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ASolo ago

IM particularly interested in this:

Stephanie Adams was born July 24, 1970, raised in East Orange, New Jersey. She said that her mother once told a rather large group of people at one of her infamous SAMHAIN parties that she had been conceived of on SAMHAIN.


Her mother had been or is a Old Religion Druid High Priestess and Witch.[18] In New Jersey, the annual October Witches’ Ball take place in Mount Holly. Mount Holly is about an hour outside of East Orange. Mount Holly is the site of the infamous witch trial of October 22, 1730. It is place traditionally associated with witches, witchcraft, devil worshipers, and the Jersey Devil. Traditionally, the Mount Holly Witches’ Ball have been a convention for Wicca practitioners. The Witches’ Ball in October is traditionally celebrated around SANHAIN.

Aunt Pearlene McMurrian- Smith

She was raised in New Jersey by her aunts, NY models, Perly Lind (Pearlene Smith) and Ruth Joyce McMurrian. As a child, Stephanie said that she saw spirits and communicated with them. They sent her messages and signs. Her aunts were New York models and Druid Occult high priestesses. Joyce was expressly known as a “West Pointer“.

Harvard’s Darkest Secret: The Salem Witch Trials and Mass Hysteria

Salem: America’s Oldest Psy-Op


Stephanie had two other McMurrian aunts in New Jersey that either one may have been her mother, Virginia and Nettie Hickney. However, there may have been an additional McMurrian sister born after the 1940 U.S. Census. The McMurrians were born and raised in Buena Vista, Marion County, Georgia. I don’t know the name of her mother. However, she did admit that her father’s name was “SALEM“- Salem Lemuel Adams connected with America’s infamous occult GREEN FAMILY. I suppose that he was a Druid Witch, too. His family was associated with the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Co., Mulattoes, Druidism and black freemasonry since at least the era of Reconstruction.

ASolo ago

The Macoby's, Alefantis, ALL OF THEM, are from these OLD COVEN FAMILIES.

In June 1960, Dr. Michael Maccoby received his PhD from Harvard in Social Relations at the same time Murray was a central figure in Harvard’s interdisciplinary Department of Social Relations. Murray retired from Harvard in 1962.

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he bumped into and started working with psychologist Jerome Seymour Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016). During World War II, Bruner served on the Psychological Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force committee under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, researching social psychological phenomena.

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner. And, he taught the shadow government and the CIA and the ILLUMINATI how to shape children into anything they want- MK ULTRA ritual trauma abused sexual slaves and espionage. agents.

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with one of world’s most dangerous and ruthless bloodline Satanic ILLUMINATI globalist on earth, McGeorge Bundy.

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Fromm’s Jewish background had an influence on his approach. Fromm studied the Talmud at an early age and was profoundly influenced by the ethical and humanistic implications of the writings as well as the mystical revelations found throughout.

… I grew up in DC, in a neighborhood that was pretty much 80% CIA operatives.” -Nora Maccoby

Beyond Magic: Unclean Spirits; David Copperfield, Mulholland, Blaine, Geller; Mk-Ultra, Laurel Canyon, Carribean and Hellfire Club

urbanmoving ago Maccoby a violently dishonest mega zionist writer for "Commentary" which is an exclusive jewish trotskyite rag. The writer in the 50's was pushing breeding out white people. I'm serious go read their shit.

ASolo ago

Need more like this, nail those luciferian maccoby's to the wall.