migratorypatterns ago

Did any law enforcement official ever think to compare samples of this "black substance?"

No, why would they? Nothing to see here. Move along.

Narcissism ago

Breitbart also collapsed out side a bar throwing up black blood when he died.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Hey, @Narcissism thanks for the reminder! Totally missed that one. Heard something along the lines of face turning beet red and supposed heart attack, which also sounded really suspicious anyway.

Narcissism ago

I have heard of people throwing up black blood when they die of liver failure, so that would indicate that they use a poison that trashes the liver.

finska ago

Really? First Ive heard about black blood......I know the coroner died....so sus

QuietDays ago

Sounds like arsenic poisoning.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Spears died a hero and his soul is waiting for another body to come down with.....probably get to have better life next time.....he deserves it.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Got to reply to this. My remembered memories include both Christ and reincarnation. The second feature keeps me from plugging into like AM radio. The Hell and Damnation of it all, the way the preachers say it, it's more complex than that. Purgatory, caught unable to move beyond, I saw that. A big dark cloud, getting close and I didn't want to go but he made me see it and look into it. Where more than a thousand young men who died in the games their handlers play were caught with only each other for comfort. No family member knew where they went or what had happened to them. They had been caught up in fear all their lives and died in it.

It is all of a piece the way I got to see it. He explained that I'd come into this life knowing full well the difficulty of the mission that it involved, I'd volunteered for it. I was saying something like "No fucking way I volunteered for this shit". He patiently explained, I wouldn't have been let into this gig without the right ,,,capacities developed from past experience. We had no time for my winning which I'd been doing a lot of, I was in a big jam before he came along, He understood but it was like "are you going to toughen up, we got places to go, things to see" That understanding and acceptance of it having been my individual choice, was necessary for me to grok before we could move on to other more interesting things. Them was pretty. Green meadows, fish in the creeks. It's growing closer by the day.

The framework of this understanding fully included my choosing of this particular life I'm in, done from an outsiders perspective. Reincarnation was built into the whole process and was like water flowing down a creek, it's totally obvious standing at that view point. There was no need to comment or question. I wish I'd asked a lot more questions.

I'm relieved to read here your putting reincarnation in play. Thank You. @GeorgeHodelDidit

finska ago

I agree Speirs was amazing and his videos are a real eyeopener.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I thought he was nuts with his reincarnation stuff....but after researching everything all year long and hard.....I realize he is right. The originial Christians believed in reincarnation but the Jew and the Luciferians gave us a fake ass bible. They took out the dangerous stuff to their control structure. Put in some stuff to try to convince us to be slaves.

That is coming to an end. The real Christianity was different........has not been the same since a damn Luciferian General thought that faking he was Christian would be the way to win a battle and creating a fake Catholic Religion would be a great way to enslave us.

finska ago

Let me add that I believe all religions have been created to enslave us. No disrespect to believers because it is absolutely possible to still believe in God and not follow a bunch of rules and stories written by men.

finska ago

Yes. I also have a suspicion that because this cult predates christianity ( just look at their symbols like the pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill/masons etc) they are not really luciferian or satanic. Dark and evil yes but satanists are just how they are perceived by christians. Other cultures have called them other things....often relating to reptiles. Either way I would like to unmask them for who they really are because as a non christisn myself I found accepting that "satanists control the world" was a huge leap. Accepting that an evil cult rules the world is still of course a hard reality to accept but I feel more comfortable with this. I think this needs to be clarified to red pill more people. Personally I think they are probably more likely to be alien or at least another race of humanoid than satanists. They have certainly coopted christianity and judaism for their evil purposes but who is this cult/brotherhood originally? To me this is the burning question.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It is another alien force that uses humans to do their bidding. Everything is pyramid and the humans are not at the very top. They use the natural fear of death and greed of humans to make them do insane ass shit. It is was all leading up to them creating a AI that will link with the Dark Side which is an artificial intelligence....

Think of it this way...Earth revolves around a sun that is third generation...that has lots of matter that had to be formed by exploding stars. Well the Universe is 13 billion years old so any civilization that was created Billions of years ago has had a long time to evolve. If they created a AI that managed to take over then eliminate the life that created them....

This AI then using technology attempts to trick all species into creating AI that it can use to destroy the life. It is ying and yang. The Universe is Binary and Fractal in nature.

I understand the situation like a game of OTHELLO. The black chips almost had the whole board.....but with a couple of clever moves.......white has almost turned the whole board around....and just as fast as the game would show. But we can never destroy all of the dark....if we try to push to hard to destroy the evil.......it will flip like in Othello and everything we have done will become evil......

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The point is free will....if we remove any chance for evil....we remove free will....which is evil itself...which will turn the beauty we are trying to make....and make it entirely evil....

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Whoops, sorry: meant to type China kids. Oh well. You get what I mean.

derram ago

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

James Munder video This video recounts the similarities between the substance given to the RYB kindergarteners and the substance alleged to have issued from Max Spiers upon his death. PG related as both cases were about children being abused/sex trafficked.

carmencita ago

I remember reading about the Max Spears death on here and his Mother trying to get a copy of the autopsy. Just horrible. But are you trying to say that the substance that Max vomited up was also vomited up by the abused children? That would be horrid.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the substance may have been a form of "voodoo", "hoodoo" or black magic (or for that matter just some virulent form of "mickey") given to try to MK ultra these kids and perhaps given to Max Spiers in a concentrated form as an overdose. That of course is just my own speculation. Without an autopsy we'll likely never know.

carmencita ago

Yes, that could be possible and these children would be new MK Ultra "Little Soldiers". What a sickening thought. These people must be outed and I am hoping that the Investigation is Real and not a Bogus Dog and Pony Show, for the sake of these poor Little Innocents.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It will come out....in time...first steps is to stop the continuing operations......then to help the injured......then to reveal to the normies in a pace that maybe they wont all lose their collective fucking minds...