Did you know the voice actor of David Sarif in the video game Deus Ex Human Revolution is a Pizzagate researcher? They blacklisted and destroyed his career and stole his children. (pizzagate)
submitted 6.2 years ago by gamepwn
PizzaGate with Actor and Activist Stephen Shellen
He is here on Voat. He had responded on one of my submissions a while back and is often active here.
This is him as the voice actor in Deus Ex Human Revolution. If you are a gamer you most likely know who he is. This game was huge in 2011. It also dropped many redpills.
Watch this video from a cutscene in the game. As his character David he mentions occult groups like the Freemasons running the world. Listen to what he says at the 1:00 mark. He exposes the Deep State in this game.
They destroyed his career and took away his children when he tried to expose Pizzagate. They wrote hit pieces on him.
His IMDb page.
They stole his children.
They replaced him in the sequel. Read the comments people are talking about him and how he tried to expose what was going on.
The original Deus Ex and it's sequel with David both dropped many Redpills. The third in the series, Mankind Divided, which had him replaced, did not drop many at all and was considered mediocre. White hats in the gaming industry were trying to expose what was going on and they were not allowed for the third game.
The original Deus Ex from 2000. They mention the ruling families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers among other things.
In this video the main character straight up says the cabal rules the world.
Just another patriot who has been attacked and life almost destroyed over trying to expose evil. One who means alot to the gaming world as well. Stephen Shellen is one of us.
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carmencita 6.2 years ago
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carmencita ago