kplusk ago

All of the names, contact information including: phone #s, email addresses, addresses, etc. that were exported from in Sept 2016 is IDENTICAL to export from April 4, 2016!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

chiefcrazyhorse ago

So does this mean that this lhohq network could have been a potential source for that specific leak?

kplusk ago

I re-read your question...updated response: IMHO yes, it could be a potential source.

kplusk ago

What do you mean by 'that specific leak'?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

nvm, i misread your comment. Confused me by posting the same comment in multiple threads ive commented/posted. Klpusk I think I have a breakthrough in this. It involves a similar site affiliated with lhohq called ... notice the LHOHQ symbol and acronym in the background.. I'll PM you everything I found when I get home from work. It is seriously creepy.

kplusk ago

That sounds great! Good job & keep up the awesome work!! :-) Let me know if I can help at all. I'm rebuilding my main PC after I was ddos'd yesterday afternoon. I'm using an old XP box right now, but can help w/ research, if needed. Take care of yourself, k?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Wait a second, why were you DDOS'ed?


laughing horse orifice headquarters. LHOHQ was around before 4chan. according to this: taken from here : view-source:

Dauphin ago

I am throwing this out there and I could be completely wrong... however I came across this page... Does anyone remember that big trend in the late 1990s of pictures (mostly sold in shopping malls) that looked like the static on tv... but if you stared at them long enough a "3D image" would appear. They were wildly popular for some time... Anyways, on the link above it is a red background with little tiny pink squares moving around... I was staring at the screen and I started to see words and images pop up in 3D JUST LIKE those pictures from the 90s. The problem is that the squares constantly move so I just get flashes... I could be wrong and it could be a result of researching all these flashing pages... but I have a feeling there are hidden messages in the backgrounds.

Micheal84 ago

Found this, its about "coffee" some sord of spysoftware.

Select the text to read it.

gt8h65fg ago

For example, Jake Tapper's email address may be crawled from here.

Fri Sep 21, 2012, 08:37 PM

NotHereForPizza ago


It says the above has encrypted files, but I don't think they should be accessed without a VM.

VieBleu ago

lol thanks for the laugh- needed it!

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Could these be actually comments on some blog and somebody is trolling with that username? And that's what the web page is actually showing?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Did you just find this? This is a direct correlation to pizzagate. Which raises more questions, is this factual information such as a chat log? If so, is the other data just a smoke screen to bury specifically pizzagate related information? This page just suddenly got more significant, especially considering that 'note' is the first one you see when you go to the page.

privatepizza ago

Hey Pizza, yea, been through them. Did you get this, the list of pages someone posted?

Psychanaut ago

I think it's a "safe" for online information. It's always changing info and layers, but the construction was built some time ago. It's for hiding info, obviously, but you can change that info at any time and add more filters or disable them.

What might be interesting is to use wayback machine on them and see what they produce over time.

I also think this accounts for the rabbit holeing on the sites. They are not meant to lead anywhere. Each page is the destination, but encrypted.

VieBleu ago

Laughing Horse Orifice Headquarters

Can't help but think of our resident troll shill horsefapper (equinelvr)

DerivaUK ago

Lol. Good connex

Ovi-Kintobor ago

Guys, here is what I can tell about this website (sorry for my lame english, tried my best) :

The text contained in the HTML code is the real deal.

Some images are very disturbing and tell a lot... Like this one : "We know evolution is a lie, we just want to destroy your way of life".

Just before the whole "Pizzagate" story blow-up, many users from the 4chan community have found this website. The website is literally** a maze**. It is a huge patchwork of animated gifs as background images, hiding tons and tons of information. They also thought it was a sort of AI.

In fact, it uses an algorithm to agglomerate data from different sources. The HTML code do not display any error, which is a miracle regarding this huge mess. I can ensure my words : some links from the website contain "tanay tandon" as a clue. This guy : created such an algorithm back in 2014. This website is ruled by an algorithm. The owner designates the sources ans the algorithm agglomerate the data.

When the users started to question the meaning of these information, the author of the website closed the doors with an enigmatic message : The front page redirects the users to a scientific abstract from Duncan STEEL about 1991 VG :

Several weeks after, clicking on this article led us to another article : "The Great Silence" from James Annis :

Also, there was a leak about the Benenson Strategy Group in October :


See this video :

4 to 5 bright points in the sky ? Really ?

It seems like the deep state invested a lot of money in order to terrorize people with every mean available.

For the users, the message was almost clear : don't blame the Russia nor the Aliens thanks to the articles from Duncan Steel and James Annis.

Then, the only redirection offered by the website, regardless of the URL you tried, showed a huge organization chart : (original link : )

As you can see, the link is quite long.

In the link, 01010011010101010101111101001000010101000100100101010111010111110101001101001001010111110100010101001000 can be converted from Binary to ASCII

Revealing : SU_HTIW_SI_EH = HE IS WITH US (but who ?)

The image name is 11435791973760132482785985134578844941834672351655120716, convert from Decimal to Hexa : 77652E6465616C2E696E2E4D494E442E434F4E54524F4C

Then, Hexa to ASCII : (seems like a troll to the CIA)

Mind control, CIA, DynCorp...?

Also, note the presence of the Scientology Church right in the middle.

More important : back in time, you could get this huge organizational chart for every link you manually entered in your web brower.

For example : (the "view image" option leads to the huge link) redirected to this image. And the name of the tab in your web browser was : 0833030477. This is an ISBN CODE, a book published by the RAND Corporation (their only one) :

Some weeks ago, the website was totally back online, with its original content (and more).

**The content of the entire website is kind of bizarre **: it talks about Echelon, MKULTRA and universities involvement, all known "big brother" ears in Europe, Koch industries, the use of "Jackladder, Orangutan and Dewdrop" by the NSA for at least 10 years with IP address of many victims and list of "participants" (including big names) to mysterious donation requests, the whole story of US surveillance, abstracts about how to manipulate election system with polynomial laws, the use of Fusarium to kill coca plants in Colombia and its consequences on other plantations, Darwinism & Religion... You just have to extract the plain text from each webpage's code. Many information hidden in the HTML can be found online, such as the history of surveillance in the USA.

The huge organization chart could not be seen by using "random" URL. Now, a random URL redirects to more intriguing stuff. Try it :

Now, take a look at this page :

"ACDCA Document #M-NPJ-21L-4A4-APN-BW-XXX1, Summer 2007"

So, an other website was found at the same time : ACDCA "Applied Chaos Dynamics Control Association"

The RAND corporation is mentioned here :

My english level do not allow me to fully understand the meaning of this.

More oddities :

Then another blog :

Note the blogroll on the right :

ACDCA America Jones Dagwood Engelberg Exemplar Fragmentorum International Abstracts of Interdimensional Scientism Quadratic Hadamard Memories Tactical Linguistics Research Institute Telemarketers Are Spies The Fire is Illumination

All these blogs are interconnected.

Who are they ? Leakers ?

Last but not least : there was a screenshot of what was told to be the content of WikiLeaks Insurance Files :

What do you think about it ?

Is there any logical connection between the RAND Corp, US gov, EU and the CIA ?

Now, they have put online a gigantic dump of information. I have read some of the information in the HTML code, there is first name, last name, email address, postal address, the employment, IP address, phone number etc... from many people. Disturbing.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

A proposed theory is that this network of LHOHQ web pages are a source for leaks. This theory has been supported further by the fact that data was found hidden in the site matching recent intel leaks, with others saying that this data was inputted before a previous intel leak broke. Based off of this, one would assume there would be a pattern amongst the chaos to figure out what kind of data is actually hiding amonst this LHOHQ maze. I think it would be significant to scour the source code and other technical data for patterns to identify a method to discover even more important information this site may be hiding.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

I'm glad to see this website being re-investigated. I spent a lot of time on it and saved 3 different copies of the website using a website-copier. Browsing the content of each folder is quite an adventure. I am also confident about LHOHQ being a credible source for future leaks. Downloading the whole website allow users to look trough each HTML files. In a certain way, it seems pretty obvious they are trying to debunk the upcoming "blame it on aliens" narrative.

I0wnurface ago

I clicked through a bunch of pages and will post what I found in the background of a mostly green page with flashing red boxes. Lots of weird shit, but figured I'd contribute what I could. Does this make sense to anyone?

Reverse engineering the Bush presidency. Flight 77 disappeared from the radar over southern Ohio (8:57) and the air traffic controller thought that it had crashed. This supposedly happened because of poor radar coverage in the area and the transponder being switched off. Switching off the transponder on the other planes did not have the same effect, the air traffic controllers were able to continue to track them. welcome to the LAUGHING HORSE'S ORIFICE HEADQUARTERS. rather should we certainly ordain these behind our detention, prophetic and suffering such a God ... we shall call it desolation or levity in whom, when admitted examines her national genitals with a deific familiarity. the voice of understanding remains: is it a tree, each hour, whose existence is a truth unsupported. therefore we urge that our shape shall animate a full six feet of growth, hitherto done so as not to exist through inability to satirise [sic] this management with the central intelligence and motion. 777 we thought our human flesh mere spectrum analysis; for others the spectral alone. no life inasmuch as our yielding thrives, and willing that this a man has imagined. Ask the children to use their calculator to count by ones the numbers of ants (use the constant arithmetic feature 0+1=,=,=,=,=...). Stop at 100. € Return to the story and read the next two pages of the story. Ask the children to model 2 rows of 50, using centimeter cubes. Count, using the calculator (constant arithmetic feature 0+2=,=,=,=...). Stop at 100. € Return and read the next two pages. Ask the children to model four rows of twenty-five, using the centimeter cubes. Count, on the calculator (use constant arithmetic feature, 0+4=,=,=,=,=...). Stop at 100. € Return and read the next two pages. Ask the children to model five rows of twenty, using the centimeter cubes. Count, using the calculator (use the constant arithmetic feature 0+5=,=,=,=...). class, i think we're making progress. we understand the powers that be, although most of us would rather forget. the last exquisite orphan of the executive nightmare (and the legislative cadaver), assured that someone brings the cripples to their knees. Pink, unfair, cruel, but truthfully, our party has been calling upon this country and her history... v:astro-ph/0601022 v1 AredrainphenomenonoccurredinKerala,Indiastartingfrom25 thJuly2001, inwhichtherainwaterappearedcolouredinvariouslocalizedplacesthatarespread overafewhundredkilometers inKerala. Maximumcases werereportedduring thefirst10daysandisolatedcaseswerefoundtooccurforabout2months. The strikingredcolourationof therainwaterwas foundtobeduetothesuspension of microscopicredparticleshavingtheappearanceof biological cells. Theseparticleshavenosimilaritywithusual desertdust. Anestimatedminimumquantity of 50,000kgof redparticles hasfallenfromtheskythroughredrain. Ananalysisof thisstrangephenomenonfurthershowsthattheconventional atmospheric transport processeslikedust storms etc. cannot explainthis phenomenon. The electronmicroscopicstudyof theredparticles shows finecell structureindicatingtheirbiologicalcell likenature. EDAXanalysisshowsthatthemajorelements lhohq presentinthesecelllikeparticlesarecarbonandoxygen. Strangely,atestforDNA usingEthidiumBromidedyefluorescencetechniqueindicatesabsenceof DNAin thesecells. Inthecontextofasuspectedlinkbetweenameteorairbursteventand theredrain, thepossibilityfortheextraterrestrial originof theseparticlesfrom cometaryfragmentsisdiscussed. a domesticated beast scattered to flock, even unto a transitional state of affairs (orchards, vineyards, and she who describes them), recoils before those cases his country, by happenstance in vogue amidst plentiful foodstuffs arranged. Who presents these strangers to over-population: what representatives of duty towards individual property penetrates these forces, although mankind does not recognize that purpose. instructed X to reciprocate the favor. Naked, the blonde boasted a large erect penis, saying "now take it in your mouth," He obliged, his love-making recorded 24 frames a second on celluloid. The male prostitute was hired, Tatum says, from a bar in New York and killed the same evening. Two weeks later, X - wholly unaware of the events of that evening - was visited in Nicaragua. He was presented with a copy of the video footage along with instructions. Tatum says that X can never allow that video to be seen... "Not only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it also reveals his bestiality and satanic worship rituals." As frame after frame flicked by, X wept, forced to watch himself kill and gut his homosexual lover, and then eat the still warm heart. Neutralized, Mr X became a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few short weeks later.11 These, plus other accounts of Tatum's thirty year life as a CIA deep cover agent and membership of the ultra secret international hit-squad Pegasus. rather should we carefully, beyond our detention, paraplectic and suffering such demons ... we shall call it desolation or levity in whom, when admitted examines the underpinnings, with a certainty that the voice of understanding remains each hour, unsubstantiated rumors and violence. Blackstone Group & 7 World Trade Center "New York, NY October 17, 2000: Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, the global real estate investment and management arm of The Blackstone Group, L.P., announced today that it has purchased, from Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, the participating mortgage secured by 7 World Trade Center, a commercial office complex controlled by real estate developer Larry Silverstein" (source) "But before the building can rise further than the substation, major financing issues have to be resolved by Larry Silverstein, who controls the long-term lease on 7 World Trade Center as well as the World Trade Center complex. The good news for Mr. Silverstein is that the company that insured 7 World Trade, Industrial Risk Insurers, has indicated that it will make a full payment under its $861 million policy. But it's not clear whether Mr. Silverstein can use those proceeds to start building without first reaching an agreement with the mortgage holder on 7 World Trade Center, Blackstone Real Estate Advisors."

Gothamgirl ago

We must be close, thanks for the heads up.

Gothamgirl ago

These were orginally leaked by anon ghost sect.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

By these, do you mean the names and other data that is on the LHOHQ site? If so, what about the ATS and BlizzHacker posts and the rest of LHOHQ? I know these sites have been touched on in the past, and I just want to understand what is known, unknown, or new about my and Michael84's findings.

Gothamgirl ago

It connects to other sites. The next one has information on Hillary and Podesta, which is current, - That one for sure was posted by anon ghost sect.

srayzie ago

I recorded something. The link is at the bottom...

I went to LHOHQ site.

I clicked "about" and it took me here

I clicked on "contact" and it took me here

Then, I clicked on 3. Lullabell Petunia

I end up here. There's weird stuff. Like a Winnie the poo coloring book where, if you click on Poo it opens to this

Here comes the weirdest part. I clicked on Transmission

The page looks like this But things are moving and flashing. The little bars on the right get bigger and smaller see?

I'm on an iPad. So I would just poke around and, only every once in a while, the bar on the top right, I could long press on it and I chose "speak". It's a voice in another language or something. At the end, it sounds like it says "close ahead". I audio recorded it from my phone.

I only got the sound twice. But, most of the time I would long press and I could click copy. When I pasted it, they were .gif files.

I'm not tech savvy. This could be nothing. But, as far as I know, .gif files don't have audio. So, anyways, I got the first one to speak. It's hard and you have to do it at certain times or something. I haven't gotten the 2nd .gif link to speak.

Here is the audio recording that I recorded from my phone

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Hey man can you post a download link to the audio file you recorded? That audio is definitely in reverse, I want to flip it back to normal and somebody can translate what they are saying. I think it's german.

HollandDrive ago

That's called back-masking btw.

srayzie ago

I recorded it from my phone. I uploaded it to give you guys a link. How do I get a download link for you? Do you know of a website I can do that from?

chiefcrazyhorse ago try, and upload the file and make it avaliable for download. You might have to create an account.

srayzie ago

Ok I'll go do that

anonOpenPress ago

Why would we need two separate posts on this topic, just add the new info as a comment and if found useful it'll get upvoted to the top. I know there are a lot of comments already, but people here are actually reading those. /v/pizzagate/1768269


I did google searches on whole sentences found in the source code, including the contact information and it seems to be a copy and paste job from many available online sources. Don't know exactly what that means but so far its not original work.

pbvrocks ago

Theory: I would guess that between Wikileaks and Anon, they have know what we now know for a good bit. While WAY to slow for me, Wikileaks probably doing a good job of waking people up to this control structure we have all been subject to. In order to do this, consider just the shear volume of information a Wikileaks contributor would have to plow thru...they would need that data public accessible as they would need to collaborate. Perhaps Michael84 stumbled into the public facing information sharing by Wikileaks or other hackers regarding the "raw" data from #vault7 or other sources? These pedo/satanist/elitist have certainly been know to some far in advance of the Podesta emails, etc...

redditsuckz ago

Were these emails coded into the website PRIOR or AFTER the Podesta leaks?

For those who dont find out what a website looked like before go to;

And put the website name in "browse history" then click it...

You can see the website has all the addresses when the page was captured on September 11 2016 - BEFORE PIZZAGATE BROKE;

You can also search archives with;

And put the name of the website into "I want to search the archive for saved snapshots" then click "search".

And click "history", "prior"or "next" to view archives of webpags.

LostandFound ago

To answer which came first this is the contact list of Sid Blumenthal released in August 2016 under guccifer 2.0 on cryptome over one month before this section(s) of the site went live.

Why are they similar to a whos who of the podesta emails. Sid was Hillarys unofficial podesta 'fixer'. Same circles

This as far as we could work out was linked to old LULSEC pranks / larping. But I cant find the proof of that anymore. Heres a few bits tho, may 2015 few lines on eddit about the site

And heres an extended 4chan discussion on this site and the implication its lulsec, I think some of the only tangible writing in plain text was an old motto for them.

twistedmac11 ago

Just found this forum discussion about this site:

rodeo13 ago

Wow - looks like people have been trying to find out what this is for a while.

I also found a post on 4plebs that referenced LHOHQ (posted here on the other post: It has a huge diagram showing all of the mind control weapons that have been developed - subliminals, silent sound, silent hypnosis, mkultra, the list is huge with lots of notes.

Gothamgirl ago

They plan on using those weapons againist the population.

rodeo13 ago

My bet is that they already are. But knowledge is power. The more we know, the more we can fight back.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, theyre and giving vaccines that forever alter a persons dna, and also vaccines that cause cancer and syphilis. They're cloning humans to.

theHubrisOfMan ago

LHO is a cargo code for Live Human Organs. Could this be somehow be related.

merlow ago

Also rather frequently: Lee Harvey Oswald

theHubrisOfMan ago

Hey guys so... I searched LHO and got to this page ( Which has black text on a black background. It looks like some sort of flight records, plane info, and title transfers or something? I don't know. Can someone look at this and tell me what I'm looking at here? Could these be decommisioned planes for transporting "goods."?

MONOLITHicide ago

found this interesting going through some. not sure if anyone else posted.

kplusk ago

These names from are definitely from Sept 2016, I exported them off the website back then, before wikileaks release.

They have updated names on this page, but there are still a LOT of pertinent high-profile names.

I've got the names that I exported back in September & will compare to this new list of names. Will run a comparison to determine which names were removed &/or added.

Another thing to note I had archived back in Sept 2016. It was totally accessible until Jan 2017, when someone else archived over it & the gif was replaced w/ this (which obviously wiped out the gif w/ all contact names, #s & emails).

Now this website is back up & running - so that's interesting...

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Hey kplusk, have you compared the new list of names to the ones you exported in September, yet? Anything I can do to help?

kplusk ago

Names, contact information including: phone #s, email addresses, addresses, etc. that I exported from in Sept 2016 is IDENTICAL to export from April 4, 2016!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

kplusk ago

I wasn't able to spend much time on it yesterday due to circumstances beyond my control. I will be getting this updated this evening...

pizzagater99 ago


kplusk ago

PedoGate is my only concern. If you have a problem w/ that...shame on you!

Infopractical ago

It looks like this is Sid Blumenthal's hacked contact list via Guccifer?

kplusk ago

I just did a cursory glance at your list of Blumenthal's contacts & I see some same names...I'll get these 2 lists together & update voat tonight. Then we can compare all 3, k?

Infopractical ago

I checked chunks of names already---entirely the same. Can somebody else confirm this?

kplusk ago

All of the names, contact information including: phone #s, email addresses, addresses, etc. that I exported from in Sept 2016 is IDENTICAL to export from April 4, 2016!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

chiefcrazyhorse ago

So, assuming it is the same list, what does this mean?

Infopractical ago

The WhoIs doesn't provide much information.

Maybe this is a way to see who is researching? Though there are a lot of ways that can be done.

Infopractical ago

I'm uncertain. I gave it some thought, but admittedly don't have a conclusion. It could be a time waster. It could be an attention grabber (for any number of purposes). But it does not appear to any kind of list that couldn't have been derived from an internet search already.

If we knew who posted it, we might have a better idea as to their motivation, but as things stand it does not appear to be all that interesting in and of itself except to the degree that it spawns a frenzy.

Personally, I think the forum poster with the recursive heart logo and the Jason Fall quote seems more interesting at the moment.

NotHereForPizza ago

Thank you. I was so surprised no one else had seen this yet and was almost thinking I was going crazy.

pizzagater99 ago is compromised

chiefcrazyhorse ago

What do you mean by this? Just looking to get filled in on the situation.

pizzagater99 ago

there's no point saying stuff like "pre-pizzagate" and using and as evidence, simply because these services have shown themselves to be prone to manipulation.

I can think of 2 cases, one case where information was scrubbed/altered on the archive of donald trump's personal website's whois page, and another where incriminating pizzagate evidence was scrubbed.

this makes it hard when there is so much circumstantial evidence pre-pizzagate through archives. sometimes you can see pre-pizzagate evidence without using archives. User Carole Fan's comment should still be on the news article linked in 2009 where she makes some pretty stark accusations against Alefantis.

tl;dr: has been manipulated and is being manipulated and will be manipulated

chiefcrazyhorse ago

How did you hear about LHOHQ back in Sept. 16? Do we know who developed these sites? Are they leakers? Lol sorry for all the questions i'm trying to determine what is already known in regards to my findings and what i posted here.

kplusk ago

Just researching EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. I was aware of Epstein's island & was talking to a relative (that's a successful builder/developer) about it...he told me that there's another island that his friend's brother owns. And that Epstein had been there a few times with young girls/boys for guy owning island. It's in Asia, so much easier to traffic. :-( Anyway, I'm gathering as much as I can about it. So far, there's no smoking gun & Epstein's flight logs don't reflect travel there. But I'm continuing to research & will submit to voat if/when I have something concrete.

Freemasonsrus ago

It was part of the rabbit hole we went down. Can't remember how we arrived there. It was something as bizarre as this and may have actually been the same route, following his email addy. You have to understand that after FBIanon pointed us in this direction of human trafficking 4chan and reddit went nuts combing through everything. So a lot of stuff I see posted here nowadays was posted way back in the Fall. It's not s bad thing though bc so much has been covered and there are new people coming in everyday who can see the evidence for themselves and follow evidence themeselves which I think has more impact.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Did 4chan or reddit at the time also discover the forum posts I found dating back to 2007?

Freemasonsrus ago

I haven't looked through everything you posted since it isn't archived and those sites are sketchy AF, but the website that has all of the doxxing info and weird images was looked through. Which forum post are you referring to exactly? I don't know if there is an archive of the stuff that was looked through or how to find it if there was. I just remember people went pretty deep into it bc like you've discovered, it's just bizarre and seems most certainly coded in some way. I don't think there was a consensus on what it was actually for, just best guesses.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

I apologize, how can I archive everything I found...the forum posts i'm referring to are completely least to know

and here:

These posts prove that people discovered the LHOHQ sites way back to at least 2007. What's even weirder is how they came to discover the LHOHQ acronym and the consequent sites. Read those posts for more info.

Freemasonsrus ago

I've used to archive websites. You just copy paste the address into their box and it produces and archive link. It helps so people can safely search through something and not be tracked to the actual site.

I'll read through the links you posted. I went there originally just to see the image which was no longer available. So I misunderstood those also contained the forums you mentioned. Thanks.

carmencita ago

OK, when you see that page, the one with the figure holding the baby, it has flashing red on the right page. When you scroll down lower, it is all red with a bunch of lettering. If you can stand it, you will see some names with emails cell#s. What I could see so far was Cecile Richards, Dan Rather, David Brock, Bill Richardson. I wonder is this a list of global CP customers? Is someone leaking their names? Or the list that has been blackmailed for favors? I have a sense that this was leaked for a purpose. Spilling the Beans?

kplusk ago

I exported all of the names back in Sept 2016 to spreadsheet so I had list of individuals. I NEVER followed politics until Aug 2016, so there are MANY names that I didn't recognize & could DC Elite, military personnel, etc. Seeing all of the names & cross referencing to the additional names may help others who are more familiar w/ political figures, elite, etc.

I recognized Jake Tapper, John Podesta, Clintons, Doug Band, Cheryl Mills, George Soros, Madeleine Albright, Al Gore, David Brock, James Alefantis, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Arianna Huffington, Bianca Jagger, Garry Trudeau, James Carville, John Cusack, Lynn Rothschild, Phillip Reines & Tamara Luzzatto.

UPDATE Names, contact information including; phone #s, email addresses, addresses from Sept 2016 & April 4, 2016 are IDENTICAL!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

carmencita ago

You should look these names up. Doug Band headed Teneo for Bill Clinton. Cheryl Mills was mentioned in the Podesta emails many times over, George Soros you must research, he is evil personified and goes all the way back to the Nazis. If we take him down we have really scored. Madeleine Albright was Sec. of State under Bill Clinton and is dark too, look up her company. Al Gore, ran against George Bush and lost. Personally, I think that is the way both sides wanted it. He is compromised as well, imo. Brock ran CTR and now Share Blue, and had a heart attack, he is MIA right now. I have a feeling you know Alefantis, Abedin and Weiner, Huffington has been huge Clinton supporter for ever, Jagger was married to Mick and Mick Jagger has been to Cibolo Ranch where Scalia died. Trudeau is political cartoonist, Carville whom I nicknamed "Motor Mouth" is a political pundit forever that has a love affair with the Clintons for decades, Cusack I am sure you know, he is probably MK Ultra, Rothschild I am sure you know from readings on here, Reines was assistant to Hillary at State Dept. and Luzzato is the one that sent the email offering the Luzzatto children for a swim in the pool, the rest is history. We can assume that most of these people have been blackmailed, if not they are too afraid to change course.

kplusk ago

Names, contact information including: phone #s, email addresses, addresses, etc. that were exported from in Sept 2016 is IDENTICAL to export from April 4, 2016!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

carmencita ago

What does this mean? Sorry bad night.

kplusk ago

Here's my response to very similar question: I exported all of the names back in Sept 2016 to spreadsheet so I had list of individuals. I NEVER followed politics until Aug 2016, so there are MANY names that I didn't recognize & could DC Elite, military personnel, etc. Seeing all of the names & cross referencing to the additional names may help others who are more familiar w/ political figures, elite, etc.

I recognized Jake Tapper, John Podesta, Clintons, Doug Band, Cheryl Mills, George Soros, Madeleine Albright, Al Gore, David Brock, James Alefantis, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Arianna Huffington, Bianca Jagger, Garry Trudeau, James Carville, John Cusack, Lynn Rothschild, Phillip Reines & Tamara Luzzatto.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Awesome, I look forward to your findings. I read another theory either on here or 4chan that the LHOHQ sites may be the medium hackers or whistleblowers use to communicate sensitive/leaked information.

kplusk ago

All of the names, contact information including: phone #s, email addresses, addresses, etc. that I exported from in Sept 2016 are IDENTICAL to export from April 4, 2016!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

fartyshorts ago

That was my theory as well. Also, anyone can post here:

rooting4redpillers ago

Hey THANKS, it's as if you read my mind. I was just this minute, about to ask if someone would please post some background on LHOHQ in the other thread. And here you are.

azamber ago

thisHoCwilltumble ago

i had seen a document on that had "madeline mccann" and what I though might be adfgvx cipher.

Infopractical ago

I noticed this too and posted in the original voat thread, but my comment may have been buried too deep at that point. I tried to do some searching to find the origin of the quote, but found nothing [so far].

steve0suprem0 ago

well shit. first one is the spiral hearts with some interesting text, apparently by a jason fall, in a work presumably titled 'the state of the comet,' reading 'i don't care what they say, i don't care if i'm the villain, i don't need their acceptance, i only need your hand.' this is some creepy shit.

followed up with some shit about alice from lewis carroll, who it was widely believed to have been in love with the very young lady the alice character is based upon.

below this is a barely visible "Name Origins" link, going to another blizzhackers forum which requires a login. anybody have one? i'm not making one.

more: at the top of page two he seems to have linked an image and removed it or whatever, but the post below quotes and retains the url, hosted at: there's some high weirdness going on here, too

HollandDrive ago

Keep an eye out for Paul McCartney if you're running into Lewis Carroll etc. (Alice in Wonderland, and Jabberwocky, which is code speak from the novel.) Wouldn't surprise me.

Micheal84 ago

Thank you for this post, you made it much clearer for people to read, i never knew my post would get so big.

Keep diggin Voaters!!

Edit: this part of the site has updates (comments) made today April 4th.

Caratacus ago

The September 11th, 2016 archive shows similar info (names, emails, etc.). The initial leaks were published on October 7, 2016.

Image source for the crazy .gif on the Octagon site shows the .gif as 3256278887989457651018865901401704640.gif

Drnoway ago

To my nose this smells like a diversion. Designwise the site looks a lot like the worldcorpo site.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

I thought it was COINTELPRO when I first saw the sites on Michael84's OP, but now seeing these sites existence and the story of the piece of paper on the billboard in 2007, i dont know what to believe.

Gothamgirl ago

Anon Ghost Sect.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Are you saying Anon Ghost Sect set up the LHOHQ sites or what?

Gothamgirl ago


chiefcrazyhorse ago

For what reason, and when was this discovered? Do you have a link you can post that shows this? Look at my OP in this thread, is there anything new or significant with what I found in regards to LHOHQ sites existing in 2007? Or is something new that you found from the sites I posted? Sorry Gothamgirl I'm a bit confused as to whether my findings have been discovered or not and how Anon Ghost Sect factors into this. Could you explain?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes no problem. I found first and it connected me back to the Lhohq. Its hard to explain after following clues I came to this video which mention Ghosts. There is also someone named Phale involved. He claims he no longer works for them.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

So we still dont know who made the LHOHQ site then?

Gothamgirl ago

Well if the sites are connected I would assume the same people. Do you think they're going to post their real identity? Look how much classified info is there. I wouldn't.

Gothamgirl ago

These sites started in 2007 and have alot of good factual info.

DerivaUK ago

That occurred to me too

orange_utang ago

I'd like to think this isn't disinformation and some sort of deadman's switch.

Would anyone have the skills to write a script query to cross-reference this pastebin DB of emails with Wikileaks? Good chance of uncovering new evidence by digging on the outliers.

Jem777 ago

keep pressing the different pictures, it will lead you to secret info. You have to pass through MK Ultra type flashing lights and worse.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's to keep people from looking.

privatepizza ago

Kudos for posting this Chief, we do need another thread for the findings here imho. Is this thread for consolidating findings?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

No problem! I made this thread to consolidate all of the findings in regards to LHOHQ thus far. I will continue to update it if anything else comes to light, I really wanted to post it as a primer for further investigation, that's why I included the questions at the bottom. I've also posted this to 4chan and hope the autists there can help as well. If a MOD thinks its best to have a separate thread with just findings I am fine with that but would request some assistance in setting that up.

sensitive ago

You guys decide that. Keep up the good work!

orange_utang ago

Thanks for posting! 4chan link?

FckPizza3 ago

Their talking to you on 4chan... not sure if your following along over there too... so thought I should hop over and tell you...