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maurice ago

Look at google maps around that synagogue.

Not only is it called "Tree of Life", but it sits at the corner of a road named Shady.

Most people will never get that multi-lingual joke.

"Lord Shady" is in the news lately. (Philip Green). Does he have any connections to Pittsburgh or that synagogue? Not to say he is in any shape, fashion, or form involved, but just pointing out some of the twisted humor involved in false flags. Heck, even the shooter is named Bowers. That's a version of the original Rothschild family name, Bauer. Rothschild, being the owners of the bank of London and being jewish themselves, just adds more of a twist to this.

But then again, it could all be coincidental and just natural. We can read much into little, I know.

septimasexta ago

Since Israel is a Rothschild state, and U.S. taxpayers regularly send them billions in "aid," I recommend viewing this enlightening video conversation between an Israeli citizen (also a political speechwriter) and an American Jewish representative of the "Diaspora" (any Jew that does not live in Israel). Lengthy, but well worth your time!

"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel - Full Interview"

septimasexta ago More info at bottom of comments.