SearchVoatBot ago

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Having lived in the Bay Area and been a part of some of the accused Catholic institutions, I'd like to remind everyone



  1. BELLARMINE HIGHSCHOOL (they were naming a theater after a prolific abuser until 3 groomed girls came forward)

  1. PRESENTATION HIGHSCHOOL (20+ accusers over 2 decades. They have finally filed a lawsuit)


Read the report:

1 of these assholes molested my classmates until 2008. He had access to extended family members.

4 of these dickbags taught at my school

After YEARS of being brainwashed about how great the Church was...these hellspawn must pay.


Also 1 Bellarmine victim was a student @ NOTRE DAME HIGHSCHOOL

All 3 Catholic Highschools in SAN JOSE are implicated in sexual abuse scandals

BUT DON'T WORRY! The mayor of San Jose is a graduate of Bellarmine College Preparatory

His SISTER is the legal counsel for BCP

oberbaum ago

The Vatican II church has been infiltrated by homosexuals allegedly stared with Josef Stalin, right now the V2 sect is pushing the LGBT agenda with the Synod on the Youth... Michael Vorris is covering it, but if you want the true Catholic faith you can get it at

Diggernicks ago

All organized religion is fail. Catholicism especially though.

carmencita ago

I heard on my news this morning about it and they said that decades of priest abuse had been held back and covered up, but they never mentioned the person that sat on that info KAMALA HARRIS. Disgusting. They are again telling half truths. While they talk about cover up for abuse they are covering for her. I applaud them for bringing this out and hope they take it to the limit.

fogdryer ago

Absolutely correct.
She was supposed to be “ fast track “ to dc. Now I guess not. Too bad ms Harris !!!!!!

The take down of the church

carmencita ago

Yes, and I think the news is traveling for my friend told me that she and others are on to her. These are Dems. LOL. Hold on. I am hoping to post something about someone else they want to fast track. Wait till you hear his name and where he was born and who he worked for. Hold on to your hat. The prob is that I am not good at the tech stuff or formatting. I shall do my best.

fogdryer ago

How you do such fast and important research I’ll never know.

carmencita ago

Karl Racine. Did you ever? RACINE!!! They think we don't know so they used it as a joke, imo. Racine, and Haiti=Sustainability. More messages in this guy than you can imagine. Another BO in the making.

3141592653 ago

Looking forward to it

septimasexta ago

DiFi/Blum - Kamala connections? Hmmm. Many women and children are trafficked from Nepal to INDIA. Mr. Blum happens to have founded the American Himalaya Foundation, located in Nepal. One of their "ministries" is to trafficked women and youth. Nepal is also a backdoor to CHINA.

septimasexta ago

CHEZ PANISSE CONNECTION: "As part of the Global Poverty and Practice Lecture Series, the Blum Center for Developing Economies was delighted to host Erica Stone, President of the American Himalayan Foundation, who shared her experience as a leader of a major non-profit organization in a presentation entitled, “Do Good, Be Kind, Have Fun: What it’s like to Run an NGO and What it Takes to Create Positive Change.” Stone, also a 5th degree black belt, a former chef at Chez Panisse, and a UC Berkeley graduate, began by explaining the inherent complexity of running an NGO. “I balance the reality on the ground, which is messy… with taking care of the people that make our work possible: our donors” she explained. The AHF, which operates in three relatively unstable countries, manages to improve the lives of 300,000 people by remaining close to the communities they support. “We always work with local partners,” explained Stone. “We don’t come in and say ‘we know what you need’… they tell us.”"

septimasexta ago

MBA Alum Reaches New Heights at the American Himalayan Foundation

carmencita ago

They are priming many at the moment. I have discovered another. It is too involved to post for me. I am not very tech savvy and not good at typing it all in and arranging it. He is the AG of DC and will head the diocese sexual abuse investigations. It is a bunch of fakery. Believe me. It is shocking. Having been on here for almost 2 years I can smell a rat all the way in DC. I have to get a really good title and then I will do it. People just don't look at your post unless it has sleaze or star quality. Sad. This guy has ties to Clinton and was born in Haiti. If you knew his last name, well for me it was the clue that made me look into him. It's a real joke to them. They are laughing in our faces. They are pulling our legs and sending another message like in the movies. Sick Sick Sick. @notagame

DerivaUK ago

Just for the record and a little consolation, @Carmencita, posts get a viewing from me I rrespective of their heading. I try to stay abreast as best I can even though I may not be able to get as I involved as Id like. I’m sure there are many others just like me.

carmencita ago

An Upvoat and a Thank You for that. I too look and open almost each post on the front page. All the new ones too. Sometimes what is in the post can't be in the title for whatever reason and I might just miss the post of the day. I also try to post on many of them especially newbies. We all needed a boost when we started. Thanks Again!

3141592653 ago

Agreed. I so don't trust this upcoming alleged investigation into the Catholic church by the Department of justice

carmencita ago

If so, take a look at this Better have a stiff drink.

notagame ago

It sounds diabolical. It's what they do best.

We have to remember that they have no consciences. I have to remind myself of that all the time. It explains how they can lie right in everyone's face and not care. Not pretend not to care, they really do not care. Can't wait to hear about this. I'm working on something myself. I just can't find anything on this one place. It has to do with something The Manchurian candidate said and what's been going on. I found a couple of incidents, but there's this central place where all the pedos seem to move to -- or rather around. Maybe I'll just start posting the ones I did find and then cross my fingers that I can find out about this central place.

carmencita ago

I just posted it. Don't miss it. What area is that place you are looking for. I know that loads of priests retire to Florida, especially Palm Beach for some reason. Another Gay Haven. The rapist priest of our StcharlesSeminary Survivor moved to Palm Beach. Msgr. Thomas J. Benestad.

Atomized_Individual ago

(((Catholics))) are evil

septimasexta ago

The 100,000+ non-conversos who left Spain and Portugal in 1492, have been getting even ever since. That includes infiltration of the church. Karl Marx comes to mind....He is related to the Rothschilds through his mother. Calvin (Cohen) is another one. One must study the history of these "refugees" in order to understand the world power structure today. Including drug and child trafficking.

truthdemon ago

The Church , holy roman empire , templar orders of spain and portugal ..were all bankrupted to the merchant familyy the fuggers... Research their history ..and their association with occult....the protestant movement ...the crypto jews are their agents... The whe world payment system was created by the merchants of venice ..who understood the code of catholicism as merely a double book entry system with our labour as account receivable sub accounts he used as collateral.for their new payment system or new world order... The merchants of venice moved to london ...the jews are their talmud programmed contract.agents... There is no centralised control as an AI program with our ignorance and uninfotmed consent as fuel.for.the debt system... We r not aware. That we r the surety with surety rights..they dont want us to find out how we can reduce debt at the treasury ..and collapse the banking system...and fund and be surety to the debt free payment system that will result from reducing debt .. ...

septimasexta ago

"As a matter of fact, as one example, the person who introduced the indulgence system, which is “forgiveness of sin for a fee,” to the Catholic Church was a financially powerful Khazarian Jewish banker in Germany, Jakob Fugger (1459 – 1525), who financed, therefore, controlled the Vatican after ca. 1503. After his death, other Khazarian Jews took over, and later in mid 1700s, the Illuminati established the Rothschild family as their front and face to the world and took over the Vatican. Well, naturally, the Vatican is still “totally” controlled by the Illuminati-Freemasonry bankers."

truthdemon ago

In venice there were the old families ,of them 24. Contarini and giorgi(hungarian connection)

They were pitted against the nove rich families...

Google : ziorzi british empire

Contarini and fugger were involved in the diplomacy between protestant and counter reformation movements.. Contarini fam sets up the jesuits at the same time funding the cabot discoveries of routes to america and canada.. contarini and ziorzi were setting up the movement of the old family towards the new british empire while at the same time we see fugger , a venetian agent fund the league of cambria

Google : How The Venetian Virus Infected and Took Over England

Fuggers also bankrupted king henry the vii..

The hell fire club founders set up freemasonic clubs in the new world especially india..they run the deep state via this venetian continuum ..

As for the jews ..for example the ones who were expelled in 1290 by king edward i...what is not taught is that jews were property of the king ..and he being bankrupted to the cahor merchants had to release the jews to them as part of the foreclosure.. The cahors moved to the bruges .. Google : bruges holy grail

The catholic code is the clue to what the holy grail is .. Its a receptacle for the account receivables created when ur mother did labour to bring u on this planet (original sin or debt)..u r renting the body and owe ur mother ie credits to the name she created Google : what is namium

and the roman cleric or clerk is her book keeper...the satanists know this code...they dont want u to reduce debt .usong the namr .just increase it by loaning to their banks

The fuggers are still around of their descendents controls the Canada sovereign investment fund..

In the end ...they require our consent .to create credit ..thats why they hate us...and their aim is to get rid of the need for consent by biochipping us after they demonetise our bank deposits into bank shares...which are loans to their merchant banking system..

All we have to do is to reduce debt at the US treasury...then we become direct sureites with the US treasury seeking our direct consent to create credit .. temple theives required

Surety is king ..when u reduce the debt of ur treasury..even with one dollar ..activates this status..

septimasexta ago

CHAPTER II — THE JEWS COME TO HOLLAND "However, as the influence and power of the Dutch East India Company grew, the Jews gradually bought up its shares, and by the end of the seventeenth century became the principal stockholders in Holland, controlling a quarter of its stock."

"Some of the earliest refugees from Spain and Portugal fled to the Canary Islands and from there to Flanders. Not long after the beginning of the sixteenth century, colonies of New Christians established their headquarters at Bruges and Antwerp, and, strong in faith, secretly attended organized services conducted by rabbis especially invited and smuggled in from Italy. "

"The continual widespread dispersion of the Portuguese Marranos to every part of the globe unquestionably resulted in a marked contribution by the Jews to the rise of Portugal as a great maritime nation. As soon as the crypto-Jews arrived in a new settlement they opened up trade with their relatives and brethren who had remained on the Portuguese seaboard. Bonds of blood, faith, struggle and persecution held the Marranos close together, each hoping that eventually they would attain a country where freedom would be found and where they could practise their religion without hindrance. The Marranos in Portugal through their wealth, position and experience would help their brethren overseas until they had established themselves in their new abode. "

"These good tidings, through the usual mysterious channels, reached Spain and Portugal, and immigrants poured into Holland where they immediately discarded the uncomfortable cloak of Christianity which they had worn. Among the immigrants came a youth, Menasseh ben Israel who, later in life as the Rabbi of Amsterdam, was destined to be the prophetic messenger who petitioned the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, to permit the Jews to return to England. Holland had been an exceedingly poor country. The wars with Spain impoverished it still more. The capital, therefore, which the Jews brought into Amsterdam became particularly welcome and made possible the organization of great trans-Atlantic companies and the equipping of trading expeditions."

septimasexta ago

According to Sir Henry Neville (AKA "Shakespeare," possible iligitimate son of Elizabeth I, original East India Co. investor and author of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, was an Elizabethan diplomat/courtier and secret propagandist to the masses via the theater) the merchants of Venice relied on the Venetian Jewish moneylenders for capitol loans. In the play THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, the CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH view of the Venetian Jewish moneylenders is presented in the character of Shylock. He was considered to be ruthless and immoral in his business transactions- hence "a pound of flesh" as the price of loan forfeiture. Yet, the real goal of the play is to subtly appeal to Christian conscience and create sympathy for the Jews, who ultimately wished to be allowed back into England for banking business. This was ultimately accomplished by the sephardi diaspora Dutch Jewish backed William of Orange.

"“To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.” ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice"

"“The quality of mercy is not strain'd, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes: 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown; His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this sceptred sway; It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself; And earthly power doth then show likest God's When mercy seasons justice.” ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice"

"In 1603, Venice and Genoa assumed direction of the finances of Stuart England, and imparted their characteristic method to the British East India Company. It is also this tandem that was present at the creation of the great Amsterdam Bank, the financial hinge of the seventeenth century, and of the Dutch East India Company. Venice and Genoa were also the midwives for the great financial power growing up in Geneva, which specialized in controlling the French public debt and in fostering the delphic spirits of the Enlightenment." extracted from: THE VENETIAN CONSPIRACY by Webster G. Tarpley, U.S. president of the Schiller Institute

"The Case for Sir Henry Neville as the Real Shakespeare William D. Rubinstein The case for Sir Henry Neville as the real Shakespeare is one of the newest posited for any authorship candidate, having been made in print only since 2005. It was originated by an independent scholar in England, Brenda James. Sometime after I published an article in History Today in 2001 on the Shakespeare Authorship Question, I was contacted by a friend of hers, and intro- duced to her theory. I quickly became convinced that, astonishingly, she had probably hit on the identity of the real author of Shakespeare’s works. In 2005 we collaborated on a biography of Neville as Shakespeare, The Truth Will Out, published by Longman in London and Regan Books in America, which received a good deal of press publicity. A number of further books, especially by Dr John Casson, have appeared arguing the case for Neville. I continue to be surprised that Neville was never mentioned by anyone prior to 2005 as the real Shakespeare, since he fits so extraordinarily well every criterion for being the real author."

Neville’s Biography "He was probably born in 1562—the exact date is unclear—and died in July 1615. He was thus an almost exact contemporary of William Shakespeare (1564-1616)"

"Our Henry’s mother, Elizabeth, was the daughter of Sir John Gresham, Lord Mayor of London, and a close relative of Sir Thomas Gresham, the great merchant who founded Gresham College in London."

"Sir Thomas be such a serious purchaser of insurance? I have already shown that the merchants of the city, including the senior merchants, the Lords Mayor and Aldermen, were at least familiar with the instrument. Thomas Gresham came from a family of such people. More pertinently, though, he had an underwriter in his family. I have found the proof here – on a policy preserved in the records of the High Court of the Admiralty.

Taking a close look, we can see clearly – clearly, that is, depending on your palaeography skills – that the second underwriter here is John Gresham. The policy is dated December 1557, so the underwriter cannot have been Sir John Gresham, Thomas’s uncle and the man to whom he was apprenticed, because the older man died in 1556. This John Gresham is also unlikely to have been Thomas’s elder brother, who was alive at the time, but was probably at his estates in Norfolk, which he preferred to business life. That leaves his cousin, John Gresham, son of Sir John, who like his father was a Flanders merchant. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact the policy covers a shipment of goods from Malaga to Antwerp, the traditional trading territory of the Greshams." Read more at

MORE ON SIR THOMAS GRESHAM "Sir Thomas Gresham the Elder (/ˈɡrɛʃəm/; c. 1519 – 21 November 1579), was an English merchant and financier who acted on behalf of King Edward VI (1547–1553) and Edward's half-sisters, queens Mary I (1553–1558) and Elizabeth I (1558–1603).

In 1565 Gresham founded the Royal Exchange in the City of London." "In 1543 the Mercers' Company admitted the 24-year-old Gresham as a liveryman, and later that year he left England for the Low Countries, where, either on his own account or that of his father or uncle, he both carried on business as a merchant whilst acting in various matters as agent for King Henry VIII." Low countries include Holland and Belgium."

"Rescues the pound When in 1551 the mismanagement of Sir William Dansell, King's Merchant to the Low Countries, had caused the English Government much financial embarrassment, the authorities called Gresham for advice, thereafter following his proposals. Gresham advocated the adoption of various methods – highly ingenious, but quite arbitrary and unfair — for raising the value of the pound sterling on the bourse of Antwerp which proved so successful that in just a few years King Edward VI had discharged almost all of his debts. The Government sought Gresham's advice in all their money difficulties, and also frequently employed him in various diplomatic missions." "Under Queen Elizabeth's reign (1558–1603), besides continuing in his post as financial agent of the Crown, Gresham acted as Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the Court of Duchess Margaret of Parma, Governor of the Netherlands, and was appointed a Knight Bachelor in 1559 prior to his departure. The unsettled times preceding the Dutch revolt compelled him to leave Antwerp on 10 March 1567; but, though he spent the remainder of his life in London, he continued his business as merchant and government financial agent in much the same way as he had always done. His enterprises made him one of the richest men of his generation in England."

septimasexta ago

Could you document that?

"The merchants of venice moved to london" What year/s?

Vindicator ago

That would be an interesting read if the evidence supporting it was fully sourced.

septimasexta ago

JEWISH PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN "At the end of the fifteenth century, the Spanish Inquisition forced many Jews to flee the country. The most adventurous among them took to the high seas as freewheeling outlaws. In ships bearing names such as the Prophet Samuel, Queen Esther, and Shield of Abraham, they attacked and plundered the Spanish fleet while forming alliances with other European powers to ensure the safety of Jews living in hiding.

JEWISH PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN is the entertaining saga of a hidden chapter in Jewish history and of the cruelty, terror, and greed that flourished during the Age of Discovery. Readers will meet such daring figures as “the Great Jewish Pirate” Sinan, Barbarossa’s second-in-command; the pirate rabbi Samuel Palache, who founded Holland's Jewish community; Abraham Cohen Henriques, an arms dealer who used his cunning and economic muscle to find safe havens for other Jews; and his pirate brother Moses, who is credited with the capture of the Spanish silver fleet in 1628--the largest heist in pirate history." https://books.go

Judah P. Benjamin : The Jewish Confederate "Traces the life of Benjamin, the first Jewish U.S. Senator, and the Confederate Secretary of State, and describes his exile in England" https://www.ama

"Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883), was a 19th century Jewish political ideologue who presented himself to the world as a journalist and economist. He is best known for subverting the nascent Socialist movement, likely as an agent of his cousin Rothschild; and on instructions from his mentor Moses Hess, creating a supposedly “scientific” theory known as Marxism.

Marx came from a long line of Jewish rabbis. He lived in Dean Street, London in squalor. He used to visit the Red Lion Pub at Great Windmill Street, Soho where he and Friedrich Engels were asked to write what became the Communist Manifesto. His best known work is the book Das Kapital, which fails to mention that money is printed out of thin air and by his cousins, the Rothschilds." https://justice4

"JOHN CALVIN (orginally COHEN, then CAUIN, and finally CALVIN) WAS A CRYPTO-JEW A crypto-Jew is a member of a Jewish community forced to convert to another religion and outwardly embracing it while secretly maintaining Jewish practices and contrary to general belief, Calvinism is of Jewish origin." https://enjoyingthe

Vindicator ago

The most adventurous among them took to the high seas as freewheeling outlaws. In ships bearing names such as the Prophet Samuel, Queen Esther, and Shield of Abraham, they attacked and plundered the Spanish fleet

Dafuq? This sounds like the wet dream of a Jewish porn writer.

septimasexta ago

Here's another - it includes the founding English Rothschild:

DRAGONS: Ten Entrepreneurs Who Built Britain by Liam Byrne

"Britain's rise to global dominance from the 16th century owed as much to the vision and creativity of traders, industrialists and bankers as it did to wars of conquest fought by military men.

DRAGONS tells the story of British business endeavour through the lives of ten titans of commerce. Beginning with the Tudor merchants who transformed England's economy via trade with the New World, Liam Byrne traces an entrepreneurial golden line through men such as Thomas Pitt, saviour of the East India Company; financier Nathan Rothschild, creator of the modern bond market; William Lever, brand-builder, philanthropist, and creator of Britain's first great multinational; and John Spedan Lewis, founder of the employee-owned John Lewis Partnership." https://www.ama

septimasexta ago

Check out Ch. 1

"The Nation's Foundations"

septimasexta ago

That's the marketing hook. It's actually a well researched history by a Sephardi. Read it. You'll finally understand who Captain Sparrow is.....Christopher Columbus is in there too. I have a "coffee table" photo book (Sephardi photographer) with photos of the synagogues and graveyards they built on the Caribbean Islands (including Barbados sugar plantations- where my ancestors emigrated from). Here's another one for you:

James DeWolf and the Rhode Island Slave Trade

"Over thirty thousand slaves were brought to the shores of colonial America on ships owned and captained by James DeWolf. When the United States took action to abolish slavery, this Bristol native manipulated the legal system and became actively involved in Rhode Island politics in order to pursue his trading ventures. He served as a member of the House of Representatives in the state of Rhode Island and as a United States senator, all while continuing the slave trade years after passage of the Federal Slave Trade Act of 1808. DeWolf's political power and central role in sustaining the state's economy allowed him to evade prosecution from local and federal authorities--even on counts of murder. Through archival records, author Cynthia Mestad Johnson uncovers the secrets of James DeWolf and tells an unsettling story of corruption and exploitation in the Ocean State from slave ships to politics."

Vindicator ago

I have a "coffee table" photo book (Sephardi photographer) with photos of the synagogues and graveyards they built on the Caribbean Islands (including Barbados sugar plantations- where my ancestors emigrated from).

No kidding. That's pretty insane. Never heard of any of this before.

septimasexta ago

It has been hidden. We hear of the Inquisition, but never the history of the Jews that left Spain. I stumbled upon bits and pieces of the story as I traced my lineage back to an original investor in the East India Co. I have a unique family bloodline. They were very powerful and influential, but always in the background.