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Ovi-Kintobor ago

Guys, here is what I can tell about this website (sorry for my lame english, tried my best) :

The text contained in the HTML code is the real deal.

Some images are very disturbing and tell a lot... Like this one : "We know evolution is a lie, we just want to destroy your way of life".

Just before the whole "Pizzagate" story blow-up, many users from the 4chan community have found this website. The website is literally** a maze**. It is a huge patchwork of animated gifs as background images, hiding tons and tons of information. They also thought it was a sort of AI.

In fact, it uses an algorithm to agglomerate data from different sources. The HTML code do not display any error, which is a miracle regarding this huge mess. I can ensure my words : some links from the website contain "tanay tandon" as a clue. This guy : created such an algorithm back in 2014. This website is ruled by an algorithm. The owner designates the sources ans the algorithm agglomerate the data.

When the users started to question the meaning of these information, the author of the website closed the doors with an enigmatic message : The front page redirects the users to a scientific abstract from Duncan STEEL about 1991 VG :

Several weeks after, clicking on this article led us to another article : "The Great Silence" from James Annis :

Also, there was a leak about the Benenson Strategy Group in October :


See this video :

4 to 5 bright points in the sky ? Really ?

It seems like the deep state invested a lot of money in order to terrorize people with every mean available.

For the users, the message was almost clear : don't blame the Russia nor the Aliens thanks to the articles from Duncan Steel and James Annis.

Then, the only redirection offered by the website, regardless of the URL you tried, showed a huge organization chart : (original link : )

As you can see, the link is quite long.

In the link, 01010011010101010101111101001000010101000100100101010111010111110101001101001001010111110100010101001000 can be converted from Binary to ASCII

Revealing : SU_HTIW_SI_EH = HE IS WITH US (but who ?)

The image name is 11435791973760132482785985134578844941834672351655120716, convert from Decimal to Hexa : 77652E6465616C2E696E2E4D494E442E434F4E54524F4C

Then, Hexa to ASCII : (seems like a troll to the CIA)

Mind control, CIA, DynCorp...?

Also, note the presence of the Scientology Church right in the middle.

More important : back in time, you could get this huge organizational chart for every link you manually entered in your web brower.

For example : (the "view image" option leads to the huge link) redirected to this image. And the name of the tab in your web browser was : 0833030477. This is an ISBN CODE, a book published by the RAND Corporation (their only one) :

Some weeks ago, the website was totally back online, with its original content (and more).

**The content of the entire website is kind of bizarre **: it talks about Echelon, MKULTRA and universities involvement, all known "big brother" ears in Europe, Koch industries, the use of "Jackladder, Orangutan and Dewdrop" by the NSA for at least 10 years with IP address of many victims and list of "participants" (including big names) to mysterious donation requests, the whole story of US surveillance, abstracts about how to manipulate election system with polynomial laws, the use of Fusarium to kill coca plants in Colombia and its consequences on other plantations, Darwinism & Religion... You just have to extract the plain text from each webpage's code. Many information hidden in the HTML can be found online, such as the history of surveillance in the USA.

The huge organization chart could not be seen by using "random" URL. Now, a random URL redirects to more intriguing stuff. Try it :

Now, take a look at this page :

"ACDCA Document #M-NPJ-21L-4A4-APN-BW-XXX1, Summer 2007"

So, an other website was found at the same time : ACDCA "Applied Chaos Dynamics Control Association"

The RAND corporation is mentioned here :

My english level do not allow me to fully understand the meaning of this.

More oddities :

Then another blog :

Note the blogroll on the right :

ACDCA America Jones Dagwood Engelberg Exemplar Fragmentorum International Abstracts of Interdimensional Scientism Quadratic Hadamard Memories Tactical Linguistics Research Institute Telemarketers Are Spies The Fire is Illumination

All these blogs are interconnected.

Who are they ? Leakers ?

Last but not least : there was a screenshot of what was told to be the content of WikiLeaks Insurance Files :

What do you think about it ?

Is there any logical connection between the RAND Corp, US gov, EU and the CIA ?

Now, they have put online a gigantic dump of information. I have read some of the information in the HTML code, there is first name, last name, email address, postal address, the employment, IP address, phone number etc... from many people. Disturbing.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

A proposed theory is that this network of LHOHQ web pages are a source for leaks. This theory has been supported further by the fact that data was found hidden in the site matching recent intel leaks, with others saying that this data was inputted before a previous intel leak broke. Based off of this, one would assume there would be a pattern amongst the chaos to figure out what kind of data is actually hiding amonst this LHOHQ maze. I think it would be significant to scour the source code and other technical data for patterns to identify a method to discover even more important information this site may be hiding.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

I'm glad to see this website being re-investigated. I spent a lot of time on it and saved 3 different copies of the website using a website-copier. Browsing the content of each folder is quite an adventure. I am also confident about LHOHQ being a credible source for future leaks. Downloading the whole website allow users to look trough each HTML files. In a certain way, it seems pretty obvious they are trying to debunk the upcoming "blame it on aliens" narrative.