notagame ago

I think we can stop right here.


Bill Clinton Endorses Karl Racine for DC Attorney General

No way he's gonna betray The Cannibal Queen and end up Arkancided.

His job is to behave like an independent investigator that wants truth and justice to prevail. He'll make a show of really working hard (or hardly working?), and when exhausted, will proclaim The Foundation innocent of all the scurrilous lies and conspiracy theories. In other words, establish himself as an authority so he can exonerate those scumbags.

You're right! One big dog and pony show.

YogSoggoth ago

I stopped at Carmen's title. Have others, and I, not warned of the hidden evils in Racine? It is a man gay town for sure. Lot's of blackety guys named Racine from Haiti. Kenosha is a sister city and another story.

carmencita ago

Yes! That is what caught my attention immediately. What an odd name for someone that just happens to be a Dem AG. His name is what made me look into it all. This is a Veiled Message to us from the evil cabal. They are slipping in another one of their clones. @notagme

notagame ago

Oh, so the name relates to something?

I met some Haitian refugees at a place I used to work. One was older. Her parents escaped from Papa Doc Duvalier's regime. She was only a child, but she said what was going on was unimaginable. At the time, I didn't know to ask these types of questions. The ones that left later said pretty much the same thing about the sick things that go on there

I just hope these people pay for what they've done to this country. #LOCKHE UP #LOCKTHEMALLUP

YogSoggoth ago

Papa Doc, as he is commonly known, was not a good leader, from all views that I have access to. From my own opinion, from the outside, I would have to agree with the general status quo on that one. Someone else who might have been there or not, said the same thing.

fogdryer ago

Amen !!!!

notagame ago


carmencita ago

Dog and pony shows is what the Clintons are especially good at. What a joke that he is connected to the Monica Lewinsky case. Clinton being friends with Epstein making trips down to his island on the Lolita Express, and now we have a guy in place that will be looking into priests raping Our Children. If this wasn't so sad and sick it would be laughable. This is a True Farce.

notagame ago

It is, but they've done this before. One of their own proclaims innocence Like Comey with Killary's emails. These priest ... ugh! And at least one of the incidents I was talking about involved a priest .. how could it not? I don't know if it's been posted before, but it pretty well sums up pizzagate ... as does this.

carmencita ago

I can't wait to see it. Unfortunately we never run out of sordid tales. They just keep giving.

notagame ago

It's true.

If the election packs the house and senate with non-swamp creatures maybe everything will be revealed and acted upon. Until then, this horrible waiting goes on.

carmencita ago

Yes! I agree. I heard that Republicans are beating Dems in the early voting and I now believe that's why the bombs were sent. They are getting desperate. I am one that believes they are all in on this. The Deep State actors are guilty and Soros. This means Rep. and Dems. I don't for one moment think that we are going to solve this with one election. There is a crowd of them running that will be glad to take the place of bad actors, on both sides. They have this all set up and it will take a lot to get rid of them. The votes will be tampered with. I have done a lot of research on early voting. This is when they do the vote flipping on the machines. Believe me. They can flip votes on those machines from the parking lot.

notagame ago

Posted the first part of the CHURCH BASEMENT submissions. Hopefully, it will culminate in finding out about a location in New Orleans.

notagame ago

Yes, a voter already caught them flipping her vote. She posted a video on Twitter warning others to make sure the red was showing and described how to correct the problem.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I'm not trying to be mean here. . .but I'm going to be Rude!

Not to the informers of truth, but about these people and their sanctimonious False Churches!

There is no way to be kind and tactful when you're dealing with satan and the seed of satan.

Who is trusting ANYONE who has worked with the Clintons?

I don't care What country you're from, your character is already in question if you served as an associate White House Counsel in the Clinton Administration.

If you're resume has the word Clinton in it. . .you should Never be investigating Anything related to child sex abuse.

You should automatically be relieved of your post and people relieved of your kind.

You can't do your job if you don't Get the fact that if this is concealed in one parish. . .it's being concealed Everywhere!

I'm sick of these people feigning ignorance! They know it's there, this is just them using their tried and true deceitful ploy to make people think it is isolated. We all Know it's Not Isolated. Those churches Are filled with the sickness! Their time is Short!

Pompous, arrogant flouncing around with their ridiculous expensive costumes as if they are royalty. They're Not Royalty. They are either pedophiles themselves or actively covering up for them!

Money spent on outlandish rituals, artifacts, art, parties. . .We're Sick of it!

They aren't the only ones. These other churches out there building these expensive buildings. . .we're all Sick of it!

"raised concern about concealment of evidence. We want to make sure that none of that happened here in Washington."

Is he kidding us with this Garbage!

He needs to stop feigning concern because he knows Pennsylvania hits real close to home and said home is a seedy hotbed of rampant Abuse!

It's More than knocking on their doorstep I would say,

If he was protecting here,

A scathing grand jury report this week on rampant abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses accused Wuerl of helping to protect some child-molesting priests while he was bishop of Pittsburgh from 1988 to 2006.

So then he magically stopped covering it up?

Highly unlikely!

This bishop believes he's found at least Part of the problem and what he has to say is quite interesting,

Sexual abuse and coverups in the Catholic Church seem interminable because they are. The Pennsylvania report is by no means the first and it will not be the last. That’s about the only thing Morlino’s letter makes clear, though this was not his intent. Time and again we will find out about children sacrificed on the altar of the Catholic Church. This will not change as long as the church claims to wield divine authority, as long as it claims to speak for a god.

Morlino concludes his letter: “(t)here is a lot of justified anger and passion … calling for real reform and ‘house cleaning’ of this type of depravity. I stand with them.”

The only way to reform the Catholic Church, especially for anyone not in that Catholic hierarchy, is to quit. We know things have not changed. We know they will not change. At best, the church hierarchy will mouth a few “pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities,” to borrow from Dr. King, but it will not give up its power. So you must stop giving it power. You must stop giving your time and your tithe to an organization that is guaranteed to be involved in more of these scandals. It’s time to quit the Catholic Church.

Now bear in mind the author of this article is Andrew L. Seidel is a constitutional attorney who specializes in the legal relationship between state and church. He works at the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation.

What a crock so much of this church hierarchy is. Not a one of them with this abuse going on is doing Anything for God. I don't care how many people they "claim to help," just more virtue signaling.

That's always the way of satan.

God's sick of them all. Their time is Up. More are going to be exposed for their flagrant, wicked abuses of these children.

No one needs a priest to talk to God anyways. They don't want you to know that it would interfere with the Greatest Obstructionist of all. . .satan himself with his serpent symbolism and creepy lying art all over that Vatican and other catholic churches.

A bunch of pharisees, hypocrites and liars at the hierarchy of these churches. They best get out of the way or get ready because their entire facade is about to come tumbling down.

There is a group working towards their exposure bringing Every Weapon against them. . . There Will Be a Day!

3141592653 ago

YES. If "being rude" means speaking the truth, keep it up fellow warrior. Wonderful comment.

carmencita ago

Yes, the red shoes and dressed as if they are Billionaire Royals. How dare they, the men of the cloth. They are not the Men of Jesus, but the disciples of the d-evil. I thank all of you for fighting so valiantly for Our Children and the horrid injustices committed against them by these evil perverts.

carmencita ago

Pompous, arrogant flouncing around with their ridiculous expensive costumes as if they are royalty. They're Not Royalty.

No they are not royalty is right. They are suppose to be men of the cloth. They are to live simple lives and give their life to God. That is the purpose of a priest and to help others. So far many have been doing nothing but living high off the hog and the alms of the poor and others. They help themselves, to Our Children. Time to Cast them out. Now.

Thank you for your comment. I totally agree. Yes, stop giving money. If you are of the Catholic Faith or another Christian Faith, find a house of worship that speaks to the True Teachings of God. Seek them out. Catholics look for Churches that say the Traditional Mass. If you find one, you can be assured you can help by volunteering and helping the poor through THAT Church. We must be careful who we are supporting. The devil sits in the Chair of St. Peter.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I completely Agree carmencita!

Many of us gave up. We tried, I assure you I have been in a variety of denominations. Across the board Vast corruption!

Those who feel they can trust anybody. . .generally you can count them on one hand or you're being too trusting, well, they meet in small home groups.

Many pastors in these churches at least 96% are obligated to report certain activity to Homeland Security. I'm not talking about the criminal element either, I'm talking about those who don't succumb to the globalist programming.

Those who step outside of the box!

They will watch you, they will target you, they will facilitate institutions in your town to try to Force you into Submission!

They are a Few good pastors left. . .very, very few.

There is a reason the remnant is not large!

These pastors who signed that deal with Baa;. . .that 501c3 so the government Controls What they say and do, They Best get rid of it or get ready for Exposure!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you! This really ticks me off!

I'm so tired of these liars pretending there is nothing to find or it's isolated.

We're sick of the lot of them!

3141592653 ago

Yup, it's not random bad apples. The whole thing is rotten to the core.

carmencita ago

I am still shocked to have found that. What really piqued my interest right away was that last name. Racine. I thought, No, that can't be, let me look. Then OH MY. Haiti? As I looked and read I became even more shocked. Yes, this is truly sickening and so are they. They think they have pulled the wool over our eyes. We must spread the word. I am now wondering about the other Investigators of other Diocese and if they really have their hearts in the right place. This guy is no Josh Shapiro.

TrustTheTruth ago

Everything You were told about Racine is The Truth.

You have always Known The Truth.

What did Trump say was "the most incredible thing I have ever seen"?

Why? What is the purpose? Who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for at The Deal?

Why did Kushner have to correct Kanye?

Does Kanye know the result of Community Policing?

What is the model for Smart Cities?

What happened in China and Brazil?

Why did Q leave 8chan?

Why did Q flood Voat?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Couldn't Agree More!

Super Find!

carmencita ago

Thanks. I might look into other ones too. He can't be the only one.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! Where there is smoke. ..

carmencita ago

Chicago is a sure joke. Rahm and his supporters and Cupich with all the Catholic pols there. OH. I can't wait to see what I can find. Here is a joke I found while just researching Bill C.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They really are!

So entrenched in corruption it is why nothing ever changes for those residents there.

I believe Hillary is from a mob family with deep Chicago roots.

Great joke BTW

carmencita ago

hoped to be. People need to do their research before 2016 arrives. The mysterious deaths of 52 people in the Clinton circle of friends and associates, should be fair warning that these people are not the good old folks they pretend to be. America could fix it’s own problems if left alone, but put a narcissist like Hillary in power and watch the problems grow and multiply. SHE WANTS TO CONTROL YOU! THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY! IT IS PURELY ABOUT POWER!!!

Yes, I had read about Rostenkowski before from Sherman Skolnick the Last Real Journalist. Our country is being run by the mob.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You're so right. . .Not just about the money.

These people need their Power for controlling us!

We must Stop them. Better late than Never!

carmencita ago

Did you read my comment about Lisa Madigan not being Michael Madigan's daughter? She had a mob father, Joel Murray and Mike M adopted her when she was 20! This is crazy.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Yes! I believe you're right!

Sorry, had to go do soup for the fam. Ive always said I wished they would just eat the freeze dried packets, you know, like the ones you get from Alamogordo when you're a kid, like at Holloman AFB.

It's a no go.

This surely happened to hide her true heritage while putting her into positions of power.

Not saying she Should have hidden her heritage, but something up there for sure. I believe you're on to something.

Especially considering just how corrupt that city is.

carmencita ago

I will be watching her and the investigation closely. Church Militant does a really good job. They can't stand Cupich.

carmencita ago

Hold on to your hat. Speaking of mob families, I just found a lulu.

Lisa Madigan I thought from other info, was the daughter of Michael Madigan the big wheeler dealer in Illinois for the Dem Party. WELL. Look at this.

Madigan was born Lisa Murray. She changed her name when she was 18 and was formally adopted in her 20s by Michael Madigan.[17][18] Madigan is married to cartoonist Pat Byrnes, and they have two daughters.

WHAT? Who adopts someone when the person is 20 and she is NOT even his daughter? She was born Lisa Murray. Now look at this.

She is the daughter of mobster Joel Murray. Jewish. This is amazing. Read the article. I am in shock. She claims to be daughter of Mike Madigan and to be Irish. WOW. How are we suppose to believe what she comes up with when she is mob related. I can't even.


fogdryer ago

To reflect your beliefs To hide past To get ahead —- some employers are more kind towards Hispanics for example. Promote them faster To become closer to someone. Maybe she feels he’s more of a dad than her own.
Maybe he is her dad ??

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Probably 95% of all cases do. There are massive complaints about missing transcripts, lost transcripts, “unable to transcribe” transcripts and all sorts of nonsense? The main culprit from the court reporters I have talked to?

These people go deep and wide into corruption!

With people like this placed in leadership, no wonder Chicago is such seedy place.

Always using their "community organizing" to orchestrate their crimes upon the American people.

More pretense and virtue signaling while they are actually Preying upon the people! Sick!

carmencita ago

I feel a little sorry for some, they think they are really helping people. They don't think these pols could be so evil. But then they are playing right into their hands and keep it all going. When will the Bleep hit the fan? I am hoping it all comes crashing down. They will be stunned out of their gourds.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have gotten pretty frustrated with those who shouldn't put the blinders on.

It actually seems to be those who are not the super elite, but those who have means and live quite comfortably, so think the world is such a great place, with just a little bit of isolated evil.

They have had Plenty of time and opportunities to search and read information for themselves, but refuse, because the world is Great for them, so who cares if other things are going on that don't directly affect them. Their goo, having fun, taking their trips, "living in the moment," all while others are struggling and worse. . .being abused and tortured.

I want to shout at them, but I don't of course. I want to yell and take out their ear plugs, tell them that It Will affect their children's children.

They should think Beyond their own, little safe or what they perceive as safe, circle!

I waver between feeling angry at their self-indulgence and being so egocentric, to feeling bad that they may not be able to protect their own children and grand children for lack of knowledge or lack of willingness to stop buying into all the readily available distractions and get some truth! It's there for the taking. They simply prefer the self indulging. Back to maddening Again!

Do you think Even when confronted with the brunt of it all they will ever admit it? I feel for many, Pride will Still keep them from admitting there were huge crimes against the innocent the preferred to ignore.

carmencita ago

I feel just about the same way as you do. Thanks for your sincerity. I think some tune it out because they can't handle it. They don't want to believe it. I think they can't believe that people could be so evil. Who would do that? But then I get enraged again because They hear of so many horrid crimes through msm, soc. media, etc. Why can't they believe it? I think they do not want to believe that the people THEY have voted for, donated to and campaigned for all those years, are doing such heinous things. I will be spending Thanksgiving with a few of these people and it will take all I have to get through it. Gritting My Teeth. AARRGGHH!!!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Oh no, that sounds like a challenge, the Thanksgiving.

We almost had to do that, now it sounds like we are off the hook. So glad.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Interesting in the comments of the article Tyler said,

Tyler S September 29th, 2016 You didn’t mention that Hillary’s dad was in the Chicago Mafia, one of the reason’s Bill Married Her.

Of course one of the Share Blue paid trolls gave him their typical name calling rhetoric they all pull, even on other platforms on here, but the article didn't seem to want to mention Tyler's info.