may1969 ago

guys, there is nothing evil about the 8 pointed star or about ishtar the main god of ancient iraq which gave us the garden of eden, the wheel, the city, writing, law, literature, school, civilization, etc.


Read about the Babylonian capitivity, you might find it interesting.

mechakek ago

ie jew symbol for the jew conspiracy.

jews are animals

sore_ass_losers ago

FWIW here's another Susie Buell designed, Billy Zeeman produced, Hillary related jewelry.

It's the 'Hillary Clinton Taliswoman Necklace". (Why not 'taliswomyn' while they're at it?) According to Buell "A talisman is a charm or object that brings protection to the one who wears it and the one who gives it", so explicitly a magic charm.

("Others who have this pendant include Katy Perry, Meryl Streep, K.D. Lang, Mary McDonnell, Eva Longoria, Carole King, Huma Abedin, Dar Williams, Senator Barbara Boxer, Arianna Huffington, Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley, Governor Jennifer Granholm, Senator Debbi Stabenow, and many grassroots campaign staffers." Also pictures Carol Pensky, co-founder Women's Leadership Forum and Tea Leoni, Madame Secretary star. Well, you too can have one too for only $98, or 2 grand in gold.

Mostly a political/feminist component to this list but might also be a good list to look for HRC coven members, would have to be of a certain age.)

Mad_As_Hell ago

Bagley is on the board of ICMEC

sore_ass_losers ago

Vigilant Citizen on Eyes Wide Shut is a good read, but for those in a hurry, here's the specific star image in the linked article EWS is set at Christmas-time. Says this symbol occurs throughout the film and likens it to the Star of Ishtar.

sore_ass_losers ago

The EWS image is another 8-point that's actually 16-point.

may1969 ago

guys, there is nothing evil about the 8 pointed star or about ishtar the main god of ancient iraq which gave us the garden of eden, the wheel, the city, writing, law, literature, school, civilization, etc.


Read about the Babylonian capitivity, you might find it interesting.

Professorballs ago

Never knew what Ishtar was. Didn't Dreyfus do a movie called ishtar?

kazza64 ago

nice work i didnt know about that symbol and looks like hillary and bill dont have any friends their own age they probably killed them all


Wasn't Ishtar the world's biggest movie flop by Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman?

dreamdigital ago

Great research. Everyone should do the MET tour called "The Woman and Her Offspring"

bopper ago

The Woman and Her Offspring is the worship of Nimrod and a child from the book Two Babylons.

dreamdigital ago

To an extent. It shows you historically how the promised seed would destroy Satan as outlined in Genesis 3:15 but what has been done to try and confuse who the promised seed is. Goes through false god's that were created that were set up to try and confuse that prophecy so people wouldn't understand.

bopper ago

Yes, that sounds right, it's been a while, tho I have the book as part of a theological collection. Thank-you.

YogSoggoth ago

Maltese cross is the same a s the Star of Tanit. You just have to turn it a few degrees from point, like a distributor and connect the dots. Said to only have infiltrated the knights of Malta in 1567. After Ishtar descends to the underworld, all sexual activity ceases on earth.[206] The god Papsukkal, the Akkadian counterpart to Ninshubur,[207] reports the situation to Ea, the god of wisdom and culture.[206] Ea creates an intersex being called Asu-shu-namir and sends them to Ereshkigal, telling them to invoke "the name of the great gods" against her and to ask for the bag containing the waters of life. Bag of 60 diseases was given to her. Inquiring minds would like to know more! Now I know why the Aix/Utina/Saturiwa/Timacua killed the Huguenots in Jacksonville.

think- ago

Have you seen this post?

@EricKaliberhall @srayzie (I think it could be crossposted to v/GreatAwakening, couldn't it, srayz?) @bopper @Shizy @9217

DeliciousOnions ago

I'm not leaping to defend HRC in any way, but it's really frustrating how so many of these symbols cover standard designs that just about anyone could use by accident.

abattoirdaydream ago

I feel like you do. So I say, is the individual or group that is using the symbol reasonably well educated? Should they know the meanings of the symbols? If the answer is yes, then they know what they are choosing, when they choose that symbol.

DeliciousOnions ago

It's still useful as an indicator of suspicion, but I worry that the weaponized autism will end up chasing down all kinds of useless dead ends, making the symbols act exactly like the smokescreen these (((monsters))) intended it to be.

abattoirdaydream ago

Totally legitimate concern, since wasteful tail-chasing happens all the time.

However, if this is an investigation, like a proper police investigation, all reasonable leads must be checked out. The real problem with "autists" is that the same tenacity that makes them incomparable for crowdsourced data mining, also makes it hard for them to see a dead end when one occurs.

I have noticed something though, through pizzagate and Q. Since the communities in these are so much larger, and can communicate so easily, compared to "conspiracy theorists" from pre-internet/pre-social media, who were relatively isolated, I think that there are enough eyes and evaluation to keep things from going off the deep end.

So far pizzagate and Q appear to be staying properly focused and cohesive. Yes individuals dart around here and there bringing every tidbit, but that has proven very useful in the past. Not frequently mind you, but when it matters it matters a lot. The trash is getting filtered through everyone else, regardless of what a more "excitable" individual says.

I think we are doing well tbqo. Nothing to worry about. It's part of the process of data mining.

ExceptionEncountered ago

They seek to comandeer and corrupt the creation of God. It is no mere accident that they have chosen the geometry of natural order to further their evil cause. We must surely use discernment in outting their evil ways and must simply use the symbology openly displayed as a signal and not as direct evidence of evil itself. Those who operate under God's authority will not dodge questions or dance around the issue of their purpose in life. Those without love will hiss and sneer at the mention of Christs' forgiveness.

bopper ago

Good comment, and true.

Dudesocks ago

They wear the symbols of the false gods they worship and offer sacrifice to. The book of Enoch speaks of these fallen angles.

CuckleberryFinn ago

As an aside, it bothers me when evil people take "ownership" over numbers and symbols, especially the simplest forms like the octahedron, hexagon, and pentagon. Eventually we're going to have to take back those symbols. Being associated with "bad" for working with or displaying geometry will hinder progress.

Dudesocks ago

The watchers have not left this earth.

abattoirdaydream ago

Egyptian city of Tanis:

Gnostics, particularly Masonics (who I don't think are all bad, I think York/Scottish + Knights are the bad guys) regard themselves as bearers of ancient Egyptian mystical understanding. Tanis would matter to them.

In this way they are like, and a friendly to other dirty, Ishtar, Astarte. And thereby, Tanit. Tanit being North African (Carthage to Egypt? They certainly interested.) Tanit likes child sacrifice and Egypt knew her as a war goddess.

Then we have this. It is a very entertaining podcast, and I'm a fan, I recommended it. It is related directly and tangentially to Tanit/s and death cults, mysticism and space/time confusions. And secret online recruiting, and investigation, and high lvl secret agencies. All the things really. In the Pacific Northwest.

Don't hound these guys by tweeting/mssg at them, and making them react. I think they just accidentally put it together in fiction, and they may have made connections, years ago, that we have made. Maybe some we have not made yet. So have a listen. The research they have done for this fiction is great. But it's tying Tanis (the city) by name to Dido (Carthage/Tanit). See the tagline: Tanis, from the heat and fire, from the sand and spire, her light to bed, her darkness fled, across the sea, eternal she...

Dido fled across the see, she founded Carthage, she...

I know this is very ephemeral and stuff. Just tossing it in the Symbols=Downfall pot.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Tanis Root was the stinky stuff in the pendant worn by Rosemary in Rosemary's Baby.

abattoirdaydream ago

That is interesting. I did not know that. Ty.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Very interesting, thanks

Micheal84 ago

"Co-created with Susie Buell for her friend Hillary’s 70th birthday recently"

Susie Buell is HRC best friend, and major donor, according to this article

"Bill and Hillary Clinton shut down hip Brooklyn hotspot for private birthday party for major Democratic donor"

Guess were the party was held????

"The Clintons were photographed at Roberta's pizzeria along with a slew of VIP guests, including film director Joel Coen and activist Gloria Steinem"

Big surprise, it's a Pizzeria.

think- ago

and activist Gloria Steinem

...who admitted to have been a CIA asset....

3141592653 ago

Any further info on that?

think- ago

Here you go....

It was before she became a well-known feminist.

Another well-known feminist, Julia Kristeva, a French philosopher, also recently admitted to have worked for the secret service of her home country (IIRC Romania).

think- ago

Gimme a couple of minutes.... ;-)

3141592653 ago

Thank you

Mad_As_Hell ago

The plot thickens

Markb63 ago


may1969 ago

guys, there is nothing evil about the 8 pointed star or about ishtar the main god of ancient iraq which gave us the garden of eden, the wheel, the city, writing, law, literature, school, civilization, etc.


Read about the Babylonian capitivity, you might find it interesting.

Dudesocks ago

They are heretics worshiping the fallen angels who tried to overthrow God.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

billyzeemann -

wiki - and

vigilantcitizen - and

susietompkinsbuell -

ClairesDeLuney ago

"Their symbols will be their downfall..."

Mad_As_Hell ago

The necklace was designed by Susie Buell, friend of the Clintons and DNC megadonor

Big anti-Trumper and held a fundraiser for David Brock.

Has her own foundation (of course) to "empower" young girls

sore_ass_losers ago

Susie Buell is said to be a member of HRC's LA coven:

Reading the linked LA Times article I couldn't find mention of this; also there's another link here at reddit that doesn't work for me.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's another post which is just a picture of the barn, off Reddit, claiming "Possible Location Where Child Sacrifices Were Conducted By Hillary's LA Witches Coven. Susie Tompkins Buell Barn, A Search Warrant Must Be Issued Before Evidence Is Destroyed" but giving no evidence of such.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's a tweet that claims Larry Nichols linked Buell to the coven:

YogSoggoth ago

Buell, Baal, whatever.

Womb_Raider ago

A foundation to "empower" young girls already exists, hecho runs it with his SBBH friends

swordfish69 ago

Her and James Alefantis are on the Edible Schoolyard Board together, along with Jake Gyllenhaal, Meryl Street, Robert Redford, Frances McDormand, Eleanor Coppola, Boz Scaggs, Mikhail Baryshnikov...

Shizy ago

And another edible schoolmates board member Alice Waters catered the wedding for Susie Buell's daughter summer in 1997.

ExceptionEncountered ago

Well, there sure are a lot of large numbers on the financial reports!

think- ago

I can't believe

jesus_is_lord ago

who is the light bearer?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yep, couldn't be more blatant. Also, pedo swirl inside heart on necklace tag.

carmencita ago

Oh God, at the end of the chain by the clasp. Yes, they have just told us who they are, as if we didn't know. Fundraiser for Brock? Support for CTR and Share Blue? Interesting.

think- ago

Yes, in order to pay the salaries of DeathToMasons and Are_We_Sure.....

carmencita ago

Well I think AWS gets a much larger salary that DTM. He's popping up constantly. I have to say, he is a hard worker.

Shizy ago

And if he gets paid by the word he is rolling in he dough!!!

carmencita ago

I wonder how they do get paid. By the hour or the word. Maybe they also get paid for each down voat.

Shizy ago

I have asked AWS if he gets paid by the word, but he didn't answer me 🤔

carmencita ago

It's a Trade Secret. Did you see the latest about the necklace? It's the same Star Design as the CIA.

Shizy ago

I was JUST looking at that! Interesting...

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Pops up too much - it's probably multiple people.

carmencita ago

Or is extremely dedicated. Could be either answer. They are committed to their cause and get paid.