Vindicator ago

Thanks for the crosspost Voaltron. You were right!

carmencita ago

"Kotoko was born and raised in Towa City. She was a child prodigy and a famous child actor whose father was a dentist.

father was a dentist. He should be researched. Epstein has a dentist's chair in his house.

darkknight111 ago

I’ve played the game. That chapter is deadly serious about the topic in what is normally a black comedy series of video games.

I suspect the author is a white hat exposing Pedowood.

IIRC Kotoko wears her hair in a similar way to Drew Barrymore did in her youth.

carmencita ago

Kind of undercover so to speak? It had said that they were really around 12 which is way to young for a role like that Hopefully their fans will catch on.

gamepwn ago

It's mine, I used an old research post of mine and added some content to it on QRV to get more insight into it.

Been asking anonymous topics lately to add to my own research. Like brushing up my knowledge into the most religious aspects aspects of Pizzagate like Babylonian Baal Nephilim demons, Freemasonary, various religions and societies and their Holy books, to see origins into what has devolved our world into this depravity.

Going over some new and old things lol

Vindicator ago

Great post, gamepwn. Bringing Podesta and Hastert into it at the end was excellent!

gamepwn ago

Thanks Vindicator! I tried to wrap it up and thought so as well!

darkknight111 ago

Persona 5 might actually be worth a video dedicated to its red pill material.

carmencita ago

Due to her trauma caused by sexual abuse, Kotoko has a trigger for the word "gentle" (優しい yasashii), as the men who abused her had said they would be "gentle". When she hears this word, she becomes neurotic, and begins crying and screaming in fear, unable to calm herself down except when somebody tells her that they will not be gentle with her. Supposedly because of Junko's teachings, she wants to make other "adorbs" girls suffer what she went through, exclusively the older ones she considers Demons. She is bitter because nobody helped her in the past and thus very paranoid of adults, believing they're all pedophiles.

Kotoko has a right to be angry. Her mother prostituted her to pedophiles She knows this. There's also this

Kotoko also has an odd speech pattern as she often starts to list off-topic facts she finds interesting in the middle of conversation. Sometimes they're vaguely related to the topic (for example, if the topic is too long speeches, she starts to talk about how things like elephant's nose and giraffe necks are also too long). Even still, her speech is clear and focused, unlike in the case of Jataro Kemuri.

Sounds a little like MK Ultra product. Very strange her speaking off subject when in conversation. Still looking for stuff on her dad. I am sure since the mom had no problem selling her off that the father is perverted as well.