Google Maps has been hard to archive. However, it can be done. Recently, I was reading this post ( by @5c4RFAC3 and I thought to myself before, "I know I have archived google maps before." So, I dug through my comment history and found the time I had done it before. ( To archive Google Maps, you have to go through the website
First, get the URL of the Google map image you want. I haven't figured out how to do it with yet so you will have to go though for now. Take the best security measures that you can, such as using a VPN. For this example, I will use the July 2017 image of Besta Pizza that @5c4RFAC3 requested.,+Bethesda,+MD+20814,+Сполучені+Штати+Америки/@38.989605,-77.0945857,3a,75y,340.93h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sifwMS3NjNyy-VTsv0TppBg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7c96427bef9eb:0x4856bceaf743648b!8m2!3d38.989739!4d-77.0946226
Second, make sure the street view image is not zoomed in. If you can try it zoomed in, but URLbox only pulls data for the screenshot for a certain amount of time. Zoomed-in images often take too long to load for URLbox to capture them.
Third, copy the Google URL and paste it in the "try it now" spot on Don't worry, you don't need to make an account, the free trial will work just fine.
Fourth, after it takes the screenshot, copy the new URL below the image (not the one above the image) and paste it in Otherwise, click on the new screenshot. The new screenshot will appear full-screen and you can copy the URL from your address bar and paste it in, as it is the same new screenshot URL.
Image from URLbox:
Archive of the URLbox Image:
Unless you have the exact URLbox link, don't expect to find the image when you search on because the original Google Map address will have / instead of %2F and other symbol changes. Because of that, make sure you keep track of the new link. At least the image is verified by the original URL appearing in the URLbox URL.
It has been a year since I last did it so I don't remember how to get the side picture to disappear but that could have something to do with how Google runs its system. If any of you know how to get the screenshot not to include that let me know in the comments below.
I will also cross-post this in /v/AskPizzagate. EDIT: Here is the link:
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fogdryer ago
is anyone having trouble archiving ?
when I want to archive something regarding, sex, assault etc, it wont archive.
other times the screens tell me I don't have the authority to archive this article...….??????
IShallNotFear ago
I have been getting a DNS error a bunch of times for I usually have to change my VPN location. Lately I have been trying Any articles in particular that aren't working for you?
fogdryer ago
oh yes anything with sex, abuse, kids, assault Johnson Johnson stuff
IShallNotFear ago
Well, take a look at the list of archiving sites in my reply above If any links aren't archiving for you, feel free to PM me the URL before you post it and I'll see what I can come up with.
fogdryer ago