gogogogostop ago


The United Nations is currently running the international anti-slavery industry, using people like Bono of U2 and Katie Ford of Ford Models to act as the faces to promote their programs to the public (but mostly to celeb-status, because they have lots of money to throw around and many of them are globalists or just stupid).

For Trump to step in and start upsetting the UN's apple cart (which he should realize he's doing) means that he needs to have a similar face to attract as much attention and match them in their game of softening up the right target audiences.

Ivanka won't piss around holding celeb-status fundraisers that funnel money into the wrong places while the donators just forget that they handed over a few thousand for a good time. Most of that money goes into the pockets of the people holding the fundraisers. Ivanka don't need no steenkin' money. Money isn't really the problem at this point.

Awareness of the problem is what's crucial, and currently, UN-backed anti-slavery NGOs like Freedom For All and Free the Slaves (two that I'm familar with) aren't bringing much awareness to the problem by marketing themselves to their rich friends and associates more than to anyone else. Neither are bottom-end organizations like Laura Silby's (non-existent) orphanage doing any good in bringing awareness, except to ocassionally show in the news that there's a lot of fishy activity going on that's just being covered up again.

So for Ivanka to step in at this point can be a very good thing because she will draw more attention to the problem in a much shorter time than Bono or Katie Ford or all of these UN-backed NGOs have done in the past 20 years.

The important thing is that she looks into what is currently going on with these UN-backed NGOs in particular, because they appear to be highly organized fronts for human trafficking and organ/tissue harvesting operations.

We don't need people talking in general terms about statistics or how much money has been funneled into the problem so far. We need someone with the power to go in and really look at what these NGOs are doing (or not), how they're helping (or not), who they ultimately serve, and who has profited the most from it all. THEN the fixing comes, not before.

Whether or not Ivanka will do this is uncertain, but if Trump is serious about all of this (and there's absolutely no reason to doubt it), and if he understands the true extent of the problem and who he's dealing with on the other side of the playing board (which I think he does), he will have to expose their game or at least bring heavy suspicion on them in order to gain enough public support to close them down before he can fix the problem.

Q said that all will be revealed, and that everything he says has meaning. He's dropped a number of clues that reveal parts of the bigger Trump agenda, and in other matters he's remained almost completely silent (i.e. Israel). I believe that everything is rolling out in a deliberate and carefully planned series of actions. Pizzagate is a primary part of his agenda. It's at the center of everything he's doing. Q left hints that resurrected pizzagate for a reason. He did it when it was time to let the dogs out and raise the issue among the normies once again, in order to prepare them for what is to come now. Pizzagate is alive again and now that the normies are paying some attention to it, Ivanka is ready to take the helm as the official spokesperson for Trump's REAL anti-slavery crusade. She will hopefully do what the Bono's and Katie Ford's failed to do because they were only interested in gaining personal credit among their friends in high places while covering for the UN.

The organizations that work with the UN appear to be mostly (exclusively?) interested in human trafficking as it relates to work slavery, whether in the sex trade or as slave-labor. From what I've seen, they don't look at the problem as it relates to organ/tissue harvesting at all. I think this is a deliberate cover-up.

The human trafficking industry serves the rich in various ways, not the least of which is a steady supply of fresh organs for needed transplants, and for human tissues that are used to manufacture expensive medical products that are in high demand by those who can afford them. It's a multi-billion dollar industry, and tissue brokering is very loosely regulated. This end of the human-trafficking spectrum appears to be ignored for a reason. It's where all the money is to be made. It's what the rich depend on to live longer so they can enjoy their money longer. A lot of them are investing in biotechnology for a reason. The biotech industry relies on human tissue.

Let's give Ivanka Trump our full support, but let's make sure she does more than what these other people and organizations have only pretended to do while pocketing most of the money for themselves and not touching the organ/tissue aspects of the problem. We don't need more statistics. We don't need more feel-good speeches about how our donations would help others. We need to SEE action. We need to SEE results. We need to be able to look at the money-flow of any such organizations for ourselves to see that it's being used in the best way it possibly can be. We need TRANSPARENCY.

Most of all, we need to take the UN out of it. They have a globalist agenda. They seek to streamline human trafficking into an industry that serves the elite and their globalist agenda. They see it as a money-market. They see it as better products for themselves. They see it as a means to thin out the population in 'humanitarian' ways while exploiting the few who might serve them personally.

dandelion2319 ago

What does pedigree have to do with it? Are we really going to act like being born into certain families makes someone more capable? Weird!

letsdothis2 ago

meaning of pedigree: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/pedigree

  1. a list of the parents and other relations of an animal: The breeder showed us the dog's pedigree.

  2. a person's family history, education, and experience, or the history of an idea or activity: His voice and manner

I meant it as the second meaning i.e. that overall background in terms of human rights and international relations - as far as I know Trump's background is modelling and the fashion industry. I did not mean in terms of breeding.

gogogogostop ago

Trump's background isn't modeling and fashion. It's property investments.

letsdothis2 ago

Ivanka. The post is about Ivanka.

dandelion2319 ago

OH okay well I didn't not know the second meaning so thank you for teaching me something new.

rooting4redpillers ago

Moses had a speech impediment. I don’t see the down side of any person, especially a Trump, bringing world-wide attention, left and right, to human trafficking. All publicity is good publicity. Keep this shit on the front pages.

WHAMMO63 ago

In her off-hours Ivanka is a crime fighting superwoman?

gogogogostop ago

Have you seen her costume? It's totally crime-fighting awesome!

Tastemyrainbow ago

She has the will and resources so she should do just fine.

gogogogostop ago

Don't forget the power.

awakenaware ago

I'm too cynical but I'm hopeful also.. she looks so flawlessly fake it's hard to tell if she's genuine?! What about her failed made in china clothing company that's uses children to make her clothes.. I'm not buying this..

awakenaware ago

Comment from twitter..

"I don’t understand how a woman who pays Chinese workers $2 per hour to make shoes for her shoe line is now the spokeswoman for ending human slavery."

gogogogostop ago

You have to compare the wage to the normal wages in that country. You can't compare them to what we're used to. It doesn't work that way.

What's a normal wage for the average worker in China? Google tells me it's about $10,000 a year.

Okay, $2 an hour is pretty shitty.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I recently interviewed for a job with a fashion person who promoted the idea of hiring seamstresses as a way to get them out of human trafficking. I don't have any details on that project but maybe it's better than the alternative.

gogogogostop ago

This is what UN-backed NGOs are doing. They go in and set up deals with the businesses that allegedly use slave labor, providing them with workers who still get paid slave wages while the NGOs walk away with most of the cash that was donated to them to fix the problem. They just regulate the slave industry and make sure that profits are made by those parties who follow the globalist agenda through their UN policies.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Ivanka might end up being the first female President of the United States. I think the idea is being kicked around in certain circles.

thewebofslime ago

Not being a devil worshipping pedo isa good start... head and shoulders beyond most people in DC.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Quit selling Trump in here.

gogogogostop ago

Evidence please.

Vindicator ago

Well, those with the "pedigree, qualifications and experience" who set up NCMEC sure as hell haven't done shit about it. Also, who among us has any of these things? Yet, here we are, trying to do what we can.

I'm not convinced this administration is doing what it takes to tackle the issues around global child trafficking.

What do you think they should be doing that they are not doing, specifically?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Can you explain to me why you think you have enough of an overview from within the situation to say she is not qualified to fulfill the role she is fulfilling?

NoraPandora ago

I know what you mean.... from a person with a 'modelling rich girl'- background I wouldn't believe stuff like this - normally! BUT I think, she is really growing and transforming herself to a political important person in the background. Remember what Nikki Haley said when she left: she praised the work of Jared Kushner and Ivanka in the background! And she must know it...

think- ago

@letsdothis2, you're naughty today. grin

think- ago

Does anyone know what the lady with the handle 'Rose Warrior' is talking about? A child pornography ring in the 1980s?

(Please see the replies to Ivanka.)

letsdothis2 ago

I saw that too. More here:


My name is Kathryn Rose Warriner. I live in Clarkston Washington. I speak out on my public fb page. For that I'm being harassed by Judge Tina Kernan, the Prosecutors Office, and local cops. All in Asotin County. They are threatening me with a year in jail and a $5000.00 fine for telling my story on my public fb page. Someone needs to highlight my story. Brian Lee Boyd Blimka is the main killer. He's also my daughters father. She's 39. I don't know what happened to her. Elizabeth Kay Boyd Blimka (maybe Kazda). My name was Patricia Anne Cox. Can someone help?????


At the time of your birth in 1979 my name was Patricia Anne Cox. I was 15. You were born in Pomeroy Washington. I lived in Clarkston Washington. Your biological father is Brian Lee Boyd Blimka. I believe they named you Elizabeth Kay. I've been trying to find you forever❤ Rose Warriner on Facebook. Cover Photo - drawing of mother and daughter. Profile pic - me at 17. Long blonde hair. I currently live in Clarkston. I'm from Denver Colorado. I've heard they told you that I died in childbirth.

YogSoggoth ago

Definitely denying saying this is not real, per say. My problem is with Ancestry.com. People know who they are. They do research that costs big bucks. They have been proven wrong so many times. The next question is why? Political? Racial? Property deeds and payoffs? Revenge! Possibly something more sinister.

144truth ago

I like Ivanka.

Jared Kushner isn't trustworthy.

Eov382 ago

Ivanka is a very well-poised and elegant woman who is as intelligent as they come.

She has the full weight of American law enforcement and military behind her by way of her father who is the Commander-in-Chief of the war to end human trafficking.

Make no mistake about the power she can wield.

I have no doubt of her ability to engage the enemy on this front.

YogSoggoth ago

Seems like that. Reminds me of a certain family member that needs a real man in the house. In that respect, I would imagine that the Trump Family is not so distinct from mine.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Ivanka and Jared are both into Kabbalah so no I don’t buy it.

gogogogostop ago


I take that claim seriously.

DakotaJane ago

I think the key is that ivanka Knows how to get things done. Both nationally and internationally. This isn’t just a USA problem. It’s gonna take a lot of people from a lot of countries to fix it.

I Think she can help with this simply because she knows how to get things done. She’s not an expert. Doesn’t need to be. She just needs to get things done instead of spending your time fundraising for somebody else to get it done at some date in the future.

Love it or hate it. the Trump administration Has shown They do what they promised they will do.

Podge512 ago

All we can do is judge her by her actions.

letsdothis2 ago


TrishaUK ago

I don't get the negativity about this, okay I don't know everything, but surely such a high profile person with the White House behind her is a positive thing. Maybe they are breaking it to the public slowly that these arrests are about to happen. Trump did say on many occasions that when they have a plan they will not reveal it to the whole world, so that it cannot be counter acted on before its implementation. I for one am glad they are at least bringing this subject up publicly now. How do we know their team or the good ones on their/our side have not been working on whats coming since he signed the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill? - I think we are all weary because its been a long time coming, lets hope this is the breakthrough. :)

letsdothis2 ago

How do we know their team or the good ones on their/our side have not been working on whats coming since he signed the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill?

Good question. We don't.

Thanks for chiming in. I'm expressing my (considerable) doubts and I'm open to having someone salve them. The lack of substance in her message is very striking to me.

truthdemon ago

Trump and kuchner live off the debt system... Human slavery will end onlybwhen the debt system is reversed...u cant have ure cake and eat it.. The debt system results in the scarcity of credit for the many which results in human deprivatiin and thus slavery....whilst it feeds and amplifies credit for the few including the oligarchs and their agents of which trump and kushner are a prime example..their bad loans get written off by rothschild concerns ..etc etc

Only we have th epower to reverse the debt system ..we havent delegated that to the govt , who r public servants given power only to service. Debt ..the bnaks amplify credit and debt ..and the govt administrators service the ill efeects ie inflation of credit.. In summary , reduce debt at the treasury ..and turn US and its president into ur prime debtor with u having surety rights over their actions.. Ending human slavery is our responsibility ...but like how we misuse and waste all our credit to the banking system ..we delegate this respinsibilty to the govt.. Its not even a chicken or egg question.. We own the hen house..and instead of taking care of the hen house..we r occupied and feed the beast system ... The beast like the serpent comes with sweet words..it all sounds right ...but its our actiins that is the reason for slavery ..not our public servqnts inaction..

We have to starve banks of the credit ..on an individual level by reducing debt at the treasury.. When we realise the power we have to co trol the US war machine while it funds and houses us since we are its surety ...people will follow... Trump cannot exercise universal jurisdiction over human traffickers...only the people whi reduce debt at the treasury will have that power.. Google : surety rights It takes a while to explain...but the key is in our hands ..its only a matter of time..there is no need to wait for any messiah or leader...

TrishaUK ago

Oh I H O P E this is TRUE! https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2786699 - https://mobile.twitter.com/LizCrokin/status/1051002750564151296 ............................ If it is, let the floodgates open!

NoBS ago

Anyone with an international soapbox and a microphone shoved into ones face can raise awareness to help guide useful idiots.

Anyone who mocks or trivializes the "message" by attacking the messenger is already emotionally compromised. You have a right to expose your agenda, Ivanka just makes it easier to find the Pedophile enablers.

When the Obama's spoke I listened and used reason and logic to figure out the agenda. Like the school lunch (kick backs and graft) and Cartel gun running started the same month Barry tells Mexico that 90% of the guns in country came from the US. (true, US State Department authorized).

So what is the agenda to expose modern slavery? Is it to raise the price of human slaves while giving the slaves exposure to free themselves?

Thing is, even if the Trump's are making coin off slavery (doubtful) then the LAST thing they'd want is advertising their "off the books" money making deals.

The question is why you wish to trivialize modern slavery IN THE USA?

letsdothis2 ago

Ivanka just makes it easier to find the Pedophile enablers.


YogSoggoth ago

Tasteless joke. She is using Barron for bait. Sorry Donald. I am sure that your family is up against much more than that. Get a gun Barron.

NoBS ago

Make it personal to deflect the message.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I think the Trumps knows where the bodies are buried......like Kavanaugh. He helped steal the election for g bush, helped Ken Star with that long process of impeaching clinton (which surely uncovered more than a BJ) .. and cover up Vince Foster's murder.

Azzipdoe ago

They know how big of an issue this is for a large majority of his voters. They think we’re all gullible enough to believe this. They are doing absolutely nothing except trying to cover tracks and pretend to be fixing this.

US-Nat-1973-Patriot ago

Doing more than you.

carmencita ago

After I saw that Elaine Choa was helping with the Trafficking Program I have reservations as well. Not to mention Betsy DeVoss. Aside from the fact that she gave birth I don't know what it is.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Have read that Elaine Choa's father is a huge drug dealer. This might give her some knowledge on shipping.

carmencita ago

She inherited the shipping fleet. The father is dead. She is now in charge.

letsdothis2 ago

Elaine Chao is also a big red flag for me.

carmencita ago

Yeah well I have always said I am giving him a chance, especially after being burned by the Dems, but this is a Big No No. Am waiting for an answer.

letsdothis2 ago

I am also giving him a chance. But those pithy Ivanka ads just annoy me .. because it feels like more of the same. We, on this forum, have a better idea than most how intricate, involved and widespread the trafficking issue is. Whenever I see the fashion plate Ivanka supposedly attending meetings for tarfficking with the same smile that she would for a fashion event, I just think that the administration is not taking the issue as seriously as they should. She definitely lacks the gravitas for such an important issue.

YogSoggoth ago

Do you mean, like an eternal child that will never, ever grow up? Get used to that, because you will encounter many of those from 1 to 100 in your lifetime.

Factfinder2 ago

Surprised to see a "mean girl" streak in you. Appearances can be deceiving, and I think none of us knows what's really going on behind what I believe are the Trump administration's highly strategic and carefully planned public presentations (i.e., it is possible that Ivanka's smiling lack of specificity was intentional, perhaps to make certain parties believe what you believe--that she's not getting anything done--just a pretty face--not a threat).

IF you find any merit in the story of this alleged survivor, Trump is a good guy and ending pizzagate has been an issue for Ivanka since childhood.

It's been entrenched globally for centuries, and so I think I'll give them more than 2 years to sort it before crying foul.

carmencita ago

I get your drift. I just can't see her as the model for taking Our Children Back. I understand that since she is his daughter he would trust her, but there is just something about the whole thing that smacks of putting someone photogenic and pretty out there, not the real deal.