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comprametu ago

Wow! Thank you for this. Illuminating!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You're very welcome!

So glad to see so many Woke people!

Keep fighting the Good Fight!

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Here, read this Zodiac (spelt wrong) letter. Some asshole circled what he wanted you to see! Good info q fags

joeythew ago

You were doing fine until you went off the rails trying to tie him to the Zodiac killer. And you wonder why people don't take the Q movement seriously. We're our own worst enemies.

Spud4ever ago

Huh , wonder if dear ol' Bertram was "Arkancided" before he could become much of a public embarrassment? Think the ol' bat should be stretching hemp for her Chinese deals anyway.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Definitely possible.

Seems to be the way, just as when Bourdain and Spade became a liability. . .well.

I believe she is a sell out and a traitor. More concerned about lining her own pockets and catering to her Globalist wicked order than doing her job she was "elected (likely bribed her way into) to do.

Scotty4802 ago

holy crap.. I had no idea.. great digging. thank you.

SuzQ ago

I always knew she was corrupt but this info takes it to another level entirely. Thanks Anon!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! These people are sick!

Many times connected as I'm sure you know, to other elites.

Himfirst ago

Curiously, the malfeasance of today is very similar to Roman times. The malfeasance shows no creativity. The unscrupulous have achieved so much momentum that it would seem more rebellious to reject liberal ideas as people such as Candice Owens and Kanye West.

PGLiterati ago

Yes, they got so used to bribery and corruption as the order of the day that they cannot believe someone would run for President who wasn't on the take!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Spot on and Well said!

AngelofDeath ago

Edomite claiming to be 'jewish' … SEE WHAT THEIR TALMUD PERMITS --- Pedophilia is nothing compared to this:

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

O believe there is much in a word.

Talmud when studying where it came from, those mystery religions. . .nothing more than occult practices endorsed in later years by King Solomon, who originally followed after his father's beliefs and God, but then turned away due to all the wives God was clear Solomon wasn't to take.

They were from these cultic, satanic religions. I consider all religions satanic as the way to God is Not through rituals and religions. No matter how much good they actually do for others or those deeds simply "cloaked" in good, they are leading people to a Deception.

Only one way to God. He doesn't make it confusing, satan and people do. Satan's goal Always is to lead people astray and to destroy as much of humanity as possible, especially the most innocent of that humanity by fracturing their minds and feeding the demonic element which is considered loosh every a baby is murdered and sin ensues.

Talmud is mud. Based on lies told of Enoch's vision. The bible got it right, all other texts and religion are trying to come up with their Own way to God.

Who was the First to do this?

Lucifer when he attempted to usurp God's authority. God mad humans after his own image. This is why our DNA is so vital to satan, his followers and orchestrators who attempt and do tamper with it.

Satan will lead All to believe they are better off and can achieve greater things by melding with his creation. . .the machine, ai.

Satan's machinations are yet more attempts to trick humanity so they lose their chance for salvation from satan's realm of eternal torment.

In the same manner he gets people to murder and prey upon these babies and children.. . .he deceives people with his tricks and many will sadly believe him. . .it will lead to their own peril of eternal damnation.

Hell is not fun as the bands and satanists make it out to be. It truly IS where the worm Never dies!

These synagogue of satan jews do indeed serve satan. God despises their wickedness and will continue to expose them.

Not all jews have gone astray, but many have.

Secret_1 ago

WOW, Amazing research, Great Job, Anon...I wish someone would research "Deviant Dollz" in Orlando area and see what's up with them..? I was at small fair yesterday and their whole theme was dead, demon and tortured babies dolls...wtH?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


I can't say I'm surprised. When I did the Memphis 3 story involving Johnny Depp trying to get those teens off who were Aliester Crowley fans and had many other teens testify to them being involved in rituals (no.1 you don't read and say your fans of someone and not try to carry out their plans).

I went over some of the Metallica music he listened to and nothing but satanic themes.

I'll try to take a look when I get a chance. I sure wish there wasn't so much rampant evil.

Good Will overcome, just so deep seated.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

BTW. . .their name Deviant Dollz pretty much says it all doesn't it?


VognerDuke76 ago

Deep swamp satanic pos.

myshpqmc ago

America loves children. Sorry, it should be "America loves fucking children".

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last.

Just the first sentence I said, if you cannot read more sentences. "Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and thus make USA fail eventually."

Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar. So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.

Notice: $500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency, now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA, but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA. So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.

Maybe USA can keep torturing Children (news about immigrants) and infants (news about USA believing cow milk is much better than mother milk or breast milk for infants), and make China communists keep stealing $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA every year, since all these would make America great again.

Is USA a coward failure only shouting 200 billion and shouting 500 billion with doing nothing real while China communists have been keeping beating USA?

The simplest example in life to see the unfair robbery nature of China communists...(rob money from Chinese,rob work from Ameircans)

If you transfer money from banks not in China (for example, D) to China bank,Zero fee. But if you transfer back,that's to say, if you transfer money from China bank to banks not in China (for example,D), very high fee. That's the fairness? So, we got to know why China bank would not like fair competition with other banks, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact : China top four communist banks are the four biggest and richest banks all over the world. )

China bank says: If you transfer money out of mainland,for example, if you transfer money to USA , the fee is 1‰, 50¥ at least for each.And there is also tele fee,150¥ each time. And there also may be other fees.

So, if you are a Chinese and want to buy an American goods, you transfer 500¥ to your account outside China, and China bank just simply takes off more than 200¥ from you just because you want to buy an American goods. Moreover, if you take this American goods back to China, you may face high tax by China communists as well. So, we got to know why China goods would not like fair competition with USA goods, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact: China communists legally steal $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA in 2017 by anti-freedom trade.)

And all above here lasts for decades!

Seen in "China government has legally stolen 375.23 billions from USA in a single year..."

Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame redd&t and vo&t, not blame me, because its not my control, and sometimes because "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you cannot reply.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You say a Great deal I agree with. It's too bad reddit censored so much truth it got rid of those trying to reveal it.

Yes, there are those who have brought communist style tactics to our country. They aide, support and in secret (not so much secret anymore) wish to enforce the very same totalitarian, communist laws here in America.

They used the acquiescence of Obama's ties to people like Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, who helped fund his education and community organizing efforts, which then led to the presidency, to further and sell the concept of net neutrality, which as you are likely aware is quite the opposite of how it sounds. This is how the globalists have Always operated.

Obama devastated our economy, increased race wars, greatly weakened our military while single handedly decimating the middle class.

Cloaked it in "do gooder" rhetoric, caused the programmed to believe they want it and they will help enforce it.

Now we have those considered tech giants helping them implement their totalitarian, communist style controls on their people under of course the tried and true. . .human rights, equal rights LIE.

Take Google assisting the Chinese government.

the government has a deep interest in using the custom-built search engine to deter and punish dissent. None of this is surprising, other than Google's willingness to participate in government censorship. Google does pretty much the same thing with Android phones here in the US, where everything in the ecosystem is tied to the originating phone. There are ways to prevent that, but most phone users won't take those steps. In China, however, the phones are also registered with the government, removing the third-party hop needed to tie internet activity to a person.

any number of social media platforms have made considerable concessions to authoritarian governments in recent years, rather than face losing market share in these countries.

The more details come out, the worse Google looks. As Ryan Gallagher reports, Google would also be complicit in replacing facts with the Chinese government's approved narrative.

Sources familiar with Dragonfly said the search platform also appeared to have been tailored to replace weather and air pollution data with information provided directly by an unnamed source in Beijing. The Chinese government has a record of manipulating details about pollution in the country’s cities. One Google source said the company had built a system, integrated as part of Dragonfly, that was “essentially hardcoded to force their [Chinese-provided] data.”

People have allowed this evil you speak of, the preying upon our children to continue for far too long.

There are traitors in high places connected all over that have worked hard to get a foothold in America because we are the last nation they need to fall to finish their ancient war upon the world. They push, pretend there is struggle as They orchestrate the struggle. There are those in our government who have aided them.

Many Americans are good, there are those who are fooled and played by these globalist orchestrators, but those who are Awake, really awake (it took some of us a long time, but we're Awake now) we finally see through their facade. We see through their distractions they have readily provided, we see these evil people in positions of power in our government and the deals they make to further what they think will just pad their pockets and give themselves more power, but ultimately it serves the purpose of the Hive Mindset.

The rest of us Want these wicked ones exposed, tried and prosecuted for their Crimes against America and the world!

You are correct, traitors among us in high places, they, the UN, the EU with it's European Parliament, the International Central Banks the Fed. . .all orchestrate and push America to topple and succumb to the leadership of their One World Government. These people were allowed to proliferate, flourish under the lack of leadership of Obama who did all he could to bring America to her knees.

See how they use these companies which have access not only to buildings here in the United States, but also abroad, virtually Everywhere. Globalist companies providing something every company needs. . .cleaning And Security. They used one of these very influential people, who Was keeping a low profile, to attempt bully tactics in the appointment of a Supreme Court justice because his appointment literally threatens their feeding frenzy.

I'm speaking of Ralph Blasey and his daughter. His daughter connected from a young age to Stanford and their 501c3 research international which is Known to be connected to CIA mind control programs. Blasey connected to those who run in the circles of people who lead straight to Daniel Baal. The top of a banking industry that preyed upon the middle class both in America and Germany.

A banking industry some of which reside in the land where their Highest Court for the EU adjudicates.

At our lowest point, we, the silent majority made up of those who have been awake for decades and those of us who woke up during the 2016 election. . .we took what once was our Silence, our once "let's make the best of what we have" and turned it into". ..NO MORE! SHEEP NO MORE! **Silent no MORE!

No More fake lines in the sand, no more cowering and kneeling, no more listening to, "there will no longer be manufacturing jobs for you or your kids and you'll just have to get used to it", no more trade deals that benefit the European Union and every other country except us. No More using the working middle class to pay for benefits of people flooding into the country and offered as free gifts from Obama on the backs of hard working American people. . .not on the backs of the evil elitists in government.

See this video from the Black Conservative Patriot channel showing clips of Obama's words and just How he was proven wrong here

The satanic ritualistic abuse of children and pedophilia continue. There are some who refuse to research. They don't want to know. It is too much for their psyche when they are led to believe they live in a cozy, fun world where people would never do these heinous things. Yet they also live in a world where they are told to separate themselves from a baby by simply calling it a fetus and advocate the killing of babies under a ploy of convenience.

All while these diabolical people take that very same devalued tiny human and sell it's tissues, organs composition, while obtaining power and a high, through what once gave that murdered baby vitality. . .what is the life? Blood force, creation of God. . .this is why blood is Important, this is why it is a focal in sacrifices and consumed. There is literal power in the blood.

In conclusion to your apt observations, we know. . .we are trying, but if we act too soon. . .these people have others in power in our justice system, they cannot be allowed to use the very same system they have Always used to escape justice for their wickedness. There will be a Day, if we rush, they squirm through yet another loophole.

A plan is afoot, it's not in the forefront Because, you don't let a lying, manipulative, diabolical enemy know exactly when you're coming.

Due to their nature and the evil one they serve, they sense their end is near. they are ramping up, they are fighting and exposing themselves more than ever.

We have identified them. We are aware of who they are, what they do and How they operate.

They don't know how many of us there are. . They think we are few. We are Not!

They all don't know. . .we Know.

There Will Be a Day!

Trust the Plan.

It's coming. . .

moblodite ago

Wow.. Great find, I had no clue about all of this.. How the hell are Feinstein and her Husband not in prison?? Hopefully Indictment for them as well! What a crooked hag !!!

anotherukanon ago

The best writers in the world couldn't make this stuff up.. One thing after another.!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Really is.

Feels as if we will never fully realize how many of these corruptors have preyed upon American citizens for decades.

Glad a light is being shone on at least some of it.

SnapAwake ago


It seems her husband was offed before he could do much talking. These pedos are all “in the family”. Women who support these men are all in the family too. This is all ordained and most certainly are in the “club”

Not surprised.

coucou ago

Stinks to high heaven. Those deep state stooges are all cut in the same mold.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes they are! Their god is satan.

comprametu ago

Our GOD is way bigger and they will see who is the LORD! The victory is ours!

RakerKey ago

Really good and valuable info , thanks

These people truly are evil

usernameisnotthis ago

dude bravo,did not expect the possible tie in to the zodiac killer. this is what i come here for!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Definitely alleged, I put it in Because his photo I saw in the '60's bears quite a likeness to the composite sketch of the killer .

I need to go back in and put that composite sketch as a matter of fact.

It got late and I forgot to link it.

intothelightwego ago

Excellent research - very interesting read - well done Anon!