carmencita ago

What was it that the police found all of a sudden they had not seen before, sighting "blood transfer patterns". What are blood transfer patterns? Anyone know? I may look into this.

DOCUMENTING BLOODSTAIN PATTERNS If the crime scene technician is not trained in bloodstain pattern analysis it is imperative that the crime investigators obtain complete documentation of any bloodstains or patterns both with and without rule of measure. Never assume that all the bloodstain patterns belong to the victim.

Blood is present in most crimes scene involving violence and therefore presents the investigator with additional information to determine the sequence of events, which may have taken place between the victim and the assailant. Bloodstain patterns at the scene or from the clothing of principals in a case can be used to confirm or refute assumptions concerning events and their sequence. In addition, bloodstain patterns can illustrate the position of the victim, such as standing, sitting, or lying. Bloodstain evidence can also show evidence of a struggle.

Furthermore an effective bloodstain pattern analysis can confirm or refute statements made by principals in the case. For example, "Are stain patterns on a suspects clothing consistent with his reported actions? Or, "Are stain patterns on a victim or at a scene consistent with accounts given by witnesses or the suspect"?

notagame ago

From my understanding, one example of a blood transfer patterns would be someone stepping into the blood on the floor. It's when an object comes into contact with the blood and the pattern it has made.

carmencita ago

Thank God for forensic progress! Can you imagine that priest and those others? They thought they had gotten away with their crimes. All the time also still doing all those horrid things to others as well. I can't believe they stopped with her. I believe they killed that nun because she saw something and he knew she would tell. Basements are underground just like tunnels. That is where SRA crimes are committed. Underground. Like the Under Under Tunnels.

notagame ago

Oh, yeah! Justice really came through this time.

Bless the cops that persevered and didn't forget about the murdered nun. t would have been easy enough to give up on. Those are the kind of police we used to have, but now the Deep State swamp is trying to force out the "good" guys ... the ones with consciences that actually care whether people live or die. Ones that do not sell victims out for a diabolical agenda.

carmencita ago

Yes, we can thank Hillary's Community Policing. They have implemented it in all large cities and are pushing it in other ones as well. Not sure what it all entails but I don't think things are working too well in those places, at least not for the public. They have been getting a lot of the forces from former military.

carmencita ago

The lawsuit contends that Father Robinson and Mr. Mazuchowski "had a close relationship with Survivor Doe's mother, who also participated in the ceremonies in the woods and was becoming high priestess of Satan."

Survivor Doe's mother, who also participated in the ceremonies - this could possibly be a family cult case. It could also mean she just had an affair with the priest and became so entranced in the Satanic Rituals she turned her daughter over to them. But also could mean something more as in a family cult that could go back decades or longer. What a horrible case. Similar to that of @StcharlesSeminary

notagame ago

It s horrific. While the mother made the choice to become what she is, the child did not.

It sounds more as if the mother was recruited through the church and this priest. The church basement is where the rituals began and it doesn't mention the mother. People are offered all sorts of things to go along and the child undoubtedly would have told the mother so getting her to their side was important. They found her Achilles heel and went from there. At least that's how I'm reading it. But you could be right about the family cult thing. But from what's contained in the article, it seems more likely that the mother was recruited .. hence the fifteen other men involved.

carmencita ago

This is so sick and sad. As horrid as it is though, I am so glad it worked out for this girl, now a woman to finally get justice. What a horrible thing though for her to know that her own mother sold her off. I think that adds to the abuse even more of course. She must have a wonderful mate and also good mental help in order to have made it this far. But it never ends. Things keep coming back piece by piece. All your life things get exposed.

notagame ago

Yes, and part of her victory is that the police believed her. That's huge! It's scary enough to come forward, but then to be dismissed? Or learn the police were complicit? You're victimized twice.

Yes, the betrayal must be really hard to process. Where does she fit in her mother in her thoughts? The instinct is to love your mother, but how can you when she sold you out? It's hard to achieve peace with that tragedy in your past. Yes, her husband must be amazing. I'm glad she found him and was still able to love and bond and trust again.

carmencita ago

So right about LE. I wonder what that force is like now. Have they still the courage and the right people to forge ahead with such an investigation? Or have they been infiltrated. I hope it is still Holy Toledo.

notagame ago

I'm sure they've been infiltrated.

However, I did come across something VERY interesting about the phenomenon of being a transgender. Historically, it's been considered very evil and it might have its links in just that. Of course, my personal opinion is that it has to do with abuse. Abuse can shatter a child's identity like nothing else, but it's intriguing speculation.

carmencita ago

Yes! And then the abuse continues by the parent agreeing with and pushing the

Child's newfound sex. So sad and sick because you would think the Child would doubt anything the parent wants for them after they abused them but Children adore their parents no matter what. They allow this to continue for years and years and it just kills me. But that is how it is. Yes, this is one of the sickest forms of abuse. Most of the abuse ends when the Child grows beyond the parent's interest, so think of it, how can they continue to make this Child suffer? They push them into this transgenderism. Then also it just hurts to think how if that Child has medical/surgical changes made they will suffer their whole lives. I can't even imagine the pain if that Child now an adult realizes the mistake.

notagame ago

I can't even imagine the pain if that Child now an adult realizes the mistake.

carmencita ago

Yes. I have thought about that so many times. All the Children presently going through this and even the adults that may come to realize they have been had, and that all they needed was to receive the proper mental health help. There is so much money to be made by the medical field and big pharma. It is a mortal sin, imo.

notagame ago

Absolutely. I always felt that spiritual sins are worse than material ones. I'm not saying stealing somebody's money is all right. It's absolutely wrong, but those sins tht defile the spirit or soul are the most egregious. It demoralizes and destroys you and the spirit is God and the soul houses God. No, I don't want to think about it, but there you go. It's unimaginable and yet it exists.

carmencita ago

Killing the soul of a child by sexual abuse should be at least punishable by life in prison. But the pedos want sympathy for being ostracized. Sickening.

notagame ago

In some cases, I really believe the option of a death penalty should be available. Not in every case, but some? Yes ... what they did is equivalent to murder.

Vindicator ago

Interesting lead, @notagame. Unfortunately, we require linked evidence that supports all major claims, including:

There are so many coded messages in there, reminding his fellow heathens of what they're fighting for. Hence CNN's couching this in the use of "TOUGH LOVE" (how tough? Ritually abusive tough?) and binging up Christina Aguilera, an alleged victim of MK Ultra sex kitten conditioning. Then there's the mention of pizza. I mean, if the alleged rape of children isn't enough to rally the troops, what is?

Unsourced speculation like this turns this from a serious investigative piece into billboard for rampant confirmation bias that pizzagate deniers can and will use as evidence we're loons on a witch hunt. You need to edit the thread to either provide linked sources supporting the claims that

  • there are coded messages in Obama's statement
  • that "tough love" is associated with SRA
  • and that Aguilera is an MK Ultra victim

Or remove this passage altogether (maybe by moving it to the Comments as a background thought process explanation).

I will give you the 24 Hour Grace flair so you can do so. You may also repost as-is in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thanks.


notagame ago


think- ago

Thanks. Going to remove the flair.

notagame ago

Much appreciate it.

think- ago

Welcome, @notagame.

derram ago :

Obama offers Democrats tough love ahead of midterms: 'Enough moping' - CNNPolitics :

Sex and satanic rituals claim as priest is accused of murdering nun | The Independent

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

toledoblade -