061916 ago

I guess I should feel lucky and thankful to my parents. I grew up with church all my life, youth groups, sleep overs. Nothing bad has ever happened to me. These were all Church of God churches

Betheirvoice18 ago

That is probably something of a miracle. Crazy thing is I wasn't allowed to do sleep overs or youth group and stuff did happen. Protected pedos are bold.

061916 ago

I don’t know anyone personally who has been raped at a church, although you read it in the news constantly of course. Like I said it was Church of God in two different countries that I grew up in. I think evangelical and Catholic Churches are more cult like. I do know do quite a few women who have been raped in a secular environment, though, partially as babies. I would still never let a priest near any of my kids

Geo_synchronous ago

I can't wait til they nail Jim Baker. That creepy fuck has to have bones in his yard. My poor brain washed brainless mother worships him. Been telling her for yrs to stop giving him money.

Betheirvoice18 ago


This article talks more about some of the defendants and how they are still being allowed an active leadership role in SGM churches. Also names a few more that were not on the lawsuit.

Betheirvoice18 ago


Mark Hoffman-listed in the civil lawsuit for his abuse of Plaintiff Thompson used to moonlight as a clown. Here is his creepy self description on the website. I believe he has since been fired from the company.

"Hi! It's Mark Hoffman, Oops the Clown and Mr. Funnyman. I have been performing stage shows and doing children's entertainment for 25 years. When I started I was emceeing, creating and performing skits, giving object lessons and puppet shows for large events up to 600 kids. About 15 years ago I began doing parties, shows, and corporate events as Oops the Clown or Mr. Funnyman (festive costume, balloon hat, no make-up). I perform in Northern Virginia, Maryland and DC.

I believe I have been given a gift to make people (especially children) laugh. Of the many gifts I have, the one I think that has the most effect on my entertainment is my gift of discernment. I have a very strong ability to read people, and be able to adjust my style accordingly Give me a few minutes with most kids and I can win them over, no matter what makes them tick. They will be smiling and maybe even laughing hard by the time our interaction is done. When I am making a balloon or painting a face, I don't want anyone to walk away with just a balloon in their hand or their face looking cool. I want them to have had a special experience with someone who they now feel a connection with. I want them to leave the event or party saying "That was the most fun I have ever had at a party!"

About nine years ago, my daughter had open heart surgery at Fairfax Hospital and my wife and I lived there (Ronald McDonald House, how appropriate is that) for 29 days. About two weeks in, I had to do a party as Oops the Clown that I had scheduled months before. When I returned back to the hospital (in clown), the nurse told me of a nine year old girl on the oncology floor who probably would not survive too much longer. I went into her room which was somber and I approached her gently, starting up a one way conversation with her. She was very depressed. Slowly, I engaged her and asked if I could do a trick for her, then another, then a balloon. When I passed gas with the balloon, she started laughing hard. I spent some of the most precious minutes of my life laughing and interacting with this sweet little girl. As I left, she gave me a big hug and thanked me for coming and being her friend.

The events where I can connect with another person are my favorite types of events. It gives me a big rush and it motivates me to get more of that reaction. So, if you want a balloon or a kid face painted and that's all, call someone who throws on a costume or does those things only to make money. If you want the kids (and adults) at your event to have their own special moment of laughter and joy, think about having Oops the Clown or Mr. Funnyman come to your event. Also know that my experience with About Faces is that they strive to bring on only the entertainers like me. So, if I am not available, check out some of their other fun characters. Many of them are my friends and mentors."

septimasexta ago

"The events where I can connect with another person are my favorite types of events. It gives me a big rush and it motivates me to get more of that reaction." This is off.

Betheirvoice18 ago

Listed as a defendant in the civil lawsuit brought against SGM as a sexual predator, Larry Tomczak has his own ministry and website now.

He has issued a "bullseye challenge" to other Christians and talks in blog posts about current topics as they relate to Christianity. In his facebook pictures he looks creepy and clownish and has some pictures of himself with young children.

He is active on Twitter and has many YouTube videos including this slightly bizarre one that begins with magazine cut out pictures of babies and his description of them being cute and cuddly.

Than goes on to talk about why its hard to make friends when you are narcissistic (and relates it to babies by basically saying they are narcissistic).

Wow ok it gets even more bizarre and creepy. In this youtube video he is wearing a satan mask as he talks about some random stuff in the news. Reminds me of Elsagate videos and the masks used in those.


Talks about being healthy and staying young. He seems to have a interest in celebrities, how they age and if they have plastic surgery as he has some other posts on this topic.

This video references zombies, walking dead complete with people dressed up. https://youtu.be/eJf9Ecxssis

He has many many videos speaking against gays and in this one references child sexual abuse https://youtu.be/WcWGdC0HnKU

He remains friends on facebook with some of the other defendants listed in the civil suit (Layman, Gallo and Mullery).
His sexual abuse is detailed on page 37 in the civil suit. It is alleged that he assaulted a young girl from the time she was 3 until she was 26 years old. He used his hands as well as sticks and he also physically abused her. On several occasions he imprisoned her and denied her food, attempted to suffocate her and punched and hit her leaving bruises.

septimasexta ago

These videos are over the top!

Preaching the Gospel in a satan mask. Yea. In fact he seems to have a collection of masks.

Getting the youth group to dress up as blood dripping ZOMBIES. Yea.

Flashing Hollywood photos of Madonna, etc. from the Enquirer. Yea.

Flashing a shot of a young male's face while talking about sodomy. Yea.

Is he auditioning for a position at Aleister Crowley's church?

carmencita ago

ALL RELIGIONS HAVE BEEN INFILTRATED and They Are All On The Same Page. This is a page out of the RCC as well. WHEN will people stop belonging to any type of Organized Religion. Pray All You Want At Home. Do Not Go To A House of Worship Or Send Money.

Betheirvoice18 ago

By the way, research like this is incredibly important for people like myself. I grew up in the church, all these names and speakers were influential in my life and I am just now starting to realize the corruption. But I started seriously looking at SGM because my own current church uses their music and some materials. All of what is found here I will be sharing with my church and entreat them to stop using anything produced from SGM. Thank you all for contributing.

Betheirvoice18 ago

Ok its starting to slowly come together. I don't have time to elaborate much right now but the Gospel Coalition, affiliated with CJ Mahaney and many other prominent evangelicals has ties to Clinton and Soros apparently. I haven't had time to completely read this article or further explore yet.


septimasexta ago

THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ARTICLE : MUST READ! The article was well researched, and based on my own research, I agree with his conclusions. The Apostle Paul warned that the church would be infiltrated: "17From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church.

18When they came to him, he said, “You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I arrived in the province of Asia. 19I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, and in the trials I faced through the plots of the Jews. 20I did not shrink back from declaring anything that was helpful to you as I taught you publicly and from house to house, 21testifying to Jews and Greeks alike about repentance to God and faith in our Lord Jesus.b

22And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. 23I only know that in town after town the Holy Spirit warns me that chains and afflictions await me. 24But I consider my life of no value to myself, if only I may finish my course and complete the ministry I have received from the Lord Jesus—the ministry of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

25Now I know that none of you among whom I have preached the kingdom will see my face again. 26Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27For I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole will of God.

28Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God,c which He purchased with His own blood.d 29I know that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30Even from your own number, men will rise up and distort the truth to draw away disciples after them. 31Therefore be alert and remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears." Acts 20:17-28

Betheirvoice18 ago

Ligon Duncan mentioned in this article above also spoke at the T4G conference from which CJ Mahaney excused himself as speaker after people began to protest his appearance there. But Ligon has defended CJ. I will try to post links to all this later.

Betheirvoice18 ago


Long article details more on Ligon Duncan's connection to Mahaney as well as Mahaney's admittance of blackmailing Larry Tomczak (apparently Justin-Larry's son-had confessed some sin to Mahaney and he later used it against them).

Blacksmith21 ago

ALL religions are corrupt.

fogdryer ago

They are aren’t they

septimasexta ago

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Factfinder2 ago

6 Reasons Why Sexual Predators Target Churches:


"Christians are naive

Christians are ignorant of the problem

Churches offer access to children

(Many) christians abuse authority

Churches can be manipulated

Churches offer cheap grace"

septimasexta ago

Sadly that is an accurate description of many many churches today. However, the Bible offers remedy for ignorance: James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."

I am beginning to see a Spiritual Awakening. I think the exposure of Pizzagate is part of it. Jesus always defended widows and orphans - children.

Betheirvoice18 ago

septimasexta ago

WOW! Their logo looks like the RINGS OF SATURN! We know who Saturn is.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I bet (((Joel Osteen))) is in on shit like that too

jesspietre ago

Steven Furtick of "Elevation Church" is also a pedophile. He invited Norm Vigue (convicted pedophile) to be celebrated after his conviction. Furtick has said some creepy things about children in the past. Furtick also has frequently put on the red shoes that signify a child molester in symbology. The orange pyramid is a freemason symbol that his place uses. He is part of the prosperity false gospel that someone above was talking about. He is a false teacher and is on the inside with police and entertainment figures. The real Jesus rejects these criminals like Furtick.

Factfinder2 ago

If you have information about Furtick abusing children, please post.

Here are some links I found about him:

What Steven Furtick Should Tell Elevation Church About Norm Vigue and Child Pornography: http://thewartburgwatch.com/2015/06/29/what-steven-furtick-should-tell-elevation-church-about-norm-vigue-and-child-pornography/

“Norman Wilfred Vigue- registered sex offender in North Carolina.

Over two months after Norman's arrest on federal charges of possession of child pornography, Steven Furtick, lead pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, dedicated a blog post to Norm. That blog post was called "Hero of the Day."

Why is Steven Furtick Acting Like a Cult Leader? https://www.crosswalk.com/blogs/christian-trends/why-is-steve-furtick-acting-like-a-cult-leader.html

Kids coloring book: "We are united under the visionary. Elevation Church is built on the vision God gave Pastor Steven. We will protect our unity in supporting his vision. https://standupforthetruth.com/2014/02/elevation-coloring-book/

Steven Furtick Tells ‘Elevators’ to ‘Shake the Snake’ When Challenged about Spontaneous Baptisms: http://thewartburgwatch.com/2014/03/05/steven-furtick-tells-elevators-to-shake-the-snake-when-challenged-about-spontaneous-baptisms/

septimasexta ago

This is a very good topic, however, your title does not appear to be accurate. I could not find evidence in your links that "Mega Church is running a pedophile ring." The accusations and lawsuits appear to be regarding individual incidents of sexual assault by some church members on other church members, some of the guilty even appeared to be minors. The big problem was how the pastors handled the situation. The desire of church leaders to keep rape incidents out of the news and courts is real. However, from what I read, the motive was not to cover up an active "pedo ring". Please post pertinent quotes if I am wrong about this.

I think parents should go straight to authorities if their child tells them they have been assaulted, or worse. Parents really need to wake up and realize that this is a major cultural problem that has been allowed to be brought into the church. Even Jesus showed tough love to the money changers in the Temple and drove them out with whips! We are the first line of defense for our children. Check out leaders in the church, especially those who work with youth, just as in any other situation. No spend the night parties. No cell phone till they're 16. Do not let a youth leader have access to your child's facebook, instagram, etc. Helicopter parenting can be good. Well supervised daytime group activities are fine. I always told my kids to never allow themselves to be alone with an adult at church. If someone tries anything, start screaming. If you have a strong relationship with your children, they are not easily taken advantage of by predators. If you were foolish enough to marry a pedo, SHAME ON YOU.

TurdLord5000 ago

This is what all franchised churches were made for. Bend over and accept the rod and staff of Jesus.

Betheirvoice18 ago

Someone who is a better investigator than I should look into the money, follow the money. CJ had a huge following and nearly 100 churches at one point. I believe Morales conviction and the civil lawsuit is merely the tip of the iceberg..,

Betheirvoice18 ago

Sovereign Grace is Calvinist I believe? The civil lawsuit details sound disturbingly similar to elements of pizzagate, sleepovers at a church members house in which children would be brought out and gang raped by men wearing masks, tied down, physically abused, etc. It was so much more than one individual who was caught.

septimasexta ago

Can you post that quote or give a link?

Betheirvoice18 ago


The second link in the article. This is the PDF of the civil suit against SGM which is what I was referencing.

septimasexta ago

Thanks! I had not read that when I made the above post. The civil suit accusations are sickening. It does not appear to be fiction- it fits a pedophile pattern. Of course, Jesus had the strongest words for monsters like this: "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2 The modern church has become very weak, ignorant, and worldly...the wolves in sheep's clothing are flooding in.

The civil suit PDF should continually be put out there for all to see. It's time to clean house.

Alskdjf ago

SRA is intertwined in evangelical churches through the prosperity gospel, which is an overtly satanic/materialist philosophy.

The Oral Roberts rabbit hole is deep and his University is a cult-leader training center.

Betheirvoice18 ago


Covenant life church was in the Sovereign Grace Ministries network. This is the only conviction I know of that came out of the scandal. There should have been many more so how is this church/group/organization protected?

Factfinder2 ago

From Wikipedia: "Judge Burrell found that any conspiracy to cover-up should have been brought within the time frame of the alleged abuse. Therefore, all of the claims by the Maryland plaintiffs were dismissed in May 2013 because the statute of limitations had expired, 3 years after each turned 18; the claims by two Virginia plaintiffs were still within the statute of limitations.[47] An appeal of the lower court's decision was heard by the Maryland appellate court in May 2014, and the lawsuit was again dismissed when the court found that the Plaintiff's attorney had filed the appeal too early. Maryland's highest civil court, the Court of Appeals, denied certiorari on September 24, 2014, permanently ending the case.[48] [49]

All charges brought by the Maryland plaintiffs were dismissed with prejudice by Maryland Circuit Judge Sharon Burrell, permanently barring plaintiffs from ever bringing those or related charges in Maryland civil court again at any time in the future. During the hearing, Judge Burrell referred to an affidavit filed by Brent Detwiler supporting the claims of the plaintiffs as "vague and irrelevant". The court also found that the "Covenant Life School" sued by the plaintiffs did not exist during the time frame of the alleged abuse.[50][51]

As reported in Time Magazine (February 2016), Susan Burke, the lawyer for the victims, plans to file another lawsuit in Virginia, involving the two individuals from that jurisdiction.[52] As of January 2018, two years later, no such lawsuit has been filed."

70times7 ago

The antichrist Catholic church needed competition.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/83uwS :

Sovereign Grace Ministries: Child Sex Abuse Investigation | Time

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

washingtonian - https://archive.fo/hRffR

sgmsurvivors - https://archive.fo/r9xIX