kazza64 ago

tavistock engineered the beatles and rolling stones they were experiments in mass mind control

jewd_law ago

Excellent! I'm gonna have to repost this on another subverse, this needs to be read. I have known about Tavistock and their connections to Monarch for close to 2 decades. Back then people thought you were crazy and you would get permabanned from forums just for mentioning their names. I"m gonna keep an eye on your blog. I would also suggest checking out Aangirfan. He's hit and miss, but when it's a hit, it's out of the park. Nobody was covering the Roy Cohn/Donald Trump connection many moons ago like he was., and he did a superb job on the Marc Dutroix/ Saville cases.

jkick ago

They say every picture tells a story....

[A Good Knight Kiss for a First Lady at Stoke Mandeville

When Barbara Bush met Jimmy Savile](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fIkZwx3nt00/VOJa82SSROI/AAAAAAAAGbI/QlOy-B2MXag/s1600/image002.jpg)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Ah, Alefantis family and Trumps boss. Hey mods, how is the PG investigation going? Arrest right around the corner?

3141592653 ago

Great work mate

Piscina ago

Upvote for a brilliant thread. Art Brut is all the rage with the elite, and it comes from the top down. Go to Monaco, Monte Carlo and look at the fashionable art at the moment--it revolves around monarch butterflies, children, occult symbolism, allusions to MKUltra and violence against children. Galleries in San Tropez selling works (some hundreds of thousands of dollars) by some of the most famous artists like Banksy feature the pedo swirls, satan's single eye and illuminati symbols. Most of it is ugly and gross. Ugly is in vogue.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

I knew this was a swordfish post after reading a few paragraphs. Great, in depth research

Pizzalawyer ago

Great post.. The global pedo investigation is moving up the ladder from local cops and teachers to the real elite and is now buzzing heads of state.

Trumps executive orders are equally international. Any nexus with USA provides jurisdiction and freezing of assests can take place anywhere in the world that the US govt can lawfully reach.

Hopefully we start seeing some action on those 45,000 sealed indictments after the mid-term elections. ( The 45,000 sealed orders are not just indictments from what Im reading but include indictments, arrest warrants, search warrants and asset seizure warrants.)

Marfa-Lights ago

The band Half Man Half Biscuit got it right back in the 1980's when they wrote the following...

Down at Stoke Mandeville I bumped into Mr IQ I said “Hey listen albino, this ain't 1972 So stub out your King Edward and get that small boy off your knee, melt down your finger ware and get yourself off my TV”

Jim could you fix it for me To come down and suck out your kidneys...

Creepy, hideous, sick, demented ugly fuck, should have had his head chopped off not kidneys sucked out!!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Youv'e been working hard. Thankyou for your strength.

Truthseeker3000 ago

As always, great research @swordfish69 a number of elite families are heavily into Tavistock. Alexander or Alex Von Furstenberg even put links to it on his social media then quickly removed it after it was talked about on MSM. Also remember that these families do this to their own kids who knows where that goes. Also, Switzerland is the home of the Illuminati and is the base of all things occult and evil. They hide under the guise of being a neutral country but they are anything but, they hide in plain sight.

Pablolove ago

Cliff Richard and Jill dando weren't married.

swordfish69 ago

You're right, thanks for letting me know.

Pablolove ago

There was an apparent friendship between them. Some have suggested she was killed because she had found out about a paedophile network and wanted to expose.

Marfa-Lights ago

Let's not forget that Sir Cliff was on the Elm guest house peado list under the name of Kitty!!

Pablolove ago

Dodgy geezer

Lansing-Michigan ago

The pharmaceutical company Burroughs Wellcome is British and associated with Tavisstock. Comet Ping Pong had two doors, one saying Well and the other Come on them.There is also a HQ of Burroughs Wellcome in the piedmont of NC. ..close to Ft. Bragg, which has been named as a mind control base, near Duke Hospital , ditto, and several NC state mental hospitals. Although the state is wide , these 3 hospitals are near the piedmont, fairly close together.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Wikipedia states the pharmaceutical company Burroughs Wellcome is out of GB, but also has HQ in the piedmont of NC.

This is close to Ft Bragg, known for MKUltra programming, Duke University and hospital, also mentioned. and close to 3 large state mental institutions. Have read that Comet Ping Pong had two doors one with Well and the other Come written on them.

Mass mind control has a chemical element as well. Vaccines and all the meds that are pushed on our children by the American Medicial Association.

septimasexta ago


"The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America."

MUST READ! Ties together and supports Swordfish's research: https://famguardian.org/Publications/Shaping_The_Decline_Of_USA/Shaping_The_Decline_Of_USA-Coleman_John.pdf

A FEW QUOTES: "The project was given to Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe and their mandate was to produce an organization capable of manipulating public opinion and directing that manufactured opinion down the desired pathway to support for a declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany. Funding was provided by the British royal family, and later by the Rothschilds to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Arnold Toynbee was selected as Director of Future Studies. Two Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays were appointed to handle the manipulation of American public opinion in preparation for the entry of the United States into WWI, and to brief and direct President Woodrow Wilson."

"From a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House, grew an organization that was to shape the destiny of Germany, Britain and more especially the United States in manner that became a highly sophisticated organization to manipulate and create public opinion, what is commonly termed, "mass brainwashing.""

"Previously, Wellington House board members Rothmere, Northcliffe, Lippmann, and Bernays had read and proposed as a guide the writings of Correa Moylan Walsh, in particular, the book The Climax of Civilization (1917) as corresponding closely to conditions that had to be created before a New World Order in a One World Government could be ushered in."

septimasexta ago

Awesome research Swordfish!

Regarding your full article and back-history of Madame de Stael's Paris Salon....

OMG! SEPTIMA SEXTA'S BROTHER, JOHN IZARD MIDDLETON, WAS A MEMBER OF Madame de Stael's inner circle called Groupe de Coppett. Septima and John's father was Arthur Middleton, South Carolina's Signer of the Declaration of Independence.

"Archaeologist, Author and Artist. He was the son of Arthur Middleton a signer of the Declaration of Independence and was educated at Cambridge, England the same school as his father. Middleton's water color painting of the "Roman Remains" painted about 1825 sold at auction in 2009 for a new world record price of $100,800.00 for a watercolor painting. His work as an archaeologist on the Grecian Remains in Italy and other locations was the first contribution made by an American to the knowledge of classical antiquity. He was the husband of Eliza Augusta de Palazieux Falconet (from Italy) who died in Europe in 1832 and was buried there." https://www.geni.com/people/John-Izard-Middleton/6000000003040912659 The Middleton's were major slave holders during this period. They ran huge rice plantations and exported to England. It is believed that Sir Thomas Myddelton, Elizabethan merchant and investor in the first English East India Company, was their ancestor. He wrote the first pamphlet on Mercantilism.

Groupe de Coppet (1803-1817)

"The Groupe de Coppet is possibly the most influential network of writers, philosophers, politicians, scientists and artists in the early 19th century - centered around Madame de Staël and Benjamin Constant. This project aims to trace all the visitors to the Château de Coppet and thus the people that were directly within the group's sphere of influence. An estimated 600 people came to Coppet for a short or longer stay, in the 1803-1817 timeframe (from Mme. de Staël's exile from Paris til her death). Stendhal called this informal group the "states-general of European opinion" (états généraux de l’opinion européenne)."

SEE ENTIRE MEMBER LIST https://www.geni.com/projects/Groupe-de-Coppet-1803-1817/15095


swordfish69 ago

A bit of a crap source, but here's more info to go with, this time related to the DuPont family:

Pierre Samuel DuPont’s mother dies when he is 16. Pierre no longer had a parent in the family who could understand him, and after getting one of his frequent beatings from his father, he ran away, and was spared near starvation by his Uncle Pierre de Monchantin. Initially, Pierre was a watchmaker. But within a short time he attracted the attention of several top Illuminati for his ability to write good tracts, and articles that advocated various economic and political views that they wanted promoted. Pierre Joined the Freemasons, and at some point was illuminized, as most of the French lodges became. Although Pierre went through severe financial difficulties after the French Revolution, he regularly made payments to Masonic organizations in France. Besides being friends with all the famous Masons of the time, one Mason brother of his, worthy of note is the French astronomer Lalande, who helped hide him during the revolution.

Someone very powerful protected Pierre Samuel during the French Revolution, this is hinted at by historian Pierre Jolly, although Jolly never gives his protector’s name. I believe he was protected because DuPont was part of the Inner Satanic hierarchy. He was also protected by the daughter of Swiss financier Jacques Necker. This daughter was Madame Germalne de Stael. The Madame was a close friend of Pierre Samuel and she operated a famous SALON/CATHOUSE. Madame de Stael was nothing less than an intimate friend of St. Simon. She shared his occult revolutionary ideas. Henri de St. Simon was a student and friend of Jacques Rigomer Bazin who was associated with the Inner circle of several occult based revolutionary groups during Pierre DuPont’s time in France. St. Simon was the author of The New Christianity which foreshadowed the creation of international communism.

Now how do we know the DuPont's, assets to the largest secret global revolution of all time, are a protected family? Well...


"Robert H. Richards IV is a convicted child rapist and great-grandson of chemical magnate Irénée du Pont and heir to the du Pont family fortune."

septimasexta ago

Interesting link. I remember the Robert H. Richards sick story. A Talmud follower it would seem. Speaking of DuPont, CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO REFERENCING WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON KETRON IS.... SEE 28:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAeBmQ3PXew


lamplight ago

I wonder if Arthur Middleton is related to Kate Middleton, who is married to Prince William.

septimasexta ago

I looked into it and did not find an immediate connection. However, her father's family ancestors were in the wool trade- the big industry in the past, and the main staple originally traded by the East India company. The early Middleton's were prolific in the 1600's and it is possible that Kate's family was part of the English branch. Thomas Myddelton was part Welsh and descended from the original Princes of Wales. An ancestor married into the English Middletons and the surname was adopted.It is spelled both "Middleton" and "Myddelton."

swordfish69 ago

The fact that Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile and royals were involved in astounding. I'm starting to think they put the Jimmy Savile scandal into overdrive to hide the fact of a network being active within the hospitals/charities.

exposethecriminals ago

I agree. And I think they also emphasized Savile's perpetration of sexual abuse to hide his apparently powerful other roles -- in reading about him over the years, and "reading between" the lines including those below, I'm guessing Savile was also a handler of 'elites,' child trafficker, important high priest, intelligence operative, and a blackmailer.

1990 article :

Many businesses and organisations use [Jimmy Savile] as a conduit to the Royal Family; he can pick up the telephone to most of them...he carefully points out that he has been friendly with all the past four Prime Ministers because Stoke Mandeville is Chequers’ [UK Prime Ministers' country house's] local hospital...many multinationals use him as a consultant and not just for PR purposes but for marketing advice.


Child abuse campaigner Charles Frith intelligently answers the question was Jimmy Savile an MI5 asset in the affirmative.

Jimmy Savile was vetted by MI5 and given top clearance, he could be trusted to keep the secrets of the Police, Special Branch, MI5, the Royal Family, and Politicians like Margaret Thatcher, Peter Morrison and Leon Brittain and others.

Nana66 ago

I know someone who took a friends two boys to Disney in Florida because it was free after they lost their parent from an overdose.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Trump works for Rothschild. Alefantis family. Wake up people. This sub is dead.

septimasexta ago

Can you back up your claim?

exposethecriminals ago

Fantastic post, thank you!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

By the way, great work @swordfish69

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It is interesting that they are calling it a dream flight and using the rainbow colors on the jet. The rainbow colors are triggers for mind control victims and having them all on that jet is either symbolic or it's there to reinforce the programming. Think of all the creepy stuff we learned about the different trigger colors from Elsagate investigations.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Shipping disabled children around the world, to amusement parks, yeah that's no big deal / not Pizzagatey at all. I imagine the Rothschilds must think those types of kids are easier to experiment on because no one will EVER believe them if they cry abuse and any symptoms they exhibit will be written off as a part of their diseases and disorders.

Piscina ago

Yes, exactly these opportunistic bastards won't prey on a rich person's child; they prey on the kids who have no one to defend them and fight for them--the kids for whom no one bats an eye when they disappear. They choose their prey.

i_scream_trucks ago

Guys that would tie Jimmy Saville et al and Yewtree into that.

Saville had the run of Stoke Mandeville. Literally. A set of keys and no supervision. This is well publicised fact.

sore_ass_losers ago

At one of the hospitals, kids were advised, if Jimmy comes around, pretend to be asleep.

Saville said he preferred hospitals to nightclubs, since they were open 24 hours.

i_scream_trucks ago

Man the way Jimmy worked it wouldnt have mattered much if you were awake or asleep.

I can actually remember my ex just like most of the rest of the country worshipped him while i was living in the UK. it was only just before i left all that shit went public. everyone loved 'Jim'll Fix It' from what ive told.

thats the thing about pedos, the most dangerous ones are the charismatic as fucked ones. they dont need to hide, they charm people into disbelieving the victims or choose the kinds of kids no one will believe anyway...

The_Savant ago

Tyvm. Always interested in what swordfish has to say.

think- ago

Very interesting post, @Swordfish69, thank you!

swordfish69 ago
