jonnythaiwongy9 ago

WHAT THE FUCK!!! Flying kids to goddamn disneyland without their parents!?!?!?!? goddamn it man fuuuuuuuck, so blatant, how could this be allowed to happen?

equineluvr ago

"On that cover, there was a card called The Star, which did not have any of the usual features,JPG but instead, it has fourteen, eight-pointed stars with a black and white photo of a child in each.PNG

These photos are reminiscent of the missing children photos which were once featured on milk cartons. Who are these children? Why are they on the cover of The Economist? Most surprisingly, why is there a COMET in the middle of these stars? Are the elite trying to say something to each other?"

Look closely, Those aren't children in the stars. They are "millennials."

Here's the 'official" explanation -

The World in 2017

The World in 2017 contains The Economist’s annual collection of detailed, numerate and opinionated predictions for the year ahead. The World in 2017 features leading figures from politics, business, finance, science, technology and the arts alongside prominent journalists from The Economist and other leading news publications.

The World In 2017 looks ahead to a new American presidency, a Chinese Communist Party Congress, elections in France and Germany and the political and economic challenges of Brexit, and marks a number of poignant global anniversaries—500 years since Martin Luther published his 95 theses, 100 years since Lenin launched the Russian revolution and 10 years since Steve jobs unveiled the iPhone. In our 31st edition, we include a special section featuring forecasts from 14 globally-minded millennials, ranging from a Syrian refugee-turned-photographer, an iconoclastic Chilean reggaeton artist, one of ballet’s biggest emerging names and leading online voices for young Africans and Muslim American women.

Laskar ago

They look like young teens to me.

They are clearly older photos---look at the hair, clothing, etc.--, and in years past people looked more mature than those of the same age today. Have look at old yearbooks to see what I mean. the seniors in yearbooks form the fifties look to be thrity years old at least whereas they were only 17 or 18.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Heartbreaking! Soo Evil!

srayzie ago

The hospital and staff were complicit.

If he could get away with all of this at hospitals because of his money and power, it would make sense he would get away with perversion in many other ways as well. The man even liked corpses!

Jimmy Savile actually had his own room at 2 hospitals!

Managers allegedly gave Savile his own room at Stoke Mandeville hospital in Buckinghamshire where several of his victims have alleged he abused them.

There are suspicions that a blind eye was turned to child abuse because Savile raised millions of pounds for the hospital. In a further disclosure, Edwina Currie, a former health minister who appointed Savile to a position at Broadmoor, said he had information that “gave him a hold” over staff.

Jimmy Savile may have sexually abused CORPSES as well as kids

Savile, who died last year at 84, said: “One of my jobs is to take away the deceased. You can look after somebody, be alone with somebody, who has lived a whole lifetime, and I’m just saying goodbye and looking after him.

Jimmy Savile 'took girls on late-night hospital trips

Police are probing claims the late TV star abused about 300 young people.

Terry Pratt said Savile would arrive at Leeds General Infirmary in the early hours, take the girls to the nurses' accommodation and leave before dawn.

Savile boasted of sleeping with nurses in his hospital room

Savile is estimated to have raised £40 million for charity. One cause for which he raised money was Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where he volunteered for many years as a porter. He raised money for the Spinal Unit, a ward for children and teens with spinal cord injuries.

Laskar ago

This is a great comment which everyone should upvote--actually could be a separate post.

People need to know that the medical system is complicit in all this. The also assist in the hoaxes perpetrated to keep the masses distracted from reality (e.g. Orlando Pulse fraud).

It's the same people at the top of everything, if you know what I mean.

srayzie ago

Thank you. People that are ok with turning a blind eye or participating in the elites corruption are the ones they promote to higher and higher positions. That way they have connections to cover their butts and get away with everything. If not, they will make them with blackmail. They're so sick.

Edit: This makes more sense when you see Part 1 of this post.

Laskar ago

You are most welcome.

What you wrote is true. Another aspect of that is the censorship on YouTube and on this site as well.

srayzie ago

Omg I know. Twitter and Facebook too. I'm glad that Gab was started!

DonKeyhote ago

carmencita ago

Boy does this place beg to be researched. Would love to see a list of members. Or is that secret, like other secret societies.