smokemirrors ago

Very interesting read thank you.

bernitdown ago

This just seems like fabricated disinformation to me. Lucifer trust? K. Sure.

ASolo ago

Turd in the punchbowl.

madhatter67 ago

here's the Lucis Trust website, tells you everything stated above, straight from the horse's mouth

I don't have sources to hand, but I believe Lucis Trust and Tavistock are closely linked

If you haven't heard of Tavistock, you still have a long way to go down the rabbithole....have fun

Fetalpig ago

Bernitdown...........yes its true, and just so ya know there is no you don't go running around saying stupid shit making us look bad.

13Buddha ago

Awesome resarch!...

and It's fair to say that the roots of "pizzagate" go to the depths of hell.
"The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil." -Marcus Tullius Cicero

We, at pizzagate, are functioning with wisdom. Wisdom, imo, is the most important word, in any language, that our civilization has. The problem lies in the fact that relatively few humans have that quality today.

ASolo ago

At least you can see it. Who are the idiots and the downvoats. Some real sinister ppl lurking.

ASolo ago

House of Tudor

Like the Red Dragon, the White Greyhound represents British royalty (House of Tudor) and the ancient Bythons. The Britons, also known as Celtic Britons or Ancient Britons, were Celtic people who inhabited Great Britain from the British Iron Age into the Middle Ages. The Nicolais are Old European ILLUMINATI linked to the Rothschild Satanic Dynastic Family. The Translatio sancti Nicolai (Saint Nicolas)is a remarkable source for the study of the crusade. It contains information on various events and news of commercial concessions of which no other record exists and, first and foremost, it is the sole surviving text written in Venice by the Black Nobility which describes the early support given by local forces to the Knights Templar and First Crusade.


Count François de Nicolay (31 August 1919 – 21 November 1963) was a member of the House of Nicolay in France elected to the Senate of France. In 1950, François de Nicolay married the American born Marie-Hélène van Zuylen van Nyevelt who owned De Haar Castle in Haarzuilens. Marie-Hélène van Zuylen van Nijevelt was also a descendant of the Rothschild Family (the granddaughter of Salomon James de Rothschild). François and Marie-Hélène had one son and heir (before their marriage was dissolved in 1956). Count Philippe de Nicolay (b. 1955), who is a director of Paris Orleans PA, a French investment bank belonging to the Rothschild family.[30]

ILLUMINATI BALL– Baron Guy de & Marie-Hélène Rothschild

In 1957, she married her third cousin once-removed Baron Guy de Rothschild head of de Rothschild Freres Bank. They were married on February 17, 1957 in New York City. This was the first time a head of one of the Rothschild families had married a non-Jewish spouse. Guy was forced to resign from the presidency of the Jewish community in France. Marie-Hélène, being Catholic, was required to get a papal dispensation in order to annul her first marriage so that she could remarry outside the Catholic faith.[31]

Stephanie had a certain fascination with the ILLUMINATI witch, Marie-Hélène Rothschild. She wrote, “There is a certain element of magic combined with the glamour and elegance of Marie-Helen de Rothschild. Long gone is the classic richness of art, fashion, and high society in our times. Perhaps we can invoke her special charm and zest when both hosting and attending fabulous events, by remembering that a true socialite is one who welcomes many different global cultures and backgrounds within her realm of socializing. Her beauty was indeed within, not just on the forefront, as her lovely spirit lives on by the sheer memory of her enchanting existence.”[32]

We know in fact that Stephanie Adams had indeed intended to create her own demonic and Satanic Bloodline of Nicolai and Rothschild by her son, Vincent Nicolai. According to her Playboy pictorial, Stephanie Adams had already claimed that she was the direct descendant of two U.S. presidents, John Adams and John Quincy Adams, later discovering that her lineage traces back to the Old European Satanic Houses of Royalty and Knights Templar, the House of Plantagenet, Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, Merovingian Dynasty, as well as the Magna Carta Barons.

urbanmoving ago

Thats mostly fake information, cyrptojews run around all over the place and Became thanks to planned kabbalist "intermarriage", recruitment and intrigue a crypto family BENARD as in that dude that spilled the BEANS ON THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. her mother was "catholic" but that jewish roots she was married into. "Her mother was born in Egypt of Syrian-immigrant parents" False ledger they were. Middle eastern Jews. Her mother was a jew.

ASolo ago

At lase I won't get banned like I would on Twitter for calling you people fucking retards, fucking retard.

urbanmoving ago

rabbi says 5 year old goy boys want to "fuck"

urbanmoving ago

False talmudic and kabbalah don't fall for the propaganda, Koestler kept them at bay look what happened to him.

ASolo ago

"Thats mostly fake information"

Where do you people come from? Is your ego so fucking huge you seriously just skip over cordiality? Then you write some half ass disjointed diatribe about WHAT? If you want to support your position take the time to present facts, I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

You can Jew Jew Jew all you fucking want but in the long run your ignorance betrays you because Jew or not they could also be a pagan USURPER and hiding as a "Jew"- I'll tell you people are REALLY confused about what a pagan jew is, yes he may be a Jew but he is not ALL jews and not ALL Jews are luciferian pieces of shit.... this forum really needs some work.

urbanmoving ago

Triggered huh? Sorry I'm not the one who didn't read the Talmud and Kabbalah. Its pro pedo, btw goy "virgins" aka children are allowed to be raped. Plan D for Palestine was a bitch. "Zionism" is a cover for the religious doctrine thats tightly believed and promulgated. You are brainwashed.

USS LIBERTY 9/1, KING DAVID, LAVON AFFAIR, JFK get over it. I suggest you go look at the excellent research of Gary King. Are you sayanim or something?

ASolo ago

IM particularly interested in this:

Stephanie Adams was born July 24, 1970, raised in East Orange, New Jersey. She said that her mother once told a rather large group of people at one of her infamous SAMHAIN parties that she had been conceived of on SAMHAIN.


Her mother had been or is a Old Religion Druid High Priestess and Witch.[18] In New Jersey, the annual October Witches’ Ball take place in Mount Holly. Mount Holly is about an hour outside of East Orange. Mount Holly is the site of the infamous witch trial of October 22, 1730. It is place traditionally associated with witches, witchcraft, devil worshipers, and the Jersey Devil. Traditionally, the Mount Holly Witches’ Ball have been a convention for Wicca practitioners. The Witches’ Ball in October is traditionally celebrated around SANHAIN.

Aunt Pearlene McMurrian- Smith

She was raised in New Jersey by her aunts, NY models, Perly Lind (Pearlene Smith) and Ruth Joyce McMurrian. As a child, Stephanie said that she saw spirits and communicated with them. They sent her messages and signs. Her aunts were New York models and Druid Occult high priestesses. Joyce was expressly known as a “West Pointer“.

Harvard’s Darkest Secret: The Salem Witch Trials and Mass Hysteria

Salem: America’s Oldest Psy-Op


Stephanie had two other McMurrian aunts in New Jersey that either one may have been her mother, Virginia and Nettie Hickney. However, there may have been an additional McMurrian sister born after the 1940 U.S. Census. The McMurrians were born and raised in Buena Vista, Marion County, Georgia. I don’t know the name of her mother. However, she did admit that her father’s name was “SALEM“- Salem Lemuel Adams connected with America’s infamous occult GREEN FAMILY. I suppose that he was a Druid Witch, too. His family was associated with the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Co., Mulattoes, Druidism and black freemasonry since at least the era of Reconstruction.

smokemirrors ago

You know which other beautiful black model (who did a big of singing too ;) ) was ALSO from East Orange and died in mysterious tragic circumstances....

ASolo ago

The Macoby's, Alefantis, ALL OF THEM, are from these OLD COVEN FAMILIES.

In June 1960, Dr. Michael Maccoby received his PhD from Harvard in Social Relations at the same time Murray was a central figure in Harvard’s interdisciplinary Department of Social Relations. Murray retired from Harvard in 1962.

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he bumped into and started working with psychologist Jerome Seymour Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016). During World War II, Bruner served on the Psychological Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force committee under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, researching social psychological phenomena.

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner. And, he taught the shadow government and the CIA and the ILLUMINATI how to shape children into anything they want- MK ULTRA ritual trauma abused sexual slaves and espionage. agents.

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with one of world’s most dangerous and ruthless bloodline Satanic ILLUMINATI globalist on earth, McGeorge Bundy.

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Fromm’s Jewish background had an influence on his approach. Fromm studied the Talmud at an early age and was profoundly influenced by the ethical and humanistic implications of the writings as well as the mystical revelations found throughout.

… I grew up in DC, in a neighborhood that was pretty much 80% CIA operatives.” -Nora Maccoby

Beyond Magic: Unclean Spirits; David Copperfield, Mulholland, Blaine, Geller; Mk-Ultra, Laurel Canyon, Carribean and Hellfire Club

urbanmoving ago Maccoby a violently dishonest mega zionist writer for "Commentary" which is an exclusive jewish trotskyite rag. The writer in the 50's was pushing breeding out white people. I'm serious go read their shit.

ASolo ago

Need more like this, nail those luciferian maccoby's to the wall.

ASolo ago

According to the notes in our family bible that is over a century old, we are direct descendants of two U.S. Presidents, John Adams and John Quincy Adams. But it wasn't until my father gave me his family bible that I was able to see and later trace an entire genealogical history, beyond just one surname and family lore. Along with tracing my son's other intriguing bloodline to the German "von Langenfelds" and the European "House of Nicolay", after carefully and vigorously pursuing my own custom genealogy and DNA report, I most recently discovered that I have a unique and colorful lineage that includes Egyptian, African, Native American, Anglo-Saxon, French Norman, Ancient Briton, and Celtic European ancestry. My family ancestors include countless war heroes, a mysterious mulatto woman named Delphia, the father of her children named Dr. Nathaniel Terry Green who was from the historical Green family in Virginia, and other Sons of the American Revolution. As to my direct European lineage which consisted of numerous members of nobility, I went even beyond my relatives with the surnames "le Scrope", "de Neville", "de Beauchamp", "de Ferrers", my 32nd great grandmother, Nest Ferch Gruffydd, Princess of Wales, my 35th great grandmother, Godgifu, Countess of Mercia, who is more famously known as "Lady Godiva", and traveled as far back as ancient relatives before B.C. My aristocratic relatives in England owned castles and were Barons, Counts, Earls, Lords, as well as members of the Knights Templar. Other ancestry linked back to Normandie and other parts of Europe where they were Dukes, Kings, Vikings, and more. I hope you will enjoy reading about my deeply involved family history, traveling through my exciting journey back with them in time, "from slavery to royalty" ,as I encourage others to be proud of who they are, where they come from, and to consider tracing their own interesting lineage as well.

This woman, claiming to be a WITCH, WICCAN AND ancestor of ALL OF THE ABOVE, CONFIRMS that they are ALL ONE IN THE SAME, that these "great" families of nobility are, in fact, the illuminati AND that they are intimately connected to the OCCULT...

The rest of the story we have to tell, that they use these networks to trade in the illicit markets that these clandestine networks have trafficked in for centuries.

ASolo ago

This girl has some crazy ass stories:

City pays Playmate $1.2M after jury rules she was victim of excessive force by NYPD

A NY city cabby warned investigators she was really a vampire who threatened him with what he saw had been deadly Dracula teeth. Cabby Eric Darko told a hearing room that during a heated dispute with Stephanie that she “showed him her vampire teeth.” He also said that she a had a gun. NY police abused her in making an arrest. She filed an excessive force personal injury lawsuit against the police in 2006. In February 2012, a jury awarded her $1.2 million. Darko was fined and his license was revoked by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission. They even recommended that he get a psychiatric evaluation.

It's obvious this woman had a pair of prosthetic teeth and absorbs herself into that alter and goes out on the town all hopped up...

smokemirrors ago

Cocaine is a HELL OF A DRUG!

ASolo ago

Cabby Eric Darko huh!?!

MightyJoe ago

When the Greeks arrived on Spanish soil around 600 b.c. they referred to the peninsula as Hesperia, meaning "land of the setting sun." When the Carthaginians came around 300 b.c. they called the country Ispania (from Sphan, "rabbit"), which means "land of the rabbits."

Various Romani groups existed in the Basque Country and some still exist as ethnic groups. These were grouped together under the generic terms ijituak (Gypsies) and buhameak (Bohemians) by Basque speakers

Real Madrid won the Champions League

Atlético Madrid won the Europa League

Coincidence or a hidden hand at play?


chickyrogue ago

almost all rh - blood in those basque hills

ASolo ago

THIS IS THE REAL WHITE RABBIT and it takes TRUMP down the SAME road as all the rest!!!

ASolo ago

You are right, spain does have quite a stake in this NWO thing, the King of Spain does yield a large amount of influence over the ruling families of the world, I think we are most likely talking about some of the same means to an end, yet you come here with such a strong aura of arrogance "follow the real white rabbit" I am tempted to dismiss you altogether. Unbelievable, such respect for someones material. Who are all these new guys anyway?

chickyrogue ago

the spanish bloodline is the purest that diana was cross bred with to create the next king william looks like his daddy no? [wont be charles] [off with all their heads]

ASolo ago

Here over a year and one submission? Why such a low score. Why are you so compelled to comment on this thread, now? I'm a little confused.

ASolo ago

Body By Hef

Hugh Hefner started his Clowns In America Honeypot Operation the same year that 33rd degree Master Mason Walt Disney scoped out the land in Florida for his Mk-Ultra Trauma Conditioning facility in the Everglades.

Hugh Hefners Playmates and Bunnies were trained extortionists. While regular consumers got Playboy magazine as a desensitization tool for pornography rich elite, politicians, dignitaries, sports stars and celebrities got the magazine as a catologue. For the right price you could have your semen collected (clones?) and recorded on video and audio. Imagine how many people Playboy enterprises has extorted over the years?

The same goes for Disney, how many children were one on one conditioned on the rides at disneyworld and disneyland while the millions of others were programmed with Prince and Princess Programming through their media?

Follow the white rabbit folks and MCBA, it is the key to understanding the overall brainwashing and extortion programs that have been let loose on the world since after WWII...

senpaithatignoresyou ago

For the right price you could have your semen collected (clones?) and recorded on video and audio.

Not clones, Eugenics.

The left is into eugenics. The goal is breeding better people, and exterminating people that are inferior. Hence why the planned parenthood locations are located in non white areas. They are not against wedlock babies, far from it, they are against dumb, weak people.

urbanmoving ago

eugenics is goy culling nothing more and bio medical harvesting

ASolo ago

I'm sayingthat there is MOST LIKELY A VERY LARGE POSSIBILITY THAT SEMEN SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AND USED IN EXPERIMENTS IN CLONING. I don't need a "No" or "Not clones" - where do you people come from that talk like that I hate people that do that. "No, this is what is the deal... blah blah blah... " be constructive not retarded.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You need to lurk and read more. There is a known connection between Disney and many of the Eugenics fronts in America.

A large portion of pizzagate is also connected to groups that fund Eugenics movements. Hefner was a very public face, and was used as an instrument of propaganda, so a lot of the connections to the eugenics movements in both the private sector and in the government are subtle, but are there.

ASolo ago

There you go with that arrogance again "need to lurk more". Listen, autist, I know large eugenics programs EXIST, THAT is irrelevant AND superfluous to the intention of this thread WHAT DO YOU NOT GET? Please. I am asking you to not interject on this point again, I get it. geez.

ASolo ago

I correct myself, I do agree with the links you provided above. While it corroborates what you are saying I still don't agree with your approach.

ASolo ago

I HIGHLY doubt that they are using celebrity semen to genetically improve them, they are about as inbred and psychotic as they come. IN THIS CONTEXT, semen samples were collected to mess with the gene pool of hollywood and aid in some of Mengele's weirdness.

ASolo ago

Your comment is nonsensical.

ASolo ago

I mean, your comment makes sense somehow, somewhere, but it seems a little left and sideways from my intention....

Ummmm, voat, where are all my people, the thinkers here on voat pizzagate? Help lol...

ASolo ago

"Sybil Leek often said that she was a DRUID, not just a Witch and that DRUIDS were like the [power elite] priest class while Witches were the working class among Craft practitioners. There is a big difference between a DRUID and Witch. No matter how much Stephanie Adams learned, knew about, dedicated herself to EVIL for them, she couldn’t breach that power elite gap. Project MK OFTEN/MK ULTRA was also about infiltrating and integrating the covert old religion aristocratic-royal DRUID PRIESTS CLASS into the fabric of America’s power, wealth and authority."

Now think, how many "witches" do you think are in the modelling business? Seems like a perfect place to hide to me, on the edge of the art world and fashion, female and highly desirable...

A main theme and point of this thread is that Stephanie Adams very vocally and very publically exposed her ancestral lineage to be very closely linked and intimate to the Occult and Occult New Age practices. I think this is probably, most likely the reason she was killed.

Another thing this incident indicates, if PrinceRay is right about his assumption that this was an orchestrated takeover of her business, there had to be quite a clientele racked up at this place and much influence to be wielded...

derram ago :

Ex-Playmate Stephanie Adams jumped with son off NYC building

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