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TrishaUK ago

I don't get the negativity about this, okay I don't know everything, but surely such a high profile person with the White House behind her is a positive thing. Maybe they are breaking it to the public slowly that these arrests are about to happen. Trump did say on many occasions that when they have a plan they will not reveal it to the whole world, so that it cannot be counter acted on before its implementation. I for one am glad they are at least bringing this subject up publicly now. How do we know their team or the good ones on their/our side have not been working on whats coming since he signed the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill? - I think we are all weary because its been a long time coming, lets hope this is the breakthrough. :)

letsdothis2 ago

How do we know their team or the good ones on their/our side have not been working on whats coming since he signed the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill?

Good question. We don't.

Thanks for chiming in. I'm expressing my (considerable) doubts and I'm open to having someone salve them. The lack of substance in her message is very striking to me.

TrishaUK ago

Oh I H O P E this is TRUE! - ............................ If it is, let the floodgates open!