AAngel ago

Doesn't she own some "Goat" pizza place in SF? And her current husband, Richard Blum got the Billion dollar contract for high speed rail which conveniently needed to go through the very places that were laser destroyed in the camp fire?

fuspezza ago

Interesting read

SocksOnCats ago

Feinstein cornered me in Jane Murphy’s bathroom back in 1979 and tried to molest me. I’ve written about this here before. I know exactly what that thing is.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Wow! I am So Sorry!

That is horrible. I didn't see it. Do you have the link? I will read it when I get a chance.

Thanks for telling me and God bless you!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I responded on your post too @SocksOnCats

Thank you again for sharing and pointing this out to me. Your story is very important.

I believe Feinstein's photo here shows exactly what her character is!

Feinstein lording it over Mukowlski

I am sorry this happened to you. Truly predatory! A lot of the problem for years has been that people discount what these children say, instead of realizing it is better to err on the side of caution and why wouldn't you investigate something like this?

Still unbelievable that No One was able to hold the media accountable for mocking pizzagate. The big Question should have been. . .since you say it's false, you won't mind us doing our own thorough investigation will you?

Okay, okay, so people would have lost their heads. There answer and distraction was to hire a shooter whose family is involved in the film industry and have his shot go right through that computer which had a sick secret passcode for these child rapers.

Only a media complicit and friends with these wicked people would choose Not to investigate. A Reckoning is Coming!

I have no doubt what you say about Pelosi. She is vile and has been involved in corruption and padding her sicko pockets for years!

What you say about her alcohol binges rings True!


Guess who all tries to discount this even though there is vast evidence?

Women do indeed prey upon children. Did a few reports on this and can't Begin to wrap my brain around it.

Arizona Mother arrested for allegedly molesting her children and selling sex acts online


They all protect one another and hate Trump because he Knows who they are!

Comey his connection to Pedogate, the reason high profile people have not been indicted


Child care worker abuses infants and toddlers at work Dad warns about this App


These people are literal monsters, there's no doubt in my mind after seeing all these verified arrests and the heinous things they do to these innocent children and babies. . .infants!

Man assaults 12 yo girls at his birthday party. Infant taken by CPS put in severely abusive homes


Here is just one Creepy Mural out there of what Pelosi, Feinstein and their friends want!

Creepy Holographic Satanic Mural in Bank of America in California,


There's a creepy, sicko mural in here also at the Standard Hotel there in CA, yet another hotbed for their pedo activity. Also a case where they were draining things there outside with chemicals and fumes known to break down biological material. These people are beyond SICK!

Not in the title, but Schiff connected to that standard hotel. He came after me for my other video. Got me a strike and the video removed from YT, but he hasn't seen this one.

Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you SocksOnCats. Taking off to help my daughter get supplies for one of her classes, but definitely will be back for this.

Very courageous of you to share. Thank you!

AAngel ago

I read socks story, but the horrible comments by awful people that followed it! I've never seen anything like that vitriol on Voat. It makes me tend to believe, otherwise why attack socks so viciously?

I met Feinstein in a receiving line some 30 years ago, and I was struck by her charisma, I never forgot it.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Exactly! Why would they be This adamant when they have no proof? Reminds me of what happened with pizzagate.

The least they could have done was an actual investigation, the fact they mocked rather than poke Around speaks Volumes!

I believe the charisma is why we have had to deal with the wicked like Obama. Satan gives them everything to do his bidding. . .talent, money, success, power, popularity.

God and His people have Greater Power! I know it for a FACT! So do satan and his minions, that is why they have ratcheted up their monstrous demonstrations and have become Even Bolder! That's okay, we're ready! Show yourselves you wicked demons and we Will Take You Down!

Optional_Reading ago

I’m sure she had a hand in Harvey Milk’s death.

SocksOnCats ago

No, she actually didn’t. Harvey Milk was an asshole (in more ways than one), but at the time Feinstein was utterly consumed by her rise in fame and career. Milk dying was hugely convenient for her (likely the best thing that every happened to that bitch) but she didn’t have a hand in orchestrating it.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Free to Read, No Account Needed.

  • In this article you will find,

  • I realize all of this will be no surprise to awakened patriots here, these are links and some info I found on twitter and various other places concerning Dianne Feinstein.

  • Feinstein & Cuomo Admit Planning Australian Style Government Gun Buy Back

  • Back in '78 she was married to a man who was accused of pedophilia.

This is an excerpt found on

Bertram Feinstein, deceased husband of current Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was accused of pedophilia by 2 neighbors in early 1978. While the case was investigated by local authorities, Mr. Feinstein died before the investigation could be completed.

Details of the charges had been sealed until a recent anonymous employee of the San Francisco, CA County Clerk’s Office forwarded the records to CNN and MSNBC. Diane Feinstein was an up and coming state representative at the time and eventually became San Francisco’s Mayor after the tragic events in November 1978 involving Mr. George Moscone (and Harvey Milk), the former being Mayor of San Francisco at the time and the story was supposedly quashed by a senior Democrat Aide to then-Mayor Moscone who was later assassinated.

It was suggested by an anonymous source that the assassination was an attempt to deflect the charges that Mrs. Feinstein was aware of and condoned her husband’s alleged sexual predator activities against young children. The FBI and CBI has allegedly refused to comment on the allegations or the request for any information about their possible investigation in 1979.

Far more found inside including some information on the Zodiac Killer.

Just fuel for thought and interesting how he was accused of these crimes.

Diggernicks ago

Brainwashed catholic boy lover cuomo needs ovening on maximum.

I_Always_Lie ago

I tell you what, he looks pretty neanderthal jewy to me. Maybe a crypto?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago


FlyTwatter ago