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garlicbulb ago

Please be consistent with "possible disinformation " flairs. You used one on and said "Not my job [to educate yourself on various subjects] And this isn't v/conspiracy. Posts here have to give linked proof of their claims." You post something yet apply no flair and yet no linked proof of claims. Bias

Vindicator ago

You post something yet apply no flair and yet no linked proof of claims. Bias

What are you talking about?

garlicbulb ago

You should know exactly what i am talking about. I will explain again for you. In another thread you flaired "possible disinfo" [] and said when you were asked to read more so that it did not strain your incredulity, "Not my job. And this isn't v/conspiracy. Posts here have to give linked proof of their claims." In this thread that you started, you even admit you were "not 100% confident in Shimatsu's reporting" and yet you offer no linked proof of claims in the article posted. You are therefore selective as to your applying rules, unless you flair your own thread with "possible disinfo" or you are biased.

think- ago

...and said when you were asked to read more so that it did not strain your incredulity

@Vindicator is right - it's not his job to read tons of stuff about remote viewing - that's the story that Ms. Arrigo is pushing - on the internet, he has already read about it, and we treat it like we treat stories about alien sightings or reptilians.

Please note that the flair in question says 'Possible Disinfo', not 'Debunked' (another flair we also have).

And no, I also don't believe in her remote viewing claims. I never came across a report about remote viewing that I thought to be credible. (In contrast to precognition f.i.).

And frankly - she claims to have saved 200 people after the spring uprising in Prague, but she can't even spell the name of the country right? Yes?

I don't even doubt that she was likely MKUltra'ed, and her family worked for the CIA, and she also was a possible CIA asset. But I doubt parts of her story.

And re this current post here: If there are things that you think are not correct, please feel free to point them out in detail. We will then discuss it, and neither Vindicator or me would be aversed to an 'Accuracy in Question', 'Possible Disinfo' or 'Debunked' flair, if it should turn out that the post contains Disinfo.

garlicbulb ago

yes its easy to buy the cia disinfo on remote viewing rather than read books whoich may be the only source of info on some subjects

I prefer to spend my time doing actual research and publishing than trying to persuade people who have not bothered to read or suffer cognitive dissonance on issues. Even trying to point out an obvious differential in how two posts are treated meets various excuses rather than admitting a non consistent approach.

think- ago

Even trying to point out an obvious differential in how two posts are treated meets various excuses rather than admitting a non consistent approach.

This is your take on it, @garlicbulb. I don't think asking for details about alleged Disinfo, or offering to discuss are 'excuses' tbh.

Thanks for the list of books, I will look into it when I'll have some time next week.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Well, this article is a roundup enumerating the highlights of a 9-part series Shimatsu did over 2016, mostly based on research here in v/pizzagate. While he doesn't hyperlink to the sources of all the info he presents, he does cite them.

I am certainly willing to flair Shimatsu as possible disinfo if he is in fact pushing any. That's precisely why I raised the question when I linked the article. No one has made a case for that so far. That's why we discuss submission content as a community. Flairs can be added or changed at any time -- and we frequently do so as new material is added to a post through crowdsourced investigation.

garlicbulb ago

So this post breaks the rules on links but you bend them to suit as he cites them. The other article cites a book too but you flaired that as possible disinfo. One article you give the presumption of innocence the other you presume possibly guilty. I would not flair either or if you feel you have to flair both. However a fairer flair would be somethign liek "more researched needed" and explain into x and x and miss out perjorative "possible disinfo" flairs

kobold ago

cultural marxism and pedofilia, hand in hand as usual

think- ago

Ah, now I remember, he is the guy who tried to smear Fromm, without presenting any evidence of course. Fromm's work is diametrally different to that of later Cultural Marxism thinkers. He has done some great work about the nature of love, sadism, and fascism. I wonder what the author's stance is towards the latter.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I wonder what the author's stance is on fascism as well. Used to correspond by email and comment section of Wayne Madsen Report..Yoichi lived with her...they were all great journalists but seemed to have an agenda....never remember fascism being mentioned by any of them. Quit following because of that. Have read that Wayne, even though he lived in DC , never believed PizzaGate. Our country is fascist , pedophelia is a hallmark of it. Have also heard that when the German soldiers went into Italy, they raped little boys. The mothers went to Germany and talked to the wives stopped.Fascists do not like women and children..hallmark is a "tell" as they say in poker. Women got the right to vote in Russia way before America..look at the amazon logo really hard...If you have watched the Kay Griggs series, you will see man on man sex is a rite of passage for those who make rank. Here are the 14 points of fascism from the book They Thought They Were Free...pedaphelia is not mentioned but it is a description of America. Not politically correct to write of it ..

letsdothis2 ago

CIA Stack Sullivan also teamed up with Eric Fromm in the Narco-Hypnotic Mind Control programming of the infamous dancer and black heroine, Katherine Durham.[56] Dr. Wills served as Director of Psychotherapy at Chestnut Lodge from 1954-1967.

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.

In 1934, Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The institute was funded by the wealthy Jewish Weil Family of Nazified Argentina. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII. During the war, he had worked as a Press Control Officer for SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). SHAEF was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Here's an article on Fromm : Predatory narcissists were a focus for Erich Fromm . The author is Jon Attack :

Jon is an expert on Scientology. He has spent the last 30 years studying manipulation in all its many forms. His books include the best-selling Let's Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky.

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Fromm’s Jewish background had an influence on his approach. Fromm studied the Talmud at an early age and was profoundly influenced by the ethical and humanistic implications of the writings as well as the mystical revelations found throughout.

Seems quite a few people were/are suspicious of Fromm. @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Great crosslinks, LDT2. Thanks for adding those.

I don't know how I missed this two years ago, but apparently Fromm did research on NPH orphans in Mexico -- the same organization that allegedly supplied kids to Laura Silsby. Shimatsu says Fromm's research was used by Tavistock? @think- @Blacksmith21 have you heard of this? From the article:

Attorney Max inherited his board seat at Friends of the Orphans from his father Dr. Michael Maccoby, a psychoanalyst who recently accused Donald Trump of being a “narcissist”. Dr. Maccoby conducted a research project on NPH orphans group with Erich Fromm, and at Harvard worked with the determinist psychiatrist B.F. Skinner and policymaker McGeorge Bundy. The early-age psychological conditioning theories of Skinner and Fromm were a part of the Tavistock mind-control program, the blueprint for MK-ULTRA. Conditioning exercises were the lesser-known practical techniques used in the CIA brainwashing project, which was founded on Freudian trauma theory.

Blacksmith21 ago

First time for me seeing the Maccoby-Fromm connection.

Simply put, I think it reasonable that Freud and many others handed over unpublished research to their Masters which essentially was the playbook for manipulation, grooming, pedophilia, gaslighting, etc. They've perfected it under the guise of research (McKinsey) over a century. It has morphed into what we have, and where we have arrived at today - Full brainwashing with programmed responses. False flag actors (almost all shooters), sex plants (Ally Watkins), MSM personalities (watch Al Roker get caught between personalities before the new one loads into the prefrontal cortex), entertainment (Brittney Spears DID fracturing), etc.

This slipped by me as well. I knew about the Koons and know about the Brock/JA/CTR orbit. I didn't know Koons and wife had started that foundation AND that they had 6 kids.

"Reddit posts discovered that James Alefantis posted an online image of artist Jeff Koons having sex with his former wife, Italian porn star Cicciolina Ilona Staller, who divorced him and took their son to Europe, where a court refused to give him custody. (Photo since removed)

In June 2016 during the Hillary Clinton campaign, Koons donated $50,000 to David Brock’s Correct The Record, raising the question of whether Alefantis’s post of Koons and his porn-star first wife was a blackmail threat to reveal more compromising images in tandem with Brock.

Koons’s second wife is Justine Wheeler, and together they created the Koons Family Institute, which in charge of online research of kiddie porn for the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC/ National US branch NCMEC). Koons and Wheeler have six children.

The NCMEC is responsible for issuing Amber Alerts carried by the Silsby-linked AlertSense.

ICMEC was launched in 1998 by then First Ladies Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair. Fit the pieces together and it’s not a pretty picture."

Vindicator ago

Who smeared Fromm? Shimatsu?

I don't know much about Fromm, but I read his "Courage to Create" and it seemed pretty good.

think- ago

Who smeared Fromm? Shimatsu?

Yes. Yes, his writings are great imo.

Lansing-Michigan ago

This ties in with Dr. Sue Arrigo's references to Clinton Bosnian wars...""He bought 14 acres of land, and the CIA built its concentration camp for orphans, complete with barbed wire and control towers with armed guards carrying machine guns. An investigator could check this.

All that happened before a single shot was fired to start that war in Bosnia. MacKenzie notes in his autobiography that when he arrived in Yugoslavia to help protect Croats, he was forced by the UN to open his office in Bosnia hundreds of miles away where nothing was happening - YET.

It was already planned back at the CIA. The CIA had already bought the land to house the children that they planned to sell into sexual slavery.

Remember that each child that gets sold into sexual slavery makes about $700 for the bosses if sold at auction, about $300,000 over its 2-year lifespan if the boss houses it in a brothel in the US, and millions of dollar if it can be raised in the US and turned into a “presidential model” or a “puppet government model” -- if it is male. And all the training, transport, etc. is paid for by the US taxpayer to torture these children into compliance.""

garlicbulb ago

Sue Arrigo mentions always bring out the downvoating trolls. They make it so obvious that her information is important

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I was the first to post this in voat I found it here in the early days of pizzagate, It was really hard for me to read, I grew up in care put simply- ive seen some shit, and heard storys growing up about "elites", pedos, youth from young blood, human trafficking etc. But there was something about this that just rang true, (not all of it) I think her minds been split, but it reads like they had actually been there and witnessed something, and her testimony does link up with other things ive heard or researched. Its funny how hearing stories of ambrosia created from young blood seemed so fucking batshit back then but when so many "crazy things" link up you have to redefine whats crazy and thats the scary part. Take something simple that links up like the "elites" try not to waste anything, The phrase "money from old rope" comes from the workhouses where another coincidence orphans were worked to death turning old, rotten and salt eaten sailing ropes into string by ripping it apart and re twisting it. If they can work kids to death for profit turning old shit into something saleable, then why would it be a stretch to think they will sell the childrens innocence and virtue for profit and then sell the organs afterwards since the tech and market is more readily availible.

carmencita ago

That really puts things in perspective. That's why human trafficking especially the young has become so lucrative for these criminals. Way surpasses drug trafficking now. One drug hit and it's gone. A child can be used over and over and then who knows what they do with them. Sickening. Just Vile. No wonder people have a hard time believing this.

naamasteer ago

Meet Janet: The Scissor-Carrying, Jerk-Smacking Superhero We Deserve ...

thank you and please resume L A B work

@whenevemetenki @zen0 @cthulhu69 @kekmet-peperoni @kobold

letsdothis2 ago

Very interesting article. I need to go back through his whole pizzagate series.