PedoStomperReturns ago

Japan has had CP as part of their culture for as long as I can remember. Anime is full of pedo creepiness; I remember in the original "Dragon Ball," the character Master Roshi, an old man, is constantly lusting after Bulma, a young girl who I'm pretty sure is said to be 17 (at most). His perverted attempts to see her naked are a running gag in the show.

There are also some very twisted Japanese film genres. First there is what I can only call "snuff style" movies, like the "Guinea Pig" series from the 80s and early 90s, which were 45-50 minute films of a (usually young-looking) girl getting kidnapped by bandits, gangsters, or in one case a serial killer dressed as a samurai, and they proceed to drug the girl and then dismember her body slowly. An entire sub-genre dedicated to nothing but that.

Guinea Pig Trailer

Then there's Guro. If you haven't heard of guro, its basically art or pornography (usually the latter) based on dismembering and mutilating people, and again, it's usually young-looking girls. Guro has manifested in manga, hentai (anime porn), video games, and more in Japanese culture, and is catching on in other regions as well. Guro ranges from very light to some of the most grotesque imagery you can imagine.

Also there is Shotacon and Lolicon, which just takes a Google search to discover how fucked up that shit is. For those who don't want their browsers tainted, its anime porn featuring children.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Having been an anime and hentai fan for many years I do know that Lolita and Shota (make equivalent of Lolita) themes Are quite prevalent in anime and hentai. They have their own sub genres and they’re a common trope.

dreamwarrior23 ago

It's normalization and arrogance.

Norm85 ago

The BBC asking if Japan is turning a blind eye to paedophilia. The irony is palpable.

Pizzalawyer ago

Are any native Japanese reporting and/or protesting? Are there any Pizzagate forums over there?

ben_matlock ago

Yoichi Shimatsu is the only Japanese 'pizzagate' researcher I know of, though I would assume there are more.

Pizzalawyer ago

yes, i have read some of his stuff and its always great. Is he a resident of Japan or US ?

ben_matlock ago

Hong Kong, i believe

carmencita ago

I love Yoiichi. Don't read him as often as I should. His article on Aaron Schwartz was very good.

ben_matlock ago

In complete agreement with all 3 points 🤓

carmencita ago

That does it! I am going to look him up right now! Too long. Thanks for reminding me.

Blacksmith21 ago

I know nothing about the Japs. But, is there any connection to Aum Shinryko?

Tazzermalt ago

No Aum was a doomsday apocalypse mass murder cult, it may had global political ambitions with the terrorism thing. The lolita thing or perv fetish or tolerance for maybe abusive relationships is there with Japanese. I have no doubt there may be some 'pizzagate' scandal in Japan, this abuse, molestation thing is every where in the world every media every church and temple all nations everywhere. I will ask a guy to come in here give a run down on Jpn culture from a non-conspiracy objective outside view ... @WhiteRonin could give you a quick talk on why they are different peoples. Looking from an American view, maybe say a conservative view you would see they are kinda weird like say French are weird, the weird thing may not always be criminal but other times it is criminal.

WhiteRonin ago

Yep, and was a Scientology routine turned terrorists.

Japan ... hmm is weird place. Cute (kawaii) is part of the country. Old men love Hatsune Miku - they saw she’s cute. There is also a strong Lolicon (Lolita complex) affliction but it’s weird, men will act that fantasy out with younger soapland workers. Prostitution is a grey area in Japan and police allow it. You will also come across 20-30 year old guys dating high school girls and high school boys banging jr high girls. Way younger isn’t a problem. Teacher also diddle the students.


It’s such a fine line that it’s amazing that all out pedo’s draw a line at how young they go. Like I said paying a high school girl for sex isn’t that weird. Most guys won’t but I would come across girls who did have older “patrons”. Older guys would stop at high school girls and normally 16 and older at that.

Trust me on this. Jr high girls were only targeted by high school boys.

Gays also kept things on board too. You would see them on TV but never really pushed their “gender” on anybody. You don’t here about faggets like George Takei grabbing guys by the balls.

There is definitely a fascination with high school uniforms! Come on! Who would pass up a chance of Britney Spears in her private school uniform. This is all of Japan. Girls know they hold that power. Too bad none of my Xs had their uniforms from high school. Oh well. So, soaplands would offer that service along with nurses and what not. Soaplands can be cheap like $100 for an hour - decent girls too! No hags. Japanese guys would rather spend $20 more for young one than an old bird.

Is there perverts? Yeah, there are! Faggets who grope girls and women on the trains but women have started calling out men and mistaken accusations are a problem now.

But never have heard of elementary level pedos though. Perverts sitting naked in a car out slide of high schools? Yep! I’ve even seen a guy piss on the front gate of a high school before too. I was like wtf?!? I’ve even cane across a government employee who stole high school uniforms.

High shool girls are a grand target. Jr high ? Nothing. Elementary school? Never.

Japan has the strangest porn I’ve ever seen. Well westerners like animals - I didn’t see that in Japan. Nope. Don’t know why. Maybe the women thought that was just too much.

However, comic books targeting elementary school kids is full of panty shots while older kids would have less of that. Shonen jump was a major seller and it was full of panties. Even jr high school boys said it was weird.

What about politicians? 60 year old guys propba oh pump 20 year olds without even blinking. 18 ... maybe ...

But their is one rule that could get you busted and that is if a girl was in a school uniform and you get caught, you were busted for pedo. If she didn’t have it on, you could claim ignorance.

Cheating is similar. Walk out of a girlfriend’s house covered in lipstick and you are safe. Walk into a love hotel — bam! Busted! Love hotels are for sex. They are cheap to stay at though!

So is their pizzagate in Japan? Not with elementary school kids. Jr high ... not sure. High school - yep.

What about us military. Oh boy! I’ve locked 15 year olds out of bars. So for sure I bet sailors have diddled 15-16 year olds. Even heard of rape stories too. A lot and I mean a lot is covered up. Whatever gets on TV is nothing.

I love Japan but I’m not gonna hide what I know.

darkknight111 ago My thread on Idol Culture, which is definetely linked.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Holy shit that video game is fucking disturbing

Zorrilla ago

Interesting post. We have seen that art here before:

darkknight111 ago

In regards to Persona 5 (I've mentioned this game before), Goro Akechi is an allegory to the CIA given his MO of false flags and assassinations. Shido is likely an allegory for the Clintons given his mafia ties, use of suiciding, the media being completely on his side, etc.

There is also a late game Mementos target who's a commentary on the casting couch. Eerily similar to Harvey Weinstein.

One of the party members (Makoto Niijima) is the daughter of a police officer who was murdered while investigating a sex trafficking ring.

The game also viciously rips the nasty side of Japanese culture (the victim is dirty when it comes to rape, work culture, arranged marriage) a new one.

I'm pretty sure that Persona 5 was written by gaming industry white hats.

I've also made commentary on Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls being a red pill game regarding Pedowood. Normally, Danganronpa is a black comedy, but the chapter in question (along with the other child abuse stories) is taken 100% dead fucking serious.

Workman ago

Huh. Never thought I'd see Danganronpa discussed on Voat.

darkknight111 ago

It gets weirder regarding Danganronpa. It has actually helped out by giving some insight during the pizzagate investigation.

During the threads regarding the Vanderbilt pool pics, the game ended up giving me an insight as to the likely howdunnit of the crimes were commited. Probably done in a similar manner to the situation with Hiyoko's body (hung with a slit throat) in the Mikan Tsumaki case.

That same case turned out useful in understanding some things regarding the Chris Cornell/Chester Bennington murders. More specifically, a piece of dialogue from Chiaki Namani regarding the difference in rope burn profile between a suicide and a ligature strangulation. Covering up this important piece of evidence is why Cornell's body was cremated so quickly.

PedoStomperReturns ago

The speediness with which a lot of celebs are cremated is rather astonishing.

darkknight111 ago

Shows what kind of dank timeline we live in. I believe Ultra Despair Girls was meant as a red pill game in regards to Pedowood.

I've mentioned the game here before. Pretty much every time I say something about how "they" should receive a "Very Special Punishment" for their sick crimes or say IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!! I mean it as in a Danganronpa style execution. Have a whole bunch of them as it relates to specific sickos.

Workman ago

We're living through the Tragedy is slow motion. Every day the West becomes more degenerate and more violent. Junko embodies Post-Modernism perfectly, depraved hedonistic deviants reveling in the destruction of everything beautiful, natural, and traditional.

darkknight111 ago

If "they" are Junko, then we channers and goats are Kyoko Kirigiri. Junko feared Kyoko more than anyone..."they" are terrified of the chans and v/pizzagate.

I am an anti-nihilist. I believe that there may be little hope to save the world, but will continue to fight on anyway. I leave with this.

"Tragedy and sadness will never truly disappear. But this is a place that she once tried to protect. I remember that and I will never, ever forget it. That's why....I keep fighting."

realityisinsanity ago

There's a lot of animes about the rampant corruption in Japan due to the Yakuza and politicians working with them.

Tazzermalt ago

lot of weirdos in mainstream also, film maker Takashi Miike gives off real creepy vibes .... and the political elite Later that week, senior politician Takami Eto sparked complaints from China after suggesting that the Nanking massacre during World War II was a "big lie".

China says that 300,000 Chinese died at the hands of Japanese troops in Nanking, but some Japanese nationalists contest whether the massacre happened at all.

In the same month, two politicians sparked fury among female legislators by appearing to condone rape.

Seiichi Ota, a lawmaker with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), said at a debate on Japan's declining birth rate that at least gang rapists had a healthy appetite for sex.

Then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, commenting on Mr Ota's remarks, suggested women who are raped are "asking for it" by the way they dress. Kiichi Inoue, minister for disaster management, suggested that the murder of a classmate by an 11-year-old schoolgirl indicated a sign of women's progress.

"Men have committed thoughtless, harsh acts but I think this is the first for a girl," Mr Inoue told reporters. "Recently the difference between men and women is shrinking." He said "vigorous" women were increasing in society.