auralsects ago

You can tell who the shills around here are by if they push for these sort of things. On a side note, its interesting that Islam matches this checklist of pedophile enabler culture almost spot on, having four out of five signs.

you can always tell who the shills are by using kike distractions like "muh muslims." why , I may hazard to speculate that your retarded little list was designed with muslims (the jews' nemesis) in mind.

As a fan of both gaming and anime


the correct age of consent is actually 18 since one is not truly an adult until the nervous system fully matures, thus 18 is the most scientifically correct age of consent).

LMAO hmm why would they biologically be able to rear children so long before theyre mentally able to understand sex. fucking complete idiot labeling dozens of US states' electorates and lawmakers pedophiles.

General cultural misogynistic attitudes regarding women, especially the idea that women = property. This logically leads to... Cultural views that the victims of rape are dirty instead of the right opinion to have ie "only the rapist is dirty". This includes barbaric activity such as punishing the victim instead of the rapist. Includes the view that "rape can be morally justified".

no, women = property would logically PERMIT rape you moron. the stigmatization of rape victims is to prevent them by signaling that theres no reason a decent woman should even be in a position to be raped (i.e. alone with strange men). I like how you judge and think youre wiser than thousands of years of accumulated history, fucking loser.

don't you get tired of trying to call me out only to be utterly destroyed??

3141592653 ago

I appreciate this post

Micheal84 ago

Just hitting the random NSFW button on Voat will take you to same weird anime kind of "art" subverse.

Drawings of little girls that is, in anime style.

I mentioned this to the mods once, but there's not much they can do about.

Im not gonna link, but that shit is out here on Voat as well.

darkknight111 ago

Agreed. BTW, behold donkey's latest pro-rape comment saying that rape victims should be stimatized.

Every time he opens his mouth, he shows what a morally, vile, horrible person he truly is, thus further ruining his credibility.

Just as planned

Vindicator ago

Interesting thread darkknight. Does this predate WWII, or is this recent history? And I wonder how the rise of this cultural phenomenon lines up with Japan being a partner in our intelligence gathering operations. I.e. how much of this is deep state driven?

darkknight111 ago

Behold donkey defending rape again. Everytime he opens his mouth, he shows what a morally vile, evil, degenerate sub human pile of shit he really is, thus torpedoing his own credibility and ability for people to trust him.

Claims he's so smart yet doesn't know that absolute truth about human biology regarding the last system to fully develop. Then again his views have always matched the enlightenment of a retarded troglydite.

Just as planned. Why else would I post shit just to provoke him?

Vindicator ago

Donkey is part of a group that is not here for good. We've documented it numerous times. The thing is with these retards...they don't understand the concept of a "foil". While some are turned off by their vitriol and foulness, many of us simply grow stronger, more resilient, more committed, and the light keeps shining in the darkness and the darkness can't overcome it. :-) Donkey can cry and gnash his teeth forever, as far as I'm concerned. He is impotent.

darkknight111 ago

Recent. Goes back to the late 70's.

fogdryer ago

I just starting looking at Wisconsin’s sister city in Japan Chiba ??? Come and teach the kids English .... I’m reading

adaya ago

Comprehensive start! Thank you.

(beyond words otherwise. 🤢🤮🤮😳🤬🤯 )