WalnutSauceGoat ago

I was photographing the tunnel entrances in the rain around DuPont circle the other day, and suddenly became aware of this banner that's posted everywhere: "Golden Triangle DC". Their logo looked kinda paedophile to me, but maybe it's incidental. https://goldentriangledc.com

Yuke ago

Yeah I raised this before on here, in fact, I believe I made a thread about it, due to how suspicious this seemed to me given the triangles we found. I still very much believe there is something to that.

comet_ping_pong_fan ago

Guys calm down...lots of old buildings have basements and tunnels. A Boogeyman is not around every corner. Be well friends.

Yuke ago

But you're concerned enough to be here and checking in on posts like this? Hmmm.

think- ago

Hi @Yuke, could you please add at least one link to the post? If possible, the link to the Instagram you got the photos from?

That would be terrific, thanks!

Flairing '24 hours Grace'.

Yuke ago

Okay, done. (I tried to archive them but it wouldn't do it).

think- ago

(I tried to archive them but it wouldn't do it).

Yes, archive.is doesn't archive Instagram anymore. But here's some info how you can archive Instagram:


Yuke ago

Ah okay. Thanks bud.

think- ago


Yuke ago

Added archive image links as well. Great help, thanks again.

think- ago

You're welcome, @Yuke.

think- ago

Thanks, @Yuke. I have removed the flair.

septimasexta ago

One of the realtors' names seems to be legit: http://spws.homevisit.com/hvid/176811

Wheatstone ago

Why can't we just get a large group to swarm the tunnels and report where they are and where they lead?

Yuke ago

Sounds good to me. Do we have any goats that are in DC or fairly close willing to have a search?

septimasexta ago

Wouldn't you have to go through D.C. authorities? D.C. is a sensitive area. Wouldn't the 3 letter agencies have some way of monitoring them? Can satellites detect underground activities? Check out Dupont Underground. There was a guy involved with its development that got an "underground tour", but I think he was accompanied by police.


"Archived Game Over: Alefantis' Properties (CP, Transformer and Pegasus Museums Perfectly Align with Newly Discovered Tunnels!" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1551878

and this:

Yuke ago

I imagine so, but I also imagine that they either wouldn't allow it, or wouldn't let you go through certain places. Rules need bending and breaking now and then.

septimasexta ago

Well, James certainly did when he set up the ping pong table at the front door and was booking "all ages" shows in the back of his restaurant in violation of his original contract. The D.C. government CERTAINLY BENT THE RULES FOR HIM, and gave him all the changes he asked for, NO PENALTIES!

septimasexta ago

Great post. Please archive photo links.

"#creepybasement, #dungeon, #kalorama THIS IS WHY THE MSM RIDICULES EXISTENCE OF DC BASEMENTS AND TUNNELS. D.C.'s underground is like Swiss cheese.

Paul_Vincent ago

DC is literally crawling with secret underground tunnels. Many were created during prohibition, none are on modern maps, and some date back even further to the construction of the city. DC is literally the occult capital (as well as the actual capital) of the USA. I assume everyone here knows this. PS: This is my first post on these forums, although I have been following PG since the start.
I have been lurking and reading old topics when I came across this (link below). It is so blatant it blew my mind. You have the Masonic black and white tiled floors (signifying the duality of human nature, light & dark, good and evil, you have the Masonic pillars. You have the horned bests and naked human forms in animal masks (remind anyone of certain Rothschild "parties")? Then you have the child front and center, brushing the horned beast, like a slave would to a master. It is just beyond the pale.
I have no idea whether this "artist" is just copying these themes for shock value, but creating images like these (and the ones owned by Tony Podesta) can only be marketed to a specific crowd. No person who is not perverted in the most extreme ways would consider these images as even remotely OK to hang on a wall. They are only fit for toilet paper or burning.
I am sure you veterans have seen these images already, but I have never had the displeasure. I don't know how you guys find it in your hearts go go down these grotesque rabbit holes and not become consumed by disgust and rage at the openly pedophillic images on display by some of these so called "artists". This cannot be normal, can it. I mean I know that art has become extremely degenerate now, but these particular themes are something totally different. They are like sticking two fingers up at the purity of children. They are perversions of innocence. Also, sorry if I derailed the original intent of the thread in any way, it was simply the most recent thread I could find to come and introduce myself and say hi to you all. You have not given up, and you continue to push for truth and transparency. These people are vile. http://meghanboody.com/incident-at-the-reformatory/

kazza64 ago

its all about pedophilia and bestiality and the occult reminds me of gloria vanderbilts art

toutedesuite ago

😥 These people are monsters.

Yuke ago

No worries, and welcome. I certainly see what you do as well, quite obvious. This is what seems apparent, this arrogance that they can flaunt things and people either won't know what it means, or that nothing will come of it even if they did know. I hold faith in the fact that this arrogance will be their eventual downfall.

septimasexta ago

So bad, this needs a NSFW warning.

think- ago

@septimasexta, I can't flair comments 'NSFW', unfortunately, but @Paul_Vincent might want to add a 'NSFW' on top of his comment.


TrishaUK ago

I agree with you, this does need a NSFW warning :) - especially this link by Paul_Vincent - http://meghanboody.com/incident-at-the-reformatory/ link. @think- @Vindicator - good post though

Vindicator ago

No way to flair a comment, unfortunately.

septimasexta ago

" A hole in the concrete basement floor led to a shaft that dropped down 20 feet (6 meters) into tunnels that branched out roughly 200 feet (60 meters) in length."

WOW. This sounds familiar.... http://i1.wp.com/aceloewgold.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/comethole.png?w=640&ssl=1

septimasexta ago

Look who else likes to make BIG HOLES..... https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1063639781899300864

a_quest_ion ago

Remember that man who died in a dc tunnel a few months back. I think he was digging the tunnel and died in an electrical fire. The whole story sounded fake as hell.

Yuke ago

No, I didn't hear about that. If you can find a link that would be great.

CrowWatcher ago

Cathy O'Brian mentioned these secret passageways in her book, Transformation of America. She said she witnessed human sacrifice, men in robes, and she was sexually abused as well as traumatized. This trauma was used to cause a split in her personality.

Yuke ago

Well, they obviously exist, it's just a matter of finding out if they are still in use and for what.

CrowWatcher ago

Cameras would be a good idea. Cameras provided by the White Hats.

Bravo1XRay ago

Let's not forget POTUS's visit to Arlington Cemetery last week with discovery of the Deep State's (Key Stone) D. U. M. B. S.under the cemetery that lead them directly to Comet Pizza with other stops found on their way there.

jonnyquest ago

Can you elaborate? I've been following (I thought?) pretty closely, and I knew about the unscheduled Arlington stop -- but what's the rest!?