SearchVoatBot ago

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Stormishere17 ago

Praying this is true

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

She posted a screenshot of a tweet that is already deleted from the original poster's account. No link to it or anything.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that your god was proven to be a liar exactly a year ago.

WorldWidePatriots ago

Patriots I've been suspended and I am stuck in a verification loop! Please DM me if you might be able to help! WWG1WGA

parsonsgreen2 ago

Perhaps the POTUS "NO DEAL" tweet is in reference to Podesta?

MatildaQ ago

Which Podesta? I read ages ago that John Podesta was already being held somewhere, just after he resigned all his positions. ALSO, Bill Maher has just said that he thinks the President is setting up Military Tribunals. Maybe Hollyweird is hearing some rumours that are putting the wind up them. The latest from WAR DRUMMER.

NoRoyalty ago

Maher knows about Q. He isn't insane like 8% of the Dem party is. Maher is scared so he's warning the Dems to cool it imo.

Type-o-Negative ago

Funny, bill mahar is bringing this up “crazy conspiracy theory” that he knew all about since late of last year to his audience just recently.

StarAnon ago

I heard his brother was being held. Tony was the one that resigned all of his positions. He's being charged with the same crap as Manafort. I thought John would also be charged the same, as he was/is his brother's partner.

MatildaQ ago

I get them mixed up. Both evil, but I think some of those sealed indictments will have their names on them. Those paintings on their walls will not go unnoticed by the Trump Administration. Thanks for correcting me.

strikefromabove ago

We should be sending him really small really slippery pieces of soap.

CO-Z ago

There is an underlying panic at the moment you can feel it - we are at the brink

NoRoyalty ago


RogerMoore0017 ago

I find it pretty telling that you don't hear from Debbie Traitorous Schultz, John or Toni Podesta, Peter Strzok, Jim Comie, John Brennen, Jim Flapper and many others. They were flapping of at the mouth every day up until a few weeks ago. Now radio silence. Coincidence???

NoRoyalty ago

Brennan shot his mouth off about 10 days ago. They all may have dug a deep hole somewhere and stocked it with kiddy porn pics and beer. Remember Saddam Hussein's hole in the ground?

WorldWidePatriots ago

My clown loach John Brennan is still alive and well thankfully ;)

dianemdeath ago

I listen just enough to see who is making the most noise so I too, noticed the quiet despite the Justice Kavanaugh hearings. God bless

Karmalita57 ago

Now into Twitter at all. Is this confirmed they were tweeting regularly and now all silent? This adds some level of validation does it not?

Type-o-Negative ago

DWS makes a daily appearance on twitler, talking about how she is “fighting” for the little voter.

Type-o-Negative ago

One thing I know for sure is if one goes to john podesta’s twitler, and go back and check his previous tweets, there is tweet of him taking a picture of a 1990s Magnovox picture tube TV with a Fox show on it in Closed Caption on it makes me believe it was taken in a low budget hotel/motel/safehouse setting.

I am sure if he was rich and had nice houses, the picture would have been a plasma at most and at least a flat screen HDTV.

StarAnon ago

This tweet is from March. He's been firing up the dems since then. Just theorizing here: Would he have been allowed to do some of his freakish tweets from a safehouse, do you think? I wonder if they would rather he keep things mellow, or be the freak he is, so people wouldn't guess he was confined in some way.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, but notice how many times he tweeted from April 27th to June 1st as compared to the his tweet history. I know that April isn't March, but its close and seems odd as well.

StarAnon ago

Oh yeah, I'm not disagreeing. The whole situation is weird. I did use the link above to search his name in the prison system. He's not listed. Tony's not listed either. I think someone made a mistake, or trying to flush out other cockroaches. I saw someone post that the original tweet has been deleted. Think it was fakery?

Type-o-Negative ago

Maybe their names can be sealed like indictments can. I will research that soon as I am curious if that is true. It seems logical in a legal setting, just never seen it happen.

Vindicator ago

Very interesting. Wall and floor don't look like a hotel, though, LOL.

Type-o-Negative ago

I must be blind but where do you see the wall and floor? In the TV reflection? I cannot see hardly anything in that, but that looks like some generic motel dresser the tv is bolted to.

Vindicator ago

Lower right side. Buff color, very little detail and/or low res, darker narrow molding.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

John Podesta I assure you would never have a smart TV of any kind in his house. That may not be his house. He is probably just somewhere else. You'd have to be a freaking idiot to know everything he knows and ever sit in front of a modern TV with recording devices in it.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, I could see John hanging out with poor people too. I got a smart tv and it does not have a connection to the net, and unlike him, leave my phone in cab for the whole world to find the fatherhood video, you know, because John is THAT smart...

Please put more thought into your post because I thought an idiot wrote that one.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

What are you talking about

Type-o-Negative ago

Go do some research and figure it out..

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't have time for this. Have a nice day.

SweetChicken ago

Very interesting indeed. I can't imagine any place or person in his circle that would have an older shitty tube TV like that.

Please god let it be true. Let these fuckers be revealed to the masses and then exterminated like the roaches they are. Amen

Jigsy17 ago

That is weird.

Jigsy17 ago

Are we basing news on Twitter feeds now?

StarAnon ago

And Liz Crokin's at that. She doesn't do any investigating she said - she said she's afraid. So, I'm not too crazy about anything she says, or posts. She passes a lot of accusations without foundation from sources that agree with her theory of things.

Tallest_Skil ago

At least you know who said something when it’s a tweet. You’ve been basing “news” on literally anonymous shitposting on a fucking imageboard for a year now.

taIIest_skiI ago

Reported for being a bot posting on this website constantly.

Type-o-Negative ago

See my above comment.

lkjfds5621 ago

I can't find the tweet on his twitter feed.

Adopted-Patriot ago

Did Q say that Podesta would be the first arrest to start the ball rolling? Second was to be, I think, either Gates of Jarrett. Checked back about 100 crumbs, but couldn't find it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @TrishaUK.

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sharks_n_colorado ago

Not enough proof for me

petevoat ago

Where's Tony Podesta? This sick fuck also needs to be introduced to a freedom-less environment.

PixieJean ago

Rhis sounds like bullshit. Spreading this rumor is no different than what the left does all of the time, pushing false narratives as truth. Why spread rumors? Doesn’t it make better sense to report truth and facts?

NoRoyalty ago

This is just speculation.

PixieJean ago

This place is becoming a speculation, rumor mill. People post things as facts without proof then get all pissed off when they are questioned. Makes my head hurt.

NoRoyalty ago

Perhaps a free speech forum isn't the best place for you. Just saying.

PixieJean ago

Hey, I am all for free speech, the problem happens when people spread speculation as fact then get bent out of shape when they are asked for proof. Sorry, but a cut and paste of someone making an unsubstantiated tweet is not fact, all it is is proof of somebody spreading specualtion. Just saying.

NoRoyalty ago

Ok. Give me an example of something that was presented as fact that you believe is speculation. Stop talking in generalities because people aren't interested in them.

madmama ago


TrishaUK ago

bla bla bla blaaaaaaaaaaaa I like Liz Crokin :)

madmama ago


lynnmar ago


kneo24 ago

I think we're gonna need a little more proof than "anons".

fartyshorts ago

Yeah, I would not get excited about this...

Godspeed54 ago

Yes, please. Please, please, please!!!

bman0321 ago

Pedo needs to be in gitmo.

MidnightDStroyer ago

If he's put into a Federal Maximum Security prison just about anywhere, he probably won't last long anyway...Other prisoners really don't tolerate pedos among them. He may either die early & painful or long, drawn out & even more painful.

TexasInfidel ago

You can shove truth in their ass and they dont even feel it(11/3) and the PLAN Continues forward

Frankenblock ago

The dems would have made a fuss by now about Trump framing political opponents

"Scariest thing ever" type stuff

TrishaUK ago

The MSM might be hiding the truth, not wanting to upset the mid-term elections......if this is true..........too late DEMONrats!!

TheOldestGoat ago

This needs to go mainstream, DemonRats will be the end of the Democratic(in a Constitutional Republic) Party

Frankenblock ago

There'd have to be undeniable proof of a serious crime for them to go completely silent.

It's possible, but for both sides to hush up? I'm skeptical

Rhondaher ago

I hope he gets his payback from the other cell mates. Soap or no soap.

Blacksmith21 ago

Liz's crumbs have always been tasty. Hopefully this is true. I'm pretty sure if the Podestas have been incarcerated, that their names would not be listed in the BOP registry.

NutterPatriot ago

The United States Penitentiary, Lee is a high-security United States federal prison for male inmates in Virginia.

AbsolutelyZak ago

Any way of obtaining a list of inmates for sauce?

NutterPatriot ago

Anthony T. Podesta does not show up in the Bureau of Prisons database, for what that's worth.

StarAnon ago

The announcement was for John. His name isn't there either.

Dailytacs ago

I sure hope he's somewhere having his ankles broken.

AbsolutelyZak ago

Harsh, but somewhat poetic :)

Flyboy135 ago

All it takes is one current picture to disprove....

derram ago :

LIZ ThesePeopleRSick on Twitter: "Breaking: Anons saying John Podesta is being held at USP Lee.

I hope this is true but I’m not popping the champagne till I see Skippy Molesta’s perp walk! #QAnon…"

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