCats ago

What’s EHS? If you’re referring to a high school, I didn’t attend any EHS.

No, the experiences didn’t mess me up. I’m pretty straight in the head. Life has been ... well, unrelated to any of this.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Where did you go to school?

SocksOnCats ago

I’m not saying that in a public forum. I’ve already said I went to the same school as Pelosi’s son Paul.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Fair enough. I know a lot of the pac heights crowd ship their kids off to boarding schools, but I don't know if they were doing that in the 80s. Favorite burrito spot in the mission? Or did you guys not deign to come down from hills to mingle with the plebs?

Just reminded me....I met a girl who grew up in that area, and she had never taken BART before lol.

SocksOnCats ago

Heh. How about Taqueria Cancun? Went there all the time through high school. That and Chabela’s on Haight. Damn those were good burritos. Still can’t find any other place which comes close.

I moved around the city. Lived on Twin Peaks, Inner Richmond, Pacific Heights, and then Cole Valley. Like your friend, I think I’d never taken BART before high school and I could likely count on two hands the number of times I’ve taken it in my whole life. (I really really really hate public transport. These days I ride motorcycles as much as possible.)

lookingforadvice1 ago

Cancun is good. Never went to Chabela's. Ever go to Ocean's on filmore? They were the best in the city, IMO.

I guess maybe you wouldn't need to take BART depending on where you're spending your time in the city. I'm from the east bay so we took it all the time.

Glad you didn't get molested by Pelosi and/or Feinstein.

You still live in the city? Thoughts on the current incarnation? I had to leave the bay....even during the crack epidemic I haven't seen as many tent homes and people shooting dope so openly. IMO, the city has gone to complete shit. Curious on thoughts from a native....although I guess the ivory tower portions of the city are still the same, and how expensive it's gotten probably doesn't matter much to you.

SocksOnCats ago

In ‘99 I was in grad school and had no money so I bought a sailboat in Sausalito. Traded up to a bigger one after a few years. Was glorious, inexpensive living. Spent a total of seven years on a boat. After that, bought a house in San Rafael, settled down and started the family thing. Wouldn’t go back to the city for anything less than a dump truck full of money.

Ya, the city is complete shit now. That much is certain. I only go there when I absolutely have to. Bleah. I don’t even work there anymore. The only things I miss are the food choices and the bars. Well, and the archery range. I practically grew up there. Wish there were more of those around.

Where’d you wind up?

lookingforadvice1 ago

I was in washington near the San Joaquin islands in the middle of nowhere for a while (which was amazing), but now I'm in south america.

Sausalito boat living sounds great.

Vindicator ago

Greetings @SockOnCats. Thank you for posting...unfortunately, we need at least one link supporting this in order to leave it up. We have fairly strict submission rules, due to the constant shilling, trolling and disinfo pushing we've experienced since the sub began. Here they are a couple of them:

2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link. If you ask a question: Explain what led to your question and provide sources. If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless speculation. ALL posts must include at least one link.

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

A couple of possibilities for linked support would be a Google maps link to the property in question, coupled with a real estate sales or society page link showing the inside layout of the house, something confirming the school had the event in question Paul attended, etc.

We also usually flair personal accounts as "Unconfirmed", unless the evidence is really compelling.

If some kind of supporting link can't be found, we have a sister-subverse for unsourced and speculative material where you can post it for posterity: v/pizzagatewhatever.

I'm glad your spidey senses alerted you in time to dodge the demons. :-)

septimasexta ago

Washington St. is in a high rent district...Nob Hill: This random house in the area sold for $3,695,000.

The neighborhood is near the Presidio and the Financial District.

SocksOnCats ago

You missed by a valley. It’s Pacific Heights. Nob Hill is on the other side of Van Ness.

septimasexta ago

What do you think of this? Did you look like a Peanuts character?

septimasexta ago

See photo. Is this Bertram and Diane?

septimasexta ago

Thanks for the correction. That's even closer to Presidio.

SocksOnCats ago

Pacific Heights is just about exactly half way between Nob Hill and Presidio Heights.

septimasexta ago

"She was born Dianne Goldman on June 23, 1933, the oldest of Betty and Leon Goldman's three daughters. She grew up in San Francisco's upscale Presidio Terrace neighborhood. Even today, when she is not in Washington DC, she lives in Presidio Terrace with her husband Richard Blum..."

septimasexta ago

DID DIFI'S mother have what we now call Autism?

"Her mother, the pretty daughter of Russian immigrants, suffered from childhood encephalitis, which caused a brain disorder that wasn’t diagnosed until she reached middle age. “The parts of her brain that control reason and judgment had deteriorated,” Feinstein explains, “and she could be very violent. She would periodically attempt to take her own life.” Much of Feinstein’s childhood was shadowed by her mother’s illness. “It left deep scars on the family,” she says. “It’s very hard when someone’s behavior is totally unpredictable."

"Kennedy was instrumental in convincing Dr. Zimmerman to document his remarkable claim of the government covering up his true expert opinion on vaccines and autism. Dr. Zimmerman declined our interview request and referred us to his sworn affidavit. It says: On June 15, 2007, he took aside the Department of Justice—or DOJ lawyers he worked for defending vaccines in vaccine court. He told them that he’d discovered “exceptions in which vaccinations could cause autism.” “I explained that in a subset of children, vaccine induced fever and immune stimulation (encephalitis) did cause regressive brain disease with features of autism spectrum disorder.”"

Vaccines, Autism and Brain Damage: What's in a Name?

"Vaccines have saved untold millions of lives, and the vast majority of people who get them suffer no major problems. But there's a trade-off: occasionally, vaccines cause injury or death. Very rarely, patients are left with what's known as "encephalopathy", the medical term for brain damage. In fact, CBS News has found nearly 1,300 cases in which vaccine-related brain damage has been compensated in court over the past 20 years."

"Children who end up with autistic symptoms or autism have won vaccine injury claims over the years-as long as they highlighted general, widely-accepted brain damage; not autism specifically. But when autism or autistic symptoms are alleged as the primary brain damage, the cases are lost."

septimasexta ago

"In 2006, Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum purchased a new home for $16.5 million at the corner of Lyon and Vallejo Streets in San Francisco....The $16.5 million mansion -- which sits at the foot of Vallejo Street, between the Presidio and some of the city's most hoity-toity addresses -- offers a sweeping view of the bay.... It's right off what Herb Caen christened the "Gold Rush" -- ....., where the residents include Ann and Gordon Getty, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, and Mimi Haas -- as in the Levi Strauss Haases."

septimasexta ago

"It was during the race for mayor in about 1979 that Diane Feinstein assaulted me."

1979 was a pivotal year for Diane:

"Blum was working as an adviser to Mayor of San Francisco George Moscone....They reportedly first met in 1977...... Dianne Feinstein was a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. She was also married to her second husband at the time, neurosurgeon Bertram Feinstein. He died of colon cancer in 1978.

Blum and Feinsteinn found themselves in the middle of a crisis that year. On November 27, 1978, Mayor Moscone was assassinated, along with supervisor Harvey Milk. Former Board of Supervisors member Dan White shot them both at the government offices; Feinstein was the first person to find Harvey Milk’s body. She also addressed the crowd at City Hall, explaining what had happened. White was later found guilty of voluntary manslaughter.

Feinstein became the acting mayor of San Francisco, then was elected to the position in 1979. Blum supported Feinstein’s political ascent. It’s unclear exactly when they started dating, but they got married in 1980 at San Francisco City Hall.

An engagement announcement published March 5, 1979, stated that this was the second marriage for Richard Blum."

DiFi's 2nd husband was a neurosurgeon, her father's colleague. Did she have access to some sort of skin anesthetic?

septimasexta ago

"She raced to Milk's office, saw the fatal wound, tried to take his pulse, but knew immediately he was dead.

Only nine days earlier, 913 people, mostly former Bay Area residents, had committed mass suicide with Reverend Jim Jones in Guyana. The same year, her second and much loved husband, neurosurgeon Dr. Bertram Feinstein, had died of colon cancer. Though she had been contemplating retirement after returning the day before from a trip to the Mt. Everest area where she met the Dalai Lama, on that November day it fell to Dianne Feinstein not only to tell the world of the assassinations, but to step into Moscone's shoes as acting mayor."

"A year later, they went to dinner so that Blum could update her on the city's economic situation. By then, Bert Feinstein had died and Blum was divorced from Andrea Blum, a doctor with whom he had three daughters. A romance soon blossomed.

Late in 1978, Feinstein accompanied Blum on a trip to India and Nepal. She caught a stomach ailment, and the two flew home.

The day Feinstein returned to work, Mayor Moscone was assassinated, and she was suddenly thrust into the city's top job. When Feinstein and Blum married in 1980, local wags called it a "marriage of the public and private sectors."

Blum's business clearly has benefited from the union and the networking opportunities. Accompanying Feinstein on a city-sponsored trip to China a decade ago, Blum met T. C. Chang, a San Francisco businessman. They soon formed a consulting firm and became partners in a Shanghai development. Blum's office is in a building owned by the Chang family. By the same token, many observers attributed Feinstein's pro-business stance as mayor to Blum's influence."

septimasexta ago

After inquiries about his China-related business, Blum pledged this week that he "will not invest in mainland China or Hong Kong as long as Dianne Feinstein is a U.S. senator to avoid even the appearance of conflict."

Blum's AMERICAN HIMALAYAN FOUNDATION Hmmmmm. "He said profits from Hong Kong investments, like those from the mainland, would go to charities he established to benefit impoverished Himalayan people. He specifically committed about $400,000 from a Hong Kong real estate investment sold this year.

Through a spokesman, Blum said any money he receives from managing the investments of others in China also will go to charity.

"We have done everything we possibly can," Feinstein said in exasperation. "I can't tell my husband to die. I can't tell him to give up what he does. . . . I don't know what more I can do. I mean, get divorced and live in sin, I suppose.""

Vindicator ago

That story sounds like a made-for-TV-movie script. WTF!

septimasexta ago

Yes. I've been researching for several years. The pair have been NWO protected.

Vindicator ago

As I read it, I couldn't help but think she was probably behind it, since she was the primary beneficiary.

Isn't it interesting that what a place become corrupt on the inside, it shows up on the outside (think streets full of shit, needles and fornicators)? Just like a diseased body or sick plant.

septimasexta ago

Good observation!

septimasexta ago

Excerpt from DiFi testimony regarding murder of Harvey Milk: (Dan White was found guilty)

"Q Mayor Feinstein, now bringing us up to a little later, in the morning, did you have occasion to see Mr. Dan White at some time on November 27th, 1978?

A Yes, I did.

Q Will you tell the members of this jury where you were and where Mr. White was, and just indicate what observations you made.

A I was sitting in my office. I had met with the clerk of the Board and Deputy City Attorney, Jim Lazarus, at approximately 10:00 o'clock, because I was aware of the fact that both Dan White and Dan Horanzey would be taking their seat on the Board. We had been working on the parliamentary procedure to prevent a problem from taking place, because Dan Horanzey was to be sworn at 11:30, and I asked at that time if it would be acceptable if I were to try to find Dan White and talk with him, because I felt I could talk him out of taking his seat.

So, I had asked my staff to locate Dan White so that I might talk with him, and I was sitting in my office with my door open. My staff, namely, Peter Nardoza, had told me that Mr. White had gone to the Mayor's office to make a last ditch appeal, and then would come and see me directly thereafter. So, I was waiting for him to come in the door, and I was sitting at my desk, and I heard the door open, and I saw him enter, and I said, "Dan," and he said something to the effect, "Just a moment," or, "I have something to do first" and went by very rapidly. I heard Peter saying, "Dianne wants to see you." And I heard him go down the hall, and I heard the door close. It was a very short period of time. . . .

Q . Please continue.

A. And I heard the door close, and I heard the unmistakable shots.

Directly after the first one, I thought he didn't-knew he wasn't going to be reappointed and he shot himself, and I-then I heard additional shots, and I knew that something was wrong, and I heard several shots.

I couldn't-I couldn't be precise about the number, because there was a pause in between them, and I knew I had to move, and I was trying to force my brain and my body to function together and move out of the chair, and I had gotten out of the chair and was approaching the door of my office when I saw Dan leave, and I said, "Dan,” and he went right by, and the door closed. I then smelled the gun powder, went down the hall, saw that the door to Harvey Milk's office was closed.

I opened the door, and I saw his body, and I tried to get a pulse, but I could not, because of the blood, and I felt that he was dead, and so I closed the door and secured the area, and called the Chief of Police immediately. The Chief was, apparently, on the phone hearing about the episode on the other side of the hall, about which I was unaware at the time. I asked him to come down very immediately, and he did, and when he arrived, he told me that the Mayor had been shot and killed as well.

Q Mayor Feinstein, you stated that after you had heard the series of shots you went down the hall, you investigated in Harvey Milk's office-was it in Harvey Milk's office?

A No, it was in Dan White's office, I'm sorry.

Q Mayor Feinstein, had you ever carried a concealed firearm?

A Yes. "

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You do realize people spin and lie all the time don't you?

Has Feinstein always been an upright stalwart full of truth?

What, she's Not a politician? Please!

So many holes in the story these politicians spun including their link to Jim Jones.

That's right, he wasn't a conservative plant, but rather a DNC plant Fully supported and loved by Feinstein, Pelosi Moscone, Milk.

They make Milk out to be their hero, Nothing but a Pedophile!

septimasexta ago

"So, I had asked my staff to locate Dan White so that I might talk with him, and I was sitting in my office with my door open. My staff, namely, Peter Nardoza, had told me that Mr. White had gone to the Mayor's office to make a last ditch appeal, and then would come and see me directly thereafter."

WAS PETER NARDOZA A WITNESS? DiFi's testimony does not make that clear. Was he in her office making phone calls to track down White? Speaking to her directly? From another office? VERY IMPORTANT INFO. Now he is dead so he can't be asked.....Only 62. Sounds like he was amply rewarded for his service to DiFi. Dan White suicided right after getting out of jail.....

septimasexta ago

"....Harvey Milk's office?" "No, it was in Dan White's office, I'm sorry."

MAJOR MISTAKE. This is sworn testimony.

"Q Mayor Feinstein, had you ever carried a concealed firearm?

A Yes. "

SHE DOESN'T WANT CITIZENS TO CARRY ONE.... The testimony speaks for itself. Lot's of unanswered questions and opportunities that were never investigated.

A question I would have asked: Mayor Feinstein, did your neurosurgeon husband ever participate in CIA related MKultra/LSD research?


Mayor Feinstein, have you ever seen Dan White eat a Twinkie?

Mayor Feinstein, did you ever have lunch with Jim Jones? Did he recruit his "flock" to get out the vote for your campaign or for other Democrats?

Mayor Feinstein, were you married to Richard C. Blum when you traveled with him to Nepal (Himalayas), returning just prior to the Milk murder?

I'm sure you would have more questions to ask.....

septimasexta ago

"Peter Nardoza, a onetime aide to Dianne Feinstein and key player in turning San Francisco International Airport into a world-class facility, died of kidney cancer March 16 at his home in San Francisco. He was 62. Mr. Nardoza locked arms and stood beside then-Supervisor Feinstein when she announced the assassinations of Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk, the city's first openly gay supervisor, on Nov. 27, 1978."

kazza64 ago

diane feinstein signed a document to try and force ecuador to stop providing asylum to julian assange all of these bitches high up in politics are either pedophiles or pedophiles flying monkeys

JesusRules ago

You grab Pelosi's huge titties?

SchlongKeyhote ago

I took my mother by the hand and led her away a short distance and then said “We need to leave. We need to leave right now.”

that's not how 9 year olds talk faggot

not one but BOTH of them tried to molest you, 3 years apart, damn don't you have the worst luck LMAO

turitelle ago

Its not a 9 year old telling the story, idiot.

Onetime1 ago

I believe this accounting 100% for various reasons.

Thanks for posting, socks.

As far as "BOTH" molesting and "worst luck ..." Mr. B - the owner of Barney's clothing store in Manhattan - patted my crotch and squeezed my dick while I stood, surprised, atop the fitting step right in his store.

One year later, the owner of the second biggest men's clothing store in NYC - a big place out in Brooklyn - tricked me into going to his apartment and wanted some weird shit sexwise before I could leave.

None of this is major league, but for prominent people to act fucked up and coincidentally targeting individuals repeatedly happens. There's a lot of strange people in high places.

SocksOnCats ago

Whatever. It happened. That’s what I said to my mom.

Saw both of them multiple times. Pelosi in particular.

Yes they both did what I said they did.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Your particular use of the words “rich” and “famous” tells me that you did NOT grow up surrounded by the upper class. Also, I doubt anyone told you to post this here.

Anyway, we need a link, or something, to prove your allegations. Or the moderators, asleep at the wheel dreaming of Q as usual, will have to delete this.

WHAMMO63 ago

That is about the dumbest post I have ever read. Shill much? Or just a fool?

SocksOnCats ago

Heh. You’re pretty far off here. Yes I grew up in San Francisco and yes I was surrounded by the ‘upper class’. You can check my post history and see where someone suggested I post this here. Obviously there’s no link since this happened 35 years ago. If someone is interested enough to find out the truth, they’ll figure out a way to contact me.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Fair enough. But please add a link to at least “support” your allegations, or the post will get deleted.

SocksOnCats ago

A link to what?

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Some confirmation that Jane lived in a flat on that street and a gossip column mentioning Diane was at a gathering there etc. I dunno.

SchlongKeyhote ago

that apparently irresistible 9yo ass, nigger