flyingcuttlefish ago

thanks for posting .... added it to my latest page on Epstein (4 of 4) -

and archive -

gamepwn ago

No problem. We got to keep on fighting this nightmare together.

carmencita ago

WOW! Listman looks like God's Gift to Women, right? Ugh-Ly. Another Narcissist. His friend Jeffrey is a Narcissistic piece of garbage. A B-day gift of 3 12 yr old French Girls. If you add all their ages together they are still to young for him. He doesn't share sex I am sure. He takes it.

carmencita ago

There is a comment after the description of the Herbert Strauss Mansion and it says:

Unfortunately it is now owned by Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile and trafficker in white slavery!

I was really very surprised.

carmencita ago

Then you've got The Breakers - the family summer ultra-mansion for the Vanderbilt family. Of which Anderson Cooper is a descendant. One of the guards informed me that these family members STILL vacation here to this day, on the completely blocked-off 3rd floor. Apparently, there is a neighborhood across the street that allows them to travel underneath the mansion and take an elevator up to the 3rd floor:

Apparently there is a neighborhood across the street that allows the to travel underneath the mansion.......

Travel UNDERNEATH the Mansion? TUNNELS? My Word.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oy vey I bet connects all the way to his home in israel

Ban_Circumcision ago

Israel is #1 in human trafficking dont know why youre getting downvoted. .

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its those 'rediit The Donald' Zionist faggots!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Nah I bet the tunnel goes to Tunisa, so she can go straight to her ancient Temple of Tannit - The pagan goddess of Carthage,.

derram ago :

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein: I’m a sex offender, not a predator

This has been an automated message.

goytoynamedtroy ago

>“It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel,” said Epstein.

A comparison only a kike would make.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That's interesting because jews see all non-jews as non-human.

Betheirvoice18 ago

I can't remember my login and as a "new" member I can't start a new thread but can someone please look at this info and post or dig on it? It relates to pizzagate because it is confirmed cases of sexual abuse of kids that was covered up by a mega church in the DC area. I will post several links below to start your research but there is TONS of info online about the church, the abuse scandal, the pastor(s) involved, the resulting convictions. In short, CJ Mahaney started Sovereign Grace Ministries (under a different name at the time) and than planted several churches around the U.S. some of the largest being in the DC/Maryland area. Apparently back in the 1990s there was a pedophile network operating in some of his churches (civil lawsuit lays out the details). I believe the angle that should be investigated in part is WHY the church has never been more thoroughly investigated in spite of multiple claims of abuse, why so many pastors within the church covered up abuse, hid it, helped the perps and discouraged victims from sharing, and especially what potential political connections CJ Mahaney and other prominent pastors involved may have had. The Catholic church is well known for the sex abuse but the evangelical church scandals are just beginning to come to light. I think a mega church in DC with a history of abuse and cover ups is a good place to start! (Once again, please note, the "churches" I speak of in this post relates to Evangelical churches. NOT Catholic churches or scandals. I believe evangelical churches have just as much if not more corruption, abuse and scandals that have yet to be fully discovered.)

Also relevant because in the recent Larry Nasser trial, Racheal Denhollander was one of those who publicly spoke out about the abuse she suffered from him. She had also grown up in a Sovereign Grace church and spoke out about their own sex abuse scandal.
She called for an independent investigation into SGM

SGM responds to Denhollander

Denhollander's Response to SGM

Details of the civil lawsuit against Sovereign Grace Ministries

This civil suit ended up being dismissed on a Technicality-statute of limitations. Its 46 pages long but details the extent of abuse and cover up by pastors at SGM. SGM now uses the case dismissal as "proof" that they were falsely accused. The details are very horrible and the document hard to read.

I believe we will find political connections between CJ Mahaney and someone more powerful especially given the location of several of his largest churches in the DC area. There was a pedophile ring operating within his church and Mahaney claims to have no knowledge of it. Someone please do more digging on this. I believe it deserves its own thread if someone could start one. I have added several more links at the end of this post that are relevant to the story.

In addition to this church I know of several other mega churches that I believe are operating pedophile rings or allowing pedophiles to access children under the guise of "ministry". Because I have no direct proof I won't post the names because I don't want to be accused of defamation. I have heard stories tho of a private school (run by a church) principal taking pictures of children on his cell phones, separating a 6 year old girl from her mother and threatening her that she had to come to school that day so her mom could work (child terrified and screaming-was resistant to going to the school-he was alone in a room with her) and other questionable behavior. Incidentally the man is the son in law of one of the pastors. A theme I see in churches with abuse issues is relations, pastors and leadership are all related. This incident was brought to a senior pastor's attention who did nothing about it.
Another DC area church and my personal experience, a sunday school teacher (nasty old man) who talked to us about sex and later it came out that he sexually abused kids within the church. Church leadership did nothing when parents complained about his inappropriate conversations with kids. After years of nightmares about that building and a "secret room" that I was always looking for, I returned to the church and actually found the secret room I'd had nightmares about for the past two decades! Whether he abused kids in that room, whether I was ever personally abused by him, I don't remember. But point is, another case of church leadership burying allegations of sexual misconduct.

Another large church in the DC area with sexual abuse conviction

Article in the Washingtonian about the SGM scandal

Article in Times about SGM scandal

Youtube news clip on SGM scandal

Rachael Denhollander speaks out against SGM

The main pastor (or head of the cult) CJ Mahaney continues in the public eye and continues in ministry against protest from victim advocacy groups

This details the (criminal) position the church took when faced with allegations of sexual abuse

Stories of survivors of Sovereign Grace Ministries

realityisinsanity ago

They also are extremely pro-Israel.

bosunmoon ago

You get my upvote. God speed.

gamepwn ago

Just made a thread on it!

letsdothis2 ago

Hmm.. I just made a comment today about another meg-church: The Saddleback Church

and this article mentions both churches: Abuse allegations at Wichita church come amid #ChurchToo movement

gamepwn ago

This is interesting to say the least! I will look into creating a post on it!

EricKaliberhall ago

More information on the Herbert N. Straus Mansion -