naamasteer ago

check m y lowest rated comment ?? 4 a reason d etre :: It is 500 million for the Ge orgia gu ide sto nes DC obolisk erected with the queen"s per mission :: @dankghidorah @honeybee_ @truthseeker3000 @gamepwn @artistiquejewelry

Blacksmith21 ago

Not much on his gradfather. I'd be curious to see if there were deep connections to Soros or the Nazis. I couldn't find much on an initial search.

gogogogostop ago

Actually, I just found a claim that his mother was Jewish, but I have to look into it further. She was a psychoanalyst but she died a few years ago at 96 so there's isn't much out there on her.

ASolo ago

Great thread

letsdothis2 ago

Victoria's Secrets, NXIVM, a Trump tweet, and the New World Order

It appears as though Ms. Chandler, a possible Mk Child herself, was placed in Hollywood as a handler and liaison between Hollywood elite, celebrity and working Hollywood as a supplier of fresh young teen meat for "modelling" and "industry" practices such as sex trafficking, drug muling and ritual victimization among other things. This corroborates much long held research here that MODELLING AGENCIES have been and are being used as conduits for this activity, in this case The Midland Agency. Others include John Casablancas Elite Model Management, Paolo Zampolli and Jeffrey Epstein's ID, Lynda Erkiletian's THE Artist Agency, FORD, IMG, and even claims NXIVM used modelling agencies.

Btw, Ivanka interned with Balazs.

Can someone please explain to me how Ivanka Trump has the pedigree, qualifications and experience to end human trafficking (that would include children) ?

gogogogostop ago

Nothing at that ink to show that Ivanka has anything to do with Balazs.

False information.

think- ago

Btw, Ivanka interned with Balazs.

Err....what? LOL


letsdothis2 ago

Donald Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka once interned for Balazs during the summer holidays when she was a student.

gogogogostop ago

Interesting, but not really that suspicious.

Maybe she was doing some undercover work for her dad.

think- ago

Thanks, @letsdothis2.

@Vindicator: Please see parent.

gogogogostop ago

Thank you. I will look at the links you provided. I've read many of the research posts and articles already put out surrounding Chandler, NXIVM, Standard Hotel, etc., but there's always more to find and learn from. We've barely scratched the surface of all this.

dandelion2319 ago

They have been caught multiple times dumping those drums in their roof top pool. I found at least 2 articles on it years apart so it is something they are doing somewhat regularly. Way more acid than they would ever need to clean a pool

gogogogostop ago

Can you link in those articles please? I could only find one instance of dumping, where it caused a cloud of gas in the subway that made people sick. Having more than one verified instance would be gold.

gogogogostop ago

I responded to this, but my post is gone, along with some others. Who's deleting posts????

dandelion2319 ago

I don't know. Not me.That is strange.

gogogogostop ago

They weren't deleted. They were just hidden.

gogogogostop ago

I thought I saw two at first, but my spidey senses eliminated one as probable rumor because it had no sources.

dandelion2319 ago

Yeah I swear I saw two but I even went to the epa criminal charges page and looked it up. I must have been wrong.

darkknight111 ago“standard+hotel”&s=pizzagate&u=&d=&df=&dt=&b=on&nsfw=on All hits for Standard Hotel.

gogogogostop ago

Excellent! Thank you!

letsdothis2 ago

You might also find this interesting: Q posts and dots connects. A very suspect hotel chain with top tier connections from New York to Washington to London.

You should also search this site for Paddle8 connections.

gogogogostop ago

Thanks for the link. I'll look at it.

letsdothis2 ago

Here's one more hint: Deciem.

I'll leave you with that to ponder.

The New York Police Foundation and their Anthony Weiner and Clinton connections

What is going on with skincare firm Deciem? (Major H-Wood PG Names Mentioned)

Estee Lauder company (Lynn de Rothschild) >Asia Foundation > Starr Foundation : The Starr Foundation was established in 1955 by Cornelius Vander Starr, an American businessman and operative of the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor of the CIA

letsdothis2 ago

Nobody seems to have caught on to the fact that Balazs worked in the biotech industry before becoming a hotelier

Uhm, this is voat...

André Balazs, owner of Chateau Marmont and the Chiltern Firehouse in London, accused of groping. His properties are where the celebs and young Royals hang out.

In his early years, Balazs worked at Biomatrix, a New Jersey based bio-tech company founded by his father.

Written 11 months ago ;-)

gogogogostop ago

Thank you. Will check out!

Blacksmith21 ago

I like noobs with lots of bread. Welcome. I was away and am catching up. My .02:

gogogogostop ago

Copied it and will read later. Thanx!

kazza64 ago

muriatic acid is what jeffrey dahmer was using to dissolve bodies in barrels ...... holy fuck the ford modeling agency is connected to the standard hotel

Vindicator ago

Hi @gogogogostop. Thanks for posting. Our submission rules (see sidebar) require linked support for every major claim. Most of this thread is well sourced, but you're missing support for:

the biotech industry relies on a constant supply of human tissue to make its products.

We need a link to an article discussing the scope of human tissue use in biotech. I'll give you the 24 Hour Grace flair so you can edit per Rule 2. Thanks!

gogogogostop ago

The claim you quoted was supported by the information I listed about tissue brokers that I gave links to for each item in the list. I was merely restating what was in the list.

Speaking of which, I can't possibly attach a link to each item in the list because it will break the text limits you set. That's why I ended up posting the links separately.

This doesn't seem to be a very good site for posting real research efforts. Can you offer a suggestion where I might go?

Vindicator ago

The claim you quoted was supported by the information I listed about tissue brokers that I gave links to for each item in the list. I was merely restating what was in the list.

Anything you add as a Comment can be linked up above. Go to the Comment, click the permalink button on the lower left, and then copy that url to use as a reference. That way the whole Comment section can serve as footnotes to the claims in your post. Make sense? You don't have move them all. Just make it easy to click to them.

gogogogostop ago

Sorry for all the bitching. I got it all worked out I think.

I was worried about the length of some of those links, since my posts are already close to the limits. I'll try to use archived links in the future, since they're shorter. I must get used to your formatting rules so I can post more research!

Thanks for taking the time to help me!

Vindicator ago

My pleasure, gogo. Your post was one of the most thoroughly sourced I've seen made here. I'm sorry we're such sticklers about just how you's the only way we can combat disinfo shills without running afoul of Voat's free speech guarantees. Looking forward to reading more of your submissions. :-)

gogogogostop ago

I truly appreciate your compliments. I understand the reason for the rules and the need to avoid disinfo. I hate that stuff!

Vindicator ago

@think- @EricKaliberhall -- let's give @gogogogostop a chance to add that last reference.

gogogogostop ago

Please give me longer!

I don't have 24/7 access to the net! A few hours a week!

I have to reformat a lot of work to satisfy your rules!

All references are provided, but your text limits cause the problem. I do not deal in short little essays.

Please give me a week to finish fixing. This cuts into my limited research time!

Vindicator ago

Please give me longer! I got this message 20 hours after it was posted.

I don't have 24/7 access to the net! A few hours a week!

I have to reformat a lot of work to satisfy your rules!

Please see my other comment -- you can link to the specific comments themselves that contain the supporting references. It should only take five minutes for that one link. Less, probably, since I already copypasted it into my comment to you. :-)

Vindicator ago

Btw, are you going to check all my references as well to make sure they say what I claim they do?

We general check as many as we can given our own limited amount of time. Users will generally let us know if someone is pushing BS.

Shizy ago

Holy hell, this is an excellent find! Well done.

auralsects ago

Lol it's not a "find" and I posted it here twice 6 months before Q.

Oops! Sad, dumb cunt you are

Shizy ago

Fuck off homo neckbeard donkey rapist!

gogogogostop ago

I get it. All talk, no meat. Note taken, Shitzy.

auralsects ago

heres the second time

you just got faced, bitch

gogogogostop ago

Really? Then please post a link to your own work so we can see it!

I want to see exactly what you presented already that I've covered here. More to the point, I want to see what I've actually presented for the first time that you're trying to take credit for.


gogogogostop ago

Thank you very much. Please read my second article on Katie Ford, etc. I think you'll find it's even more interesting.

gogogogostop ago

See also: [Katie Ford, Free the Slaves, Kevin Bales, the United Nations, and the Clintons](Katie Ford, Free the Slaves, Kevin Bales, the United Nations, and the Clintons)

gogogogostop ago

More on Katie Ford

Katie Ford’s parents started Ford Modeling Inc. in 1946. Katie’s mother Eileen Ford had previously been working as a secretary for various friends who were models, and her husband Gerard stepped in to manage them when she became pregnant. Ford Models Inc. was established as a business soon after. In the 1970s, Ford Models introduced the first contracts for models to represent specific brands exclusively, with Revlon signing the first such contract. [21] This ties Ford Models and Katie Ford to the multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry and makes them heavily dependent on it for modeling contracts. Keep this in mind.

In 2004, Andre and Katie got divorced. [4] By this time, Ford Models was representing many high-end clients like Naomi Campbell and Kristy Brinkley. [8]

In 2007, Katie stepped down as CEO of Ford Models. In 2008, she decided to become an activist against human slavery after attending a UN human trafficking conference. [9]

A more recent 2018 interview with Katie reveals that she started her anti-trafficking crusade only after she was asked to speak at the UN's human trafficking conference in 2008, even though she admits she knew nothing at all about the subject at the time. [12]

What??? Why was she asked to speak? The UN is a very Satanic organization that the Deep State is a part of and has the same globalist agenda, so it's suspicious that she got involved in campaigning against human trafficking in the way she describes. I think there's an important connection here.

(Side Note: The United Nations was established to create a globalist society under a one-world government. Part of their agenda is to severely reduce the human population and eliminate ‘weak’ genetics from the human race. They facilitate this through such things as eugenics programs disguised as inoculation programs, which operate through orphanages, hospitals, refugee camps, etc. that have been set up in countries where birth records are not well maintained. Financial supporters for the globalist UN agenda include George Soros, the Bilderberg Group, Tavistock, CFR, Wall Street, etc. The use of NGOs that act as private functionary groups for the various UN programs allows these groups to be portrayed as humanitarian organizations while engaging in or serving as a cover for other activities.

In consideration of the UN’s globalist agenda and methods of operation, it appears that Katie Ford may have been brought in and used as a front and spokeswoman for one of these UN programs due to her popularity and connections.)

In the same interview, Katie describes how when she was younger, her family business would bring girls into the US from other countries, offering them "a hope and a dream" and "a better life financially" that "included stardom". [12] Isn't that what human trafficking victims are often told?

Soon after deciding to become an activist, Katie was made the Global Ambassador for an organization called Free the Slaves. [9] Free the Slaves advertises itself as a non-profit organization that saves, rehabilitates and educates slavery victims, while also conducting substantial advocacy on their behalf. [11]

Katie later started up her own non-profit organization, called the Katie Ford Foundation. [9] According to their marketing literature, the Katie Ford Foundation develops campaigns to raise awareness about human trafficking. Such campaigns have taken place in Montenegro, Ireland, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Malaysia and the Philippines. In addition to providing information about Free the Slaves, they partner with local anti-trafficking organizations that have a trafficking hotline. [10] This would put them in a strategic position if they were working for international human trafficking networks.

Free the Slaves co-founder Kevin Bales described Katie this way:

“Many activists are long on passion but short on strategy and organization. Katie’s got the skills of the business world combined with a sense of style.” [9] Scouting for and managing models could also come in handy when scouting for and managing sex slaves or future organ donors.

What other skills does Katie have that she can apply to fighting human trafficking? She points out that she has a knowledge of immigration laws from bringing models into the country, which she feels would be useful. [9] It's interesting that she already had experience in bringing people into the country and knew all the legal issues involved before she even started. Note that Free the Slaves doesn't advertise that it relocates people to other countries. So why does Katie consider this a useful skill?

Katie held a Free the Slaves benefit at Andre Balazs' Standard Hotel in New York on Oct. 20, 2010 to raise money from celebrities to help fight human slavery around the world. Andre was in attendance. [11] Nothing was said in the write-ups about what their fundraising goal was or how much they actually raised, and no explanation of what they intended to do with the money they raised - just a lot of celebrity names being dropped.

At some point, she also founded Freedom For All, another anti-trafficking foundation.

In the 2018 interview, Katie explained that her organization's activities consisted of working mainly in foreign counties where slavery is an internal problem. [12] These are places where poverty is extremely high and parents will often sell their children or even hand them over for free. Easy pickings for rich Americans who come with promises of a better life for these children. And nobody can keep an eye on what they're actually doing in these foreign countries or who might be working with them there.

She goes on to claim that with her partner organizations, she's been able to save over 10,000 people over the past few years. [12] No mention of who those partner organizations are, how many people her own organization was responsible for saving, or how they helped in saving them. Nor is there any mention of how much her foundation contributed in the way of funding. Just taking credit. And how does she know that all these people were actually saved?

Is Katie really rescuing human trafficking victims? Or is she providing a front for human traffickers? Is her foundation there to soak up donations that would otherwise be used to catch these human traffickers or save their victims? Do they use those donations to finance human trafficking operations? Does she play a part in something much bigger, related to UN-level operations?

Side Note: Remember Laura Silsby, who got caught trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti back in 2010? She was in heavy debt and had just lost her house to foreclosure when she headed to Haiti. Who prompted her with the idea to go, and who funded her? Was it one of these foundations? Why did the Clintons take such an interest in intervening in her case? What were Michael and Max Maccoby doing at that orphanage? Why does Silsby's story not stand up to scrutiny? Where was she really taking the children? For whom? What was she really involved in and how was it organized? Who were the masterminds? I don't think Laura even knew, because that's the way powerful people set these things up and that's why a lot of different people are used who you wouldn't think were involved because of their covers. Sometimes these people don't even know what they're involved in, and believe the cover story. Sometimes the cover story is exactly the opposite of what’s really going on.

We can't look at these people in isolation. We have to consider them in context to the bigger picture.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Katie Ford, daughter of Eileen Ford of Ford Models would know all about slave and child labor as her mother had underage girls living in her house in NY as up and coming models in the 80s and 90s. Beyond odd to say the least. The whole family is ass backwards. A lot of those same young 12 to 16 yr old models from way back then are pretty fucked up today. Wonder why.

gogogogostop ago

Biotech Companies and Tissue Brokers

To draw out the bigger picture, I did some research on the tissue brokering industry. Here's what I found out:

  • Planned Parenthood operates its own fetal tissue harvesting network. How it works is they have tissue technicians placed in every abortion clinic that’s affiliated with them, and these techs are sent email orders from PP and fill whatever ones they can based on what they can collect from their daily scheduled abortions, and then they ship the tissues directly to the buyer through UPS. The buyers pay a 'service fee' in order to avoid legal issues for selling human body parts. [7]

  • The illegal organ trafficking trade involves a host of offenders. There is a recruiter who seeks out the ‘donor,’ there is a transporter of the organs, there are staff of the hospital or clinic that receives the organs, and of course the medical practitioners who perform the transplants. There are also middlemen, contractors, buyers and the banks that store the organs/tissues. [13]

  • Kidneys, which are by far the greatest in demand (for organs), are often bought from living donors for as little as a few hundred dollars, and can be sold for as much as $200,000. [13]

  • The average buyer spends $150,000 (though prices in excess of $200,000 are common) while the average donor gets $5,000. The big profits go the middle men and “organ brokers”. [14]

  • A living donor can give a whole kidney, a portion of their liver, lung, intestine or pancreas. Otherwise, the donor must be declared brain dead while circulation and oxygenation remain intact. [14]

  • There are "broker-friendly" hospitals, complete with surgeons who either don't know or don't care where the organs come from. [14]

  • Typically a broker will team up with a funeral home director, forging consent forms and a death certificate to harvest human tissue before the body is cremated or buried. [14]

  • The training required to be qualified to remove organs and tissues from fresh corpses is minimal. [15]

  • The process for setting up a tissue brokering business consists of filling out a form that can be downloaded from the FDA’s website. There is no wait for approval or inspections and you can start doing business right away. [20]

  • Bones, skin, tendons, and heart valves can be cut out and used to create medical devices that can be sold for profit around the world. [16]

  • Donated tissue routinely goes to for-profit companies, feeding a billion-dollar industry that uses those tissues for everything from repairing a knee to plumping up a penis. [16]

  • Overseas and in the US, some companies that profit from human tissue spend considerable resources cultivating sources of fresh bodies. Often, employees of tissue banks are pushed to compete hard with other tissue banks for access to bodies — courting hospitals, funeral homes and morgues. [16]

  • The demand for tissue grows more intense every year. One tissue buyer summed up the all-out competition for corpses this way: “Whoever has the most bone wins.” [16]

  • In the US alone, which is the biggest market and the biggest supplier, an estimated two million products derived from human tissue are sold each year, a figure that has doubled over the past decade. [17]

  • Inadequate safeguards are in place for ensuring that all tissue used by the industry is obtained legally and ethically. In contrast to tightly monitored systems for tracking intact organs such as hearts and lungs, authorities in the US and many other countries have no way to accurately trace where recycled skin and other tissues come from and where they go. [17]

  • One of the weaknesses of the tissue-monitoring system is the secrecy and complexity that comes with the cross-border exchange of body parts. The international nature of the industry makes it easy to move products from place to place without much scrutiny. [17]

  • It's illegal in the US, as in most other countries, to buy or sell human tissue. However, it's permissible to pay service fees that ostensibly cover the costs of finding, storing and processing human tissues. [17]

  • Ground-level body wranglers in the US can get as much as $US10,000 for each corpse they secure through their contacts at hospitals, mortuaries and morgues. Funeral homes can act as middlemen to identify potential donors. Public hospitals can get paid for the use of tissue-recovery rooms. [17]

  • Phillip Guyett, who ran a tissue recovery business in several US states before he was convicted of falsifying death records, said executives with companies that bought tissues from him treated him to $US400 meals and swanky hotel stays. They promised: “We can make you a rich man.” It got to the point, he said, that he began looking at the dead “with dollar signs attached to their parts". [17]

  • The for-profit companies set up non-profit offshoots to collect the tissue — in much the same way the Red Cross collects blood that's later turned into products by commercial entities. Nobody charges for the tissue itself, which under normal circumstances is freely donated by the dead (via donor registries) or by their families. Rather, tissue banks and other organizations involved in the process receive ill-defined “reasonable payments” to compensate them for obtaining and handling the tissue. [17]

  • No centralized regional or global system is in place to assure that products can be followed from donor to patient. [17]

  • About 35 per cent of active registered US tissue banks have no inspection record in the FDA database. The typical tissue bank operates for nearly two years before its first FDA inspection. [17]

  • Younger tissue is stronger and can be more lucrative for tissue processors because it can be used for higher-value grafts. [20]

So now that we have a general understanding of how the human organ and tissue 'donor' industry operates, we can see how easy it would be to exploit it if we knew a few of the right people and had a source of donors or fresh bodies. At $10,000 a body and as much as $200,000 for a fresh kidney, it could become tempting.

A person in Andre Balazs’ position wouldn't even need to go near any bodies or donors. He would just need to put the seller in touch with the buyer and collect his cut later on.

A person in Katie’s position wouldn't need to know that she's raising funds or warehousing people in shelters as part of a human trafficking operation. She would just think she was setting up shelters and helping people that had little hope otherwise. Even if she visited the shelters, she wouldn't be clued in. Her non-profit might serve to hide the money flowing between the parties involved in such an operation.

A person like Laura Silsby, who was in a state of financial desperation, probably thought she could get herself out of debt by taking part in a 'rescue' operation and wouldn’t ask too many questions. She didn't have to know who was actually backing her if she was funded by a foundation, and she didn't have to know what the children were being used for if she just held them for 'adoptions' that someone else took care of.

Everyone can be compartmentalized.

gogogogostop ago

Let's review the puzzle pieces:

  • Modeling agencies that scout and recruit young people from around the world
  • Non-profit foundations that collect 'donations' and give 'grants' for 'causes'
  • Celebrities who promote 'causes' to draw in 'donations' and make it all appear sincere and legitimate
  • 'Donations' that could be used to fund human trafficking operations
  • 'Causes' that serve as possible fronts for human trafficking operations
  • 'Rescue' operations that require funding
  • Shelters and orphanages that warehouse possible donors/slaves for later sale
  • Organ and tissue brokers that must constantly look for 'donors'
  • Abortion clinics that harvest fetal tissue
  • Hospitals, morgues, mortuaries, and funeral homes that supply brokers
  • Biotech companies that constantly need human tissue, will pay big $$$
  • Rich people who need fresh organs, want expensive biomedical cures/treatments, will pay big $$$
  • Rich degenerates who want sex slaves, will pay big $$$

Did I miss anything?

Here's a clue to another piece of the puzzle:

Who, besides the medical industry, depends on human tissue to manufacture many of their products? What type of human tissue is used to make these products? How much is this tissue worth on the black market? Who uses these products more than anyone else? Who is used to promote these products more than anyone else? What is the annual revenue from this industry?

Here's one more hint: Deciem.

I'll leave you with that to ponder.

Please comment and hopefully upvote.


I've come to the conclusion that MEDICINE is the main driver of human trafficking. What was once Magic Ritual is now Scientifically regimented.

Its still all about the Fountain of Youth

gogogogostop ago

Science and medicine have always been at the root of the elitist utopian dream. They formed the first and still most powerful scientific body to direct science . They were all Illuminists and Masons.

gogogogostop ago

More info... Katie personally donated $10,000 to Obama in 2012.|KATIE|NY|NY|10012|SELF-EMPLOYED/

dandelion2319 ago

Also a good Non Profit is ideal for money laundring. If you have income from say selling people that you want to add to a bank account a non profit would work and you wouldn't even get taxed on it. 90% plus of funds given to non profits goes to operating costs so yeah totally a scam.

gogogogostop ago

[1] Are Standard Hotel, Obama, Schiff and Soros Connected? [2] American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery: Endre A. Balazs, MD [3] UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY - JOHN SNYDER vs BIOMATRIX, INC., ENDRE A. BALAZS AND RORY B. RIGGS [4] Andre Balazs - Revolvy [5] Justice Dept. Investigating Fetal Tissue Transfers by Planned Parenthood and Others [6] Genzyme - wikipedia [7] The Planned Parenthood Investigation: One Year Later [8] Katie Ford - wikipedia [9] Free the Slaves work Featured in Vogue profile o Katie Ford - FTS Blog [10] Katie Ford Foundation Produces PSA for the Philippines - FTS Blog [11] More Press on Free the Slaves NYC Benefit - FTS Blog [12] Katie Ford: From Fashion Icon To Hero Of Countless [13] Organ Harvesting, Human Trafficking, and the Black Market [14] Body Snatchers: Organ Harvesting For Profit - Psychology Today [15] Inside the Morbid World of Organ Harvesters [16] Abusing The ‘Gift’ Of Tissue Donation [17] Human corpses harvested in multimillion-dollar trade [18] Q post 1121272 [19] André Balazs checks out of Standard hotels – Financial Times [20] Body Brokers Leave Trail Of Questions, Corruption [21] Gerard W. Ford – wikipedia

swordfish69 ago

Great post, mods please keep this up

Vindicator ago

Nice -- please add these links to the main body of the post. :-)

QuietButNotBlind ago

Wow! That is some seriously saucy bread, Gogo. Nice work!