NSFW_LeeLee ago

holy shit. I grew up in Hilliard, and I can assure you that we had really great teachers in the 80's and 90's. There were a few instances of very inappropriate behavior. One of my cousins was in band and dated the band teacher secretly before she graduated, and they married after. I'd be irate, too.

carmencita ago

Things were not perfect, but by today's standards Wow. We can agree that they were already starting with their brainwashing, but as a whole so many things have changed. We had a janitor at our school that was the greatest guy. He would share his lunch if you forgot yours, he would give you a nickle or dime for milk, and I never heard anything about him ever. I remember one time he told me to stay away from our pastor, but I was too young to understand. He was the only man in the school. I remember it was extremely rare to have male teachers. Hmm. I wonder why.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Our society has gotten to this point.....just disgusting.

Also, I've been searching and can't find a thread addressing this, why does Voat host illustrated child porn on some of its other subthreads? Shouldn't we clean up this place before turning our eyes on others? It's just digusting that Voat would do that.

carmencita ago

I believe it has been addressed before. Possibly it was not a posted submission, but only addressed within the comments.

septimasexta ago

Modern globalist infiltration of our public schools began after WW2 during a meeting of the American Psychological Association:

"Following the 1948 Convention of the American Psychological Association, B.S. Bloom took a lead in formulating a classification of "the goals of the educational process". Three "domains" of educational activities were identified. The first of these, named the Cognitive Domain, involves knowledge and the development of intellectual attitudes and skills. The other domains are the Affective Domain and the Psychomotor Domain, which are usually not addressed by goals specified in a corrosion course. Eventually, Bloom and his co-workers established a hierarchy of educational objectives, which is generally referred to as Bloom's Taxonomy, and which divides cognitive objectives ranging from the simplest behavior to the most complex."

Dr. Benjamin Bloom, educational psychologist and son of Russian Jewish immigrants (like Sergey Brin), brought in the plan to use Communist style indoctrination in U.S. schools through changing the definition of academic testing to "assessments" - a tool to control curriculum and thought. The plan was laid out in two books edited by Bloom: The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain, and Part 2, The Affective Domain. This system underlies all educational "assessments" and has been incorporated into Common Core Curriculum assessments. The main goal is to assess the attitudes, values, and beliefs, of students and to grade them to a GOVERNMENT (globalist) STANDARD. The goal IS NOT educational excellence but MIND CONTROL .

"Benjamin Bloom and his Taxonomies ("modernized" by Marzano and Webb) compared to Karl Marx by Dean Gotcher

Bloom's Taxonomies declared war upon America, i.e., the American traditional family without informing it of its intent. By adding the "affective domain" to the child's classroom experience, the child's "feelings" (and therefore his "thoughts," i.e., opinion) of the 'moment' determined the value or worth of the father's/Father's commands, rules, facts, and truth, negating the father's/Father's authority in the child's feelings, thoughts, and actions, as well as in his relationship with others (questioning, challenging, disregarding, defying, attacking the father/Father and his/His authority). Bloom admitted the "affective domain" was like "Pandora's box," a box full of evils, which once opened could not be closed, causing conflict and tension in the home. "The affective domain [the child's carnal desires of the 'moment'] is, in retrospect, a virtual 'Pandora's Box.'" "There are many stories of the conflict and tension that these new practices are producing between parents and children." (David Krathwohl, Benjamin S. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Book 2: Affective Domain)

Weltanschauung1" - "1Cf. Erich Fromm, T. W. Adorno" Bloom admitted that his worldview ("weltanschauung") was that of two Transformational Marxist, i.e., Erich Fromm and Theodor Adorno, who were dedicated to 'liberating' children, and therefore society, from parental authority. " https://www.authorityresearch.com/Articles/Blooms%20Taxonomies%20and%20Karl%20Marx.html

carmencita ago

These things are pretty frightening but the one negating the Father's authority or that of the parents, to me is the most frightening. This way the child will never believe anything they are told in the home. This has been causing problems for many decades. Liberating sounds pretty good, right? Freedom from things that bind. But it also means the opposite from what we have been taught for generations. The total change and casting out of what has worked since the beginning of time. Yes, this all sounds pretty scary, letting a bunch of new age men come in and turn everything around and the turning inside out of the family nucleus.

septimasexta ago

"My comment: Benjamin Bloom here gives references to two of the change agents who influenced him in his formulation of his educational goal taxonomies. T.W. Adorno was an important member of the Frankfurt School, who posed as a social and personality psychologist. Eric Fromm was a psychologist, who, along with Norman O. Brown and Herbert Marcuse wrote books which were the foundation of the counterculture of the sixties and seventies. Eric Fromm write Escape From Freedom, 1941, Norman O. Brown's influential book was Life Against Death, 1959 and Herbert Marcuse's book for the counterculture was Eros and Civilization, 1955, The 1950 book by Theodor W. Adorno, et al, The Authoritarian Personality, had a strong but more indirect influence on the counterculture. Marcuse and Adorno were important members of the German Frankfurt School.

And in the same era, of about 1956 to 1980, the ideas of Fromm and Adorno went into Bloom's Educational Goal Taxonomies, which had a much wider influence upon our culture than even the counterculture had." https://christianchat.com/bible-discussion-forum/transformational-marxism-knows-only-the-carnal-mind-and-exalts-it-over-christian-spi.40410/

septimasexta ago

"BLOOM'S TAXONOMIES These quotes are from the link, http://authorityresearch.com/2006-06 Bloom's Taxonomy and Marxism.htm#Transformational_Marxists_posing_as_theologians

Dean Gotcher says "Couched in the language of "academia" they are actually the work of Transformational Marxists, using the language of social psychological to communicate to their agents an agenda to destroy the sovereignty of this nation for a dream of a one world order."

"The bottom line of these works is to remove the protestant work ethic and true Christian belief and action from the face of the world. For most readers this already sounds like a conspiracy agenda. They are right. But to refuse to understand a plot against this nation would either mean you do not care what happens to you and your loved ones or you would rather stay ignorant, with the hope that the ignorant win. "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." 2 Corinthians 2:11

A Few Quotes From Banjamin Bloom's TAXONOMY- BOOK 2 AFFECTIVE DOMAIN:

""The superego is conceived in psychoanalysis as functioning substantially in the same way as the conscience." p. 39"

My comment: No, Freud's superego is developed from the community, while the conscience of the Christian is to be derived from the authority of God, in his word.

In fact, Transformational Marxism sets out to destroy Christian conscience, so that under this ideology there is no absolute morality." https://christianchat.com/bible-discussion-forum/transformational-marxism-knows-only-the-carnal-mind-and-exalts-it-over-christian-spi.40410/

septimasexta ago

FROM BENJAMIN BLOOM TO PIZZAGATE: Benjamin Bloom - Eric Fromm - Michael Maccoby - (Tavistock) - Laura Silsby (Friends of the Orphans) - Max Maccoby - James Alefantis - David Brock - Hillary Clinton

SEE: Tavistock IX: From Tavistock To Pizzagate https://steemit.com/society/@richq11/tavistock-ix-from-tavistock-to-pizzagate

Piscina ago

It is sick to be asking 15-year-olds these questions. This is child abuse, pure and simple.

carmencita ago

Yep, this is how they are treating our children. This angers me so much, I can't tell you. When I first read it, I couldn't believe it. But we have been seeing this stuff, right? Taking over our children and what we have taught them up until now. I am so glad parents spoke up. Really, this is what needs to happen. Parents putting their foot down.

carmencita ago

TY. You are a dear <3

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I absolutely think certain teachers and administrators are plants there to indoctrinate people. I am a former teacher myself and I can recognize the fakes a mile away. I got really super pissed when my son came home from KINDERGARTEN and told me his friend was showing him a library book about a sex change operation.

Then my son got in trouble majorly at school for calling someone gay which I found kind of ironic since the person he called gay was literally trying to act gay toward him and it was unwanted attention.

But this is just unreal!!

truthdemon ago

The main indoctrination is the programming of the child to associate with the name ... When in actual fact it is a trust created for thendebt system... Google : what is namium We r merely trustees to the name ..until we learn to claim its benefit by returning it and the labour credits assiciated with it and any assets ..back to the treasury.. We r running the show but r programmed from day one to run it in reverse.. What the first lessons they teach u at school all across the planet "..John Doe...??? "..present , madam" We are made to present ourselves as attached to the namencreated by the state Google : what is namium Google : ballentines law dictionary human being

Reduce debt..to our estate , the name.. .reduce the abuse by our State, in our name ..

IShallNotFear ago

Well that's gay.

carmencita ago

Sex Change Op? Oh my God! From the Library? Those things should not be in there maybe until upper grade HS. Yes, they need to know that such things do exist, but really, that falls under mental illness. Those subjects need to be discussed at home now so we can arm Our Children with the truth before they are Brain Washed. It is horrible we have to discuss such things, but we need to have an open forum at home. Letting Our Children know they can tell us anything and ask us anything.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


carmencita ago

OK, Get going parents. Speak up to other parents and get a group going. March into that principal's office and let him/her know you are Good and Mad and will not take it anymore!!!

notagame ago

The schools have to be cleaned out of social experimenters who are only trying to create little mini-me's who grow up to accede to their sick agenda.

Schools are no-propaganda zones and no-politics zones. It's not reasonable to expect every parent in the country to home school their children when schools are set up to educate them. That WAS their purpose. Read Gramsci ... this is where they stole this strategy from. So let's undo the damage by getting a handle on this. Consider this part of the Deep State.

Clean it out.

carmencita ago

Also it is the plan of the Deep State to hopefully close public schools. They are all heavily invested in charter schools. So a double whammy winner. Poison Our Children while increasing their investment portfolio. Everyone needs to know that They want to take over Our Children's Brains.

Shizy ago

Charter schools are also a big problem. They are still affiliated with the school district, and then there's the whole Gulen charter schools nonsense! How the hell does a foreign citizen get so much money from our federal government to set up indoctrination centers, I mean schools, all over our country?!

carmencita ago

There are surely things inserted into bills that allow this. Unbeknownst to us of course.

notagame ago

Excellent point.

Always forget to mention that, but, yes, this is also all about the money. Oh, and another point is that they also push parents to pull their kids from public schools and put them into Catholic schools. So they're also passing on the love to their pedo Vatican friends.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

the principal from my high school was legit fired for "exchanging text messages" with one of the Freshman students...

it was an all-boy Catholic school, so can confirm certain faculty in these schools are indeed going after the kids

notagame ago


And since the elite are governing the hiring process, they're probably actively soliciting pervs for positions at schools.

carmencita ago

Yes, well the parents can teach their children about God without sending them to Catholic schools. That can be taught at home. All schools are getting infiltrated with their propaganda now. We must be on the lookout. These Satanic Clubs that are popping up, well they say they are allowed because of ROTC etc. Well Satanism is a religion it is not just a club. If that is the case why not allow a Christian Club as well. I am getting sick and tired of them taking over. We have got to fight fire with fire.

notagame ago


What they have set up is a no win situation for our children. That cannot be allowed to remain.

Clean up the school swamp!

carmencita ago

Yes, this is definitely part of Drain the Swamp. There are Swamp Creature Teachers that they have infiltrated to Drain the Brains of Our Children of everything parents have taught them. Remember we also taught them to trust in their teachers and respect and listen to them. We have to retrain them to keep their eyes and ears open and to question. And to report to their parents. It's all about Snitching.

notagame ago

I know. You have to what? Say respect teachers, but not that much because they may do something wrong in which case you have to tell me?

An older child might get that, but a kindergartner?

Just posted a grand jury report on how priests produced pornography! This is all coming out. I get so impatient, but the report is astonishing in clarity and the prosecutor is not holding back. It happened in Pennsylvania. I've suspected PA is scummy, scummy scum, and maybe this is the reason. It was a center of CP production and abuse. And the priests traveled with those kids. I think they mentioned Cuba.

notagame ago

Yes. Should I include that in the OP?

carmencita ago

I just posted it in the comments. I am just sick to my stomach over this.

notagame ago

I added it to the OP.

Lots of people will see it. Pasted a big long excerpt so they get the picture. Posing them like Jesus? Oh, you know what? I think I saved a link about another sick priest ... he was involved in black masses with this child. I'll have to try to find it.

carmencita ago

Yes. Do it. Also the piece about how Benestad made the boy drink holy water after oral sex. They called it SRA. I can find it and send it to you if you cannot.

carmencita ago

I have a feeling that is only the tip of the iceberg. It's going on all over. They have had to pay out so much money, I have a feeling this is how they are making up the money as well, because of lower donations in the basket too. Plus well, they have infiltrated the church with sicko perverted pedophiles. The Lavender Mafia is in control. This is going to get way uglier, sadly. I am hoping the roof blows off of this and all the SRA stuff comes out too. All of it, in all it's gory details. We owe it to the Victims. No matter how horrid.

notagame ago

I am hoping the roof blows off of this and all the SRA stuff comes out too. All of it, in all it's gory details.

This absolutely will happen. There's a lot of details in here. And it's coming from an authority. It makes such a difference.

This convinced me that everything will be exposed. This is what we hoped for.

carmencita ago

Thank God. I will pray tonight like I have never prayed before.

sodePllAlliK ago

It's been long overdue for parents to take responsibility for their child's education, and to take their children out of indoctrination camps, so they deserve it as far as I'm concerned. Schools have been failing for decades, and people still send their drone clones there everyday. Homeschool is always an option.

carmencita ago

Sadly, I have to agree. I knew kids that got great educations in public schools. Sadly not more. Yes, I have been running into more and more people talking about home schooling. There is an uptick in that direction now.

septimasexta ago

The incest question is straight out of the writings of Sigmund Freud and the German (Jewish) Frankfurt School:

THE HOLINESS OF SIN: FREUD, THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL AND THE KABBALAH "Freud’s theories were excessively concerned with sex and even incest, which is reflected in Sabbatean antinomianism. As Gershom Scholem noted, the Sabbateans were particularly obsessed with upturning prohibitions against sexuality, particularly those against incest, as the Torah lists thirty-six prohibitions that are punishable by "extirpation of the soul,” half of them against incest. Baruchiah Russo (Osman Baba), who in about the year 1700 was the leader of the most radical wing of the Sabbateans in Salonika and who directly influenced Jacob Frank, not only declared these prohibitions abrogated but went so far as to transform their contents into commandments of the new “Messianic Torah.” Orgiastic rituals were preserved for a long time among Sabbatean groups and among the Dönmeh until about 1900. As late as the seventeenth century a festival was introduced called Purim, celebrated at the beginning of spring, which reached its climax in the "extinguishing of the lights" and in an orgiastic exchange of wives.[15]

As Bakan indicated, in his book Moses and Monotheism, Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharaohs of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators. In the same book, Freud argued that Moses had been a priest of Aten instituted by Akhenaten, the Pharaoh revered by Rosicrucian tradition, after whose death Moses was forced to leave Egypt with his followers. Freud also claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to discredit the origin of the Law conferred by him. Commenting on these passages, Bakan claims that his attack on Moses was an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Sabbatai Zevi did.

Thus, Freud disguised a Frankist creed with psychological jargon, proposing that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood. Freud instead posited that we are driven by subconscious impulses, primarily the sex drive. In Totem and Taboo, published in 1913, which caused quite a scandal. Freud theorized about incest through the Greek myth of Oedipus, in which Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, and incest and reincarnation rituals practiced in ancient Egypt. He used the Oedipus conflict to point out how much he believed that people desire incest and must repress that desire." http://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/holiness-sin-freud-frankfurt-school-and-kabbalah


"MK-Ultra, the CIA's infamous "mind control" program, was an extension of the behavior control research conducted by the Tavistock Institute. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), a sister organization to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) created by the Round Table, the Tavistock Clinic became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II.[1] The clinic took its name from its benefactor Herbrand Russell, Marquees of Tavistock, 11th Duke of Bedford. The Dukes of Bedford was the title inherited by the influential Russell family, one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain who came to power and the peerage with the rise of the Tudor dynasty."

"The basis of the project of the Tavistock Institute was explained by Round Tabler, Lord Bertrand Russell, is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege and his protégé Ludwig Wittgenstein, and is widely held to be one of the twentieth century's premier logicians. Russell offered a revealing glimpse into Frankfurt School’s mass social engineering efforts, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:

"I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

…Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.[2]" " http://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/holiness-sin-freud-frankfurt-school-and-kabbalah

" "My comment: Benjamin Bloom here gives references to two of the change agents who influenced him in his formulation of his educational goal taxonomies. T.W. Adorno was an important member of the Frankfurt School, who posed as a social and personality psychologist. Eric Fromm was a psychologist, who, along with Norman O. Brown and Herbert Marcuse wrote books which were the foundation of the counterculture of the sixties and seventies. Eric Fromm write Escape From Freedom, 1941, Norman O. Brown's influential book was Life Against Death, 1959 and Herbert Marcuse's book for the counterculture was Eros and Civilization, 1955, The 1950 book by Theodor W. Adorno, et al, The Authoritarian Personality, had a strong but more indirect influence on the counterculture. Marcuse and Adorno were important members of the German Frankfurt School.

And in the same era, of about 1956 to 1980, the ideas of Fromm and Adorno went into Bloom's Educational Goal Taxonomies, which had a much wider influence upon our culture than even the counterculture had." https://christianchat.com/bible-discussion-forum/transformational-marxism-knows-only-the-carnal-mind-and-exalts-it-over-christian-spi.40410/" SEE MORE INFO ON BLOOM BELOW

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis2.

Posted automatically (#7139) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

carmencita ago

I didn't attend college, so I never was brain washed by the Freud theories. I call them theories because these were ideas he formed through his own lens. When someone is a pedophile, his whole perspective is changed. He may have gone to college and universities and sat with many learned men, but he was bound to spread his distorted views because of his sexual urges towards children. His writings regarding incest and frankly just about anything else means nothing to me. They are meant to GROOM the Reader. Just as pedophiles do to their prey, the child. I am glad I wasn't in those classes because I would have been thoroughly disgusted. I have a clear view of what is right and wrong. It's what my parents taught me. Incest, child rape, are cut and dry as far as I am concerned. There is no clouding for me. Unfortunately his writings remain and are still doing great harm. He was a Master Groomer.

septimasexta ago

You don't have to attend college to be brainwashed by these non-Christian ideas. As your post just showed us, they have infiltrated the K-12 public schools (and to some degree, religious schools). All of my posts are documenting the SOURCE and INTENT of the infiltration. I have researched this since 1992 and it has taken years to recognize my own brainwashing. It isn't until now that I've connected Benjamin Bloom to the greater global conspiracy, including Pizzagate. See my posts below.

carmencita ago

I agree we can be brainwashed almost anywhere if we allow it. But of course as children we do not have free will, we must attend where our parents choose But also it is important what is taught at home. Yes, we were taught things that were not true and were manipulated, then we left our schools and it continued in the media. Thank God some are waking up.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

that is all they are anymore... indoctrination stations

Home schooling FTW

mrfetus ago

Ohio isn't supposed to be as bad.

carmencita ago

Schools need a Major Cleanup. Parents should be creating groups that will Sweep Them Clean. I think that should be A First Step in changing things in this country. Sweeping Our Schools Clean.

sodePllAlliK ago

I've never heard the words "great education in public schools" before. Good for them. When I was in 6th grade, I watched an 8th grader get carried out by police in handcuffs from bringing a Tech-9 (a fully automatic firearm) to school. That same school was awarded the "Gerogia School of Excellence" for the same year. Oh, and the student didn't make the local news.

carmencita ago

You are probably a lot younger than I am. That was a long time ago. They have been working their magick now for quite some time since then. That child should not have brought that to school, and possibly his parents had some pull in keeping the story out of the papers and news.

sodePllAlliK ago

My age is irrelevant to the lack of proper education from state indoctrination systems. You were probably taught very similar bullshit to those who came after you, like "the Civil War was fought over slavery." Sorry cupcake, but that's not an education. Hell, if anything it's blatantly the opposite of education. "His parents had some pull in keeping the story out of the papers and news?" Or maybe it was just a tiny city (now known worldwide to all pro baseball fans) just northwest of Atlanta that's "too small" to get any sort of coverage. EVERYTHING is NOT a conspiracy. smh

carmencita ago

The education may not have been perfect, but I mentioned magick, which I meant that the sex education was not off the charts, and OK, there was some abuse probably, but not like today in the schools. What ever was taught that was wrong is what we are discovering today. What I meant is that it provided a proper education to procure a job. Today many children lack proper reading and math skills. That is all I am saying. Yes, there are things that were incorrectly taught, that was in all schools. They have been doing this for decades.

sodePllAlliK ago

"Magick" is just a word made up by nerds who hate reality because they're nerds. It isn't real. If it were, there would be sufficient evidence of it, but there isn't. "There was some abuse probably?" Children were openly beaten by adults in schools and at home, and pedophilia was commonly accepted! If you advocate child abuse, then you're part of the problem, and we have nothing further to discuss. Oh yay "a proper education" to produce people smart enough to run machines and do paperwork, but dumb enough to accept piss poor wages and working environments. Gotta love the "american dream." The education system today is by design as it always has been, and I fully advocate its entire destruction.

septimasexta ago

"The education system today is by design as it always has been, and I fully advocate its entire destruction."

WE CAN DO THIS! It is still the beginning of the school year. ALL parents with school age children should pick a date and WITHDRAW YOUR CHILDREN TO HOME SCHOOL THEM. Home schooling is legal in all 50 states. Public schools get funding based on ATTENDANCE. This is the equivalent of a STRIKE by organized parents nationwide. Even a 50% participation rate would cripple the system and shut down many systems. Parents should keep home schooling for at least 2 years. Now THE CUSTOMERS have the upper hand to demand changes and to get rid of evil infiltrators. With Trump in office draining the swamp...NOW IS THE TIME!

sodePllAlliK ago

I'm all for it, but unfortunately people are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it, which is exactly why fucktards everywhere are trying to get raises for failing "teachers" who are already overpaid. The whole purpose of the dumbing-down of americans is so that we don't think for ourselves, realize we're getting fucked, and revolt before we're conquered by the Chinese. Those who are too stupid to think and fend for themselves will be the destruvtion of life here as we know it. "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." -Will Durant

carmencita ago

I agree the whole education system needs to be overhauled by cleaning out all the pervert infiltrators.

sodePllAlliK ago

If you're advocating for an "overhaul" then we're not in agreement, because an "overhaul" is the exact opposite of destruction.

mrfetus ago

So true.