YogSoggoth ago

Yeah, Titus just doxxed Swordfish, and you are the continuum. You realize that I am over 7 feet tall, green skinned, and from Turkmenebekstann, right?

ASolo ago

Titus just doxxed Swordfish

How do you mean?

You realize that I am over 7 feet tall, green skinned, and from Turkmenebekstann, right?

Yes, I know your breed u Gazojak desert lizard

YogSoggoth ago

Who are you? Does my wife know about this?


Do you mean "Emily"?

ASolo ago

That's ok bro there are plenty of tards out there livin kick ass lives... My ex wife is a tard and now she's a airline pilot.


Do you mean "Drats"?

ASolo ago

Sure, lol.

ASolo ago

I don't know if my eyes are deceiving me or not but her page is back up but there's nothing current. I'm able to dm but she hasn't answered yet.

ASolo ago

From: Mind control _ Elemi Fuentes.docx

This is a thread about personal experiences regarding Mind control techniques via hypnosis and conditioning.

This work belongs to aka C. Uribe Reverte

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating via PayPal paypal.me/FuentesElemi

1-Before I carry on with thread or any other thread we need to talk about because you people don't seem to understand the full implications of what this means. Now, I am not going to tell you all about the experiments on this because there is plenty

2- of evidence for it (most declassified now, this isn't bullshit conspiracy stuff, check CIA/FBI vaults, check Canadian newspapers on this, etc). What I am going to tell you is about solid evidence I know first-hand. Real life experiences. No bs. No lies. But what I know as fact

3-What I know as fact has a lot to do with . Literally. stuff. No kidding. I have been into the 'scene' even before I was 18. Sure I can trace all my 'issues' to some form of parental issue or another. I am fully aware of all this. However, the psychology of this

4-or my Electra's complexes or whatever are not the point of this thread. So, moving on. What does the community have to do with mind control? Well, believe me, a hell lot of it. For starts, the most common type of relationship is that of Master-Slave type

5-By master-slave type this can be either male master to female slave or vice versa. Both are common. Now, the amount of control over your life you give to the other person will depend on your character & your undiagnosed issues. From here on there is a whole lot of things that

6-probably you are not aware of. The most basic one, let's give you an example, will be my husband & myself. That in a sexual way I like my partner to take control over me, over my body, over my orgasms, to force me to do things I might not 'want' (this want is relative, I do want)

7-to do at a specific time. Sure. It happens. Deal with it. But this is all done from a consensual point from both ends. With 'safe words' in case things ever get out of hand. And more importantly, from a trust perspective. There is nothing you can legally do to another person

8-unless that person has agreed to it. So we both work our 'mommy & daddy' issues in a sexual way & somehow seems to work for us. He might be my 'master' in bed, but he isn't so in everyday life. We are partners. We are equals. We both have the same voice in the relationship & we

9-work issues & problems together. As a team. Now, this is your most standard basic type ☝of a relationship. There is also a biological component (evolutionary speaking) to all this. But again, I am going to skip through the psychology and science behind it all

10-Within this community you have more 'troublesome' relationships. From females (or males, but less common) that want to be taught what to do every day of their lives. How to behave socially & even what to wear or how to speak to people. To (& this is most commonly on males)

11-financial enslavement brought down via blackmail (I kid you not). This is what Miss Allison actually did with . She signed the deeds of her house to him in case she ever wanted to leave him. As a sign of commitment to him. Despite being married, or with a boyfriend

12-By the way, this blackmail ☝is usually done with the other person consents'. This is not to say about people who have been forced into this (the same way you would make a difference between escorts doing it for the fun & prostitutes doing it because they have no choice).

13-So we are talking here about consensual relationships. ☝Now, what does my sex life have to do with any of you? It doesn't. But what it does have to do with you all is my experience. What I learnt before I got here. To this point in life/history/whatever. Being the curious

14- gal that I am, I experimented a lot in my younger days. Both with males & females. Now this experience doesn't necessarily have to be sexual, but more to do with mind control. To me, it has always been about being controlled by somebody smarter & more powerful than me.

15-Many men & women tried this, but if I figured that I am either smarter or that I can manipulate you (with your consent, I can't stress this enough), I will do so and turn the wheels on the so called masters & make them my slaves. Which, of course, will mean (to me) that I get

16-Bored with them & discard them like yesterday's newspapers (seriously, I am not as cold-

hearted as I write, I do care for people, I check on them, I make sure they are safe). So what have I learnt from my ventures into the kinky world? Ahhh❗ Are you guys ready for it?

17-I met some guys that actually tried to control me via . Here are two options: either they weren't doing it right, or my mind wonders in mysterious ways so much that I can't be controlled with simple hypnosis due to the fact that I can't concentrate for long on things

18-In a not so distant past, I met some girls from Barcelona on a chat website. I actually never met any of them in person, nor have I ever so much as Skyped with them. At the time, working from home, being bored & depressed I started talking to this one girl, and through her

19-I met a bunch of others. Now this first girl wanted to be controlled, submissive, etc. etc. So I tried my rhetorical skills, made her have a few orgasms, the usual stuff. Now this girl, without even asking me, decided to visit a shrink (a psychologist for everyday people)

20-She decided to undergo a hypnosis session. The result of which will be that she will get aroused every time she hear my name. This also meant that every time she got an email from me she will get aroused. By constantly repeating said name, it turned out that she will get

21-extremely excited to the point of actually having orgasms without her touching herself, or nobody doing anything other than saying my name. Sure, it was fun for a while, so I took advantage of it. Not because of the whole controlling her, which was nice, but due to the fact

22-That she willingly choose to have this 'curse' upon herself without even asking me about it. So thru this girl I 'met' (never in person, always online via chat, not even face to face chat, I can't stress this enough), another 3 girls. Two of them, we will call them Sara & Lucia

23-Sara is just your everyday mid-twenties kind of gal. Intent of nothing but the hedonistic type of pleasure without any regards for her future self or anybody's. Lucia, on the other hand, was a trained psychologist. A daddy's girl with no life experience, but with a degree, so

24-enough to land her a job in a clinic & advise people on issues she never had or heard of. But hey, she read a bunch of books on a certain school of thought or another! Which apparently qualifies her to advise people on issues she never experienced. Now the first girl, Sara

ASolo ago

25-Just went on and basically did what the first girl did. Have my name imprinted on her brain so every time she would hear it, she would get aroused. Again, without asking how I felt about this. Lucia, the shrink, on the other hand, was actual friends with Sara. So far so good

26-The problem was that this Lucia girl decided to do things without asking any of the subjects if they were ok with it. Look, I don't condone what any of the girls did, nor I support it, but they did it on their own free will, nobody forced or coerced them into it. Least of all

27-me who told them they were stupid and should go & get that stuff removed. The problem with all this mess stemmed from this Lucia girl. She started using her abilities, skills & knowledge to actually impose commands & thoughts to the other girls mind without them having ever

28-Agreed to it or more disturbingly, even being conscious of it happening. Some people are easier to manipulate via hypnotic trance, so much so that you can get somebody 'asleep' within seconds, if you know what you are doing. Once you do this, you can put 'thoughts' in their minds

29-The problem with all this is what you would call 'muscle reflex'. Let me explain. If you get a certain word imprinted in your brain (Sara, on her own free will, had a bunch of them), they will make you react a certain way when you hear them. In this case, get aroused beyond

30-control. Seriously. The problem is that if you use them long enough, your body/mind or both will develop some sort of reflexes to them. What this means is that if you go and have them 'removed', the effect will last, Perhaps not so in such a bigger scale, but the 'symptoms'

31-will still be there. So if you hear words such as 'cucumber' and cucumber was one of your triggers, you'd still get a tingling sensation down your privates. If you use it long enough, the actual trigger never really goes away. Survivors of mind control know this. Now, I ended

32-all communications with the shrink the day she told me she had been experiment on subjects & putting triggered words on them without them knowing or agreeing to it. This is where the other girl, Sara, comes to place again. She had a few triggers that she willingly choose & had

33-them removed because I told her so & that she was being an idiot. However, she had more into her. Not exactly via , but due to conditioning. And conditioning, folks, is a much bigger thing that most of you can even realize. From TV, to newspapers, to rallies,

you name it

34-The shrink girl had spent months conditioning this girl (talking). She did this by associating the colour red to any pleasant situations, but more specifically, linking the red to sexual arousal & to sexual climax. So this red, specifically, it isn't done via , but

35-it has exactly the same effects. Now, imagine for a moment being out on the supermarket & someone said a particular word ten times in a row & you suddenly had an orgasm without being able to control it. Imagine being in the changing room while shopping for clothes

ASolo ago

36-with your girlfriends. Imagine, if you will, the fact that your body does not respond to your commands or your will, but somebody else's whim as to how & when you should be exposed down to your most vulnerable self

37-None of this is a lie and can be done via simple hypnosis and/or conditioning. Now, I told Sara to go to the police & report on the fact that she was being mind-controlled against her will. She refused & I can understand why. I actually spoke & asked for advice to some friends

38-down in the Guardia Civil, the police & even the military navy. But, how do you explain to any of these authorities your problem? How do you tell them (even more so when you have a history of joining sex clubs et al), that you are performing sex acts against your will? Would

39-they believe you? Or simply think that you are crazy or simply making shit up in order to get somebody else in trouble? I can understand her & the law, at least in my country, is very sketchy on that regard. Nothing you can do about it. So Sara decided to stay put with the

40-color red & hope for the best that it wouldn't affect so much her everyday life. Well, she was wrong. Unbeknownst to her, turns out that every piece of furniture she ever bought had some red on it. But it gets word. She gets constantly aroused by people on the underground

41-wearing red coats. By aroused I mean leaking like a hose down there. To the point that the excitement becomes so overwhelming you literally fuck anybody that comes in your path, simply because you need the relief. Again, I am not making any of this shit up. You are free

42-to discard all of this as just the ramblings of a house wife. Your call. But I know what is going on. And neither of these 3 girls or boys or any of these people from above come from my imagination. ☝This isn't new stuff. Go digging into the kink


43-The whole thing with her gets a lot worst. I am not sure I am doing justice explaining this about her. Let me try. The wall opposite her block of flats has been painted red. She is in a permanent state of arousal because of it. This arousal can't be quenched just by masturbation

44-Forgot to add the shrink added the specifics of this being subsided only by having a cock in her mouth. So she goes for a kebab. But she has been looking at that red wall all day long & her body is so overcome with excitement that she gets there & ends up fucking both

45- the owner & his friend. And this isn't the first time either. She is so overcome by the conditioning, she regularly takes place on gangbangs with people she hasn't even met once before. Now, this ☝ isn't the only case. The first girl we spoke of had a similar problem &

46-So much so that she ended doing porn as a career despite her science degree. Now, I honestly would like to tell you all that I am making this shit up & this stuff doesn't happen. But it does. It does in 2 ways: willingly or forced. This is just an example but by no means is

47-is the only person I came across with these kind of problems. Unfortunately, within the community you get mostly two types of people: those who understand & respect boundaries, & those who think that their status of 'master' gives them privilege over some poor soul to

48-manipulate at will. Now, I know all of this happens. I know this for a fact. From people trying to do it to me, to people doing it to themselves; to others forcing their will upon others without their consent. These people are just an example. But there are plenty more

49-You are more than welcome to disregard all of this as some ramblings of somebody that has nothing else better to do with their live. But let me ask you, what exactly do I gain from telling you all this? Where is my benefit? Where is my profit? Why do I waste my time telling you this?

50-The reason I tell you all this is for you to understand. The first step should be for you to watch the movie 'the Manchurian candidate'. Shit is so real is scary. But secondly, think about this: If the negation of somebody's free will can be accomplished by a mediocre shrink

51-What exactly is it that the , the & the military can do? Can we please note that C. Jung, one of the greatest minds that ever lived when it came to things like understanding the human mind & synchronicity worked for the CIA? Along with Sigmund Freud, Huxley & Wells?

52-The 'power people' have a lot more sophisticated ways for mind control than your average shrink. This includes electroshock therapy. This include frequency waves that can tune into your dreams and implant whatever dreams or nightmares they want. It include forms of controlling

53-your body in ways that you can't even comprehend. Any tech, seriously, any, will do to send in the required signals. This means if you have a pace-marker it can easily be hacked & you die of a heart attack. This means your whole persona can be changed by a simple trigger word

54-or even an image (monarch butterflies, anyone?) But even more important than all this ☝ your brain is a computer. Dead simple. This computer can be compartmentalized into nice little subfolders. Your whole self can be split into multiple alter egos & put into these folders

ASolo ago

55-Now, what you need to understand about this multiple personalities is that each one of them will have their own abilities and their own trigger words/images. Imagine Britney Spears, or Kanye West, or any other 'weirdoes' from the fame industry that at some point or another

56-(Eminem, Amanda Bynes, Miley Cyrus, etc., plenty here )tried to break their programing. Uhm, what happened? Well, after the so called 'meltdown' they either shaved their heads or went blond. This actually ties to a form of medieval punishment used for the high class ladies when

57-talked too much or spoke badly of their husbands. (Look it up) Now, the same way you can control a persona, you can control a few split personalities on the same persona. And the same way you can command one into doing something against their will, you can command several

58-The thing about this split personas, depending on subject, that is; is that each one of them will have their own abilities. Marilyn Monroe, for example, had a 165 IQ (from memory, might be lower), but some of her alter egos where a slut intent on sleeping around to gain political

59-knowledge to pass on onto the friendly chaps of .

She isn't the only one, either. And this isn't new. has been around since the 40's (give or take) & has survived under many different names to modern day. When tells us about 'sleeper cells', means

60-nothing more & nothing less than individuals who had their core personas ripped apart & some of their personas trained to be killers/assassins/aka assets. People immolating themselves (aka burning alive) in front of the WH or other buildings. As someone suffering from

61-Cyclical bouts of depression, I have search endlessly the 'ways to go'. Will you choose the most painful possible way to depart this world? No, of course not. Is all about being quick & painless. Is about 'the end', nor the suffering for no reason on your way out. Make it quick

62-Most of the mass shootings you see, trucks driving over people or any other unthinkable crime of the sort aren't done by autistic people (I can't stress enough how autistic don't give a fuck about the rest of the world), but actually done by people who had their free will taken

63- away from them. People who have been conditioned (most of them since birth), to do & act as they are told given a specific set of commands (like a software given a certain parameters to solve a specific problem). Think JFK killer. Another CIA stooge.

64-You need to understand all of this in order to understand a lot of my posts. ☝ Think about it. Properly. Imagine the real life consequences of all this when is applied to more than simply sexual gratification Understand, people. This isn't movies Wake the fuck up already❗

lamplight ago

I think there is something to the MK ultra stuff being used to create terrorists. Thirty years ago, terrorist attacks were rare and most people never even heard about them.

ASolo ago

It's the ONLY aspect that makes sense. Normal regular folk do not want to fill a stadium or school with lead.

carmencita ago

Someone sent me an article about 2 horribly abused girls and something stuck out at me. The one girl was on the verge of Schizophrenia and her mother got her very serious help. These girls were so bad, it was horrid abuse. It took years of therapy. I was wondering if that is a sign that some of them are abused. Then they know which ones to choose. Easy to use the MK on too. Possibly the kid with the red hair that shot up the theater, his Dr. should be checked out. I heard something sketchy about her on the news. He was schizophrenic. Just a thought. @lamplighter.

ASolo ago

Anyone opening and researching please feel free to copy paste material from those links here if you would like to I welcome it to fill this thread for interest. I will be perusing the material and as of yet do not know what it will include. So anyone else, feel free to contribute.