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fogdryer ago

is anyone having trouble archiving ?

when I want to archive something regarding, sex, assault etc, it wont archive.

other times the screens tell me I don't have the authority to archive this article...….??????

IShallNotFear ago

I just looked at your recent submissions and it looked like you just got a collection of sources that don't like Some websites block directly because it is a European domain. Other times, the website won't archive correctly depending on how it is set up. In that case you just have to try a work around through another site. You will see in the comment section of one of the posts that I had to try a bunch of archival sites before getting one to work.

fogdryer ago

can you recommend a good one

IShallNotFear ago

Ya know, it's tough because on the whole, is the best for our type of work. Being in Iceland, foreign governments can't easily take down material. Also, if you have to archive a page from another archival site, includes both URLs for reference. But since you asked I will give pros and cons of all of the archiving sites I know of.

Pros: It can archive most pages, including those who have geo-blocked Once a page has been archved there, it regularly caches the page on its own in case new updates happen.

Cons: In the United States so people can sue to get information removed

Pros: Not located in the United States.

Cons: If and can't archive the page, Megalodon probably can't either. I have only encountered a few sites that Megalodon could archive that wouldn't archive elsewhere.

Pros: You can archive pretty much every site. It even allows you to archive Instagram posts. However, Instagram posts are private. (See my other thread for instructions on how to publicly archive Instagram posts.

Cons: Have to sign up to use. Also, you can't search for other pages like on and on the site itself.

Pros: Can sometimes archive webpages that other sites can't.

Cons: Super slow to load pages. Also, you can't search for previously archived pages.

Cache Feature of Search Engines: Google, Bing, Yandex, Gigablast, Exalead, and NewsLookUp

Pros: You can pull up slightly older versions of a webpage as the cached page isn't current. If you archive the page through, it will include the original URL in addition to the cache URL.

Cons: You have to archive the page through another site such as as the cached page may be erased within 60 days or replaced by a newer version of the page sooner than that. Sometimes the web page formatting is wrong and pictures in articles may not be cached.

Bing Pros: It caches a lot of YouTube pages that Google does not as Google owns YouTube and doesn't see much of a reason to cache YouTube pages without the video.

Bing cons: When you archive on, it is no longer showing the original URL A message will need to be sent to as the people there are usually good about fixing that sort of thing.

Gigablast Pros: If a URL isn't in its "collection", it gives you an option to add it in real time.

Exalead Pro/Con: If a URL isn't in its "collection", you can submit a website to add to the cache but you have to include an email and there is no timeframe on them adding it.

Exalead and Gigablast Cons: There aren't many webpages on those sites.

NewsLookUp Cons: It is limited to news articles.

Screenshot-Only Archives: and

Pros: Can archive websites that don't typically allow archives in the source code. Also, the URL created includes the original webpage URL.

Cons: Because it is only a screenshot, you can't copy text from it. Since the screenshots aren't guaranteed to be stored for any length of time, you will want to archive the screenshot through another website such as However, doesn't currently include the original URL of the website.

URLBox Pro: It can capture Google Maps screenshots

Snapito Cons: It does not capture Google Maps screenshots.

Pros: By only using text, it removes any ads that doesn't. The original URL does show up on

Cons: It is only text, so you miss any important images. Also, most websites that don't archive under or won't archive here. Since it isn't an archival site per se, you have to archive the page through another site like

There are other archiving sites that I have not used, such as Archive-it. Archive-it seems to be a more user-managed portion of, so if a webpage won't archive on, I'm guessing it won't archive on Archive-it.

If you ever need to search for a web page across all major archival sites use That site pulls from many more other sites, such as the UK government archives, most of which require an email address just to ask a human that a page be archived. When you want to archive something right away, that isn't really effective.

That was probably more information than you wanted, but I hope it helps.

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IShallNotFear ago

I have been getting a DNS error a bunch of times for I usually have to change my VPN location. Lately I have been trying Any articles in particular that aren't working for you?

fogdryer ago

oh yes anything with sex, abuse, kids, assault Johnson Johnson stuff

IShallNotFear ago

Well, take a look at the list of archiving sites in my reply above If any links aren't archiving for you, feel free to PM me the URL before you post it and I'll see what I can come up with.

fogdryer ago
