NeverGiveUp ago

Incredible work bro, incredible. Goose bumps while reading your post.

Strawtinman ago

Catskill mountains has this and Jersey Island. Look up real estate in Jersey Island and what properties require a application to see.

HennyPenny ago

Has anyone ever seen these pedophilic Jersey statues?

"Anyone who doubts the notion that Jersey is an island run by satanists only needs to drive around the island and see the statues in front yards and gardens which are blatantly satanic. One garden has a 12 foot high statue of satan. Only a mile from Haute de la Garenne, in the front yard of a prominent citizen there were pedophile statues photographed depicting sex acts between adults and very young children. It would be illegal to publish photos of the statues here, yet in Jersey having pedophile statues in one's front yard is perfectly acceptable. Jersey also has no sex offender registry and almost never prosecutes those distributing child pornography or molesting children. The facts clearly demonstrate that the Jersey government and ruling class actively support pedophilia. Jersey is a crown island and technically owned by the Queen of England"

Jem777 ago

Agree I have posted on Jersey before. If you thought you could no longer be nausea at pedophile Satanists then check out Jersey Island. Owned completely by the Crown...Queen of England. Absolute island of Satanic pedophiles with their own banking system and laws. Horror beyond belief

Strawtinman ago

The island G is new stomping grounds. Does the queen own that one too?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmmm... any connections? Perhaps the best nugget of information we could pull from this would be a first-hand/historic account? I'd imagine that some of the parties held at these places back in the day would be on par with those photos we saw of the Rothschild's "Eyes Wide Shut" type events we see the photos of.


This may mean absolutely nothing, but I have to mention it. Eyes Wide Shut. Remember when Bill is talking to the two young models at the party? One of them is named Nuala Windsor and he asks "How do you s-Pell Nuala?" And then she proceeds to spell it out in his face. Kind of like, I just gave you some info right in your face. So I looked for Nuala Pell and I found one. A very elite Nuala Pell that passed away several years ago that is from Rhode Island. I can't connect her family to anything shady. They seem to be great philanthropists. Nuala Pell is Senator Claiborne Pell's wife. Maybe someone can help me with this.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmm... I actually continued to connect the dots based on the earlier connection w/ Epstein and the architect's NY Townhouse that he purchased. In cross referencing Epstein + Pell, specifically Senator Claiborne, I was able to find numerous hits that referenced Epstein's current activities with previously unclassified MKUltra documents. Of which, Senator Claiborne Pell was implicated as one of the program's top defenders. Here is one source:

And here is the 1977 document itself w/ his name highlighted:

Still feels loose, but, I dug into it!


Thanks. I'll continue to dig. The Pell"s just seem a little too squeeky clean.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Having an incredibly wealthy Senator in the family that defends the actions of MKUltra reduce their squeaky clean level by a few points I'd say... "Sure, go ahead an hook up those electrodes to the child who was dosed w/ 10x the normal amount of LSD! Oh... and let's be sure to criminalize marijuana as harshly as possible shortly thereafter."

DarkMath ago

"So... nothing hard hitting. Nothing concrete. But, I wanted to share in case it was a catalyst for further digging into this insane connect-the-dot puzzle"

No offense but we figured all of this out last Winter. Jeffrey Epstein ran two Mossad Brownstone Operation to get dirt on politicians. One in the Caribbean and one in New York. Epstein got a slap on the wrist and he's now out of prison.

The REAL prize is to find the CIA's equivalent to Epstein's Brownstone Venue. There's at least one in New York. The one in DC just so happened to have burned to the ground............wait for it.............last Winter when we were digging into Epstein's purchase of the old Turnbauer Mansion.


Here's the CIA's press office to tell you all about it:

Jazz Hands!


TrishaUK ago

Well that was a handy fire! Destroy all the evidence. Btw does fire stop a cadaver dog smelling dead human scents? DarkMath thanks for the Jazz Hands, o..o made me laugh!

remedy4reality ago

archive that wapo shit please..

i'm banned from that site

Strawtinman ago

Way up in the Catskill mountains. Jerry Springer is a frequent visitor, also. Look up who built the trains way up in the mountain that are now torn down. Haines Falls and vicinity. Interesting mix of rich, certain religious owners, mafia and pizza ( Three Brothers, etc, mossad type training camps, spiritual cult centers, Aryan nation _ include Kingston, and many low income caucasian that are maids/blue collar workers for the owners. Ski resorts to trailer parks to alot of covered up news of bodies and drugs hidden in the mountains. A Steven King novel. The Catskill town is also in the news recently of making a come back.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

No offense taken... I knew his NY Property was already covered... I just don't remember seeing the connections drawn from that property back to Newport, RI and the obsession w/ Pan... which then loosely relates to Alefantis' seeming fascination with Pan as well.

Strawtinman ago

Just more stomping grounds. No offense, taken. ))

equineluvr ago

ALL JEWS, 100%!

Epstein, Trumbauer, Berwind, Vanderbilt, Duke!


Strawtinman ago

Then get to action work and solve it all. The children are waiting for you to be their superhero. You know all the facts that you drill and drill. Do something. You and Keyhote are the chosen ones. You can do it. Do not doubt yourself. What are you waiting for? You are meant to be infamous. Take it all down. Just do not forget clean underwear. Channel all your aggression into super hero. Why keep wasting all that energy in such aggressive empathy like a whining bitch on neverending ragged out menstrual period? Why sound like a femme bitch. Stand up and be the man! Do it for the country the red white and the blew. This is not inciting. This is clearly your destiny. Frustrating, isn't it?!

EricKaliberhall ago

The architect Horace Trumbauer might be a favourite architect among the pedophile cabal.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

From a historical standpoint, it would certainly be interesting to do a deep dive on this guy.

TrishaUK ago

Very interesting, I think it is time for the cadaver dogs to sniff around some of these elite properties, starting with that kitchen. Tired of all these people getting away with literal murder.

srayzie ago

Yay. You're back!

TrishaUK ago

Glad to be back!! :D

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed. There are SO many areas of these homes that are off limits and there are also a ton of hidden doors/compartments that are all roped off. Totally blocked access to the basements/upper floors. It makes me want to go back and "play dumb" to see if I can catch a glimpse of what lies beneath.

LongDongKeyhote ago

He has horns because Satan/Set is Saturn which is in the house of Capricorn.

I am a total neophyte, but no one disputed anything here:

Strawtinman ago

We know. You know everything. Now channel all your aggression into superhero action. What the fuck you waiting for? The children need a hero. You are the man. Whoa, all bitches get out the way and let this butching king through. Stop wasting your rag time on here. You are correct about everything. Put it to action. Stop doubting yourself. You are the hero. Show the world you are the man. Man up. You might be Jesus resurrected.

srayzie ago

Lol 👏🏻

DeanKeyhote ago

I humbly admit to being a neophyte and you compose this sarcastic screed? You're a fucking faggot dude.

srayzie ago

Maybe you should shut your pie hole about something you don't know much about then

DeanKeyhote ago

Did you see some woman posted a steemit article here in which she revealed a new codeword to me (and I'vecfound half a dozen), so I told her great job?

You obviously crave my approval even more than my fat cock. But you'll never get it because you don't do SHIT but embarrass yourself by saying stuff like if 0.2% of your data set accounts for over 50% of your observed results, you shouldnt focus on it.

Honestly I have never heard anything so retarded, EVERRRRRR!

srayzie ago

You were probably the woman on steemit, considering you are into many alts and visit tranny subs. You can let your inner woman out sometimes. I've learned that if equine/donkeyhote praises someone, that I should keep an eye on that someone, because it could be YOU Jeff! One would have to be pretty twisted to think like you do.

DeanKeyhote ago

LOL even you find it hard to believe a woman did such good work!

Btw if there actually were a "tranny sub" I WOULD visit it because it's rooted in Jewish kabbalah just like PG itself.

God knows what YOU think of tranny's and drag queens, probably that they're victims of prejudice like the Jews LMAO

johnpedostalol ago

All these rich pedo fucks are friends. In fact, they're beyond rich. They're above money and the law. It's just maddening. It fucking makes me ill.

BIGLY17 ago

This is merely their perception for the time being. Karma is a bitch in reality. Here we come.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed. Old money beyond anything we can comprehend.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Pan-sexuality, is there a relation with Pan the God? I think that there's a pederasty society that has been going on since ancient Rome and ancient Greece. Hundreds of thousands are involved all covering for themselves. The connections are all there, we just don't have the smoking guns yet.

equineluvr ago

Pan is a Greek prefix meaning "all."

birthdaysuit11 ago

I live in Newport in the Summer. So, I', here now. Do the cliff walk every other day.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Have you seen the "Warning Private Property Keep Off Fence Bad Dog!" sign? If you read this from an ultra elite's POV - it seems to me that they are referring to those who walk by their property. As there are no dogs visible on the property itself.

Also, I snapped pictures of some of the people's faces who landed a helicopter on one of the properties and held a meeting in a gazebo of one of the mansions that "no one lives in". Also, that day, that particular mansion had no tours allowed:

TrishaUK ago

Wonder if they are anyone of interest.