Piscina ago

I recently read an interview with a person claiming to be an Illuminati member. Scarily, there's a lot I agree with.

I'll try to give a precis: The Illuminati is a cult who believe they are part of the 'Lucifer soul group'--a group of enlightened souls who have volunteered to come down to the 3rd dimension to help us move to the 4th dimension.

The three dimensional world is one of duality. Our reason for being here, on this physical plane, is to realise that we are each a spark of God, the creator. We are reincarnated repeatedly until we learn our lessons and are reunited with God. When our physical bodies die, we continue to exist in a place of love, where there is no 'good' or 'bad'. We are born on Earth with an amnesia as to our true selves. Our journey is to re-discover that we are all-loving beings and part of God. (I agree with all this)

Illuminati members have volunteered to incarnate on this dimension to provide the dark to our light. They are here to be as evil as possible, so that we may rise up against the evil and realise what we are NOT.

At the time of Harvest (or the Ascension) will there be a three-way split as follows:  one of the negative polarity, who will move to a new 4th density Earth; a second of the positive polarity, who will move to a 4th density Earth filled with love and light eg love and compassion; and the third who will remain on a 3rd dimension Earth until the next 'harvest'.

He/she is saying that illuminati members, after the Ascension, will have to 'work off' the negative karma they have incurred from all the evil they have created on Earth. They will then be released back to the 6th density. BUT if they can accumulate a 95 per cent negative harvest, they will not have to work off the negative karma from the evil they've caused, and they'll go directly to the 6th.

Personally, I think Lucifer has duped them.

NotTooLate ago

I watched a youtube episode of the Richie Allen Show with a marine expert that said the cause of the whales, seals, fish and birds dying is due to Fukushima. He mentioned having some kind of gag order on him. Suddenly and very strange it is saying it is not available in my country. I just watched this a couple days ago. Have a look. It was amazing the research he had done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFfWvCNpW0U

ArthurEdens ago

Any code breakers here? In the death card I see crops gone, virus mosquitos, and nukes. The hermit seems like Soros maybe. I wonder if those kids in the stars are really missing

Nadeshda ago

That is a very good question and something that definitely needs looking into, who are those children?

Laskar ago

Can anyone source the pictures of the children? They look to me like the old black and white pictures we used to see of missing children on milk cartons. This is completely uncharacteristic of traditional representations of the Tarot cards.

Yes, the other cards all have interesting implications, but they are not so much about pizzagate as the Star card.

As in other occult/symbolic art are there are both hidden and obvious messages, but the point is that it is usually sinister to say the least.

Melitica ago

I have looked at several interpretations and have no idea who this is but interp is excellent and it does reference pizzagate. https://steemit.com/story/@pollux.one/2a2jse-the-economist-cover-for-2017-start-of-an-analysis Author believes some of the symbolism is a combination of two cards.

In particular, the Star is a combination of the Star card with the 15th card...the Devil as represented by 14 stars plus the center comet.

Laskar ago

I read the article you referenced. Although "pollux" does get the comet image int he center, relating it to Comet Pizza, he misses something else. That is: that the faces are not of random souls "after Armageddon" as he put it, but are children's faces. No adults. The cratered surface below is red, and could be Mars just as much as earth.

The Tarot has 22 major arcana cards and each is replete with a dark meaning of it's own. In the Tarot spread the cards are read in relation to each other, but not superimposed as he tried to do. In other words, the Star card stands on it's own; the Devil card stands on it's own. But the numbers may be a clue as you say, and if so it would only strengthen the evil implication of the unorthodox version of the Star card on The Economist, making it more pizzagatish.

Chakana369 ago

I wonder who designed/drew these interpretations?

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

There's probably no way to find out. The Economist doesn't even put the writer's name on its articles. They say it's "Because it allows many writers to speak with a collective voice" http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2013/09/economist-explains-itself-1

privatepizza ago

What a fantastic thread and analysis! Thanks for sharing your expert insight @Laskar . Fascinating subject. Thanks also to the others for your inspiring comments : )

Laskar ago

Well, I certainly am getting attacked (not by you) over it.

Nadeshda ago

Praying for you, the spiritual battle is fierce indeed...

Laskar ago

It is fierce, and we cannot give up. Thank you for the prayers.

privatepizza ago

Ah, that's a pity, but please, think nothing of it and see it as a good thing ! You're doing something right : )

Laskar ago

Thank you. I do not intend to give up.

druhill007 ago

I've noticed a very obvious attempt to steer investigstors away from this type of analysis. Obviously this is the realm where their true kingdoms lie.

How do you capture the Capitol city of these kingdoms?

privatepizza ago

Never give up ; )

Laskar ago

And thank you so much for the encouragement. This is not an easy subject by any means.

It is like a Pandora's box really.

More to come.

privatepizza ago

A pleasure. And yes, it is indeed a Pandora's box.

Look forward to seeing more !


Who stated that VC was threatened ? I always assumed that but never saw a statement by him or his website as to why?

8665577? ago

My thoughts:

Judgement: Trump is King of the World!! (Can it be that simple?)

Hermit: Masses protesting globalism in a valley (representing ignorance) hermit on mountain (representing knowledge) looking down must know something they don't.

The Magician: Infinite comforts (3D printed houses with electricity and VR for everyone)

Death: death of real organic food, bees, and traditional farming practises.

Tower: Christianity and communism failing? Lighting from middle not left? Note on door?

Wheel of fortune: France, Russia and Germany taking turns at power?

The World: peak of culture has passed? Art, literature, theatre and architecture can been seen as a whole era now? But some books and paintings are above that? Not connected to earth but a higher, brighter source?

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

VR I believe more related to VR CAD and 3d printing/self creation/production and decentralisation of small volume custom production with this tech.

cheetoboat ago

I thought that death card with the red sun was Japan...Fukushima. But your description makes sense too. Also, I think that tower specifically is catholic church because of the alluding to a letter (95 theses) posted on the chapel door that Luther wrote. But it looks like a judgment or something is falling upon the Catholic church in the picture. edit: Cant...sentence...complete...sorry.

Violetti112 ago

Wheel of Fortune: Flags of France, Germany and The Netherlands is relating to the countries within the EU and the elections. Le Pen and Wilders are the biggest threat in the EU for the establishment or the globalists’ agenda. No matter how much you rig the game. Fate intervenes.
The World: Cultural Renaissance, one world religion in development ?

Melitica ago

Wheel of Fortune is Le Pen in France rising, Merkel in Germany falling, Geert Wilders in Holland on bottom.

artfullyours ago


artfullyours ago

I have an era that I am excited about...Revelation 11:15 and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

44NJ9 ago

I saw some weird posts on twitter from someone called Sera Fina or something like that, it looks like she's outing pedos in the art world because of them abusing her daughter. I looked one of the people she was speaking of's website and there was one pic about talking about taking the souls of the innocent to open portals to other worlds and control destiny. After seeing this I am beyond creeped out.

Nadeshda ago

well if you read the book of Enoch you will see and hear about portals... this is where we start entering the realm of quantum physics...


Sorry dont know how to link pages yet, never done it before...

druhill007 ago

This kind of ties in... But I saw fbook post on Marina Abramovic's art project where she was abused by people in crowd and the comments are literally filled with people talking shit about humanity. Like an obvious attempt at shilling this negative outlook. Was very odd

Nadeshda ago

Woa this women... she blatantly tests humanity with everything she does....

Laskar ago

I saw that also.

LostandFound ago

One commet, 14 stars. Like podestas 14 fish. We are now in the procession of aquarias, podestas reference in that photo was denoting a date, Aquarias 14 is february 14th 2016, this card is supposed to have water its missing for a reason though what i dont know. Are they denoting dates here using egyptian references, theres also a pyramid on these pics. If you were an esoteric kinda person this illustration is seriously loaded.

Laskar ago

It is seriously loaded.

Anther example, eight pointed stars=all those "octagon" links ...as in this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1769011

Nadeshda ago

Good observations and research there, thank you for your insight...

Laskar ago

You are most welcome. We need to bring what we can to this investigation.

Laskar ago

I noticed that the post was pulled.

His knowledge of Tarot is very limited, but at least he saw the anomalies, mostly due to his previous analyses of The Economist covers.

JesusRules ago

Great work!

Laskar ago

have an up vote--to thank you for your comment and for your user name.

Laskar ago

Thanks very much.

It is a deep topic. An entire book could be written on the Tarot and other means of transmitting occult info with multiple purposes.

It is important to delve into the connections between the pedos themselves and their seeming obsession with the occult. It's another type of decoding, and how they hide in plain sight.

Takeitslow ago

Exactly, once folks figure this crap out the Jedi mind trick game is over.

Laskar ago

So true! That's why we have to keep researching, connecting the dots, and spreading the word.

Jem777 ago

Lyn Rothschild owns the Economist and is besties with HRC & hates Trump as do all elites. Rothschild are also in elite circles with Obama, Podesta's, Pope, etc.

They plan out events ahead of time then create them. This is why we have "False Flags"

Laskar ago

I have read that those engaged in the so-called dark arts have made a deal that part of which is that they must tell what they are going to do before hand. This is where predictive programming--such as the overwhelming amount we have seen with 9/11--come into play.

It's almost as if they realize that pizzagate is not going away, but they are content to rub our noses in their belief--however wrong in so many ways--that they control the future.

The Star is often used to show a bright future for your plans, not whether your plans are worthy or not.

kekistocrat ago

I know the sabbateans and the gnostics believe they are doing the work of god -- exercising the left hand of god -- by using evil to tip the scales and usher in their order. That sortof fits with the predictive programming in so far as their being able to feel justified in their actions and go about their lives' as if they are doing good in the world. Jacobian Frankists, as well.

Laskar ago

It is the same group behind all of those entities and others as well.

That is for the purpose of keeping the masses confused--and they have done a great job of it so far with people arguing about fake history, brainwashing, and mind control without doing their own research and their own thinking and observation. Instead, they just follow any idiot who makes a YouTube video with historical images they know nothing about, accompanied by music, of course.

This is one reason why pizzagate may wake a lot of otherwise asleep people up. Especially those who fell for the 9/11 BS, the endless war BS for two hundred years, and who generally do not think.

But there is no decent human being anywhere who thinks well of torturing, murdering, and eating children. So, once they see who is behind pizzagate, what they are up to and why, then the whole house of cards will fall. The sooner, the better for the sake of the children and all of humanity. This is why we must continue to research, expose, and spread the information.

kekistocrat ago

well said

Laskar ago

Thanks much.

There is a lot more to it. I hope people try to find out who those children are, whose faces appear around the "comet".

Nadeshda ago

This is interesting...

Jem777 ago

Yes. This is the Dark Arts or Dark Occult. It is also Luceferian. They believe it are involved, control money and power and were prepared for one world government, NWO etc. They did not expect the citizens to fight back like this... it is truly a "Trump" card.

Freemasonsrus ago

Amen to that. They can play all the cards they want. We will prevail. Quick draw a picture of their heads on pikes with children dancing and people clapping! Meme that into reality! Kek

Gbuggers ago

Well said

Laskar ago

We outnumber them also.

Jem777 ago

Yes. A very good researcher who can succinctly explain the dark occult through all that is going on now. The Bank of America Murals, the Denver Airport Murals and stones stating the NWO in 1994 during Clinton presidency.

The Outer Dark Youtube.....you have to go back a ways but it is excellent.

Laskar ago

Denver International Airport is certainly worth another look--just for the underground tunnels alone, as well as for the many children featured in the murals.

8665200? ago

What do you think about the hermit card? Masses in the valley of ignorance and cracked earth hiding?

Laskar ago

Here's one view: “The hermit thereby personifies the secret organizations which for uncounted centuries have carefully concealed the light of the Ancient Wisdom from the profane. The staff of the hermit is knowledge, which is man’s main and only enduring support. In the pseudo-Egyptian Tarot the hermit shields the lamp behind a rectangular cape to emphasize the philosophic truth that wisdom, if exposed to the fury of ignorance, would be destroyed like the tiny flame of a lamp unprotected from the storm. Man’s bodies form a cloak through which his divine nature is faintly visible like the flame of the partly covered lantern. Through renunciation – the Hermetic life – man attains depth of character and tranquility of spirit.” – Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The Hermit card of The Economist shows that no matter what chaos is going on --natural or man made--the Hermit, which symbolizes the occult elite is impervious to it, and above it all. It seems they believe they are untouchable and that their "esoteric knowledge" i.e. dirty secrets will not be revealed. We know otherwise.

All the cards on that cover have been altered to a specific, coded, purpose. It is the Star which pertains to pizzagate and the money and power of human trafficking--the cornerstone of their nefarious operations of world domination.

druhill007 ago

"the secret organizations which for uncounted centuries have carefully concealed the light of the Ancient Wisdom from the profane. "

A HA... This.... Seems to be true. The corruption of Christianity from within. Atheism.

Problem for them is of course the inherent foundation of existence cannot be changed by the rubbish they mess around with in domains above that. I have seen the light with my own eyes!!! ;)

They're wasting their time.

Takeitslow ago

Also it's a way of using mass consciousness to manifest their plans. Sort of like writing out goals or intent and looking at them every night so the subconscious can bring them into reality. If you see my comment history I speak a lot about Jung and how symbols impress on the subconscious then express into reality. These assholes are using pictures, art and symbols to trigger our subconscious minds to express their nightmare reality. That's why the harder we fight against them the more we seem to lose ground. Because folks in the conspiracy world don't fully get how our quantum reality works. But many people don't understand myself included. Symbols and signs rule our world. We defeat the NWO mentally first, then in courts and executions.

The economist, Denver airport they are telling us right to our face what the plan is. But they also control the education system and publishing so people can't read the tea leaves so to speak. They've removed knowledge of these symbols from our culture. Culture is now some athlete or Taylor Swift.

Freemasonsrus ago

Why do u think our meme war won? Our little green frog took down all of their occult bullshit and they still can't figure out how.

Takeitslow ago

The collective consciousness wants change. I think the BS they pulled with Ron Paul twice would not work a third time. We saw Ron Paul get screwed royal even though he was raising more money than all candidates comebine. The games would not work a third time. The polls lied, the msm lied, papers lied. They did the same thing to RP so many people saw through the shit. Plus until the most recent media resurrection the clintons are disgusting candidates. Oh and memes... laughter in the face of evil is a great weapon. Makes people feel good, pleasant blows off steam. Notice how many great comics have shitty lives and they use it for humor.

Nadeshda ago

Well this may go down like a lead balloon but anyway... demonic forces have always communicated through symbolism. These symbols can translate energy, a bit like wifi... you cannot see it, but it is sending and receiving energy/information when in use.

So yes they are wanting to project this onto reality through the energy of the people that are focussed on it and willing it to happen. The only counter force is an even greater energy and force. So yes praying is one of the most powerful tools we have when going to war with that which is evil.

Sorry for no links, you will have to go with your gut on this one.

Blessings on you all!!!! I am so grateful to the FATHER that you all are fighting this fight.

I have being lurking here for months but because of you all, doing tiresome research, wanting that which is good and not evil. I just had to come and stand with you all.

Takeitslow ago

Sean Stone from the Lip Tv talked about this on AJs radio show once. He said they put symbols on the dollar bill and other places because they encircle the symbols are vorticies to let in the Djinn. Remember everything is vibration as Einstein said. Even matter is energy but at a slow vibration.

Edit: if this wasn't true then why would satanic symbols be carved into Cathy Obriens vagina.

Nadeshda ago

Dang, ewe thats nasty... true what your saying though...

druhill007 ago

Ty for the blessings!!!! There are more people here than you might think that are aware of the metaphysical nature of the fight... Oddly enough it's also an area that is negatively targeted by information controllers and deceivers (to make it seem like it's not important :))

Nadeshda ago

You see the devil is not in the detail, the FATHER is... and they absolutely have to surpress the information to hold the upper hand.... It is written "...MY people perish for lack of knowledge... "

artfullyours ago

I am a Christian and the one thing they left out of their plans...is the same thing that made their predictions not come true last year. That is the fact that many prayed...thousands of people gathered at State houses to pray every month a year before the election. If we could do that again...gather in concentrated prayer...it could mean a BIG difference. Just from all the deep, dark things you great people have revealed by all your hard work it is very obvious to me that we alone cannot win this fight...a lot of us know who can. Prayer has changed a lot of things before!

druhill007 ago


This is very obviously their kryptonite

artfullyours ago

Believe me Revelations has plenty to say about these types of people and what they are doing. Jesus Christ is sharpening his sword preparing for battle! And more...Satan knows it, he just wants to take as many down with him as he can. He has shown himself now...who wants to be on THAT side...that sounds like hell on earth and it is for some. The Lord has His own secret plans though...and they are good!

artfullyours ago

I think so too...;)

8665253? ago

Yes! Also remember that good powers are stronger than dark power. One simple prayer is all you have to do while they have to kidnap and rape and cast spells and make saracrafices for a similar power.

artfullyours ago

Exactly You and I know that they are empty inside...scared inside...they turn to things that can never bring happiness and do bring an eternity in agony. Eternity is forever and ever...what are they thinking?

Laskar ago

Yes, I agree with you. Not only The Economist, or sinister sites like Denver International, but the Bank of America murals, the IRS building in Maryland etc.

Once, only the elite, and certain groups of people had knowledge of the arcane/occult but now anyone can do some research and find out what a sham it all is. Modern Satanism is a creation of the intelligence services and for some that takes the cachet out of it, but it also serves to show that the emperor has no clothes. No question there is real evil going on, and no amount of hocus pocus changes that.

A significant part of brainwashing is predictive programming.

cakeoflightylight ago

I used to read the Tarot but I have since thrown the cards away because they are all encoded with various satanic messages and imagery. It appears that every card is altered not just The Star. I agree it is weird for them to use anything with a Comet on it and they are definitely mocking us. Who knows what the meaning of this could be other than that, probably some hidden messages for people who are experts in the occult and can read tarot without a book and who don't need a mystic to give them a reading. The Death card is normally supposed to represent the death of an idea or a change in life but this appears to be alluding to the death of bees and fish and crops. The Economist is run by the Rothschilds who are pissed at Podesta and really like HIllary Clinton.

Shitseverewhere ago

You can throw the I Ching http://ichingonline.net/index.php

ArtificalDuality ago

The bit on the death of bees and fish (notably plankton, the source of the marine food chain) definitely makes sense. It's what Monsanto's "Round-Up" product is causing around the world: total annihilation to the biosphere, making entire regions dependent on this (in-the-end) Rothschild owned private company. It's one of the Babylonian World Order's multinationals, recently bought by Bayer (Europe) so their stuff can be deployed here where it's no longer subject to import laws from outside EU. The fuckers.

If anything, Monsanto needs to be stopped in its tracks just as vigorously.

P.S. And yes, through the Economist's cover art they (The Babylonian World Order) is mocking us and basically rubbing it to us "we know you're on to things but you can't do shite")

artfullyours ago

Looks like an atomic bomb cloud to me.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

NK testing biggest nuke yet soon so could be to do with that.

artfullyours ago

Oh wow.

Laskar ago

I did say that every card is altered, but it's the Star that has the children's faces on it and the COMET--two things which are never on the Star card in any deck. I have made a study of Tarot over many years.

HashTagFU ago

COMET ping pong? Coinkydink?

Laskar ago

My point exactly. There are no coincidences here.

There is no other representation of the Star card that has a COMET in it. Period. It is no accident when you consider that Alefantis, Brock, and at least one Rothschild are all "pals" in their activities.

And where are those children's pictures from? Old milk cartons?

cakeoflightylight ago

Have you looked at this from the perspective of a tarot reading? I threw away my tarot book but do you think this could be an 8 card spread of some kind?

Laskar ago

It most certainly is a type of Tarot spread. But there is more to it than that--the number eight, for example.

The number 8 is of significance in and of itself. Notice the stars in the Star card are eight pointed stars. And notice also the many "octagon" links in this VOAT post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1769011

Also, in most numerological interpretations the number 8 signifies money and power, confidence and materialism.

It is also the infinity symbol turned on edge.

drain-o ago

There are 14 stars (OP said 15 but either miscounted or included the comet). Podesta posed in the photo with 14 on one hand and a fish on the other. The comet also kind of looks like a fish. Weird.

Laskar ago

Great comment. I was going to put that in the original post, but I did not want to overload it. I figured those in the know would get that tidbit.

The point is, they are just throwing it in our faces because, so far they have not been held accountable.

Laskar ago

David Brock is a close associate of Lynn Rothschild