Vindicator ago

@Oh_Well_ian, this is not an accurate title. The CIA logo is not "identical". It's a compass, not a star. It is certainly similar but you need to repost with a more accurate headline. Removing per Rule 2, since headlines can't be edited.

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Same symbol on all 16 of the intelligence arms of the US Govt including this one: Scientology

Gothamgirl ago

William Cooper shows a thousand points of light @3:40 in this video.

argosciv ago

How interesting that is an actually active account...

Reminds me of and his 10 alts...

Goddamn you lot are fucking obvious at this stage.

cc: @Vindicator

Gothamgirl ago


Gothamgirl ago

What do you mean?

argosciv ago

How interesting that is an actually active account...

Reminds me of and his 10 alts...

Goddamn you lot are fucking obvious at this stage.

Lavender7 ago

Also like the Jesuit Priest logo and we know those fuckers are evil and possessed.

aretheyarrestedyet ago

Hilary thinks she is 'the light'.

Satan also thinks of himself as 'the light'.

bopper ago

Yes, that's right...

think- ago

Hi Ian,

Suggestion: Would you consider adding a jpg of the HRC necklace pendant to your post, so that users don't have to click several links until they see th pic? Thanks.

Oh_Well_ian ago


think- ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

np… it's a much better post now.

dbvapor ago

There’s no way that’s the actual CIA logo.. are you shitting me? The bird looks like it was drawn by a 10th grader. The star logo in question isn’t even centered.

argosciv ago

Fun part, it was indeed made by kids(Kindergarten - 5th grade), this can be confirmed via the CIA's website - yes, I had the guts to look for myself.

Also, it's a 16-pointed star, not 8(albeit, granted, 8 x 2 = 16).

cc: @bopper @Oh_Well_ian @think- @Vindicator

bopper ago

If the CIA can be trusted haha. Maybe so.

Must have been one talented fifth grader to do that star. Of course back in the day them kids were different.

argosciv ago

Oh I never said they can be trusted.

Take it as you will.

bopper ago

For sure, I was just throwing it out there, I understand.

argosciv ago

Fun part, it was indeed made by kids(Kindergarten - 5th grade), this can be confirmed via the CIA's website - yes, I had the guts to look for myself.

Also, it's a 16-pointed star, not 8(albeit, granted, 8 x 2 = 16).

@bopper @Oh_Well_ian

bopper ago

The CIA star is professionally done.

Oh_Well_ian ago

and you would be wrong

new4now ago

I think they recruited her back during her Watergate days, so when she flunked bar, Bill was suggested and she hit the ground running down there in Arkansas

she always had protection and CIA was running drugs out of Mena

makes you wonder what she was doing putting all that mileage on as Secretary of State

who controls the CIA?

no surprise these would be the same people who do rituals


Not surprising since the death cult Skull and Bones was highly placed in the CIA

ben_matlock ago

so does the logo of the world's #4 shipping company, Taiwan-based Evergreen

which (coincidentally, I'm sure) apparently used to be a CIA-front company

think- ago

Oh these

Oh_Well_ian ago

nice add..

sore_ass_losers ago

So the CIA logo is putatively a 16-point compass rose.

I would call Hillarity's symbol 16 pointed, by the way.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes, so would I...

I didn't want to create confusion from the previous post

sore_ass_losers ago

I think the real pervs prefer the odd orders.

Savile posed with a gown with 11 points if I recall correctly from a discussion on aangirfan. There's a picture on the net.

Shizy ago

Here is what the CIA says their logo means:

"The radiating spokes of the compass rose depicts the convergence of intelligence data from all areas of the world to a central point"

Sounds very one world government -ish

awake4646 ago

Compass rose. Reminds me of the Rosicrucians.

bopper ago

Yeah, the convergence of (spiritual) data from all areas to a central point (Satan).

"Fall down and worship me, and all the kingdoms of the world shall be thine. For they are delivered unto me, and are mine to give."


bopper ago

That's right! And Bush is career CIA.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Where was Pappy?' Chapter ONE of Russ Baker's book on the Bush's >> 'Family of Secrets'

Bush was in DALLAS on November 22, 1963 … the day JFK was assassinated

bopper ago

Absolutely he was. What a great book.

bopper ago

Wow, never noticed that at all. This is straight up occult.

This has to do with sun worship and there is a mother and child involved, now adopted by the Roman Church, thus all roads lead to Rome and this (that harlot church) may be the linchpin or keystone to the whole system.

Their symbols must be important to them as Q says. "Their symbols will be their downfall." Some forced or required to wear, some do it voluntarily.

"The pagan system of sun worship had three main aspects: the father, mother, and the son. In ancient Chaldean times, these were the god Bel or Merodach, Ninus the son who was also worshiped as Tammuz, and the female goddess Rhea who was also worshiped as Ishtar, Astarte, or Beltis. She was also referred to as the “queen of heaven,” and the “wrath subduer.” Mary has received these same names in Catholicism.

realityisinsanity ago

Mystery Babylon

bopper ago

Exactly. "Committing fornication with the kings of the earth."

In league with, and partners in crime with, the powers that be.

"Drunk with the blood of the saints."

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Nice catch! Luciferian symbolism indeed.

carmencita ago

Holy Moly. It sure is.