spirit_drifter ago

Anyone have anymore screen grabs of Elemi Fuentes' Marina posts, specifically from the 400 range posted in this link?


What about a pdf copy of the most recent unrolled thread she made? The thread and her account have completely disappeared from Twitter.

ASolo ago

Nope. My dumb ass went to the link and didn't save it.

ASolo ago

I think it was a self purge. I think she thought she got too deep and bailed.

elemibanned ago

Her account has been removed. An internet search of her name shows her last tweets.

ASolo ago

I noticed, it's weird.

spirit_drifter ago

Do you have any of those saved tweets from the 400 range or the most recent unrolled thread in pdf?

ASolo ago

In the midnight hour I can feel your power

Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there

“Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”

ASolo ago

The Very Strange BAFTA Awards Trophy

Horus eye and look what's on the inside of the mask

Babylon5 ago

Has anyone brought up the Chandler at Comet thing before? If so, that is surprisingly new to me!

ASolo ago

I wonder why that fact hasn't gotten everyone in an uproar but the simple fact of the matter it's there and it's the glue thats going to hold this entire thread together for an eternity. I think I saw it in passing some time ago but it wasn't significant until "Q" identified her.

Babylon5 ago

Good work my dude! :3

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So, where are the arrest from the sealed indictments? A "storm" was supposed to happen when Trump got back from China. Nothing happend. You lil sheepies still think Podestas are in chains at Gitmo? Sweep all the mods out back into the gutter from whence they came, and have them take their FBI criminal complaint forms with them. We won't be filling those out.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop with Q and get back to pizzagate. Qanon bullshit is a scam and Titus Frost just exposed them. There is a thread here about that, nobody is commenting. Sheeple will be sheeple.

VoatisCIA ago

QAnon is fucking LARP


@0hour1 blew his fake ass wide open!!! Titus Frost did a whole show on it today!! Rachel Chandler crap was known ages ago! The PEDOMODS push this Q crap and you feeble minded fools ask about our ...name @ VOAT IS CIA

think- ago

Most excellent summary post, @ASolo, thank you! :-) Shills doing overtime again, lol.

Tallest_Skil ago

Fuck your kike paid shill. Stop associating it with real things.

genocideliberals ago

dig into the standard hotel the dude was married to the heir to ford modeling agency that agency is beyond sketch

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah Eileen Ford used to allow young underage models to live with her at her house and they all ate dinner together etc... remember supermodel Bridget Hall? She was one of them and she’s completely fucked up now, living off the grid, roaming around on her own, barely on social media much. She was pushed onto Leonardo Dicaprio very young and others. Why Eileen?

AgainstPedos ago

How do you think models get gigs? Who pays for their required beauty routines until they start making $$$? Didn't you read the CDAN Blind about Michael Kors & underage models? How he really kept afloat?

Truthseeker3000 ago

No, could you tell me what he did please? I’m aware of who MK is. Last year Michael Korda had Olympia of Greece working for him out of nowhere. Bizarre to say the least.

Joe10jo ago

I’d forgotten all about Bridget Hall!

MolochHunter ago

Whats up with you slackers, 8 upvoats in 13 hours? Give da op some kudos

Altmight ago


Dkeere ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but its been blown WIIIIIDE OPEEEEEEEN!!!1!! like a million times here.

ASolo ago

How in the world could I have garnered 8 downvoats? Would any of you chicken fuckers care to explain one iota of your reasoning?

SterlingJB ago

I bet it was antiQ peeps. I'm suspicious AF about Q but every once in a while the qovenant produces something tangible and someone puts together a good post like this which I will and did upvote.

auralsects ago

why should they when you ignored MY question of what is at all new here. the upvoaters apparently think pasting Instagram links is research, so I wouldn't put too much stock into the vote counts bro LMAO

Shizy ago

Eat shit and choke fat ass!

ASolo ago

I'm wondering if Alefantis and ANTIFA aren't getting their soldiers from the same pool. These ppl look like those gaunt staunch vegetarian lbgtqp communist pill popping one pot meth making poop throwing soros storm troopers.

SterlingJB ago

Seem to remember that antifa guy from the project veritas vid, Luke Kuhn, was some sort of boy lover activist. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-24/violent-antifa-assault-jack-posobiec-captured-camera-along-probation-violating-ping-

GoodGodKirk ago

Nicely put together

twistedmac11 ago

John Casablancas and Trump have a history; even after Casablancas' taste for "young women" was revealed, Trump still allowed his then underage daughter Ivanka to sign her first modeling contract with Casablancas' Elite Model Management. Casablancas also served (serves?) on the board of Trump Realty Brazil. Another one of the reasons I do NOT trust Trump.



millennial_vulcan ago

Dont Get Mad Get Everything MOMMA IVANA TRUMP must not be overlooked either!

Isn't it a coindence that her second husband after D Trump, Riccardo Mazzucchelli died in 2017, less than a year after Trump took office. Wow. Wonder what secrets he took to the grave....after all he and Ivana split because of a breach of contract, allegedly because Riccardo did not hold up his end of the confidentiality clause on their prenup. Dude was obviously a total gossip hound!

So weird there's hardly anything on this anywhere online...or his cause of death.

Nothing to see here!

@ASolo @carmencita @new4now @migratorypatterns @think-

Shizy ago

Agree on Ivana. She's a smart and shrewd lady and tends to be easily overlooked.

twistedmac11 ago

Interesting, I didn't know that. Don't forget that Ivana was one of Trump's many sexual harassment accusers, as well. Plus his tendency to be friends with pedophiles (Casablancas, Epstein, etc)... That's too much smoke for me to believe there's no fire.

new4now ago

never even thought of her

interesting, Thanks for ping

millennial_vulcan ago

Marla Maples must be under survellience too...whoever she's now dating etc. Probably has spooks threatening. Although she strikes me as a complete vacant dumbass whose only smart attribute is to keep her trap zipped.

I hope Ivana, Marla and Melania are on some top quality Park Avenue meds to deal with all of this, LMAO!

think- ago

I hope Ivana, Marla and Melania are on some top quality Park Avenue meds to deal with all of this, LMAO!

LOL. Thanks for the ping.

new4now ago

it's a life I sure wouldn't want to live

ASolo ago

I treading very carefully in that direction... for now.

millennial_vulcan ago

uh huh!

Blacksmith21 ago


PizzaStreamerLive ago

Quality post. Upvoat for you!

pixelkitteh ago

https://www.instagram.com/guycartier/?hl=en Guy Cartier's instagram, the sick looking boy we all first saw. its public... for now

think- ago

What do you make of the hand sign he does in several pictures? Bent middle finger?

pixelkitteh ago

I have a few thoughts... Firstly, it's a clear symbol of some kind. Secondly, it could be interpreted a lot of different ways... a K, the number 21, 3 + 3 (6), the number 12. There's also this lovely image - https://www.instagram.com/p/BGl-c35L9B7/?taken-by=guycartier

Remember, everything with these people is upside down.

new4now ago

Mission Blue...Directed and Produced by Robert Nixon

Maggie Nixon

PhillyNekim ago

What does q have to say on the Iran deal and wall update

Tallest_Skil ago

“Listen and believe, goyim.”

SchlongKeyhote ago

thanks for having us look at a bunch of gross pictures, but what is the new info here? why don't you "dig" into the fact that her family was one of the most powerful in LA for decades? black dahlia murder? no?

the bar in this sub is lower than your testosterone LMAO

ASolo ago

Yes. Well. I appreciate your contribution but as usual it lacks a certain... Tact. But hey well I considered the message instead of the messenger... Good lead.

You run into any proof she's related to THE Chandlers? Seems logical considering her prominence in Hollywood however I am failing to find it.

I do see where Norman Chandler was implicated in the black dahlia murder where someone claimed Chandler impregnated Elizabeth Short while she was working as a prostitute.

I did find some good information on the Chandler family. If she is related it's quite a prominent detail.

"No single family dominates any single region of the country as the Chandlers have dominated California," David Halberstam wrote in "The Powers That Be," his 1979 book on the media, and indeed, for more than a century, it was the Chandler family--more than any other force or institution--who shaped the development of Los Angeles and its sprawling environs.

Water for a desert city. A port for a landlocked city. A Music Center for a city with little in the way of formal culture. The aerospace industry. The movie industry. An important center for scientific study and research. Major league baseball. A future president of the United States. The Chandler family, operating largely through the Los Angeles Times, played a major role--generally the major role--in turning all those dreams into realities.


Shizy ago

Dr George Hodel killed Elizabeth. If you research this man you will see he led a very disturbing and twisted life. His children have linked him to the crime and his daughter has disclosed that he sexually abused her for years. He is likely linked to a lot of other sick people and sick crimes back in the day.

And "oral sex" aka "schlongkeyhote" isn't worth rational conversation. He's just a piece of trash

SchlongKeyhote ago

But hey well I considered the message instead of the messenger

Congrats, I can now say for certain you are a male. I have known the whole California story for a year but no point telling you guys. tell u what i'll send it to you and you can post it.

LostandFound ago

Top marks this is a whole lot of work. Thank you for your time and dedication.

NoBS ago

Surprised this has not been flagged by the PedoMods for lack of detail and clarity.

Nice post that must have the PedoMods slavitating to shut down. Good luck.

Note to self, must be civilized and not imply jizzum instead of drool dribbling down ones chin. Good boy! (pat on head)

PedoHunter12 ago

They let Q related shit stay up regardless.

Matt_Helm ago

Excellent research very persuasive analysis. Up voat!

Oh_Well_ian ago

God Damn @ASolo

Once again you have outdone yourself. This is MASSIVE and so well put together.


PedoHunter12 ago

Q was proven to be fake by a whistleblower


VoatisCIA ago

You are correct! Titus Frost did an entire show on it today!

....psst. These PEDOMODS need Q... the love to control the bullshit narrative!

PedoHunter12 ago

Agreed. I see whats going on.

Tazzermalt ago

Ok guys its been a pleasure to have meet everyone crazy Hackers, Alt-Right, Bernie nuts, Conservatives, Gun nuts, Libertarians, Atheists, Pizzagaters...if we see another final 404 403 error...and this place goes down for a while....then maybe see you guys at 8chan, BlogSpot, WordPress.com, gab, steemit, bitchute, 4chan....Poal.co, phucks, liveleak?

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO! Mods, contingency plan in case Voat blows up again??

...Cos ya know these explosive posts of late are LIT AS F (as the cool kids say) !!!!

@vindicator @think- @carmencita @migratorypatterns @shizy

Shizy ago

Sounds like a plan 😜

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, don't want to go through that again.

carmencita ago

Not just the posts but the solutions and finding evidence! I am shocked V did not blow up within the last few days! Amazing.

Vindicator ago

I monitored the "Voat" hashtag on Twitter during the last outage and found a bunch of folks. Many people went to PreviewVoat. It has a lot of the original research, up to 7 months ago. There's a /voat/ board on 8chan as well.

Cc1914 ago

Awesome work as usual @ASolo !

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome work!

UppadaVoat for you!

As for Q, he's the real deal. I totally understand people being skeptical, but I'm not going back. He proved himself many times over and will again.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Zero arrest, no storm happened. No sealed indictments. Nothing happened. Stop your bullshit. you sound like a paid testamonial.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, Q-LARP is proven to be a jewish paid hoax. Stop your well poisoning or you’ll be proven fake by association.

PedoHunter12 ago

Q was proven to be fake by a whistleblower


VoatisCIA ago

Yep! You are correct!!!

NXIVM = Q Cult

think- ago

It doesn't matter what or who Q is in this case. Chandler and her buddy Pearce are fishy as hell, and they need to be investigated. Like other model agencies as well, that employ anorexic kids with an unhealthy appearance, and push this 'street cast style' as the new look, together with fashion magazines like Vogue, who feature them.

ASolo ago

Precisely. Whether Q is realor not I am going to harness it's momentum.

migratorypatterns ago

He's not fake.

Absolutely not. But I doubt anyone can convince anyone of him being authentic or a fake (if one believes he's not).

Thanks for the video. We'll agree to disagree.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, it’s proven fake. Fuck off, idiot.

GD_Ridefort ago

"Others include John Casablancas Elite Model Management, Paolo Zampolli and Jeffrey Epstein's ID..."

Worth noting John Casablancas' son, Julian, is the singer and lyricist of the Strokes:

The growing pains of Julian Casablancas

Think I'll look at some Strokes albums today, and see if any lyrics accidentally/on purpose allude to PG.


Note: the first video I found is in a kill room, with the singer wearing a black and white check jacket, and in the end it fills up with dark liquid/sewage:


migratorypatterns ago

Oh, that is interesting.

Kill room, huh? Please post what else you find.

Blacksmith21 ago

I feel like I'm drinking from a fire hose this week.

millennial_vulcan ago

me too!

Syndicalism ago

Saving for later cause massive post. Good work!

millennial_vulcan ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/Io6gC :

Elemi Fuentes 🇫️🇺️🇨️🇰️ on Twitter: "258-#NeckerIsland, which Mr. Branson owns (also owns Mosquito island), is part of what is known as the Virgin Islands. A bunch of little islands between the Caribbean and North Atlantic sea. Right next to #Haiti, Dom. Republic, Puerto Rico & Venezuela on the south. #QAnon… t.co/2CsqhA312L"

This has been an automated message.

ASolo ago

Elemi Fuentes

"410-Rachel Chandler is connected to everybody from the Olsen Twins to Pedophile Bob Saget to Abramovic herself. Before Chandler remove her pages and/or made them private, anons managed to dig some disturbing images. Let's take a look..."

Don't know who the fuck this is

Don't know who the fuck this is either

Olson Twin - One of Hollywoods PREMIERE heroin dealers and friend of Jared Leto - her supplier - proprietor of the old Lookout Mountain Laboratory


think- ago

Second photo: Sarah Hoover and Tom Sachs.

AgainstPedos ago

OMG. Jared Leto? Did you read the AGS Blind reveal about that extreme perv and his supposed Haiti ties? Relates to Arquette's death.

millennial_vulcan ago

As have posted before, Jared Leto supplier of H to half of hipster Hollywood. Including Ms Jackson. Oh look: they were taking hits from the pipe attending opening of new NYC Gucci store together only couple of nights ago.
